The Amcricorps cuts ~ last YCl.lr's riot implications and clerical union nego­ Rider News li ations. student newspaper of the Rider community since 1930 PAGES 2·4 SEPTEMBER 19, rtAm~r~ RIDER SYSTEMS INFECTED Dr. Rozanski spends a night in a residence hall. Mb'ast and So8igattack network 8yVincent CivitiUo annoyi ng :1.( first [0 have Managing Editor fO usc OIhcr (x'cples com­ PAGES The . Office of puters when I net."tIcd the Information Technologies Net, but O fT hdpt:d me (Om will be sending out and Illy complllcr is pairs of technicians into fin e now. " each of the residence: halls IU pan of Olrs effective immediately to second plan [Q elimin:uc continue its fight against the virus. Kondr.lch said a pair of viruses that have pairs of technicians will ~nl~ 10 Dashboard 1WI~IUT attacked the lnrernet be assigned rwo build­ ConFessional !l'lIIiUt· system. said Carol ings per learn from 10 and Red Hot Chili Kondrach. associate vice: a.m. to I p.m. Monday Peppers concert reviews. presidenr of Information through Friday, helping Technologies, studcrHS and narrowing PAGES 6·7 The pair of viruses, down !Ill' number of [he Mblast nerwork inleCll'd machines lim;! worm Ihat altacked the problem is )'()kl'J. Windows operaling ~So rn c ~c h ool s like systems and the SoBig Gl'orgi.1 Tech. didn't e- mail virus. infected .llIc\\, ; Ul ~ ' of " wir qU­ Rider's system late [his dl'llIS Oil lh(, s)'Ml'm tlmil Overbooking and random summer and crashed The Disinfect Before You Connect CDs produced by OIT and distributed by l.:vc ry l:bt worksl:uion act s of meanness plaguc the communications at Residdence Life during check-in to patch computers against the viruses rhoc W; l ~ di ~ inf(:c ;l'll. anJ ;ha;'s thc campus. Wcslminstcr before resi­ attacked the Rider University Internet network late this summmer. a gOtXI idc:'! ill ;hcory, hLH denlS even began moving ft·al!}'. ['m happy wi th thl' into lhe Lawrenceville the Lawrenceville cam­ papers mat ex plained the that identifies portS way we did iI ,~ she said. PAGES 8·9 campus. Kondrach said. pus, however. a different other disinfection stcps that arc trying to attack "It's more work lor us. "Because me phone plan of att:l.ck was initi­ and then had people other students," she said. blll had \w dOlle il 11m system and the Imemet ated in order to solve return the discs when "When one is dctected, way, Ihere would have are imercor.nectoo at the problem as quickly as they were done." we close down that 51ill 1x"C1I man}' peopll' Westminster, it was a possible, which according However, after student's Internet port omi ne and di ss;I(i s fic:d, ~ major crisis to take care to Poyda Hall Residence installing the patch CDs and manually disinfect In r('SponS(' to Ihis of Ihat problem right Dim:tor Jen Severs, w:l.~ many residents did nm the computer bcrort, we e\'Cllt , orr has S:J. id thai away," she said. "We shut cxecuted by the Residence rollow the fi .nher instnlc­ let Ihcm back online." thl'rl' is little they C UI do down Ihe Internet pons Life Sraff. lions and wound up ~in­ " BeCllL'iC I'm run­ 10 prep:lfe for another of each Westminster stu­ "On the check-in fecti ng other computers ning Windows 2000, vims ombreak in till" dent and d isinfected each days, we hOld ::. Slack of on the system, fo rc ing and the C Ds wen: mad(· fU IliTe. Hown'cr, copit's computer one by one C Ds. called 'Disinfect OIT to d isable many of for peoplc with XP. the of MacAK'C \' ims prOlt'(.'­ until no student was left Before You Conn('C(,' Ihat the Intcrnet porlS in stu­ C D didn't work and my lion softwan: arc :1\'a1l ­ inrl'Cred, " OIT b>;l\'e us," Severs said. delliS' rooms, according Internet was shut down able fur frt'e to stlldenb D ue to the larger "We signt:d out a C D to to Kondrach. for awhilc," said senior through Ih l·i r \WUSitl' llumlx'r of slUdellls on e;lch student along with "\Y/e hav(' sofrwarc MaiOl Lopez. "It W;IS See 'Virus' on Page 1 Americorps feels federal budget cuts The Field Hockey team By Brooke Clster grants from $240 million in MMany people arc now being School program, They ,lr~' looks 10 repeal as NEC Staff Writer 2002 to S 175 millio n Ihis year turned down and arc unable to compens:lIcd S ]800 per ye:\T champs. In August. ,he Corpor:l.Iion and set ;t C'..Ip o n the number of be a part of Ameri corps because wh!ch SCTves :IS a slipt·nd . Erin for National and