OrchideenJournal Publisher: V.D.O.F. Vol. 7 · 2 Vereinigung Deutscher Orchideenfreunde e.V. 2019 Benk Foto: © G. Dendrobium nafi sae Contents: ● Dendrobium nafi sae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Dendrobieae), a new species from southwest Page 1 – 12 Sumatra in Indonesia ISSN-Internet 2195-772X ● Three new species of Orchidacea from the Philippines September 18th 2019 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 7 · 2 Dendrobium nafi sae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Dendrobieae), a new species from southwest Sumatra in Indonesia William Cavestro Summary: A new Dendrobium from Sumatra is here described as Dendrobium nafi sae 3 Keywords: Orchidaceae, Dendrobium nafi sae, new species Sumatra Three new species of Orchidacea from Philippines 7 Derek Cabactulan, Jim Cootes, Miguel David De Leon and Reynold Pimentel Summary: Three new orchid species are here described, namely: Aerides cootesii, Aerides turma, and Aerides turma fma. anniversarius, as new to science. Keywords: Orchidaceae, Aerides cootesii, Aerides turma, Aerides turma fma. anniversarius, new species, philippines Published by: VDOF e.V. Mittelcarthausen 2 58553 Halver Germany email: [email protected] Editor in chief: Roland Schettler Date of Publication: September 18th , 2019, 10 p.m. CEST 2 Internet | Vol. 7 · 2 OrchideenJournal Dendrobium nafi sae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Dendrobieae), a new species from southwest Sumatra in Indonesia William Cavestro Dendrobium nafi sae Benk Foto: © G. Dendrobium nafi sae Cavestro Dendrobium nafi sae Cavestro sp.nov. INTRODUCTION AND DISCUSSION sp.nov. (Orchidaceae, Epidendroide- is similar to Dendrobium grastidi- After the publication of Dendrobi- ae, Dendrobieae, Dendrobium sec- oides J.J. Sm. but differs in obscure- um brillianum (Cavestro & Ormer- tion Pedilonum Blume ly trilobed, oblong (neither entire, nor od 2005), D. parnatanum and D. Type: Southwest Sumatra, Indone- spathulate) and wider labellum with- racieanum (Cavestro 2002, 2003), sia, Bukit Barisan, Mount Dempo; out lateral lamellae. three species of Irian Jaya, Dendrobi- fl owering in culture 10th December Type: Southwest Sumatra, Indonesia, um candidissimum from West Sulawe- 2018 at Agus Marup. W. Cavestro Bukit Barisan, Mount Dempo, c. 1200 si (Cavestro & Champion 2018), we & Agus Marup , s.n. (Holotype An- m, June 2016; fl owering in culture 10 th present a new species named Dend- da). December 2018 at Agus Marup, Jungle robium nafi sae from Southwest Suma- Orchid, Bandung, Java, Indonesia. W. tra. DIAGNOSE: Dendrobium nafi sae Caves- Cavestro and Agus Marup, s.n. (Hol- My friend Agus Marup (named Gus tro nov. sp. Dendrobio grastidioidi J.J. otype Anda ). Benk) living in Bandung (Java) drew my Sm. simile sed obscure labello trilobo, Etymology: named in reference to attention to this Dendrobium which oblongo (nec integro nec spathulato) et Nafi sa, Agus Marup’s daughter. fi rst fl owered in cultivation in Decem- latiore, nullis lateralibus lamellis differt. ber 2018. The remarkable fl owers of 3 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 7 · 2 Dendrobium nafi sae Cavestro plant and infl orescence sae are D. mutabile (Blume) Lindl. and petal fl ower D. grastidioides J.J. Sm. D. mutabile was described in 1825 by Blume as Onychium mutabile. In 1830, Lindley transferred this species to the genus dorsal sepal Dendrobium. This species is found in western and central Java and in Suma- lateral sepal tra (Sebesi and Krakatau). According to Comber (2001), D. mutabile grows up to 700 m. This species has one me- ter long pseudobulbs, much longer than those of D. nafi sae. The leaves of D. mutabile are twice as large. The la- bellum is spathulate and bilobed at the apex with a yellow blotch in the centre (Smith, Die Orchideen von Ja- petal va, Figurenatlas; Comber 2001). In contrast, the labellum of D. nafi sae is obscurely trilobed and oblong, not bilobed at apex with three longitudi- nal obvious keels attenuate at apex. D. mutabile and D. nafi sae are two differ- ent species although they have some similarities. D. grastidioides is a close species of D. nafi sae described in 1920 by Smith. These two species grow in the same region in southwest of Sumatra, South Province of Sumatra (Bukit Ba- risan, Kabupaten Lahat). According to column Smith (1920), D. grastidioides is found in Palembang region at an altitude of Drawing: © Claudine Gilquin about 1,700 m. The fl owers of D. grastidioides, grouped 3 – 4 on a short peduncle, 3 – 4 mm long, are white with a yel- low blotch in the center of the label- this Dendrobium grouped in racemes lum is attached to the apex of the col- lum. The fl owers of D. nafi sae are al- are white tinged with light purple. umn foot, the basal part linear and an so grouped on a short peduncle. How- This Dendrobium named D. nafi sae is V-shaped callus. These characters cor- ever, sepals and petals of D. nafi sae part of the section Calcarifera