Stations in the U.S. South Dakota American Media Services P. 0. Bo 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 (605) 336 -0415. Licensee: Midcontinent Broadcasting of South Dakota 336 -0415. Web Site: Licensee: Midcontinent Radio of Plumer, gen mgr: John Derrek, rgnl sis mgr: Jon Anderson. progmg Inc. Group owner: Midcontinent Media Inc. (acq 1952) *Net: AP. South Dakota Inc. Group owner: Midcontinent Media Inc. (acq dir; Diana Smiley, mus dir: Tracey Krsnak, chief of engrg. Wash airy: Leventhal, Senter & Lerman. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 10- 23 -96; $3 million with co- located FM) Net: CBS. Rep: Katz. Wash 25 -54. N. Larry Benison, chmn: Joe H. Floyd. pres; Mark Niblick, airy: Fisher, Wayland. Cooper. Leader & Zaragoza L.L.P.. Format: All St. Francis exec VP: Mike Costanzo, gen mgr; Curt Dykstra, gen sls mgr; Dave sports. News staff: 2; news progmg 27 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54; Roberts, progmg dir: Jack Taylor, news dir: Scott Smidt. chief of engrg. adults with disposable income, business leaders. Larry Benison. KINI(FM)-See Crookstoc. NE CEO; Joe H. Floyd, pres; Mike Costanzo, gen mgr; Greg Bellrage. KELO -FM- July 11. 1965: 92.5 mhz: 100 kw. 1,900 ft. TL: N43 31 07 progmg dir: Scott Smidt. chief of engrg. W96 32 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Light adult contemp. Spec Sturgis prog: Jazz 6 hrs wkly. Steve Lassa. prom dir: Reid Holsen, progmg KRRO(FM)-Co-owned with KWSN. May 6, 1969: 103.7 mhz: 50 kw. dir. 676 ft. TL: N43 27 35 W96 40 12. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Web Site: KBHB(AM)- Sept 27. 1962: 810 khz; 21 kw -D. TL: N44 25 23 W103 Net: CBS. Format: Classic rock, AOR. News staff: 2: 25 38. Hrs opn: Sunrise- sunset. Box 99, Hwy. 79 N. (57785). (605) KKLS -FM- Listing follows KXRB. news progmg 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-49: young adults, family - 347-4455. Fax: (605) 347 -5120. Licensee: Monterey Licenses LLC. rearing age with disposable income. John Ford, prom dir. Group owner: Triad Broadcasting Co. LLC (acq 8- 18 -99; grpsl) Nel: KMXC(FM) -Listing follows KS00. ABC: Agri -Net, AgriAmerica. Format: Country oldies. farm. News staff: one: news progmg 17 hrs wkly. Target aud: 45 plus. Dana Caldwell, KXRB(AM)- February 1969: 1000 khz: 10 kw -D, DA. TL: N43 29 13 'KNWC(AM)- March 1961:1270 khz; 2.5 kw-U, DA2. TL: N43 2919 gen mgr & gen sis mgr: Dean Kinney, progmg dir: Gary Maki, news dir; W96 35 48. Hm opn: 6 AM -8 PM. 3205 S. Meadow (57106). (605) W96 47 08. Hm opn: 24. 26908 Marion Rd. (57108- 8107). (605) Steve Naeue, chief of engrg. Rates: $16; 16; 16; na. 361 -0300. Fax: (605) 361 -5410. Licensee: Southern Minnesota 339 -1270. Fax: (605) 339.1271. Email: [email protected]. Web Site: Broadcasting. (group owner: acq 7- 10-96; with co- located FM; FTR: Licensee: Northwestern College. Group owner: with KBHB. 1972: mhz; 100 kw. 7-29 -96) CNN. Rep: Christer. Format: Country. farm. News staff: one: KRCS(FM) -Co -owned Dec 5, 93.1 Northwestern College Radio Network (acq 1961) *Net: Skylight. 