Lives of Quiet Desperation The Ancestry of a Louisiana Frenchman Gary M. Lavergne Privately Published by the Author Cedar Park, Texas © 2020 by Gary M. Lavergne All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Edition 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This book is privately published for the enjoyment and edification of the Lavergne and related families and is not for sale or resale. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book write to: Gary M. Lavergne P.O. Box 934 Cedar Park, Texas 78630-0934 [email protected] Index of Direct Ancestors Only (Spouses are in Parenthesis) Name Birth Death Pages Aguilar, Antoinia (Jose Quintero) 1701 - Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain 1759 - Cadiz, Andalucia, Spain 264 Alberti, Agada Pellicer (Juan Castellano) 1620 - Mahon, Baleares, Baleares, Spain 1714 - Y, Somme, Picardie, France 242 Alberti, Juana (Sarafan Pellicer) 1600 - Alayor, Minorca, Balearic Islands, Spain 1640 242 Amirault, Francois (Marie Pitre) - - 219 4 Mar 1697 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Amirault, Madeleine (Michel Comeaux) 17 Oct 1757 - Québec, , Quebec, Canada 99, 177, 181, 219 Canada 11 May 1875 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, Amy, James M. 03 Sep 1918 - Acadia, Louisiana, USA Not Displayed in this pedigree. USA Amy, Octave Jack 1848 - Calcasieu, Louisiana, USA 30 Jan 1924 - Egan, Acadia, Louisiana, USA Not Displayed in this pedigree. 10 December 1897 - Maxie, Acadia Parish, 9 December 1987 - Crowley, Acadia Parish, Amy, Tabitha Not Displayed in this pedigree. Louisiana, United States of America Louisiana, United States of America 1 Jun 1780 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, 15 Jul 1824 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, Andrus, Isabelle Tabitha Not Displayed in this pedigree. United States United States ap Comyn, Constance (Gregory Boone) - - 206, 285 ap Morgan, Comyn - - 285 Abt. 1590 - Cougnes, La Rochelle, Charente- Arnaud, Francoise (Jean Sale) - 202 Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France Aublet, Anne Geneviève 1525 - Le Lude, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, France - Not Displayed in this pedigree. 1682 - Beaubassin, Acadie, (Amherst, N.S.), 16 October 1757 - Quebec, Capitale-Nationale AUCION, Marie Anne Not Displayed in this pedigree. Canada) Region, Quebec, Canada AUCOIN, Marguerite 1707 - Grand Pre, Acadia, NS 6 Apr 1762 - Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA 184 Aucoin, Marie Anne (Pierre Thibodeaux) - - 202, 238 25 Avril, 1595 - Laleu, Charente-Maritime, Poitou- Aucoin, Martin mathurin II 1650 - Port Royal, Annapolis Acadie, T.N.F. 235, 321 Charentes, France 1639 - La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, Poitou- 14 May 1711 - Riviere-aux-Canards, (Acadia), Aucoin, Martin Not Displayed in this pedigree. Charentes, France (Now, Canning), Kings, Nova Scotia, Canada Aucoin, Martin (Marie Gaudet) Abt. 1651 10 May 1711 202, 238 Aucoin, Martin (Marie Landry Sale) abt. 1620 - La Rochelle, France - 202, 238 28 Jan 1620 - Cougnes, La Rochelle, Charente- 17 Dec 1706 - Port Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Aucoin, Michèlle-Madeleine 235, 300, 321 Maritime, Poitou-Charentes, France Scotia, Canada 19 Feb 1670 - Montréal, Montréal, Québec, 31 Oct 1726 - Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Auger, Jean Baptiste (Marie Francoise Bon) 252 Canada Canada 