Environmental Monitoring Report Semiannual Report (January–June 2018) November 2018 PHI: Road Improvement and Institutional Development Project Appendixes A-B Prepared by Renardet S.A. Consulting Engineers and Katahira & Engineers International in association with DCCD Engineering Corporation, Design Science Inc., Key Consultants Inc. and Urban Integrated Consultants Inc. for the Department of Public Works and Highways, and the Asian Development Bank. ABBREVIATIONS NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Reports of Ambient Air Quality and Noise Sampling Results (Lots 4.1, 4.2 and 5.1) Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring HUNAN BRIDGE and CORP Untitled Map PREPARED FOR: HUNAN BRIDGE AND ROAD CORP Negros Oriental PREPARED BY: 12 Pear Street, Valley View Executive Village Muntindilaw, Antipolo City 1870 April 2018 Ambient Air Quality and Noise l ev el Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. 1.0 Introduction The RIIDP is composed of selected road sections for rehabilitation and improvement under the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). It is funded by the Asian Deve lopment Bank (ADB) through Loan 2836-PHI: Road Improvement and Institutional Development Project (RIIDP), with the supporting funding from the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). CP Lot 4.1: Dumaguete North Road Project, Manjuyod-La Libertad Road Section is one of the road packages of the RIIDP. It starts from KM. 53 + 428.81 (Boundary point with Dumaguete City along the Manjuyod-Road Section) to KM. 108 + 967.00 (Boundary point to La libertad-Vallehermoso Road Section). From the start of the project in the Municipality of Manjuyod, the project road proceeds to a northward direction over flat, gentle terrain to rolling and mountainous terrains and traverses several towns of Negros Oriental namely, Bindoy, Ayungon, Tayasan, Jimalalud and part of the Municipality of La-libertad. The entire stretch of the road is under the jurisdiction of the DPWH Negros Oriental First Engineering District with its new office site in the Municipality of Bindoy. The road section covers a gross length of 55.538 kilometers with exceptions. The exempted sections are 25 bridges (0.962 KM.) and the areas covered by the 2015 budget for DPWH Infra Project which covers a total length of 1.624 ki lometers. The road section is a combination of existing ACP that covers a length of 8.313 kilometers and existing PCCP with a length of 47.225 kilometers. The net length is 52.952 kilometers. This 24-hour air quality and noise level sampling is conducted as part of and in compliance to the requirements of the ADB approved IEE Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 2.0 Sam pli ng Me thod ol ogy 2.1 Ambient Air Sampling The DENR standard ambient sampling equipment and analytical procedures were used in the sampling activity. These equipment and procedures are specified below: Particulate Matter (PM10) Procedure: USEPA, 40 CFR 50, Appendix B Sampling Equipment: Graseby High Volume Sampler (for 24 hours sampling) Method of Analysis: Gravimetric Method Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) Procedure: USEPA, 40 CFR 50, Appendix B Sampling Equipment: Graseby High Volume Sampler (for 24 hours sampling) 1 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. Method of Analysis: Gravimetric Method Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2) Procedure: USEPA, 40 CFR 50, Appendix A Sampling Equipment: Graseby Gas Bubbler Sampler (USEPA Compliant) Method of Analysis: Pararosaniline Method Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Reference Procedure: Air Pollution Monitoring Manual, EMB-1994 Sampling Equipment: Graseby Gas Bubbler Sampler (USEPA Compliant) Method of Analysis: Colorimetric, Greiss Saltzman After each sampling activity, all sam ples were preserved in an ice box while the filters that were used to collect TSP and PM1o were placed inside a sealed plastic container. The samples were immediately transported to ELARSI, INC., a DENR-EMB accredited laboratory for testing and analyses. 