Chemical Physics Letters 391 (2004) 334–337 www.elsevier.com/locate/cplett The Cl to NCl branching ratio in 248-nm photolysis of chlorine azide Alec M. Wodtke a,*, Nils Hansen a,1, Jason C. Robinson b,c,2, Niels E. Sveum b,c, Scott J. Goncher b,c, Daniel M. Neumark b,c a Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA b Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA c Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Received 2 April 2004 Available online 1 June 2004 Abstract The primary reaction products from 248-nm chlorine azide photolysis are identified in a collision-free experiment. In contrast to all previous reports, the radical channel producing Cl + N3 (95 Æ 3%) is seen to dominate the photochemistry. The molecular channel producing NCl + N2 (5 Æ 3%) was also observed. Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction tinuous radiation at 1.315 lm [6]. Such a light source has important potential applications in defense-related and This Letter reports the first direct measurement of the medical research. product branching ratio from photolysis of ClN3. The The importance of understanding the primary mo- photochemistry of this species [1] is of considerable in- lecular processes relevant to the AGIL has led to a large terest because one of its photoproducts, NCl(a~ 1D), the number of laser-based kinetics studies, which utilize 1 isovalent analog of singlet-oxygen, is an important en- ClN3 photolysis as a source of NCl(a~ D) [7–11]. Despite ergy carrier in an all gas-phase iodine laser [2,3] (AGIL). intensive effort, the fundamental photochemistry of While the molecular mechanism of the AGIL is not ClN3 is not yet understood. For example, only limited completely understood, the near-resonant energy trans- data is available concerning the relative importance and fer reaction thermochemistry of the dissociation pathways, as listed 1 2 ~ 3 2 below: NClða~ DÞþIð P3=2Þ!NClðX RÞþIð P1=2Þð1Þ 1 ~ 1 0 2 ~ 2 and slow relaxation of NCl(a~ D) are important factors ClN3ðX A Þþhm ! Clð PJÞþN3ðX P; cyclicÞð2aÞ in its performance. The first reported observation of 2 ~ 1 þ 2 4 ! Clð PJÞþN2ðX Rg ÞþNð DJ; S3=2Þð2bÞ ~1 iodine lasing induced by NCl(a D) employed 193-nm ~ 3 1 ~1 ~ 1 þ 1 ! NClðX R; a~ D; b RÞþN2ðX Rg Þð3aÞ photolytic production of NCl(a~ D) in mixtures of ClN3 and CH2I2 [4]. In 1998, gain in a dc-discharge-driven chemical laser was reported [5]. The most recent pro- The above kinetics studies and earlier photodisso- ~1 totype (AGIL-2) can produce more than 15 W of con- ciation studies [1,12] of ClN3 point to NCl(a D) (from reaction 3a) as the dominant photochemical product. However, none explicitly examine the Cl + N3 chan- nels, and all are vulnerable to problems related to the * Corresponding author. Fax: +1-805-893-4120. high reactivity of the primary products. For example, E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Wodtke). 1 Present address: Combustion Research Facility Scandia National the photochemically-driven AGIL exhibited an induc- Laboratories, Livermore, CA. tion time to reach the lasing threshold that could be 2 Present address: Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR 97124. modeled by a reaction mechanism where NCl(a~1D)is 0009-2614/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2004.04.113 A.M. Wodtke et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 391 (2004) 334–337 335 Ò produced by chain reaction decomposition of ClN3 Physik KrF laser (248 nm) operating at 100 Hz with 2 [4]. Experiments employing 248-nm photolysis of ClN3 72 mJ pulse energy and focused to a 10 mm spot at also suggested that NCl(a~1D) is produced by second- the region of intersection. Photofragments scattered in ary reactions [8]. On the other hand, a recent study the plane of the molecular and laser beams were detected presented kinetic data that appeared to reflect the as a function of laboratory scattering angle H with a prompt production of NCl(a~1D) as a primary product rotatable, triply differentially pumped mass spectrome- of ClN3 photolysis [11]. Thus, there remains signifi- ter; after passing through three collimating apertures, cant confusion regarding even the identity of the pri- the photofragments were ionized by electron impact mary reaction products resulting from UV photolysis (160 eV), mass-selected with a quadrupole mass filter, of ClN3. and detected with a Daly-style detector [22]. At various Only recently have collision-free studies of ClN3 scattering angles, photofragment time-of-flight (TOF) photochemistry been reported [13–15]. In these studies, distributions were taken