HOTEL PRO G R A MME AFTERNOON TEA IN YOUR SHIKUMEN VILLA 悠闲午后,来自米其林一星法餐厅 le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire 的下午茶在石库门别墅内优 雅呈现,精巧可爱的3道咸点、7道甜食,搭配精选果酱和奶油的提子司康,以及香气氤氲的精选 茶或咖啡。谈笑间仿佛瞬间溯回20世纪30年代的上海,尽显石库门里别具一格的生活方式。 • 客房内下午茶需提前24小时预定,预定请致电嘉佩乐文旅官 • 每周五至周日,下午2:30 至4:30,您也可移步至 le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire 享用下午茶 We invite you to step back to the late 1930s and delight your day with a lovely a�ernoon tea in the elegant surrounding of your Shikumen Villa. The a�ernoon tea set includes 3 kinds of savoury and 7 kinds of sweet treats, as well as raisin scones served with a delicate Jacob’s cream and jam. • Please contact your Capella Culturist 24 hours in advance to book your in-villa a�ernoon tea experience. • Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire Restaurant offers a�ernoon tea from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. FINE DINING EXPERIENCE IN YOUR SHIKUMEN VILLA 在建业里,Pierre Gagnaire先生和他的得意门 生Romain Chapel用法式美馔撬开宾客对石库 门的别样情愫。美食作为他们的表达方式,简 单、真诚、优雅的法式菜肴和创新大胆的味道 直击灵魂。您的别墅内高雅就餐将由专属管家 为您奉上,在上海老弄堂的岁月痕迹下,打造 难忘的美食体验。 Michelin-starred mastermind Chef Pierre Gagnaire and his protégé, Romain Chapel form a connec�on with guests through their dishes. Their simple and honest approach to French fine dining is complemented by innova�ve textures and bold flavours. The exquisite meal will be served in your villa by your private butler, making for an unforge�able gourmet experience during your stay. • 为确保您的用餐体验,请提前24小时预定客房内高雅就餐体验,预定请致电嘉佩乐文旅官 • Please contact your Capella Culturist 24 hours in advance to book your in-villa fine dining experience. LITTLE STARS PROGRAM 时间 项目 内容名称 Time Details Ac�vity Descrip�on 15:00-15:30 桌游玩乐 1. 猫捉老鼠、手电找图、 15:00-15:30 Board Choose from games such as 垒高、小怪蛋轨道、 Games Catch the mouse, Animal 夺宝猴兵等。 Search and Pathfinder 2. 中英文书籍若干。 15:30-15:45 Songs & Sing and dance to Chinese 15:30-15:45 歌舞律动 中英文歌曲及律动 Dance and English songs 15:45-16:15 Crea�ve Discovering the Animal 15:45-16:15 创意手工 “ 动物王国”或者“可爱的家” Cra�s Kingdom and Home 16:15-16:45 Ac�vity 16:15-16:45 活动游戏 1. 民间游戏:康乐球、 Please choose one from these and 陀螺、游戏棒、橡皮筋、 three ac�vi�es Games 踢毽子、跳房子等 1. Folk games: spinning tops, 2. 集体游戏:打地鼠彩虹 pick-up-sticks, hopscotch and 伞、不倒森林、蜘蛛网拉 more. 绳等。 2. Group games: Parachute 3. 幼儿瑜伽:动物瑜伽、 games and Whack-a-mole 字母瑜伽等。 3. Kids Yoga: Animal yoga and * 以上课程三选一 Alphabet yoga 16:45-17:00 绘本阅读 中英文故事绘本阅读。 16:45-17:00 Story Bilingual books for all to read Time • 每周六下午 •Held every Saturday a�ernoon •For children between 3 and 6 years old • 3-6岁幼儿 (人数10人以下) (less than 10 children per session) • 中外教各一位 •Led by one Chinese teacher and one English teacher 慢跑是领略城市风景的最好方式。从酒店出发,两条精心选择的慢跑路线令您在运动之余,感受无与 伦比的城市脉搏。慢跑西岸线路会经过龙美术馆、余德耀美术馆、西岸美术馆和油罐艺术中心,慢跑 外滩线路还会经过世博会博物馆和上海当代艺术博物馆,并在风光旖旎的外滩结束您的慢跑。 