• XVI CORNISH AND DEVONSHIRE MINES. East Bolmbush Mine is in the township and parish system. and comists of 9,000 sl1ares. The prospPcts of of Stoke Climsland. union of Launceston, Jmndred of t11is mine l1ave much improved lately. Tbe secretary is East, Cornwall, and within the mining distrirt of G. Kieckhoefer, of 50 Threadneedle !>treet, London. Callington; it is situated 2~ miles from the town of East Tolgus Mine is in the parish and union of Red­ Callington. The nearest shipping place for ores and ruth, hundred of Penwith, Cornwall, within the bound!! machinery is at Calstock quay, 4 miles from the mine, of the mauor of Treleigh and mining district of Redruth. und the nearest railw»y t!tation is at Plymouth, 14 It is situated half a mile north of the town of Red­ from the mine, and 260 from London. The mine i~ ruth, which is the nearest railway station, and 26i miles held under a lease for 21 years, from 1850, at a from Lortlon. The nearest shipping place for ores and royalty of 1-15th, granted by His Royal Highnes" the machinery is at Portreat h, 3~ n.iles from the mine. The Duke of Cornwall. The country is granite and killa!:', mine is held under a Jotoase for 21 years, from 1853, at a anti the dip south and north; the cleavnge of the royalty of 1-16th, granted by R. 'I'. Garden and orhers, clay slate is north and south; the nearest granite is at ofTonbridge Welh. The country is killas or slate, elvan, Kit Hill. Tbe known lodes on the sett are four or and ironstone, and the dip of ironstone and elvun is north­ five. The north lode runs east and weqt, and dips east, and the slate about east and west; the cleavage of about 2~ feet in the fathom; it consis1s of killas, spar, the cla)slate is west and north; the nearest granite is and mundic spotted with copper ore. The north adit half a mile distant. The known lodes on the sett are seven. ]ode runs east and west. The south adit ]ode runs The Redruth Consols lode runs 7° north of east, and dips east and west, and dips 2 feet in the fathom; it con­ rJOrth 2i feet in the fathom; it consists of copper and sists of killas, caple, and some spots uf tin. The known quartz. The North Boiler lode runs 25° north of east, and crosscourses are two. There have been two shaft~ sunk. dips north I foot in the fathom; it consists of copper and The engine shaft is sunk 36 fathoms; the 3t fathom quartz. The Caunter lode mns 40° south of west, and dips levels and cro~scuts driv~n 50 fathoms. The north north 1 foot in the fathom; it consists of copper and quartz. shaft is su11k 22 fathoms; there are no levels driven in 'fhe Renfry lode runs 6° north of east; it consists of copper this shaft. The mine is worked by a 50-inch cylinder and quartz, and dips north 2~ feet in the fatuom. Tbere steam-engine, lOO b.p. The minerals found in this sett is one knowu crosscourse, wbich consists of flucan and are supposed to be tin and copper. This mine was first quartz, clayslate, elvan, and ironstone. 'fhere have been openect in 1850, and was worked by Thoma9 Bartlett five shafts sunk. 'J'he main shaft is sunk 37 fathoms. There and others, under the name of Wheal Tom; it was afler­ are the following levels in this shaft:-The 12, 22,34, 100, wards worked by the same persons, under the name of IlO, 5, 60 fathom levels. 'fhe Flute Rode ehaft is sunk East Holm bush. The mine i~ now worked for copper and 32 fathoms. The 10-fathom level is driven 48 fathoms. tin. The captain is William Rowe, Callington. The London There are,two shafts sunk 34 fathoms. 'J'he adit is driven offices are 36 Lombard street ; the secretary and purser 650 fathoms. There is one shaft sunk 27 fathoms. The is Samuel Dowling, Esq. mine is worked aud drained by a 30-inch cylinder steam­ East Leigb Mine is in the township antl parish of engine. The minerah found in this sett include copper .Mod bury, .Devon; it is situated 1 mile from the town and tin. This mine was first opened and workeJ under of Mod bury. The nearest shipping place for ores and ma­ the name of Wbeal Frances; it was afterwards worked chinery is at Plymouth, 12 miles from the mine, and the under the name of Hedruth Consols. This mine is now nearest railway station is at Wrangeton,3 from the minE>, worked for copper. The produce, in 1851, was 17! tons The mine is held und~r a lease for 21 years, from 185t, of ore; in 1852, 102~ tons of ore; 111 1853, 8l tons of ore; granted by Mr. Veal. The country is blue slato, and the in 1855, 28 tons of ore. The company is on the cost book dip south. This mine is now on trial: they have found system, and con8i8ts of 256 ~bare~, with £27 h. 3d. pa1d, nothing yet; it is expected to produce ~ilver-Jead, £100 is representing a capital of .