for ions at selected mass- 2 ~ 1 þ both primary Cl( PJ) [13] and N2(X Rg ) [15] photo- to-charge ratios (m=e’s) using a multi-channel scaler products were detected. The NCl(a~1D)/NCl (X~ 3R) interfaced to a PC. The velocity distribution of the branching (reaction 3a) at 203-nm was also reported parent ClN3 molecular beam was characterized by TOF [15]. An unusual bimodal translational energy distribu- at H ¼ 0° using a retractable slotted chopper wheel to tion of primary Cl-atom product [13] was consistent modulate the molecular beam. with photochemical production of a cyclic form of N3 that had been predicted by theory [16]. Finally, a com- prehensive and critical re-evaluation of the thermo- 3. Results and analysis chemistry of all molecules containing a single Cl atom and three N atoms was put forth [13,14]. Fig. 1 shows TOF distributions for m=e ¼ 35 (Clþ) Here, we report results on the collision-free, 248-nm and 49 (NClþ) at several scattering angles, H. The data photolysis of ClN3 using molecular beam photofrag- are represented by open circles. The solid lines are the ment translational spectroscopy [17,18]. This experi- results of forward-convolution simulations of the ex- ment, in addition to eliminating complications from periment using optimized center-of-mass translational secondary processes, enables one to observe all channels energy (P(ET)) distributions shown in Fig. 2 for the on an approximately equal footing. In contrast to all Cl + N3 and NCl + N2 channels. Other input data re- previous reports, we find clear evidence that Cl-atom quired for analysis include the molecular beam velocity production (2a) is by far the dominant (95 Æ 3%) colli- distribution, the finite size of the intersection and ion- sion-free dissociation channel. Channel (2b) occurs only ization regions, the finite angular acceptance angle of through secondary collision-free decomposition of the detector and the laser polarization [23]. The P(ET) highly energetic N3. NCl production (3a) is an observed distributions can also be used to generate TOF distri- minor channel (5 Æ 3%). butions of the momentum-matched counter-fragments (i.e. N3 for Cl and N2 for NCl), yielding distributions (not shown) that match components of the experi- þ þ 2. Experimental mental TOF spectra at m=e ¼ 42 (N3 ) and 28 (N2 ), although the latter is complicated by secondary disso- The molecular beam photodissociation instrument on ciation of the N3 primary product. which these experiments were performed has been de- Successfully fitting the data allowed us to derive the scribed in detail previously [19,20]. ClN3 was formed by center-of-mass frame flux of Cl and NCl reaction passing a mixture of 5% Cl2 in He over the surface of products after proper correction for the ionization ef- moist sodium azide (NaN3). A standard drying agent ficiency of each species [24]. This procedure was sim- Ò (Drierite ) was used to remove water from the ClN3/ plified by the fact that electron impact induced Cl2/He mixture at the exit of the generator. Under fragmentation of NCl and Cl was insignificant. The normal operating conditions, mass spectral analysis of relative total ionization efficiency was estimated by the beam showed NClþ, an ionizer-induced fragment of using a known empirical correlation between molecular þ þ ClN3 [14], and little or no Cl2 . Under conditions where polarizability and total electron ionization cross-sec- þ Cl2 signal could be detected, the NaN3 sample was re- tion, which were calculated using the additivity rule placed. Using a backing pressure of approximately 0.5 proposed by Fitch and Sauter [25] as explained by bar, the mixture was formed into a pulsed molecular Schmoltner [26]. Briefly, the electron impact cross beam by expanding it through a piezoelectrically-actu- section (in units of 10À16 cm2) is estimated from the ated pulsed valve [21]. following additivity formula: After passing through two collimating skimmers, the X molecular beam intersected a 28-ns pulsed ultraviolet Q ¼ 0:082 þ aini: ð4Þ beam of unpolarized light produced by a Lambda- i 336 A.M. Wodtke et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 391 (2004) 334–337 60 (a) (d) m/e = 35 2.4 m/e = 49 50 Θ Θ = 10˚ 2.0 = 10˚ 40 1.6 30 1.2 Counts 20 0.8 10 0.4 0 35 (b) (e) m/e = 35 1.4 m/e = 49 30 Θ = 30˚ 1.2 Θ = 30˚ 25 1.0 20 0.8 15 0.6 Counts 10 0.4 5 0.2 0 (c) (f) 6 0.9 m/e = 35 m/e = 49 0.8 5 Θ = 50˚ Θ= 50˚ 0.7 4 0.6 0.5 3 0.4 Counts 2 0.3 0.2 1 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 Time of Flight (µs) Time of Flight (µs) Fig.
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