Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Illustrated Flora of Illinois Southern Illinois University Press 10-1999 Ferns Robert H. Mohlenbrock Southern Illinois University Carbondale Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/siupress_flora_of_illinois Part of the Botany Commons Recommended Citation Mohlenbrock, Robert H., "Ferns" (1999). Illustrated Flora of Illinois. 3. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/siupress_flora_of_illinois/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southern Illinois University Press at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Illustrated Flora of Illinois by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ILLUSTRATED FLORA OF ILLINOIS ROBERT H. MOHLENBROCK, General Editor THE ILLUSTRATED FLORA OF ILLINOIS s Second Edition Robert H. Mohlenbrock SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS Carbondale and Edwardsville COPYRIGHT© 1967 by Southern Illinois University Press SECOND EDITION COPYRIGHT © 1999 by the Board of Trustees, Southern Illinois University All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 02 01 00 99 4 3 2 1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mohlenbrock, Robert H., 1931- Ferns I Robert H. Mohlenbrock. - 2nd ed. p. em.- (The illustrated flora of Illinois) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Ferns-Illinois-Identification. 2. Ferns-Illinois-Pictorial works. 3. Ferns-Illinois-Geographical distribution-Maps. 4. Botanical illustration. I. Title. II. Series. QK525.5.I4M6 1999 587'.3'09773-dc21 99-17308 ISBN 0-8093-2255-2 (cloth: alk. paper) CIP The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.§ This book is dedicated to Miss E. Esther Smith, former biology teacher from Murphysboro (Ill.) Township High School, who first instilled within the author a love for nature. CONTENTS List of Illustrations ix Foreword to the Second Edition xv Foreword xvii Introduction 3 Key to the Orders of Ferns and Fern-Allies 13 Key to the Genera of Ferns and Fern-Allies 14 Descriptions and Illustrations 23 Lycopodiacere-C/ubmoss Family 23 Selaginellacere-Spikemoss Family 35 Isoetacere-Quillwort Family 37 Equisetacere-Horsetail Family 42 Ophioglossacere-Adder's-tongue Family 62 Hymenophyllacere-Filmy Fern Family 75 Osmundacere-Roya/ Fern Family 76 Polypodiacere-True Fern Family 84 Marsileacere-Waterclover Family 170 Salviniacere-Water Fern Family 171 Appendix: Additions and Changes to the First Edition 177 Glossary 223 Literature Cited 229 Index of Plant Names 235 ILLUSTRATIONS I. Sporangia 6 2. Sorus 6 3. Continuous sori 6 4. Interrupted sori 6 5. Sorus covered by indusium 6 6. Fertile leaves 6 7. Fertile leaves 6 8. Sporangia on unbranched spike 6 9. Sporangia on branched spike 6 I 0. Sporangia borne irregularly 7 II. Long-stalked sporocarps 7 I2. Sessile sporocarps 7 I3. Sporangia at the base of leaves 7 I4. Sporangia borne in terminal cones 7 I5. Pinnatifid blade 8 I6. Once-pinnate blade 8 17. Pinnate-pinnatifid blade 8 I8. Bipinnate blade 8 I9. Bipinnate-pinnatifid blade 8 20. Tripinnate blade 8 2I. Isoetes 13 22. Equisetum 13 23. Ophioglossum 13 24. Botrychium 13 25. Marsilea 14 26. Azolla 14 27. Asplenium 14 28. Ophioglossum 14 29. Onoclea 15 30. Trichomanes 15 3I. Thelypteris 15 32. Thelypteris 15 ix xI ILLUSTRATIONS 33. Polypodium 16 34. Asplenium 16 35. Adiantum 16 36. Polystichum 17 37. Asplenium 17 38. Asplenium 17 39. Botrychium 17 40. Botrychium 17 41. Gymnocarpium 17 42. Pteridium 18 43. Woodwardia 18 44. Matteuccia 18 45. Athyrium 18 46. Osmunda 18 47. Cryptogramma 19 48. Osmunda 19 49. Dryopteris 19 50. Dryopteris 20 51. Athyrium 20 52. Cystopteris 20 53. Woodsia 20 54. Dennstaedtia 21 55. Woodsia 21 56. Cheilanthes 21 57.Pellaea 21 58. Osmunda 21 59. Dryopteris 22 60. Lycopodium porophilum (Cliff Clubmoss) 25 61. Lycopodium lucidulum (Shining Clubmoss) 27 62. Lycopodium inundatum (Bog Clubmoss) 28 63. Lycopodium dendroideum (Ground Pine) 30 64. Lycopodiumflabelliforme (Ground Pine) 32 65. Selaginella apoda (Small Spikemoss) 34 66. Selaginella rupestris (Rock Spikemoss) 36 67. Isoetes melanopoda (Black Quillwort) 39 68. Isoetes butleri (Butler's Quillwort) 39 Illustrations I xi 69. Isoetes engelmannii (Engelmann's Quillwort) 40 70. Equisetum scirpoides (Dwarf Scouring Rush) 45 71. Equisetum variegatum (Variegated Scouring Rush) 45 72. Equisetum X trachyodon (Horsetail) 46 73. Equisetum X nelsonii (Nelson's Horsetail) 48 74. Equisetum palustre (Marsh Horsetail) 50 75. Equisetum arvense (Common Horsetail) 51 76. Equisetum X litorale (Horsetail) 53 77. Equisetum hyemale var. affine (Scouring Rush) 55 78. Equisetum laevigatum (Smooth Scouring Rush) 56 79. Equisetum X ferrissii (Intermediate Scouring Rush) 58 80. Equisetumfluviatile (Water Horsetail) 61 81. Botrychium multifidum ssp. silaifolium (Northern Grape Fern) 64 82. Botrychium dissectum var. dissectum (Cut-leaved Grape Fern) 66 83. Botrychium dissectum var. obliquum (Grape Fern) 67 84. Botrychium biternatum (Grape Fern) 69 85. Botrychium virginianum (Rattlesnake Fern) 71 86. Ophioglossum vulgatum (Adder's-tongue Fern) 72 87. Ophioglossum engelmannii (Adder's-tongue Fern) 74 88. Trichomanes boschianum (Filmy Fern) 77 89. Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis (Royal Fern) 79 90. Osmunda cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern) 80 91. Osmunda claytoniana (Interrupted Fern) 83 92. Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Hay-scented Fern) 87 93. Adiantum pedatum (Maidenhair Fern) 89 94. Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken Fern) 91 95. Cryptogramma stelleri (Slender Cliffbrake) 93 96. Pellaea atropurpurea (Purple Cliffbrake) 95 97. Pellaea glabella var. glabella (Smooth Cliffbrake) 96 98. Cheilanthes feei (Baby Lip Fern) 98 99. Cheilanthes lanosa (Hairy Lip Fern) 100 100. Polypodium vulgare var. virginianum (Common Polypody) 101 xii I ILLUSTRATIONS 101. Polypodium polypodia ides var. michauxianum (Gray Polypody) 103 102. Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern) 105 103. Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern) 106 104. Matteuccia struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern) 109 105. Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern) 110 106. Thelypteris phegopteris (Long Beech Fern) 113 107. Thelypteris hexagonoptera (Broad Beech Fern) 114 108. Thelypteris noveboracensis (New York Fern) 116 109. Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens (Marsh Fern) 118 110. Dryopteris carthusiana (Spinulose Woodfern) 121 111. Dryopteris X boottii (Boott's Woodfern) 122 112. Dryopteris intermedia (Common Woodfern) 124 113. Dryopteris X triploidea (Woodfern) 127 114. Dryopteris cristata (Crested Fern) 128 115. Dryopteris X clintoniana (Clinton's Woodfern) 130 116. Dryopteris goldiana (Goldie's Fern) 132 117. Dryopteris marginalis (Marginal Fern) 133 118. Woodwardia virginica (Chain Fern) 135 119. Athyrium pycnocarpon (Glade Fern) 137 120. Athyrium thelypterioides (Silvery Spleenwort) 139 121. Athyriumfilix-femina var. rubellum (Lady Fern) 140 122. Athyriumfilix-femina var. asplenioides (Southern Lady Fern) 143 123. Asplenium rhizophyllum (Walking Fern) 145 124. Asplenium ruta-muraria (Wall-rue Spleenwort) 147 125. Asplenium pinnatifidum (Pinnatifid Spleenwort) 148 126. Asplenium X gravesii (Grave's Spleenwort) 148 127. Asplenium X trudellii (Trudell's Spleenwort) 151 128. Asplenium X kentuckiense (Kentucky Spleenwort) 151 129. Asplenium bradleyi (Bradley's Spleenwort) 153 130. Asplenium X ebenoides (Scott's Spleenwort) 155 131. Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair Spleenwort) 156 132. Asplenium resiliens (Black Spleenwort) 156 133. Asplenium platyneuron (Ebony Spleenwort) 158 134. Woodsia obtusa (Common Woodsia) 161 Illustrations I xiii 135. Woodsia ilvensis (Rusty Woodsia) 161 136. Cystopteris bulbifera (Bladder Fern) 162 137. Cystopteris fragilis var. fragilis (Fragile Fern) 165 138. Cystopteris fragilis var. protrusa (Fragile Fern) 166 139. Cystopteris fragilis var. mackayi (Fragile Fern) 166 140. Cystopteris X tennesseensis (Tennessee Fragile Fern) 169 141. Marsilea quadrifolia (Waterclover) 171 142. Azalia caroliniana and Azalia mexicana (Mosquito Fern) 172 AI. Lycopodiella appressum 182 A2. Lycopodium clavatum 183 A3. Lycopodium lagopus 184 A4. Selaginella eclipes 186 A5. Equisetum sylvaticum 190 A6. Equisetum pratense 191 A7. Botrychium oneidense 193 A8. Botrychium matricariifolium 195 A9. Botrychium simplex 196 AI 0. Botrychium campestre 198 All. Argyrochosma dealbata 201 A12. Pteris multifida 202 A13. Gymnocarpium robertianum 205 A14. Dryopteris filix-mas 208 A15. Dryopteris celsa 209 Al6. Dryopteris X neo-wherryi 210 Al7. Woodwardia areolata 212 A18. Asplenium X herb-wagneri 215 A19. Asplenium X shawneense 216 A20. Cystopteris laurentiana 219 A21. Cystopteris X illinoensis 221 FOREWORD TO THE SECOND EDITION Since the publication of the first edition of Ferns in 1967, twenty-five additional taxa of ferns have been discovered in Illinois. In addition, numerous nomenclatural changes have occurred for plants already known from the state. This second edition of Ferns is intended to up­ date the status of ferns in Illinois. New illustrations have been provided for all of the additions except for the gametophytic Trichomanes intricatum, the hybrid Huperzia X bartleyi, Ophioglossum pusillum, andAspenium tricho­ manes ssp. quadrivalens. Illustrations of these taxa were not practical because their recognizable characteristics are subtle. New illustrations A2, A3, A4, AS, A9, A15, A18, andA19 have been prepared by Jon Howe; the remainder have been prepared by Mark W. Mohlenbrock.
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