1,059 ft. TL: N44 19 58 W103 32 20. Stereo. Box 460, 2100 S. 7th St.. news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. *Greg Gentling, pres: Wash airy: Bryan Cave. Format: Relg, news. News staff: one: news Rapid (57701). (605) Fax: (605) Format: Don Jacobs, gen mgr; Jeff Hauge, natl sis mgr: Rich Fink, mktg VP: City 343 -6161. 343-9012. progmg 24 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -54. *Jeff Rupp. gen mgr, opns dir. Ratt Reno, progmg dir; Joe Morrison, mus dir; Mark Tessler, news dir; Continuous hit radio. Lia Green, gen mgr; Michael Goodroad, gen progmg dir & news dir; Connie Hanson, mus dir: Scott Merry. pub affrs mgr: Pat Kucera, Rich Peterson, news Bill Spitzer, J.O. Collins, chief of engrg. sis progmg dir; dir: dir: Gary Ellingson, chief of engrg. chief of engrg. KKLS -FM-Co -owned with KXRB. March 1975: 104.7 mhz; 100 kw. KNWC -FM- Mar 28, 1969: 96.5 mhz: 100 kw. 1.600 ft. TL: N43 31 ft. TL: N43 43 46 05 10. Format: Contemp hit. Target Vermillion 07 W96 32 05. Stereo. Target aud: 20-54. Jeff Rupp, opns mgr. 860 W97 Stereo. aud: 18-49. Trent Erickson, prom dir & progmg mgr; Derek Moran, mus din, Mike Langford. chief of engrg. 'KAOR-FM- September 1986: 91.1 mhz; 120 w. 107 ft. TL: N42 47 KRRO(FM)-Listing follows KWSN 01 W96 55 26. Stereo. Hrs opn: 18. Mass Communications Dept., 414 E. Clark (57069- 2390). (605) 677 -5477. Fax: (605) 677-4250. E -mail: ' KRSD(FM)- May 11. 1985: 88.1 mhz; 2 kw. 183 ft. TL: N43 31 37 Sisseton [email protected]. Web Site: -kaor. Licensee: The W96 4418. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 737, Augustana College (57197). University of South Dakota. Net: AP. Wash atty: Cohn & Marks. (605) 335-6666. (800) 228-7123. Fax: (605) 335 -1259. Web Site: Format: AOR, CHR, progsv. News progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: Licensee: Minnesota Public Radio. *Net: NPR, PRI. KBWS -FM- Dec 28. 1983: 102.9 ranz: 100 kw. 496 ft. TL: N45 36 52 16 -30; college age students & faculty. Spec prog: American Indian 2 Format: Class. news. News staff: one. Target aud: General. William W97 24 51. Stereo. 509 Veterans Ave. (57262). (605) 698 -3471. Fax: hrs wkly. George Whitehouse, gen mgr; Don Harris, chief of engrg. H. Kling. pres; Valerie Arganbright, gen mgr: Kara Hetland. news dir: (605) 698 -3330. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: ww- Vince Fuhs, chief of engrg. Licensee: Pheasant Country Broadcasting Inc. Format: Country. Target aud: General. Robert Ingstead, pros: Randy 'KUSD(FM)- Oct 1, 1967: 89.7 mhz; 50 kw horiz, 21.5 kw ved. 518 Peterson. gen mgr & rgnl sis mgr; John Seiber, progmg dir. mus dir. ft. TL: N43 03 00 W96 47 12. (CP: 32 kw, ant 663 ft.). Stereo. Box KSOB-FM-See Flandreau news dir & pub affrs dir; Don Brittnal, chief of engrg. 