1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3963 IN THE NAVY . ENSIGNS that Thou wilt sustain us, for Thou wilt The following-named officers for appoint­ Elizabeth E. Clark Elizabeth G. Gaffney not cause the righteous to be moved. We ment in the Supply Corps of the Navy in the Ethelyn E. England Anna M. Steinmetz , thank Th,ee that ~n the midst· of uncer­ grades hereinafter stated: .· The· following-named (Naval Reserve Offi- . tainty we can cling to the religious cer­ LIEUTENANTS cers' ·Training Corps) to be ensigns in the tainties of life. Help us to listen to the Thomas G. Lewis Navy from the 4th day of June 1948: message Thou hast for us. - · Jack W. Welty Charles DeArmond We pray tqat Thou wilt bless our Presi­ Robert P. Hilton LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) dent, our Speaker, and all · others who Wayne G. Shear James W. Herb have the privilege of guiding and direct­ Herbert P. Mills, Jr. Richard E. Fahrenwald (Naval Reservo. Of­ ing the affairs-of this great country of ficers' Training Corps) to be an ensign in the ours. Thou hast been our help in ages ENSIGNS Supply Corp~ of the Navy from the 4th day of James H. Forbes, Jr. June 1948. past, and · we look to Thee for present Albert F. MacDonald, Jr. Philip J. McEleney (Naval Reserve Officers' guidance. Robert A. Weir Training Corps) to be an ensign in the Civil We thank Thee for-hands to help bear The following-named midshipmen (avia­ Engineer Corps of the Navy from the 4th day the burdens of mankind, for eyes to see tion) to be ensigns in the Navy from June 4, of June 1948. ~ things as they are, for ears to hear the 1948: _ George P. Edgerton (civilian-college gradu­ truth, and. for minds to think through ate) to, be an ensign in the Supply Corps of Jack P. Andrus Harold F. Knudsen the Navy. · the faets that are presented to us. Help Wallace D. Baldwin Francis P. Koval · us ~ to be open-minded. May we not be Ernest M. Brides Louis Kriser The following-named officers to the grades conditioned by our own selfish desires Stanley H. Bueg Louis F. Memoli indicated in the Medical Corps of the Navy. but motivat.ed by high ideals. Samuel F. Catterlin · Thomas E. Reilly, Jr. LIEUTENANT COMMANDERS We pi·ay that. we may continue to prac­ John A. Chalbeck Ernest E. Rivers Edward J. Cronin . Charles W .. Safanda Glenn E. Drewyer tice the Golden Rule of doing unto others Vernon L. Crow Thomas W. Schaaf James P. Moran as we· w~mld have theni do unto us. Help William H. Elliott William C. Sharp LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) us, Father, to be examples to those with Gl.enn E. Faucett Donald K. Stitt Jonathan M. Allen Robert E. Rowand • whom we associate. We . pray that we Willlam M. Flyrin William R. Tappe Willlam L. Chapman Robert W. Sharp, Jr. may · b~ steadfast, always abounding in John C. Hiufimel, Jr. Robert E. Tigner Holt B. Maddux Charles R. Sullivan the love of God. Arthur W. Han ton Craig McD. White Grant us wisdom; grant us courage for Haroid R. Herndon Eugene H. Whittlessey The following-named officers to the grades Francis J. Hohl George M. ·A. Willows 'indicated in the Dental Corps of the Navy. the solving of the problems which con­ front -us today. In Christ's name we Lee s. Houchins Arthur 0. Wolf LIEUTENANT COMMANDERS Donald Hubbard pray. Amen. George S ..deShazo The following-named (Naval Reserve Of­ William I. Gullett The Journal of · the proceedings of ficers' Training Corps) to-be ensigns in the yesterday was read and approved. Civil Engineer Corps of the· Navy from June .LIEUTENANTS 4, 1948: Leonard M. Kraske - MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE • William Kleck, Jr: Jeremiah T. Sunde A message from _the Senate, by Mr. Raymond· D. Phillips Allan L. Wallace Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Harry L. Rimmer, Jr. LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR · GRADE) that the President pro tempore _had The following-named · (civilian-college Luke J. Braxmeier appointed Mr. LANGER and Mr. CHAVEZ graduates) to be ensigns in the Supply Corps Gage Colby members · of the· joint ~elect committee of the Navy: · · · Robert G. Martin on the part of the Senate, as provided John W. Randall The following-named officers to the grades for in the act of August 5, 1939~ entitled "J" F. Stuart indicated in ,the Nurse Corps of the Navy. "An act to proVide for the disposition of The following-named to be ensigns in the LIEUTENANTS certain records of the United States Nurse Corps of the Navy: ·Eddy L. -Harris Government," for the disposition of Billie J. Cole - Margaret E. Park Ingrid C. Suess executi e papers in the following depart- Joan T. Ernst Elizabeth C. Riggs LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) ments and _agencies: · Ferrell L. Greer Agnes M. Roberts 1. Department of Agriculture. Sarah C. Hargrove . Doris F. Travis Louise J. Bartlett Lillie M. Harwood Betty J. Jones Frances E. Weslowski Jane