Jogging is the best way to appreciate Shanghai's sights and sounds. We have curated two jogging routes for you to enjoy the unmatched pulse of the city. The West Bund route goes through the Long Museum, Yuz Museum, West Bund Museum and Tank Shanghai, while The Bund Routes will go through the same route as The West Bund, with stops at World Expo Museum and Power Station of Art Shanghai, before comple�ng your jog at Bund. JOGGING ON THE BUND JOGGING ON THE WEST BUND 起点: 油罐艺术中心 起点: 龙美术馆 距离: 10公里 距离: 4.8公里 慢跑需时: 2小时(包含酒店到起点车程) 慢跑需时: 1小时(包含酒店到起点车程) 路线:油罐艺术中心 → 西岸美术馆→ 余德耀 路线:龙美术馆 → 余德耀美术馆→ 西岸美术馆 美术馆→龙美术馆→ 世博会博物馆→上海当代 → 油罐艺术中心 艺术博物馆 → 外滩 Start: Long Museum Start: Tank Shanghai Distance: 4.8 km Distance: 10 km Jogging Time: 1 Hour (Includes 20-mins Jogging Time: 2 Hours (Includes 30-mins travelling �me to star�ng point) travelling �me to star�ng point) Route: Tank Shanghai → West Bund Museum → Route: Long Museum→ Yuz Museum → Yuz Museum →Long Museum→Word Expo West Bund Museum → Tank Shanghai Museum → Power Sta�on of Art Shanghai → Bund 龙美术馆 西岸馆 余德耀美术馆 地址:上海市徐汇区龙腾大道3398号(近瑞宁路) 地址:上海市徐汇区丰谷路35号 开放时间:周二至周日10:30-18:00 (逢周一闭馆) 开放时间:周二至周日10:00 -18:00,(每周一闭馆) 余德耀美术馆坐落于“西岸文化走廊”,基本设计是希望 龙美术馆是由中国收藏家刘益谦、王薇夫妇创办的私 在维持原有的老机库风格基础上,通过对青葱树木和明 立美术馆,目前在上海浦东和徐汇滨江同时拥有两个 亮开放型玻璃厅的规划利用,重新设计建筑空间以适应 大规模的场馆——龙美术馆(浦东馆)和龙美术馆 庞大展览的需求。在尊重历史的前提下,历经变革的老 (西岸馆),构成独特的“一城两馆”的艺术生态。 机库令美术馆富有视觉冲击力与历史的沧桑感,是当代 建筑史上新老融合的代表作之一。 Long Museum West Bund Address: No. 3398 Long Teng Avenue, Xuhui District Yuz Museum Opening Hours: 10am–6pm, Tuesday–Sunday, Closed Address: No.35 Feng Gu Road, Xuhui District Opening Hours: 10am–6pm, Tuesday–Sunday, Closed on Mondays on Mondays Founded by Chinese couple collectors, Mr. Liu Yiqian Located along the West Bund in Xuhui District, Yuz and his wife, Ms. Wang Wei, the Long Museum owns Museum, Shanghai is a non-profit organiza�on under two huge places for exhibi�on and related func�ons: the umbrella of the Yuz Founda�on. The museum will Long Museum Pudong and Long Museum West Bund. strive to promote the exhibi�on and development of Located respec�vely in Pudong New Area and Binjiang, contemporary art and to enhance the public’s understanding and apprecia�on of contemporary Xuhui District, they cons�tute a unique ecosystem of art. By retaining the unique sense of grandeur of this art in Shanghai: “One City, Two Museums.” enormous structure, the space perfectly sets off the magnificence of the installa�ons in YUZ collec�on. 西岸美术馆 油罐艺术中心 地址:上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2600号 地址:上海市徐汇区龙腾大道2380号 开放时间:周二至周日10:00-17:00,(每周一闭馆) 开放时间:周二至周日 10:00-18:00 (每周一闭馆) 西岸美术馆由英国著名建筑师戴卫·奇普菲尔德带领 的建筑事务所担纲建筑设计,历时三年建造完成, 上海油罐艺术中心是一家非营利艺术机构,是一个开 总建筑面积为2.5万平方米。西岸美术馆内部展示空 创性的和多功能的艺术中心,通过当代艺术展览、活 间除了三个主要负责呈献常设展与特展作品的展厅 动,公众可以亲近感受艺术、建筑、城市、自然和出 外,还包括一个特别项目空间,以及由多功能厅、 色的黄浦江景观。上海油罐艺术中心集合各式各样的 盒子、智造展厅(其中包括工作室、游乐场、儿童 工坊)组成的地下一层。西岸美术馆致力于以公共 展览空间、公园绿地、花园、广场、书店、教育中心 性和国际性为原点,突破美术馆的固有范畴和传统 、咖啡厅等功能于一体的艺术中心。 边界,邀请多元人群参与现当代艺术的文化体验。 Tank Shanghai West Bund Museum Address: No. 2600 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District Address: No. 2380 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District Opening Hours: 10am–5pm,Tuesday–Sunday, Opening Hours: 10am – 6pm, Tuesday – Sunday, Closed on Mondays Closed on Mondays West Bund Museum was designed by the famous archi- tectural prac�ce Bri�sh architect David Chipperfield, and TANK Shanghai is a nonprofit ins�tu�on and a it was a work of three years. Beside the three main pioneering and mul�func�onal art center. Through gallery volumes commi�ed to host works of permanent and themed exhibi�ons, the 25,000m² establishment contemporary art exhibi�ons and events, the public is also contains a “Project Room” and a lower ground floor invited to closely experience art, architecture, the