CommunilY Americorps volunteers allowed there is not enough funding. MeGr.tth. service k':Jrning ..:oor­ Se rvice, which oversees to panicipatc. Thc si te I work for, Homefront. dinalor said this Yt\lr'l< slipend PAGES 12·10 Americorps, announced Ihat Man}' arc worried because and all Ihe other sites will now h:lm', bl'l'n d('tcrtn int·d ~ ' ('1. the program would be CUI they fed [hat the communitics suffer because Ihey will lose Olll Rid er C omlllunilY S chobr~ Weekend dmstic llI ), in rhe number o f ,hat rely hea\·i!y on volunu."e rs on \'aluable people." j ~ a lugl' groll p ,h,n in cl ude till' volunteers that the progmm from the Americorps program Rider Americorps lead­ Boruwr sc hobr ~ :lIld mlll'r \,(1] - Weather coulJ fi nancially suPPOrt, To wi ll nOI be able to sust:lin their ers arc eX JX'Cted to complete 1U1It'cr~. \X'llile :.Qllll· nuy n OI be exact, the program wi ll go infrastructurc wilh Ihe resourc­ 300 hours of service per year h:1W thl' luxury of bcinf: (·.llIl'll from having, about 16,000 vol­ es available to " w m. :11 :tny number o r communiry Bu nm'r ,,:htll.n , ,hi, ~ ' l',lr dill' /l nfeers to j ,aQQ, :lccoJrdi ng to :l "The CUI back th:1I groups, For ex:unpll', Rider to till' I.Kk of fllmlill~, thel n'cent New Jersey Dt'lllannll'llI Americorps i ~ t3cing ri!!.ln slUdellll< currently volUlll w r at ~t il l L.11l \OIUllttTr .[lhl h,th' ,Ill ot' Edu(:lIion IHt'SS rl,leas{', now is a 1r.lgcdy." s.lid J\ ldi ~~ .1 1-lollh:frolH , 'lft'nlOn Area Soup tlf" thl" '.llIIe n'qllir~' 1l1l' 11I' "lid ~ Co n gr(~ss elll Amcricorps' Vidarn. a Bonner ~ dlOlar, Kilch en anJ Trcillon At'l t' r See 'Americorps' on Page 4 I Hurricanel RIDER NEWS' AWARD·WINNING WEB SITE: WWW.RlDER.EDU!RlDERNEWS f?j Rider arrests draw attention ByTim Green for disciplinary action, accord_ Enterprise Reporter ing to Keith Ke mo, director of The 2003 spring semester Judicial Affairs. came to a dose with a night of "Individuals were charged multiple disturbances through. with policy violations and went Ollt the campus thai required through the judicial process," the illl Cfvcntio ll of Rider Kemo said. "The fraternity as Securit)' and local area police. a whole wasn't charged by me, On the night of T hursday. but ,he fraternity and the wres­ May 1, as a number of end of tlers did work something OUl the year celebratio ns wcn~ tak· with the dean of slUdems" ing place, isolated ahcrcuions T he University. how- broke Oll( in IIHce separ:lIc ever, did not bring any charges areas, according 10 Vickie agai nst the studems who were ''(It'aver, Director of Safety and detained at the incident involv­ Security. ing the BSU, according 10 A ve rbal confrontation Campbdl. arose among a few Sluclcnts at Clarida was pleased abom an lntcrcuhural Greek Council the decision. (ICC) and Black Student . At first, I thought there Union (BSU) spo nsored dance would be action taken against parry. bur no physical violence us by the university. but they took place. according [Q Dean The police arrived to disperse the crowds in the residence quad near the volleyball court did· not do anything to us of Student Affai rs. Anthony Thompson, Shaun L C larida, ing to C larida. not where they were supposed because they knew that we Campbell. However, at the Phi Jennifer E. Walenrukonis and "I was JUSt walking a fri end to be. according to Samantha did not do anything wrong," Kappa lau fraternity house. a graduate assistant Marie M . back to her room," said Clarida. Gordon, BSU president. She Clarida said. fight involvi ng members of the Lorjuste were all charged with "I was arrested for walking the said that if the officers had There were aJso no charges wresding team and brothers brought against IGC and BSU failure to disperse by LPD, wrong way." been there, she beliaes things of Phi Kappa Tau, occurred. for what happened at the dance according to Edgar. A fifth Lorjuste was detained for would have "ran smoothly. II There were also some distur­ person, Ikenna R. Anyanwu. a trying to explain to police "That party is what we party, according to Gordon and bances in the residence quad. IGC President Greg l..orj uste. student at The College of New that they were arresting a man called a practice pany. It Gordon Because of the amount of acriv­ Jersey was also arrested and who was attempting to resolve said.
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