1623 - Chemire-en-Charnie, Le Mans, Maine 17 Nov 1697 - Montreal, I'lle Montreal, Quebec, Auger (dit Le Baron), Jean Baptiste (Louise Grisard) 252 (Sarthe), FRA Canada AUGER BARON, Marie Marguerite (Pierre Montau 11 DEC 1738 - Sault-au-Récollet (Montréal), , , Qc, 24 JUL 1698 - Montréal, , , Qc, Can, 252 Monciau Desormeaux) Can, 26 Mars 1604 - Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou- Auger, André 1628 - Poitiers, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France Not Displayed in this pedigree. Charentes, France Aurard, Catherine 1540 - 312 20 August 1985 - San Francisco, San Francisco, Autin, Terri K - 13 California, USA 329 Index of Direct Ancestors Only (Spouses are in Parenthesis) Name Birth Death Pages Bagnold, Humphridi 1620 - Derby, Derbyshire, England Derby, Derbyshire, England Not Displayed in this pedigree. Bagnold, John 1642 - Derby, Derbyshire, England 1 May 1698 - Westminster, London, England Not Displayed in this pedigree. Bagnold, Margaret 1679 - Westminster, London, England 23 Apr 1735 - Westminster, London, England Not Displayed in this pedigree. Bajolet "dit Bayol", Rose (Pierre Etienne Comeau) Abt. 1632 20 Aug 1707 205, 218, 234, 257 Balard "dit Latour", Louis Amable (Marguerite Brule) 1715 - Neuville, 1654533, Quebec, Canada 17 Sep 1768 - Ile-Dupas (Québec, Canada) 111, 113, 181, 182, 184, 261 30 September 1691 - Ile-Aux-Oies (Québec, Balard "dit Latour", Augustin (Marie Jeanne Sylvestre) 30 April 1724 - Cap St-Ignace (Québec, Canada) 261 Canada) 1610 - St Jacques De La Boucherie, Paris, Ile-de- Bardou, Cesar 1669 - Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France Not Displayed in this pedigree. France, France Bardou, Jean 1590 - La Mathe, Saint-Pierre-de-Trivisy France 1682 - La Mathe, Saint-Pierre-de-Trivisy France Not Displayed in this pedigree. 1645 - St Jacques de la Boucherie, Paris, Paris, Île- Bardou, Marie Louise 3 Jan 1688 - Saint-Pierre-de-Sorel, Québec Not Displayed in this pedigree. de-France, France 1697 - Grand Pré, Kings County, Nova Scotia, 22 January 1758 - Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse, Bariault, Antoine (Angelique Thibodeau) 253 Canada Chaudiere-Appalaches Region, Quebec, Canada Barillot, Jeanne (Germain Girouard)) Abt. 1685 - Pisiquit, Acadia, Canada 03 Nov 1762 - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 173 26 Sep 1753 - Les Allemandes, St Charles, Barre, Julienne Jeanne (Louis Latiolais) 8 Sep 1816 - St Martin, Louisiana, United States 74, 109, 181 Louisiana, United States Barre, Marie Elizabeth Jeanne (Francois Trepagnier) 1719 - New Orleans, Jefferson, Louisiana 19 Sep 1812 - St Charles, Louisiana 173, 200 Barriault Briot, Marguerite 1730 - Riv Aux Canards, Acadia, Ns 17 Dec 1805 - L'Acadie, St Jean, Québec, Lower 108, 253, 256 Barriault, Catherine Marie Barillot 1683 - Pisiguit, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 1718 - , , Nova Scotia, Canada Not Displayed in this pedigree. Barrillot (Barrieau), Jeanne Abt. 1685 - Pisiquit, Acadia, Canada 03 Nov 1762 - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 220 Barton, Mary Derby, Derbyshire, England Derby, Derbyshire, England Not Displayed in this pedigree. 