J.J. Sm. respond to the description of the sec- are white tinged pale purple. The la- whose type species is D. pedicellatum. tion Pedilonum Blume and section bellum is pale purple and bright yel- This section has been transferred to Calcarifera J.J. Sm. According to Schu- low to light brown in the middle. The Pedilonum Blume section by A. Schu- iteman (2014), the Pedilonum section color of the fl owers of D. nafi sae and iteman (Genera Orchidacearum, Vol 6, comprises about 125 species, the ma- D. grastidioides is therefore different. Epidendroideae, 2014). The Pedilonum jority are in Sumatra, Java, The Philip- The labellum of D. grastidioides is en- section is characterized by glabrous pines and Borneo. Comber (2001) in- tire, spathulate and shallowly bilobed roots or verrucose, cane-like stems, dicated that the section Calcarifera J.J. at apex with a small tooth between fl eshy, laterally fl attened, usually Sm. includes 17 species in Peninsular the lobes, the margins are round- many-leaved, short-lived leaves with Malaysia, 10 species in Java, 29 in Su- ed and slightly erose (Smith , 1920; tubular sheath at base. Infl orescences matra and 22 in Borneo. Comber 2001). The labellum is 3.7 cm one-to-many fl owered, appear lateral- This species has affi nities with sever- long and 1.7 cm wide. The labellum of ly or apically from the leafy or leafl ess al Sumatran Dendrobium belonging D. nafi sae is obscurely trilobed and ob- stems. Flowers have a mentum elon- to the Calcarifera section: D. acutifoli- long. It is as long as that of D. gras- gate and spur-like. The fl ower of Dend- um Ridl., D. annae J.J. Smith, D. derryi tidioides but much wider (3.5 – 3.8 x robium nafi sae has the characteristics Ridl. and D. hymenopterum Hook.f. 2.1 – 2.5 cm). The labellum of D. nafi - of the section Pedilonum whose label- However the closest species to D. nafi - sae is not bilobed at the apex but en- 4 Internet | Vol. 7 · 2 OrchideenJournal Dendrobium nafi sae Dendrobium nafi sae Dendrobium grastidioides J.J. Smith, Dendrobium grastidioides Icones Orchidacearum Malayensium I (1 – 2). 5 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 7 · 2 Dendrobium mutabile (Blume) Lindl., in J.J. Smith, Die Orchideen von Java, Figurenatlas. Lateral sepals 2.8 – 3.2 cm long and 1.4 – 1.6 cm wide, obliquely oblong- ovate, obtuse, forming a wide mentum at base; mentum 7 mm long and 4 mm wide at apex. Petals 2.3 – 2.6 cm long and 1.5 – 1.7 cm wide, ovate, obtuse, margins undu- late, irregularly bilobed at apex. Literatur Cavestro W. & Champion J. (2018). Dendrobium candidissimum Caves- tro & J. Champion. A new species (Orchidaceae, Dendrobieae) from West Sulawesi in Indonesia. Die Or- chidee 4(16): 114 – 124. Cavestro W. & Ormerod P. (2005). Dendrobium brillianum Ormerod & Cavestro: une nouvelle espèce de la section Spatulata originaire de l’ouest de la Nouvelle-Guinée. L’Orchidophile 165: 99 – 101. Cavestro W. (2003). Dendrobi- um racieanum Cavestro: une nou- velle espèce originaire d’Irian Jaya. L’Orchidophile 159: 271 – 276. Cavestro W. (2002). Dendrobium parnatanum Cavestro. Une nou- velle espèce de l’ouest d’Irian Jaya en Indonésie. L’Orchidophile 150: 23 – 28. Comber J. (2001) Orchids of Suma- tra. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. de Vogel E. Howcroft N. Band- isch W. (2018). Orchids of New Guin- tire with erose margins. According to Leaves 8 – 15 cm long and 1.5 – 3 cm ea, website, University of Leiden, Smith‘s description, the labellum of wide, distichous, lanceolate, acute at Nationaal Herbarium Nederland. D. grastidioides has seven longitudi- apex, glabrous, glossy, green with a Lindley J. (1830). Genera and spe- nal keels and lateral laminae. D. nafi - tubular and grey leaf sheath. cies of Orchidaceous Plants. J. Ridg- sae has three prominent longitudinal Infl orescence lateral, racemose, fl ow- way & Sons, London. keels and no lateral lamellae. These ering in cluster of 3 – 8 fl owers; pedun- Schuiteman A. (2014). In Pridg- differences make possible to consider cle lilac to pale purple enveloped by eon A. et al., Genera Orchidacear- D. nafi sae and D. grastidioides as two 2 – 3 scale bracts; pedicel 5 mm long, um, Volume 6 Epidendroideae (Part distinct species. pale purple. three). Oxford University Press. Flowers resupinate, 4.8 – 5.2 cm wide; Smith J. J. (1906). Die Orchideen von DESCRIPTION sepals and petals white and tinged Java, Figurenatlas. E J Brill , Leiden. Epiphytic plant with a short rhizome. pale purple; labellum white to pale Smith J. J. (1920). Dendrobium gras- Roots smooth. purple at apex, bright yellow to light tidioides sp. nov. Icones Orchi- Pseudobulbs 12 – 25 cm long and brown in the middle; column white to dacearum Malayensium. Bulletin du 0.3 – 0.5 cm across, clustered, elongat- pale purple. Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, sé- ed, slender, cylindric, close together Dorsal sepal 2 – 2.5 cm long and 1 – 1.2 rie 3 (2): 80.
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