2.2 Noise Measurement A precision type, digital sound level meter was used in noise measurement. The said instrument is an AM PROBE SM-10. As declared in the Certificate of Conformity, with the accuracy of 1.5d8, the sound level meter fulfills the guidelines of 89/336/ECC. The sound level meter conforms also with DIN EN 60651, (IEC651), Class 2 Standards. Th e sound level meter was ca librated by Switchtek Measurement Systems using a Lutron Sound level calibrator model SC-940. By comparative technique, Standard Sound Generator was introduced to the AMPROBE at a constant value of 94.0 dB and at a uniform frequency of 1000 Hz. Data were gathered and tabulated. The results of the ca libration found that there was a +-0.00 dB standard error between the reference reading and the test reading with a confidence level of not less than 95%. The procedure of the test is traceable to the requirement of OIML 88 guidelines, IEC 60942 Type II, a Standard of the NIST and National Physical Laboratories (NPL). Right after collecting ambient air samples, in the same t wo sampling locations, Noise measurement was conducted. Fifty (50) instantaneous readings in decibels - A weighing (dBA) were recorded for about 2 to 3 minutes. Statistical values such as minimum, maximum, mean and median were determined from the readings. 2 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. 3.0 The Sampling Location The approximate locations of the sampling stations are shown in the attached sampling map and are briefly described as follows: Figure 1: The Ambient Air Sampling Location Map Untitled Map Source: Google Earth Table 1: The Two Identified Sampling Stations Sampling Station Location Station 1 Along K. Estorco corner E. Martinez St. Holy Child Parish Church Compound, Jimalalud, Negros Oriental N= 92 58' 42.92" E= 1232 11' 59.51" Upwind/wind direction/ North-East Station 2 Tayasan oval park compound. in front of Tayasan Municipal Hall and beside Police station, Tayasan, Negros Oriental N= 92 55' 22.44" E= 1232 10' 17.42" Upwind/wind direction/ North-East 3 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. Figure 2: The First Sampling Location Photos 4 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. Figure 3: The Second Sampling location Photos 4.0 Summary of Results The ambient air sampling and noise measurement results are presented in the foll owing tables. All supporting field data, analytical reports and calibration records are provided in the attachments. 5 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. 4.1 Ambient Air Sampling Station Location PM10 TSP NO2 502 3 3 No. ug/Nm 3 ug/Nm ug/Nm ug/Nm3 Along K. Estorco corner E. Martinez St. Holy Child Parish Church compound, Jimalalud, Negros Oriental 1 3 28 <0.005 N= 9° 58' 42.92" 0.69 E= 123° 11 ' 59.51" Tayasan Oval Park compound, in front of Tayasan Municipal Hall and beside 2 Police station, Tayasan, Negros Oriental 2 22 <0.005 0.29 N= 9° 55' 22.44" E= 123° 1O' 17.42" 4.2 Noise Measurement Station Time of Sampling MIN (dBA) MAX (dBA) MEDIAN AVE./ DENR No. MEAN (dBA) (dBA) Class C (dBA) 24 Hours Averaging 1 52.25 61.65 57.12 56.18 70 time 24 Hours Averaging 2 57.05 77.28 64.4 66.10 70 time 5.0 Discussion of Results 5.1 Ambient Air Sampling The results of the aforementioned sampling activities were compared to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Source Specific Air Pollutants (NAAQSSAP) as stipulated in Table 3, Section 1, Rule XXVI, Part VI I of the Implementing Ru les and Regulations (IRR) of the Philippine Clean Air Act. The Ambient Air Sampling for all stations was conducted on a sunny weather condition with light wind direction. The results of the sampling analysis shows that the ambient concentrations were all within the DENR Standards limit in all sampling stations. 6 Ambient Air Quality and Noise Level Monitoring (April 2018) Hunan Bridge and Road Corp. 5.2 Noise Measurement The DENR Environmental Quality Standards for Noise is based on the 1978 Rules and Regulations of the National Pollution Control Commission. AS per these regulations, noise is measured in 11A" weighting network and 11slow response" with different limits for various time of the day and area category. The results of noise level measurement were compared to the standards based on the existing land use within the sampling locations. All stations are located at mountain area and residential area/site, therefore considered Class C (Commercial Area). All noise level measurement were all within the DENR limit for Class C area. The main sources of noise observed during sampling were mostly from vehicles and people passing t hru Western Nautical Highway of Jimalalud and Tayasan, Negros Oriental. 6.0 References ASTM Standard Dl607, 1991 (2011), "Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-Saltzman Reaction)," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003, DOI: 10.1520/D1607-91Rll, www.astm.org. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), 1999. Rep ublic Act No. 8749, 11An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Air Pollution Control Policy and for Other Purposes: Philippine Clean Act of 1999".
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