city, that comprises three func�onal spaces – Auditorium, nature and the excep�onal Huangpu river view. TANK Box, and Crea�ve Gallery (Playground, Children’s Shanghai consists of exhibi�on spaces, a parkland, Workshop and Studio). West Bund Museum is commi�ed to commonality and interna�onalism as gardens, a plaza, a bookstore, an educa�on center and its star�ng point, seeks to break away from tradi�onal a café. pa�erns and conven�onal boundaries of art museums, and invites diverse audiences to par�cipate in the cultural experiences of modern and contemporary art. 上海当代艺术博物馆 世博会博物馆 地址:上海市黄浦区花园港路200号 地址:上海市黄浦区蒙自路818号 开放时间:周二至周日 11:00-19:00 (每周一闭馆) 开放时间:周二至周日 09:00-17:00 (每周一闭馆) 上海当代艺术博物馆是中国大陆第一家公立的当代艺 2010年11月23日,上海市人民政府与国际展览局在法国 术博物馆,也是上海双年展主场馆。它坐落于上海的 巴黎正式签署《世博会博物馆合作备忘录》,明确世 博会博物馆是国际展览局唯一官方博物馆和官方文献 母亲河黄浦江畔,内部最高悬挑27米,高达165米的烟 中心,由上海市政府和国际展览局合作共建,具有国 囱既是上海的城市地标也是一个独立的展览空间。作 际性、唯一性、专题性、可持续性等特点。它既是国 为新城市文化的“生产车间”,不断自我更新,不断让自 内第一座真正意义上的国际性博物馆,也是全世界独 身处于进行时是这所博物馆的生命之源。上海当代艺 一无二的全面展示世博专题的博物馆,并将打造成为 术博物馆正努力为公众提供一个开放的当代文化艺术 世界认可、中国一流、上海补缺、特色鲜明的国际化 展示与学习平台;消除艺术与生活的藩篱;促进不同 、开放性的设计创意类博物馆及国际学术交流中心。 文化艺术门类之间的合作和知识生产。 Word Expo Museum Power Station of Art Shanghai Address: No.818 Mengzi Road, Huangpu District Address: No.200,Huayuangang Road, Huangpu District Opening Hours: 9a –5pm, Tuesday–Sunday, Closed Opening Hours: 11am – 7pm, Tuesday – Sunday, on Mondays Closed on Mondays On November 23, 2010, the Shanghai Municipal The Power Sta�on of Art (PSA) is the first state-run People's Government and the Bureau Interna�onal museum dedicated to contemporary art in mainland des Exposi�ons formally signed the Memorandum of China. It is also home to the Shanghai Biennale. Standing Coopera�on on the World Expo Museum in Paris, tall by Shanghai’s mother river, the Huangpu River, the France which defined the World Expo Museum as the only official museum and authorized documenta�on museum now houses exhibi�on sec�ons that with an centre of BIE. The WEM is constructed coopera�vely internal height of 27 meters, and its 165-meter chimney, by the Shanghai Municipal Government and the being an independent exhibi�on space, has also become Bureau Interna�onal des Exposi�ons and characterized an integral part of Shanghai’s world-famous skyline. As as being interna�onal, unique, thema�c, and sustainable. Shanghai’s generator for its new urban culture, PSA It is not only the first interna�onal museum in China but regards non-stopping innova�on and progress as the key also the world's first museum which can comprehensively to its long-term vitality. The museum has been striving to demonstrate the themes of World Expos. It will be built provide an open pla�orm for the public to learn and into the interna�onalized museum with dis�nc�ve appreciate contemporary art, break the barrier between characteris�cs highligh�ng design and crea�vity and a life and art, and promote coopera�on and knowledge center for interna�onal academic exchanges which is genera�on between different schools of art and culture. uniquein Shanghai, pioneering in China and well recognized by the world. GALLERIES IN THE BUND AREA Lisson Gallery, Perro�n Rockbund Art by Danysz ART + Pearl Lam 贝浩登画廊 里森画廊 地址:上海市黄浦区虎丘路27号3楼 地址:上海市黄浦区虎丘路27号2楼 开放时间:周二至周六
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