CREATIVE ACADEMY THE RICHEMONT GROUP’S INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL. MASTER OF ARTS IN DESIGN AND APPLIED ARTS ON JEWELLERY, WATCHMAKING AND ACCESSORIES. CA_Brochure_7MAGGIO_cover.indd 1-2 02/07/13 10.10 CA_Brochure_7MAGGIO_cover.indd 3-4 02/07/13 10.10 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 1 02/07/13 10.16 creativity applied to products CreativE Academy IS AN international postgraduate desigN school established IN MILAN, Italy, by THE RICHEMONT GrouP. IT provides A Master Of Arts IN DesigN AND APPLIED Arts that teaches uNDERgraduates HOw to desigN, drafT AND produCE REAL-LIfE products fOR THE Luxury sector. THE AIM Of THE program IS to TuRN theory into professional practice. THE Master Of Arts IN DesigN AND APPLIED Arts covERS THE ENTIRE process – from desigN AND product DEvelopment to SuPERIOR craftsmanship, MARKETINg AND communication – wHILE teaching theory as APPLIED to THE dynamics Of THE Luxury wORLD AND THE competitivE BENEfits APPLIED creativITY can produCE. LEARNING to woRk Creative Academy is a bridge from higher learning to the world of work. the aCademy’s postgraduate program helps young Creative talents move direCtly from sChool into one of the most prestigious luxury businesses in the world: the riChemont group. only twenty of the most promising and successful design students from sChools all over the globe are admitted into the program eaCh year. Creative Academy’s mission is to offer young future professionals the tools they need to respond to the Constantly evolving demands of the luxury seCtor, providing skills that will serve them throughout their Careers. LEFT MASTER 2013 ABOVE LEFT MONTBLANC PROJECT 2012 “STAR TRACKS”, ROBERTO REYES ABOVE RIGHT MONTBLANC PROJECT 2012 “DANDELION”, ZHIJIAO SHEN 03 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 2 28/06/13 09.56 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 3 08/07/13 14.05 A POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL ESTABLISHED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE RICHEMONT LUXURY GROUP thE richemont group includEs Many of thE Most prEstigious names in luxury: cartiEr, van cleef & arpEls, a. langE & söhnE, baume & MErciEr, IWC, jaEgEr-LeCoultrE, officinE panErai, piagEt, ralph laurEn watch & JewElry CO., rogEr dubuis, vachEron constantin, Montblanc, alfrEd dunhill, azzEdinE alaïa, chloé, lancEl, PetEr Millar, nEt-a-PORTEr.COM, JAMEs purdEy & SONS and shanghai tang. About Each of thEsE Maisons rEprEsEnts a proud thE group is ManagEd with thE objEctivE tradition of stylE, quality and craftsMan- of growing valuE for sharEholdErs ovEr ship that richemont is committEd to prE- thE long-tErM, rEcognizing that thE Most sErving. EvEry Maison’s individual hEritagE iMportant assEts of thE group – its luxury and idEntity is rigorously safEguardEd, Maisons – havE alMost all been in ExistEncE and its dEsignErs and craftsmen arE con- for ovEr a cEntury. stantly challEngEd to rEinvEnt and inno- vatE in ordEr to keep this hEritagE alivE thE indEpEndEncE of Each Maison within thE and thriving. group is fundamental to richemont’s ovEr- all growth stratEgy. Each Maison focusEs History on incrEasing awarEnEss and dEsirability by dEvEloping crEativE products and ap- richemont was crEatEd in 1988 by thE propriatE MarkEting programmes. spinoff of intErnational assEts ownEd by thE Maisons’ products arE sold through Rembrandt group liMitEd of south africa a nEtwork of boutiquEs ownEd by thE (today Remgro liMitEd). EstablishEd by dr. group, through franchisE opErations and anton rupErt in thE 1940s, Rembrandt group through boutiquEs ownEd by third partiEs. ownEd significant intErEsts in various in- dustriEs including tobacco, financial sEr- RICHEMONT CONTRIBUTION TO CREATIVE ACADEMY vicEs, winEs and spirits, gold and diaMond Mining, as wEll as luxury goods invEstments • prEsEntations by brand cEos, coMpEtitors, that, along with an invEstment in rothMans entrEprEnEurs, profEssional dEsignErs intErnational, would forM richemont. • Seminars on jEwEllEry, watchEs and accEssoriEs Strategy • projEcts dEvElopEd togEthEr with diffErEnt Maisons richemont’s businEss EncoMpassEs fivE kEy • an intErnship within a Maison in thE arEas: jEwEllEry, watchEs, writing instru- Richemont group ments, lEathEr and accEssoriEs. 