AR TICLE Phialosimplex Salinarum, a New Species of Eurotiomycetes From

AR TICLE Phialosimplex Salinarum, a New Species of Eurotiomycetes From

IMA FUNGUS · VOLUME 5 · NO 2: 161–172 doi:10.5598/imafungus.2014.05.02.01 Phialosimplex salinarum Eurotiomycetes , a new species of from a ARTICLE hypersaline habitat 5)1jO61$G2)3!1 14I/&"{772&) 2OJ$$WI/&"{772&)|}~ Abstract: K/ Key words: /0/[W Basipetospora & extremophile fungi &/ )0 Phialosimplex halophily common characteristics of producing conidia in chains or in heads on single phialides. Species of this U0K /I osmophily Phialosimplex salinarum sp. salt tolerance nov. Basipetospora halophila is also transferred to Phialosimplex as P. halophila comb. nov. 0K3! Article info:K}!"12!8|$}11K12!7|6}"12!7 INTRODUCTION O !"L8 0 !"L8 \3%0!"L20 Certain fungi tolerate highly unfavourable environmental Q 6 conditions such as extreme temperatures or osmotic K!"''&U pressures. The corresponding extreme habitats are $// scattered all over the world and represent attractive sites &et al.!"'8KVet al. !"""$ [ W$&U called “extremophiles” (Madigan et al. !""#$%& Halobacteriales (Archaea) !""' ) !""' * % ) !""' +/ % KV122# 012223%4122!56et al. 5 / 12!7* & et al. 1998) or salt / $ O K 56 et al 122! ) / Cimerman et al1222 56 et al 12!7 56et al.122!1228)et al.1228 1227/ &%$!""1*!""89/ U [ & $ / / )U * ; and that is formally described here. of salts in the substrate or water for growth. Strains which do !2 [ O/P )+ et al. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2006). * Sampling sites and sample collection predominantly colonized by Archaea (Norton et al. !""8 Sediment and water were sampled at three sites (numbered Denner et al. !""7 B et al. 1991). Haloarchaea O!P O1P O8P & with a broad range of salt tolerance were found in the salt OKH&P* GH 6 G I5 O*H4PI&/)7#8'a!#""bJ &)J!"!8Jet al. !8!a81!bW 0 !""8J%KH!"L!B%*/!""! / 5 !""L 0 Microorganisms can even be directly isolated from crystalline 'M!2 + © 2014 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: [ Non-commercial: No derivative works: For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 5 · NO. 2 161 Greiner et al. !2M12 K ! [ Experimental assays /12 Halotolerance and growth rates yr. Site 2 was a smaller pond of ca !{ 9 4$ K8[ 6O$|1!{ ARTICLE [; [8! coloured water. /!{+12U $} !22W\ OP# 4$O a boring rod 22 mm diam wrapped in aluminium foil; (b) !2 the brine free water body (“wb”) at ca. 10 cm depth using 120OK41#{82 !{3&W 4$ 3)|OP 6O$27 [ !{121{828{+27!{ 0'+ and 25 %). {87+ until fungal isolation. Substrate degradation UH Cultivation and morphological analyses OK41#{1LM1#{88 Microorganisms were isolated from two replicates per site !M8 9 [ amounts of sediment (ca. 0.1 cm8 '22 3V &et al.!"""6et al. (2009) /4$| 0!W7!{1{+ !2727!1 ' + H 0&34HSH enriched media around fungal colonies were indicative ) * 7!{1{/ V Media without salt addition (“0 % salt”) only contained trace /H0! 0 induced a change in colour to greenish blue around the !