1696 - Port Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, 22 December 1757 - Quebec, Capitale-Nationale BASTARACHE (dit Le Basque), JEAN Not Displayed in this pedigree. Canada Region, Quebec, Canada 09 Apr 1735 - Port Roya, Acadia, Canada or Port 1 Apr 1798 - St Martin Parish, Louisiana, United Bastarache, Isabelle Elizabeth Royal, Annapolis County, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Not Displayed in this pedigree. States Canada or New Brunswick, Canada 4 Jun 1740 - Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Bastinaux, Louise "dit Pelletier" Bertinaux 1668 - Vitré, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France 213, 232 Canada Baudinet, Jane Doe (Antoine Baudinet) 1537 - Kent, England 1613 - Maidstone, Kent, England 276 Baudinet, Ancetre (Jeanne Baudinet) 1554 - Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France 1624 - Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France 276, 283 Baudinet, Antoine (Jane Doe Baudinet) 1537 - Calais, Dordogne, France 1624 - Champagne, Dordogne, Aquitaine, France 276, 295 Baudinet, Baudinet [sic] 1537 - Kent, England 1613 - Maidstone, Kent, England 276, 283, 290 Baudinet, Jeanne (Ancetre Baudinet) 1557 - France 1647 - Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, 218, 276 330 Index of Direct Ancestors Only (Spouses are in Parenthesis) Name Birth Death Pages Baudinet, Jeanne (Antoine Bajolet) 1582 - Piney, Aube, Champagne-Ardenne, France 21 Jan 1647 - Somme, Picardie, France 257, 283, 290, 295 Bayol Bajolet, Antoine (Marie Medecis) & (Jeanne 16 December 1646 - Champagne, Dordogne, 191, 218, 219, 257, 276, 283, 295, 1575 - Piney, Aube, Champagne-Ardenne, France Baudinet) Aquitaine, France 325 Bayol Bajolet, Barbe (Isaac Presseley) Abt. 1608 - 191, 219, 229, 295, 325 1684 - Port Royal, Richmond, Georgia, United Bayolle, Nicolas 3 Oct 1604 - Dijon, Cote d'Or, Bourgogne, France 205, 218, 234, 257, 283 States Bazin, Marie-Françoise 12 Apr 1673 - Beauport, , Quebec, Canada 9 May 1743 - Beaumont, Bellechasse, Quebec, 188, 227 28 Dec 1646 - Lisieux, Calvados, Basse- 23 Sep 1699 - La Durantaye, Bellechasse, Quebec, Bazin, Pierre Marie 188, 227 Normandie, France Canada 1548 - Bourgueil, Indrie et Loire, Centre, Aft. 1585 - Bourgueil, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, Begin, Marie Angelique (Olivier Vigneau) 281, 307 FranceFrance France Begin/Vigneau, Pierre St Joseph Pointe De Levy,Lauzon,Quebec,Canada St-Joseph,Levis,, 307 Belicard, Benoiste 1621 1688 - 1688 city, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne, 187, 226, 259 Bellard, Antoine (Marie Trahan) & (Maria Francisca 20 Apr 1743 - Picardie, France or Lile-Dupas, 12 Feb 1805 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, 75, 78, 111, 113, 181, 182, 184 Gallarnd) Berthier, Quebec, Canada United States Bellard, Antonio (Maria Forest) 1799 - Opelousas, LA 1847 - Opelousas, LA 54, 78, 113, 184 16 Jun 1777 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, 1845 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, United Bellard, Celeste (Joseph Doucet) 52, 75, 111, 181, 182 United States States Bellard, Marie Laure (Julien LeBleu) 21 Oct 1827 - Opelousas, Louisiana, USA - 27, 39, 54, 170, 184 29 Jun 1799 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, 14 Dec 1859 - Opelousas, St Landry, Louisiana, Bellard, Pierre (Denise Boussassa) 39, 54, 78, 184 USA USA Belou, Anne 1695 - Beaubassin, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canada 3 Dec 1757 - Quebec, , Quebec, Canada Not Displayed in this pedigree. bef 24 Nov 1610 - St Peter le Poer, London, Bennett, Agnes abt 1576 - St Benet Fink, London, England Not Displayed
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