Minutes of Public Sittings – Procès-verbal des audiences publiques MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 255 INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA TRIBUNAL INTERNATIONAL DU DROIT DE LA MER MINUTES OF PUBLIC SITTINGS MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC SITTINGS HELD ON 29 AND 30 NOVEMBER AND ON 15 DECEMBER 2012 The "ARA Libert.ad" Case (Argentina v. Ghana), Provisional Measures PROCES-VERBAL DES AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES PROCES-VERBAL DES AUDIENCES PUBLIQUES TENUES LES 29 ET 30 NOVEMBRE ET LE 15 D~CEMBRE 2012 Affaire de I'« ARA Libert.ad» (Argentine c. Ghana), mesures conservatoires 256 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL For ease of use, in addition to the continuous pagination, this volume also contains, between square brackets at the beginning of each statement, a reference to the pagination of the revised verbatim records. En vue de faciliter !'utilisation de l'ouvrage, le present volume comporte, outre une pagination continue, !'indication, entre crochets, au debut de chaque expose, de la pagination des proces-verbaux revises. -------------------------------------------------- Note by the Registry: The corrected verbatim records are available on the Tribunal’s website at www.itlos.org. Note du Greffe : Les procès-verbaux corrigés sont disponibles sur le site Internet du Tribunal : www.tidm.org. MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 257 Minutes of the Public Sittings held on 29 and 30 November and on 15 December 2012 Proces-verbal des audiences publiques tenues les 29 et 30 novembre et le 15 decembre 2012 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 259 29 NOVEMBER 2012, a.m. PUBLIC SITTING HELD ON 29 NOVEMBER 2012, 9.30 A.M. Tribunal Present: President YANAI; Vice-President HOFFMANN; Judges CHANDRASEKHARA RAO, AKL, WOLFRUM, NDIAYE, JESUS, COT, LUCKY, PAWLAK, TURK, KATEKA, GAO, BOUGUETAIA, GOLITSYN, PAIK, KELLY, ATTARD, KUL YK; Judge ad hoe MENSAH; Registrar GAUTIER. Argentina is represented by: Mrs Susana Ruiz Cerutti, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, as Agent; Mr Horacio Adolfo Basabe, Head, Direction of International Legal Assistance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, as Co-Agent; and Mr Marcelo Kohen, Professor of International Law, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, Mr Gerhard Hafner, Professor oflnternational Law, Mr Roiger F. Martinsen, Deputy Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, as Counsel and Advocates; Mr Mamadou Hebie, appointed lecturer, LLM in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), Geneva, Switzerland, Mr Gregor Novak, Mag. Iur., University of Vienna, Austria, Mr Manuel Fernandez Salorio, Consul General of the Argentine Republic, Hamburg, Germany, Ms Erica Lucero, Third Secretary, member of the Office of the Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, 3 260 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL "ARA LIBERT AD" as Advisers. Ghana is represented by: Mrs Amma Gaisie, Solicitor-General, Attorney-General's Department, Headquarters, Mr Ebenezer Appreku, Director/Legal and Consular Bureau, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as Co-Agents and Counsel; and Mr Raymond Atuguba, Senior Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Legon, as Counsel; Mr Philippe Sands QC, Member of the Bar of England and Wales, Professor of International Law, University College of London, London, United Kingdom, Ms Anjolie Singh, Member of the Indian Bar, Matrix Chambers, London, United Kingdom, Ms Michelle Butler, Member of the Bar of England and Wales, Matrix Chambers, London, United Kingdom, as Counsel and Advocates; Mr Remi Reichhold, Research Assistant, Matrix Chambers, London, United Kingdom, as Adviser; Mr Paul Aryene, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to Germany, Embassy of Ghana, Berlin, Germany, Mr Peter Owusu Manu, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Ghana, Berlin, Germany. 4 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 261 29 novembre 2012, matin AUDIENCE PUBLIQUE TENUE LE 29 NOVEMBRE 2012, 9 H 30 Tribunal Presents: M. YANAI, President; M. HOFFMANN, Vice-President; MM. CHANDRA­ SEKHARA RAO, AKL, WOLFRUM, NDIAYE, JESUS, COT, LUCKY, PAWLAK, TURK, KATEKA, GAO, BOUGUETAIA, GOLITSYN, PAIK, MME KELLY, MM. ATTARD, KULYK,juges; M. MENSAH, juge ad hoe; M. GAUTIER, Greffier. L' Argentine est representee par : Mme Susana Ruiz Cerutti, conseillere juridique du Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du culte, comme agent ; M. Horacio Adolfo Basabe, chef de la Direction de l'aide juridique intemationale, Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du culte, comme co-agent ; et M. Marcelo G. Kohen, professeur de droit international, Institut de hautes etudes intemationales et du developpement, Geneve, Suisse, M. Gerhard Hafner, professeur de droit international, M. Roiger F. Martinsen, conseiller juridique adjoint du Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du culte, comme conseils et avocats ; M. Mamadou Hebie, maitre de conferences, master en reglement des differends intemationaux, Geneve, Suisse, M. Gregor Novak, master en droit, Universite de Vienne, Autriche, M. Manuel Fernandez Salorio, consul general de la Republique argentine a Hambourg, Allemagne, Mme Erica Lucero, 262 