{+! colonies if positive. Crystalline coagulations indicated lipid W degradation. Diameters of the clearing zones and hyaline immediately transferred to fresh correspondingly composed areas were measured as a proxy for intensity of degradation 67+ activity. and at salt concentrations where colonies exhibited maximal growth. Molecular analyses Cultures of P. salinarum were examined morphologically [ Q$ 4 0 OJ$ 8' 15 % or 25 % salinity were examined in saline water. Strains Phialosimplex sclerotialis +&K 8LL## VHU OK4Q) +K&OJ$65U/IK$ +4++OK41#{82 21 V M|OK41#{1LOK41#{1#OK41#{1' /!20U0K3J$ OK4 1#{1" OK4 1#{8! OK4 1#{81 OK4 1#{88 U0K!{'KU0K1[ +&K5J$G9&/ KKI7"9 VKI!!9 6 et +I+&K!8'{'8M al 12!8 U0K!9 ) % & !""8 U0K7 G Table 1.) Test substrate Growth medium Detection reagent Starch 2'|2{J+|2L|!1|*2 VR Chitin 2'|2{J+|2L|!1|*2 none Cellulose 0.8 % peptone; 0.5 % NaCl; 0.6 % carboxymethyl cellulose; 1.2 % +|2{4*+ |*2 6 2'|!8|!1|*2|* none 7.2 V 2'|2{J+|!0'2|!1|*2 none V 1 % malt extract; 0.4 % yeast extract; 0.4 % glucose ; 1.2 % agar; 21 52*64| 21 5+| 21 4K4·7 *2 *2|1|$&0K!4|*2|*{ 162 IMA FUNGUS Phialosimplex salinarum sp.nov. from a hypersaline habitat Table 2.$Phialosimplex salinarum. ARTICLE ITS GenBank Acc. No. TSR1 GenBank Acc. No. DSM No. 591#7L'{ 5'{{{11 DSM 27526 591#7L'L 5'{{{18 DSM 27527 591#7L'# 5'{{{17 DSM 27528 591#7L'' 5'{{{1{ DSM 27529 591#7L'" 5'{{{1L OK41#{82 591#7L"2 5'{{{1# OK41#{8! 591#7L"! 5'{{{1' OK41#{81 591#7L"1 5'{{{1" OK41#{88 et al !""2 !1289 )$+0+$$+$+))))$$$+0+ RESULTS U0K7/00K3![ 9!{1L631787*% 9 [ 1{ K12!!6+35$6$8) few colonies of Archaea 6+3 5 & & IK$ 0 [ Trichocomaceae R Penicillium ; W /1{3V 06+3[+K& OP / OP 6+3 +I 5 U/ IK$ 18UPhialosimplex K;)$0+ salinarumOK41#{82 & V3 ; / 5H OK41#{1LM1#{1"OK41#{8!M1#{88 U0K!9 U0K7 U0K ; 31787 additional strains. 0K3! ; U0K ; )&/ Morphology 591#7L'{M591#7L"1| ; 4 Phialosimplex salinarum Phialosimplex sclerotialis+&K8LL## conformed with the traits considered to be diagnostic for the 591L#'L"0K3!; genus Phialosimplex (Sigler et al. 2010). )& 5'{{{115'{{{1" 0 +4$!{// 2). 27 Phylogenetic analysis 0 0K3! U0K ; structure. Some strains formed granular conglomerates of )& &V$K0 J+&U Q et )4$ al 1222 0 0K3! ; 12M1'!{4$!{M18 Phialosimplex salinarum / 1{4$#2!{+4$ representative species of Sagenomella Aspergillus 1!{/1' Penicillium were aligned using Muscle implemented in $ )/L&$JQ 07$ 0K3! ; cell walls. Conidiogenous cells were phialides laterally borne !M{!L{{7ML!2; + J!1!#81 Phialosimplex chlamydosporus $ ; U0K ; ; 9808 taxa with closer relationship to Phialosimplex as revealed U Experimental assays !#L!M!#L# !##1M!'28 !'2LM!'1L Salt and temperature preferences !'7'M!'{" !'L{M!'"{ !"22M!"!7 !"!LM!"8{ !"72M $ Phialosimplex salinarum exhibited 1!7" 1!{"M1182 1181M11{1 ; )!L"81L P. optimal growth on agar amended with salt concentrations of chlamydosporus$ !{1{KOK41#{1'M1#{88 64V / 112 ) % ) 1228 J 4$ support was evaluated based on 500 bootstrap replicates halophilic sensu)+et al. (2006). Strains DSM )03/ 1#{1LOK41#{1# /8#UKet [$ al. 12!2 poorly at 4 % salinity. The best growth rates among the tested Phialosimplex and Sagenomella was rooted with Eremascus conditions were in yeast malt submerged cultures with 15 % albus I!'8{"!Penicillium olsonii (JN121771) was used 1{0OK41#{82 as the outgroup in the initial Trichocomaceae tree. 2+9!!