04 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 4 28/06/13 09.56 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 5 08/07/13 14.05 course StrucTure ThE course lastS TEN MONThS: seven MONThS at Creative Academy IN MILAN (JanuarY-July), plus A ThREE-MONTh INTERNShIP granted to deserVINg studentS (SeptembER-NovembER). The sTudy program is divided inTo differenT, inTerchangeable uniTs: • Lectures ON MARKETINg, branding AND communication • Creative ExerciseS, INTERNET AND fIELD researCh Master of arts • Presentations bY brand CEOS, competitORS, ENTREPRENEURS AND profesSIONAL desigNERS • SEMINARS ON luxury AND artS AND crafts • SEMINARS ON jewelLEry, watches AND accessories in Design anD • SEMINARS ON new materials • SEMINARS ON manual RENDERINg aPPLieD ARTS • COMPUTER training IN PhotoshOP, Illustrator, 3D programs AND KeyShot • Presentation SKILLS Designers innovate shapes anD functions. they interpret • Projects REALIzED fOR ThE Maisons Of RIChEMONT Group aesthetics anD anticipate emerging trenDs. the master of arts in Design anD applieD arts aims at Developing these • INNOVATIVE projects REALIzED fOR parTNERS outside ThE RIChEMONT Group qualities anD attituDes while teaching the technical anD • gUIDED visits around ItalY AND AbroAD Design skills stuDents will neeD to succeeD. learning takes place through workshops anD constant interaction with maisons within the richemont group. Teachers have been recruited from ThE mosT qualIfied universities and desIgN schoolS in oBJeCtiVES: ThE world, among Which ouR most important partners POLI.desIgN anD SDA Bocconi, as well • channel the creative elements of Design through as among CEOS anD art directors from wiThin ThE Richemont Group. practical, hanDs-on knowleDge of craftsmanship while keeping the focus on branD reputation anD the final AT ThE end Of ThE course, students That have Excelled are OffereD A 3-monTh internship in customer one Of ThE Richemont Group’S Maisons. Internships are assIgned baseD on an evaluation Of ThE Abilities and individual skills each • work for a luxury branD student has developed during ThE course. • learn to follow a brief • unDerstanD anD integrate applieD arts anD crafts MAISON PROJECTs Maison projectS are commissioned and overseen directly bY Maisons from within ThE Richemont Group. Students worK on products That have ThE potential to bE put intO pro- duction. ThE importance Of These projectS resides on one hand in ThE opportunity to worK on real prOjectS ThE waY established prOfessionals inside ThE Maison would; on ThE other an opportunity to learn firsThand What it means to worK for A luxury branD in ThE re- spect Of itS values anD tradition. LEFT STUDENTS AT WORK IN CREATIVE ACADEMY 07 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 6 28/06/13 09.57 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 7 28/06/13 09.57 INNOVATIVE PrOJEcTs In addItIon to MaIson projects, every year students work on dIfferent creatIve projects. these are not lInked to the core products of the Master COURSE, but related to other fIelds such as graphIc desIgn, IndustrIal desIgn, boutIque dIsplays, web desIgn and so on. once coMpleted, these creatIve projects are realIzed by expert craftsMen and usually placed on exhIbItIon for the general publIc durIng MIlan’s salone del MobIle, the global benchMark for InterIor decoratIon and desIgn. LEFT VAN CLEEF & ARPELS PROJECT 2013 FROM TOP LEFT TO BOTTOM RIGHT “BEYOND THe SPIRALs”, vasudha bandharI; “lITERALLY BLOOMING”, XiaoqIan yu; “COULEURS DU VENT”, haruka usuI; “FRAGRANCE OF HAPPINESs”, MIng Kiang tan; “LA RENAISSANCE DE COrÉ”, Nikola relota; “tIMELESS BEAUTY”, davId GirellI; “MANUs ET ARs NATURAM EXALTANT”, Nicoletta saracco; “LES BRAS OUVERTS”, haruka usuI; “REAlITY Is AN ILLUsION – 1”, Marta MagnanI. ABOVE FROM TOP LEFT TO BOTTOM RIGHT VAn CLEEF & ARPELS PROJECT 2011, “NALENEN VASE”, sun MIn lee; “AUTOUR DE l’AFRIQUE”, louIs benoIt; “cICLOPEO”, lorena Jijon Maldonado. MONTBLANC PROJECT 2012, “MELTING POt”, GiulIa ferrarIo; “ENVOLE”, ehssan Moazen; “MOVIMENTO n.1”, soo jung ahn. trInIty CARtIer PROJECT 2009, “cIRCLEs”, yIjun song. 09 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 8 28/06/13 09.57 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 9 28/06/13 09.58 MANUAL RENDERING Creative Acadeademymy teaChes students to use a host of design programs inCludludinging phothotoshop,oshop, illusllustratortrator and 3d softwaressoftwares AND IT plaplaCes spespeCifiC emphasisemphasis on manual rendering. dediCated workshopsworkshops and Constantonstant interaCtiontion with individual luxury maisonsaisons in the riChemonthemont grouproup allow students to learn the hands-on skills they will need to best express their talents as professionals in the luxury seCtor.tor. FINAL INtERNshIp internships run fromfrom september throughthrough novemovember,ber, and are assigned based on an evaluation of the students’ abiabilities,lities, personal interests and the individual skills they have demonstrated during the degree program. STUDENTS AT WORK 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 10 28/06/13 09.59 163321_CA_Brochure.indd 11 28/06/13 10.00 CREATIVE ACADEMY TEAM PARTNERS FRANCO COLOGNI [email protected] FONDAZIONE COLOGNI DEI MESTIERI D’ARTE RIChEMONT director / Creative Academy ChAIRMAN Creative Academy aCtivities are supported by fondazione Cologni dei After A long cAreer with Cartier And in top mAnAgement positions for mestieri d’arte (www.fondazioneCologni.it). together, the foundation the richemont group, cologni is currently chAirmAn of the culturAl and the Creative Academy develop numerous projeCts and initiatives, committee
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