£6,928. The amount expended the sum intended to be expended by way of speculation. to December, 1855, is £6,335 9s. 7d. The mana~~;ers and The puraer h Henry Choake, of Bodmin pursers are John Tay lor anrl Sons, of 6 Queen street place, East Pool Mine is in the parisll of Illogan, union of Upper Thame~ street; the Captain is Jogeph Jewell. Redrutb, Cornwall, within the bounds of the manor of East Wbeal Basset Mine is in the parish and union Tehidy, and duchy of Cornwall, and minim~ district of of Redruth, Cornwall, within the bounds of the mauor Redruth; it is situated I mile from the town of Redruth. of Tolgus, and mining district of Basset. It is situ­ The nearest shipping place for ores awl macl1inery is at ated l mile from the town of Redruth, which is the Portreath, 4 miles from the mine, and the nearest railway neare&t railway station, and 26:1 from London. The station is at Pool, a quarter of a mile from the mine, aud nearest shipping place for ores and machi!lery is stt Port­ about 290 from London. The mine is held under a lease reath, 4 m1les from the mine. The mine is held unrier for 21 years, from 1855, at a royalty of I-18th, granted by a lea~e for 21 ~ears, from 1846, at a royalty of I-16th, the late Lady Ba8set, of Tehidy park. The country is granted by Jas. W. Huller, E"q. The mine is worked granite and ki11as, and the dip is north; the eleavage of and drained by a steam pumpin~-engine. Tl1e minerals the cl a) slate is north ; the nearest granite is on the sett. found in this sett include copper. The mine was first The kr.own lodes on the sett are two, one north aud one opened in 1851, and is worked for copper. The company south. The north lode runs 6° north of east, and dips 1 is on the costbook system, and consists of 256 share~, foot south in the fathom ; it comists of tin and yellow with £39 paid. repre~enting a capital of £9,984, which copper ore, mundic, spar, and peach or chlorite. The has been expended. 'fhe purser is William Richards, south lode runs 6° north of east, and dips 3~ feet in the Esq., of Bank-hou~e, Redruth. fathom ; it consists of tin and copper ore, muodic and East Wbeal George Copper Mine is in the parish spar. There is one kuown cro~scourse in tl1e middle of of Walkbampton, Dt:von. lt i~ situated in the neighbour­ the sett. There have been two shaits sunk. The north shaft ltood of North W heal Robert allll Sortridge Consols mines. h sunk 120 fathoms; there are the following levels in this 'fhe company i~ on the co~tbook system, and consists of shaft-the 120-fathom level is driven east 4 fathoms, and 2,048 shares. The mine is worked by water-power. The west to the boundary of the sett. The south shaft is sunk purser and secretary is E. J. Cole, of 2 New .Broad ~treet, 90 fathoms; there are the following levels in this shaft­ London. the 90-fathom level is driven east 10 fathoms, and west East Wbeal :Lovell Mine is in the township and lOO fatlJOms. The mine is worked by a steam-engine of union ot Helston, parish of Wendron, and hundred of 41 h.p. There is a 60-inch cylinder pumping-enl!ine and Kerrier, Cornwall, within the bounds of the manor of two IS-inch cy liroder winding or drawing engin.,s. The mine Kerrier, duchy of Cornwall, and mining district of Hel­ is drained by an adit level, 16 fathoms deep. Tl1e minerals stou. It is situated 3 miles from tile town of Helston. found in this sett include tin ore, copper ore, arsenic, &c. The nearest shipping place for ores and machinery hat This mine was first opened in 1~30, aud was worked by Gweek, 2 miles from the mine, and the nearest railway :Mr. William Reynolds under the name of East Pool. station is at Redrur h, 8 miles from the mine, and about 170 This mine is now worked for copper and tin; the pro­ from London.
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