{M1{ VOLUME 5 · NO. 2 163 164 ARTICLE Table 3.6Phialosimplex spp. [data for P. caninusP. chlamydosporus, and P. sclerotialis from Sigler et al12!2Phialosimplex3/et al. (2012).] *Description of the synonymous taxa Scopulariopsis halophilica and Oospora halophila|OP Taxon Phialides Conidia Chlamydospores Sclerotia Growth Conidial Conidial width Conidial Soluble Habitat and Halotolerance lenght in heads presence presence at 35°C length [μm] [μm] shape pigment associations [μm] presence presence P. caninus 4.5–16 + + 2.2–4.0 !'M8# subglobose + & n/a Canidae (Canis lupus familiaris – zoopathogenous) P. chlamydosporus 8M!7 + + + 18M{' !#M82 / + Canidae n/a (Canis lupus familiaris – zoopathogenous) B. halophila* 8M12 n/a n/a 8{M"2 8{M'2 6 halophilic associated (Undaria [ ovoid P. salinarum 1.5–8.7 + + 2.8–4.0 2.8–4.0 Water in salt mine halophilic subglobose P. sclerotialis 5–15 + + 82M7{ 1.5–2.0 / Poaceae n/a truncate base (Lolium perenne – as Greiner fodder) P. sp. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Deep sea water halophilic et al . OK41#{81U0K1 U0K! 1#{8!OK41#{88KOK41#{82 0 U0K OK4 1#{1LM1#{1"Molecular analysis OK4 of V 1#{82 OK41#{8!7+OK41#{1"OK4 OK4 1#{1# OK4OK41#{1LOK41#{81OK41#{88 1#{1' Decomposition ofstarchwasmoreheterogeneous.While $ 9 1 Substrate degradation temperature preferencesweresimilar. OK41#{826O$ 8{+"!{!11{ !{!#1{$1! 82+1!1! increasing growthratewithtemperaturesupto 4$!{1{+4$771! #2&K of / ; / U 0 7!22'7 7!22## obtained fromanarchaeologicalexcavationinChina salinarum P. U0K ; Samson (2011). Aspergillus ; Basipetospora halophila Phialosimplex 0 10 0K3! ; Phylogeny ; similarity 94%). halophila 0K3! ; "#" / !22 "{# 0 chlamydosporus P. ; /UJKO+| ; 0 ( ; U0K U0K ;BLAST search OK4 1#{1LM1#{88 to thegenus sclerotialis [ [ Phialosimplex salinarum Phialosimplex salinarum Phialosimplex Three species( 0 J!1!'!{'''/'8L *% ; Phialosimplex, Eurotiales P. caninus P. 9JLL#"78 / )&$)!L"81L Polypaecilum insolitum Phialosimplex chlamydosporus inaphylogenywithselected ) didnotexactlymatchany 9 7 0 . ) werepreviouslyassigned establishedby Sigler Phialosimplex Basipetospora IMA FUNGUS P. pisci P. et al. to P. Phialosimplex salinarum sp.nov. from a hypersaline habitat ARTICLE $`Q1 .^HI_ 1IV^R_ Fig. 1.)Phialosimplex salinarumOK41#{824$!{ 25 20 15 starch protein 10 cellulose Substrate depletion zone (mm) 5 0 4 C 15 C 25 C Fig. 2. 0Phialosimplex salinarum$/ H/OK41#{1LM1#{88 (2010). The eight strains of P. salinarum cluster together with The phylogenetically closest relatives to P. salinarum are four Trichocomaceae9{ Phialosimplex VOLUME 5 · NO. 2 165 Greiner et al. followed by P. chlamydosporus */ on vegetative hyphae. Phialides (monophialidic) discrete and isolated strains are separated from their closest relatives. mostly cylindrical to occasionally slightly broadened at the 9U0K;P. caninus cluster in a |!{M K;Sagenomella are distinguishable '{3!2M!{3 from Phialosimplex[ base to the tip. Conidia formed in long chains or occasionally ARTICLE described by Sigler et al.

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