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL « ARA LIBERTAD » troisieme secretaire, membre du Bureau du conseiller juridique, Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du culte, comme conseillers. Le Ghana est represente par : M. Anthony Gyambiby, Vice-Ministre de la justice et Procureur general adjoint, comme agent ; Mme Amma Gaisie, Solicitor-General, bureau principal du Service du Procureur general, M. Ebenezer Appreku, directeur du Bureau des affaires juridiques et consulaires, conseiller juridique au Ministere des affaires etrangeres, comme co-agent et conseil ; et M. Raymond Atuguba, maitre de conferences, faculte de droit, Universite du Ghana, Legon, comme conseil ; M. Philippe Sands, QC, membre du barreau d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles, professeur de droit international, University College de Londres, Royaume-Uni, Mme Anjolie Singh, membre du barreau de l'Inde, Matrix Chambers, Londres, Royaume-Uni, Mme Michelle Butler, membre du barreau d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles, Matrix Chambers, Londres, Royaume­ Uni, comme conseils et avocats ; M. Remi Reichhold, assistant de recherche, Matrix Chambers, Landres, Royaume-Uni, comme conseiller ; M. Paul Aryene, ambassadeur de la Republique du Ghana en Allemagne, ambassade du Ghana, Berlin, Allemagne, 6 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 263 29 novembre 2012, matin M. Peter Owusu Manu, ministre conseiller, ambassade du Ghana, Berlin, Allemagne. 7 264 MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL "ARA LIBERTAD" Opening of the Oral Proceedings [ITLOS/PV.12/C20/l/Rev.1, p. 1-3; TIDM/PV.12/A20/l/Rev.l, p. 1-3] The President: The Tribunal meets today pursuant to article 26 of its Statute to hear the Parties' arguments in the "ARA Libertad" case between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Ghana. At the outset, I would like to note that Judge Marotta Rangel and Judge Nelson are prevented by illness from sitting on the bench. On 14 November 2012 Argentina submitted to the Tribunal a Request for the prescription of provisional measures pending the constitution of an arbitral tribunal in a dispute with Ghana concerning the detention of the frigate ARA Libertad. The Request was made pursuant to article 290, paragraph 5, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The case was named The "ARA Libertad" Case and entered in the List of Cases as case number 20. I now call on the Registrar to summarize the procedure and to read out the submissions of the Parties. Le Greffier : Merci, Monsieur le President. Le 14 novembre 2012, copie de la demande en prescription de mesures conservatoires a ete transmise au Gouvemement du Ghana. Par ordonnance du 20 novembre 2012, le President du Tribunal a fixe au 29 novembre 2012 la date de l'ouverture de !'audience. Le meme jour, le President a envoye une lettre a chacune des parties pour Jes inviter a s'abstenir de prendre des mesures qui pourraient entraver Jes effets de toute ordonnance que pourrait adopter le Tribunal. Le 28 novembre 2012, le Ghana a soumis son expose en reponse a la demande de !'Argentine. Je vais a present dormer lecture des conclusions des parties. The Applicant requests that the Tribunal prescribes the following provisional measure: that Ghana unconditionally enables the Argentine warship Frigate ARA Libertad to leave the Terna port and the jurisdictional waters of Ghana and to be resupplied to that end. The Respondent requests: (1) to reject the request for provisional measures filed by Argentina on 14 November 2012, and (2) to order Argentina to pay all costs incurred by the Republic of Ghana in connection with this request. The President: Thank you, Mr Registrar. At today's hearing both Parties will present the first round of their respective oral arguments. Argentina will make its arguments this morning until approximately l p.m., with a break of 30 minutes at around 11.00 a.m. Ghana will speak this afternoon from 3 p.m. until approximately 6.30 p.m., with a break of30 minutes at around 4.30 p.m. Tomorrow will be the second round of oral arguments, with Argentina speaking from 9.30 to 11.00 a.m. and Ghana speaking from 12 noon to 1.30 p.m. I note the presence at the hearing of Agent, Co-Agents, counsel and advocates of the Parties. MINUTES — PROCÈS-VERBAL 265 OPENING OF THE ORAL PROCEEDINGS - 29 November 2012, a.m. I now call on the Agent of Argentina, Ms Susana Ruiz Cerutti, to introduce the delegation of Argentina. Mme Ruiz Cerutti : Monsieur le President, Monsieur le Vice-President, Madame et Messieurs les Membres du Tribunal, c'est un veritable honneur pour moi de m'adresser une nouvelle fois a ce Tribunal pour representer la Republique argentine. Permettez-moi, Monsieur le President, de vous presenter la delegation de la Republique argentine: Monsieur l'ambassadeur Horacio Basabe, directeur du service juridique international du Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du culte de I' Argentine, comme co-agent. Monsieur Marcelo Kohen, professeur de droit international a l' Institut de hautes etudes internationales et du developpement, a Geneve, membre associe de l'Institut de droit international, Monsieur Gerhard Hafner, professeur de droit international, membre de l'Institut de droit international, et Monsieur Holger F.
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