Morlais Tidal Array Document I&BPB5034R001F0.1 Number: Document Morlais Tidal Array Scoping Report Name: Revision Date 0.1/Final 04/04/18 Reviewed by Approved By JO/GM DG Disclaimer: Morlais, Mentor MON do not authorise copying or reproduction of this document in whole or part without permission. MTA Scoping Report Rev 0.1/Final HASKONINGDHV NEDERLAND B.V. 74/2 Commercial Quay Commercial Street Leith Edinburgh EH6 6LX Industry & Buildings Trade register number: 56515154 +44 131 5550506 T [email protected] E royalhaskoningdhv.com W Document title: Morlais Tidal Array Document short title: MTA Scoping Report Reference: I&BPB5034R001F0.1 Revision: 0.1/Final Date: 04 April 2018 Project name: MTA Project Project number: PB5034 Author(s): Fiona Moffatt Fiona Moffatt and Miriam Drafted by: Knollys Checked by: Frank Fortune Date / initials: FF 03/04/18 Approved by: Frank Fortune Date / initials: FF 04/04/18 Classification Disclaimer No part of these specifications/printed matter may be reproduced and/or published by print, photocopy, microfilm or by any other means, without the prior written permission of HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V.; nor may they be used, without such permission, for any purposes other than that for which they were produced. HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. accepts no responsibility or liability for these specifications/printed matter to any party other than the persons by whom it was commissioned and as concluded under that Appointment. The integrated QHSE management system of HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V. has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 i Executive Summary Menter Môn Cyf (Menter Môn) is seeking a scoping opinion for the proposed Morlais Tidal Array (MTA) project, in accordance with the Transport and Works Act 1992 and the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU. Two earlier scoping reports have previously been submitted to Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Isle of Anglesey County Council (IoACC) in support of earlier versions of the MTA project, and are now superseded as a result of further development in the project design. The proposed installed capacity of the project has been increased in response to industry demand, and the Project is now seeking consent for an array of up to 240MW capacity and associated supporting infrastructure. This report is submitted for the purpose of seeking a scoping opinion from the Welsh Government and other consultees including NRW, the MMO and IoACC on the revised scope of the Project. Comment is also sought and welcomed from other stakeholders with an interest in the proposed development. After receipt of a scoping opinion, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be undertaken. A single Environmental Statement (ES) will be submitted to support a consent application to the Welsh Government, which will include offshore and onshore project components. The ES will also be used to support an application for a Marine Licence under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which will also include both onshore and offshore components. The EIA process will be informed by the scoping opinion received in relation to this scoping report. This scoping report has been produced by Royal HaskoningDHV and includes a description of the proposed development, description of baseline environment as currently understood and a description of the approach to the EIA. For further questions relating to the project please contact: Dafydd Gruffydd Managing Director Menter Môn Cyf Neuadd y Dref Llangefni Ynys Môn LL77 7XA +44 (0) 1248 725 713 [email protected] www.morlaisenergy.com 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 2 Acronyms µm Micrometre °C Degrees Celsius ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler AfL Agreement for Lease AIS Automatic Identification System AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty AoS Area of Search BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BC Before Christ BTO British Trust for Ornithology CAR Controlled Activities Regulations CCW Countryside Council for Wales CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CION Connection and Infrastructure Options Note CO2 Carbon dioxide COWRIE Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment cSAC Candidate Special Area of Conservation CSEMP Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme DECC Department for Energy and Climate Change DIO Defence Infrastructure Organisation DP Dynamic Positioning EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMF Electro-magnetic field EPS European Protected Species ES Environmental Statement ESAS European Seabirds at Sea EU European Union HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling HGV Heavy Goods Vehicles HIA Heritage Impact Assessment HMHC Holyhead Mountain Heritage Coast HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment IoACC Isle of Anglesey County Council JNCC The Joint Nature Conservation Committee km Kilometre 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 3 kV Kilovolts LGDU Local Government Data Unit m/s Metres per second m2 Metres Square MAIB Marine Accident Investigation Branch MCA Maritime and Coastguard Agency MCAA Marine and Coastal Access Act MCZ Marine Conservation Zone MDZ Morlais Demonstration Zone MGN Marine Guidance Note MHWS Mean High Water Springs MMO Marine Management Organisation MoD Ministry of Defence MPA Marine Protected Area MPS Marine Policy Statement MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive MSPD Marine Spatial Planning Directive MTA Morlais Tidal Array MW Mega Watt NERC Natural Environment and Rural Communities NGET National Grid Electric Transmission NNR National Nature Reserve NO2 Nitrogen dioxide NRA Navigational Risk Assessment NRW Natural Resources Wales NPS National Policy Statement NSP Noise Sensitive Properties O&M Operations and Maintenance OS Ordnance Survey PAC Pre-application Consultation PAM Passive Acoustic Monitoring PDE Project Design Envelope PEI Preliminary Environmental Information PEIR Preliminary Environmental Information Report PPG Pollution Prevention Guidelines PTEC Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre RAF Royal Air Force 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 4 RCAHMW Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales RES Renewable Energy Strategy RoRo Roll-On Roll-Off (vessel) RNLI Royal National Lifeboat Institution RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RYA Royal Yachting Association SAC Special Area of Conservation SAR Search and Rescue SCA Seascape Character Assessment SCI Site of Community Importance SEACAMS Sustainable Expansion of the Applied Coastal and Marine Sectors SLVIA Seascape and Landscape Visual Impact Assessment SPA Special Protected Area SPEN Scottish Power Energy Networks SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest TAN Technical Advice Note TCE The Crown Estate TCPA Town and Country Planning Act TEC Tidal Energy Converter TIA Traffic Impact Assessment TSS Traffic Separation Scheme UK United Kingdom UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation V Volts WADZ West of Anglesey Demonstration Zone (Morlais Demonstration Zone) WeBS Wetland Bird Survey WFD Water Framework Directive WNMP Welsh National Marine Plan WSI Written Scheme of Investigation 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 5 Glossary Device This is a term used to refer to one unit of tidal technology installation, and includes foundation and tidal energy converter. Envelope This refers to the Project Design Envelope which seeks to provide a flexible set of technology parameters, outlining worst case scenarios against which consent can be granted. Menter Môn Cyf Menter Môn Morlais Demonstration Zone The Project will be developed within the Morlais Demonstration Zone (MDZ) Agreement for Lease (AfL) area MTA This refers to the Morlais Tidal Array project and is used to describe the project both as a concept and as a built development. Morlais Tidal Array The Project Offshore Scoping Area The offshore scoping area includes the MDZ, plus the embayment identified for landfall (in the area of Penrhos Feilw, to the south of South Stack lighthouse). This is the area primarily used for scoping environmental interests although, for some receptors a wider search area was used, details of which are provided in individual sections. This area includes all areas where development may occur. Onshore construction area This refers to the footprint of the onshore construction works Onshore scoping area Menter Môn is considering several landfall locations, located in Penrhos Feilw. The onshore scoping area includes all areas being considered for landfall, substation locations and onshore cable route locations, including a cable route for a 132kV connection at Valley, a 132kV connection at the Orthios Holyhead Eco Park and a 33kV connection at Parc Cybi. Rochdale Envelope This refers to the Project Design Envelope which seeks to provide a flexible set of technology parameters, outlining realistic worst case scenarios against which consent can be granted. Substation search area Potential locations have been identified for the onshore substation location; however, final locations have not been determined. TEC This is a term used to refer to one unit of tidal technology installation, and includes foundation and tidal energy converter. The Project This refers to the Morlais Tidal Array project and is used to describe the project as a concept and as a built development. 04 April 2018 MTA SCOPING REPORT I&BPB5034R001F0.1 6 Table of Contents 1 Non-Technical Summary 15 1.1 The Morlais Tidal Array Project 15 1.2 The Components
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