5000 (57069). (605) 677 -5861. Fax: (605) 677 -5010. Web Site: Licensee: South Dakota Board of KS00(AM)- 1926: 1140 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw -N, DA -N. TL: N43 28 47 Directors/Educational Telecommunications. Net: NPR, PRI; S.D. KSWS(FM)- 1995: 89.3 mhz: 3 kw. 374 ft. TL: N45 37 54 W97 10 W96 41 04. 2600 S. Spring Ave. (57105). (605) 339 -1140. Fax: (605) Pub. Format: Class. news & pub affrs, jazz. Spec prog: Sioux one hr 45. Box 142, Dakota Nation Broadcasting Corp. (57262). (605) 339 -2735. Web Site: Licensee: Southern Minnesota wkly. *Terry L. Harns, gen mgr; Ross King, progmg dir; Owen 698 -7972. Fax: (605) 698 -7897. Licensee: Dakota Nation Broadcast- Broadcasting Co. (group owner; acq 1996; with co- located FM) Net: DeJong, mus dir: Frank Scanlon, news dir; Don Forseth, chief of ing Corp. (acq 7 -7.94: FTR: 7- 18.94) Formal: Country. Mike LaBelle, ABC /I. Rep: Christer. Format: Newsftalk. Target aud: 35.54. e Roger engrg.. Co -owned TV: 'KUSD -TV affil stn mgr. Currier, gen mgr & stn mgr; Ray Shut, sis dir & rgnl sls mgr; Ray shut. adv dir; Randy McDaniel. progmg dir: Gene Helland, news dir: Vince KVHT(FM)- Nov 16, 1967: 106.3 mhz; 50 kw. 390 ft. TL: N42 59 45 Fuhs, chief of engrg. Spearfish W96 49 25. Stereo. Hm opn: 24.231 Broadway Ave. Yankton (57078). (605) 665 -2600. Fax: (605) 665 -8875. Licensee: Culhane Com- KMXC(FM)-Co-owned with KS00. Oct 1, 1973: 97.3 mhz; 60 kw. munications Inc. (acq 5 -6 -93: $340,000 with co-located AM; FTR: 221 ft. TL: N43 48 W96 20. Stereo. Web Site: www.mix97- 'KBHUFM- Oct 18. 1974: 89.1 mhz; 100 w. 55 ft. TL: N44 29 48 35 38 5- 24 -93) *Net: ABC/E. Wash atty: Fisher, Wayland. Cooper, Leader Net: ABC Format: Best mix of the 80s, & today. Target W103 52 13. Stereo. Hrs opn: 18. Unit 9665, E.Y. Berry Library- 1200 /C. 90s & Zaragoza. Format: Adult contemp, classic rock. News staff: one; 25-44; females. Maguire. dir. prom dir & news dir: University St. (59665). (605) 642-6737. (605) 642 -6265. Fax: (605) aud: *Scott opns news progmg 42 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 plus. Kevin Culhane, pres Ray gen sis mgr; Scott McGuire. progmg dir; Mike Langford. 642 -6762. Licensee: Black Hills State University. Net: Westwood Schul, & gen mgr: Randy Eichelberg, opus mgr; Margi Culhane. nati sis mgr: chief of engrg. One. Format: Alternative. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 12 -24; Susie Wahn, gen sis mgr & prom mgr; Randy Hammer, progmg dir; high schooVcollege age students. Thomas O. Flickemna, pres; Gerald Calhoun, chief of engrg. KSOB(AM)- June 13, 1970: 1520 khz: 500 w -D. TL: N43 33 28 W96 Katherine Kania, stn mgr: Dave Diamond. progmg dir; Cal Crooks, 47 46. 2301 W. 50th St. (57105). (605) 335-6896. Fax: (605) chief of engrg. KVTK(AM) -Co -owned with KVHT -FM. Nov 16, 1967: 1570 khz; 500 330 -0047. Licensee: CGN Corp. (acq 6.15 -93) Format: News. News w -D. TL: N42 47 32 W97 00 03. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Net: ABC/E. staff: 3: news progmg 168 hrs wkly. Target aud: General.
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