H. Farr Gayle M. Lang · 2. Department 'of the Army and the Elizabeth R. Meldahl · " Air Force. --:- ENSIGNS 3. Department of Commerce. The following-named officers to the grades Ann Belaeff · Marita D. Petit indicated in the line of the Navy: 4. Department of Justice. Isabel V. Hunsecker Charlotte S. Rasmus- 5. Post Office Department. LIEUTENANT COMMANDER Hedwig L. Kratz sen Louise W. Sharp 6. Department of the Treasury. Erik A. Johnson IN THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 7. Housing and Home Finance Agency. LIEUTENANTS 8. National Archives. APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY GRADE Mitchell K. Disney Carl E. Lundin, Jr. 9. Veterans' Administration. To the temporary grade of major general Edward G. Grant · James H. Roberton THE BRITISH . SOCIALISTS SAY "APRIL Frederic M. Lloyd 3d· Oliver P. Smith FOOL" TO UNCLE SAM The following-named officers to the grades To the temporary grade of brigadier general Indicated in the Medical Corps of the Navy: .Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, John T. Selden I ask unanimous consent to address the LIEUTENANT COMMANDER House for 1 minute and to revise and Kenneth S. Scott extend my remarks. LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR . GRADE) The SPEAKER. Is there objection Garner L. Lewis Robert E. Walsh HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the request of the gentleman from John B. Miller Gilbert A. Webb New York? James T. Proctor Arthur J. Wilets THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1948 There was no objection. The following-named officer to the grade The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. R:mED of New York. Mr. Speaker, indicated in the Medical Service Corps of prior to the passing of ERP-Marshall the Navy: Rev. Thomas G. Swales,_ pastor, Broad ENSIGN Street Methodist Church, Norwich, N. Y., plan-by the House of Representatives, offered the following prayer: the socialistic Government of Britain David. R. Stutler was just. spending: so it was said, the The following-named officers to the grades Our Heavenly Father, we are conscious last pound in the Exchequer. Now that indicated in the Nurse Corps of the Navy: of the presence of Thy reality. We know ERP has been catapulted through the LIEUTENANT that Thou art God, and from Thee we House! on ~wave of hysteria, the Social­ Emma L. Gamble receive . strength that will enable us to ist Government of Britain announces LIEUTENANTS . (JUNIOR GRADE) face life with all of its situations. Truly _ with gusto that the Government had a Jean B. Knecht Thou art our refuge and strength and a surplus of $2,544,000,000 for the fiscal Mary E. Orlando very present help at all times. Help us year which endec:l March 31, the very· day Mary A. E. Toepfer to cast our ·burdens upon 'l'bee, knowing ERP passed the House. -This explains 3964 CONGRESSIO-NAL RECORD-HOUSE . APRIJJ .1 why th~ propopents .iq.sisted tllat . ERP of the Home Loan Bank :Board. The dustries. Mr. Dyke . heads · up some - pass before this British announcement B_oardisin_great need of- drastic-changes, . ·20 .different corporations . from coast.­ came through. The British Socialists and only the Congress-can do that. - to-coast -dealing in . these various types have pulled a fast April Fooi's Day on the Until -r-eeehtly -John H; ·Fahey was of businesses; which are really· integrated taxpayers of this .country. Gh_ajrroan of the Board; wb,ich. he. ran under the heading · of homes and the Under leave· to extend; I am inserting with an iron fist. J. Alston Adams and things . that go into. their -construction in the REcoRD the following artic-le which Mr. Dyke were the --other two _members. and financing. · · . appeared in the Washingtpn ~ Post of The two Board members were,.in.effect, After he· had completed his assign­ Thursday, April 1, 1948: ' forbidden to participate in the Board's ment .: with the War Production Board, BRITAIN TAKE3 ovER _ELECTR;rc uTILITIEs dec-isions. In fact, it was because Mr. Mt~ . Dyke was asked to 'serve as· consult­ LoNDoN, Thursday, April 1.-Britain tqok Dyke, in at least one case, refused to go ant· to· the· ;War ·Mobilization Board. ownership last_midn ight of all the Nation's along with Mr. Fab,ey that he was Later, he went over ~s consultant to the electric utilities, sixth major enterprise to dismissed. Smaller War Plants· Corporation, .and be nationalized under the Labor govern- This was the now-famous c·ase involv- ment's Socialist program. · · ' from there he: went· to the Federal De- One of the first developments under state ing the Long Beach Federal Savings and posit Insurance Corporation. control will be higher rates for a large pro- Loan Association which was taken away in 'an of this period·, from 1942 until­ portion of domestic consumers in urban · from its shareholders and placed in the the summer of '1947, Mr.
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