Governance & Regional Services Committee Amended Agenda June 3, 2021 4:15 pm Members: All Directors (Director Gay as Chair) Voting Rules: Unless otherwise indicated on this agenda, all Directors have one vote and a simple majority is required for a motion to pass. Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Addition of Late Items All Directors, 2/3 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Adoption of the Minutes 4.1. May 6, 2021 Meeting 3 5. Invited Presentations & Delegations *5.1. Angel Flight East Kootenay Brent Bidston (item 8.1) 6. Correspondence 6.1. Environmental Services Report 5 6.2. Protective Services Report 7 6.3. Columbia Valley Community Economic Development Advisory Commission 12 Minutes - April 20, 2021 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business *8.1. Angel Flight East Kootenay – Request to Accelerate Grant Payments 14 8.2. COVID-19 Board Survey Questionnaire - Discussion (Chair Gay) 16 8.3. 2021/2022 CBT Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs Funding 29 Recommendations 8.4. Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Program – Elk Valley Minor 66 Hockey Association – Jerseys 8.5. Vessel Restrictions – St. Mary River 69 *8.6. Meetings with Cabinet Ministers and Ministry Staff at UBCM Convention 72 *8.7. Cheque Register - May 2021 77 *8.8. Yaqakxaqamki (Koocanusa) Boat Launch Agreement Extension 87 All Directors, Weighted 9. Bylaws *9.1. Bylaw No. 3066 & Bylaw No. 3069 - Security Issuing Bylaws – Introduction 90 All Directors, Weighted 10. Late Agenda Items 11. Reports from Directors *12. Adjourn to Closed Page 2 of 99 MINUTES OF THE GOVERNANCE & REGIONAL SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING May 6, 2021 Regional District Office, Cranbrook, BC PRESENT: Chair R. Gay Electoral Area C Director M. Sosnowski Electoral Area A Director S. Doehle Electoral Area B (videoconference) Director J. Walter Electoral Area E Director S. Clovechok Electoral Area F (videoconference) Director G. Wilkie Electoral Area G (videoconference) Director L. Pratt City of Cranbrook Director W. Graham City of Cranbrook (videoconference) Director A. Qualizza City of Fernie (videoconference) Director D. McCormick City of Kimberley Director A. Miller District of Invermere (videoconference) Director D. Wilks District of Sparwood Director K. Sterzer Village of Canal Flats (videoconference) Director C. Reinhardt Village of Radium Hot Springs (videoconference) ABSENT: Director D. McKerracher District of Elkford STAFF: S. Tomlin Chief Administrative Officer T. Hlushak Corporate Officer C. Thom Executive Assistant (Recording Secretary) Call to Order Chair Rob Gay called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm. Adoption of the Agenda MOVED by Director McCormick SECONDED by Director Wilks THAT the agenda for the Governance & Regional Services Committee meeting be adopted. CARRIED Adoption of the Minutes April 8, 2021 Meeting MOVED by Director Sterzer SECONDED by Director Miller THAT the Minutes of the Governance & Regional Services Committee meeting held on April 8, 2021 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Invited Presentations & Delegations 2020 Financial Statements and Statement of Financial Information Report Michael Murphy, BDO Canada LLP, presented the 2020 RDEK Financial Statements and Statement of Financial Information. Page 3 of 99 Page 1 Governance & Regional Services Committee Minutes May 6, 2021 New Business 2020 Financial Statements and Statement of Financial Information Report 49779 MOVED by Director Sterzer SECONDED by Director Wilks THAT the 2020 RDEK Financial Statements and Statement of Financial Information be approved. CARRIED Quarterly Financial Statements 49780 MOVED by Director Reinhardt SECONDED by Director Sosnowski THAT the RDEK financial statements for the period of January to March 2021 be accepted. CARRIED Cheque Register - April 2021 49781 MOVED by Director Sterzer SECONDED by Director Wilks THAT the cheque register for the RDEK General Account for April 2021 in the amount of $4,234,637.04 be approved as paid. CARRIED 2021/2022 Columbia Valley & Elk Valley Annual Operating Agreement 49782 MOVED by Director Sterzer SECONDED by Director Clovechok THAT the Chair and CAO be authorized to sign the 2021/2022 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit for operation of the Columbia Valley and Elk Valley Transit services. CARRIED Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:40 pm. Chair Rob C. Gay Tina Hlushak, Corporate Officer Page 4 of 99 Page 2 Department Report File No: Ohh 605 000 Subject Environmental Services Report Month June 2021 RECREATION SERVICES Parks The new Windermere Beach playground has been installed and the beach is open for the season. Crossroads Ballpark has been open for a few weeks now with Minor Ball practicing twice a week. Adult Slo-pitch is awaiting the green light for the resumption of adult sports. Tie Lake and Elk Valley Regional parks opened on May 1st. Larry Poch and Janette Auchterlonie have returned to Elk Valley Park for another season of maintenance. A student will maintain Tie Lake Park (and all other parks in Electoral Areas B, C and E). INVASIVE PLANT PROGRAM Invasive plant management plans (as required/requested in letters sent in April) have been trickling in and follow up warning letters for non-compliant sites (sites that have not responded with management plans) have been issued. Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program applications have been received and the Weed Control Officer has started site visits/inspections. Page 5 of 99 Page 1 of 2 Department Report May 25, 2021 Environmental Services Ohh 605 000 MOSQUITO CONTROL Morrow BioScience is in the last year of their five-year contract and has started monitoring sites for active larvae. The mosquito control Pesticide Use Notice has been received from the province as renewed for another five years and will be added to the RDEK’s Pesticide Management Plan. SOLID WASTE Koocanusa seasonal bins were placed on Friday, May 21st. Page 6 of 99 Page 2 of 2 Department Report File No: Ehh 650 053 Subject Protective Services Monthly Board Report Month June 2021 Columbia Valley Fire There has been an increase in Motor Vehicle Incidents within Kootenay National Park, some very serious. The incidents are resulting in traffic being backed up through Hwy 93/95. New recruit training is nearing completion, with good results from the candidates. We have three more requests from individuals in Fairmont showing interest in joining the department. Elk Valley South Country Fire Training remains mainly face to face, with some virtual training when it is suitable. Jaffray Fire Department has responded to a number of set fires at the Tie Lake Transfer Station. These fires are concerning due to the potential for injury to the public, injury to a firefighter, or the fire progressing into uncontrolled wildfire. Generally, incident numbers for our area continue to be low due to a variety of contributing factors: COVID-19 protocols, good travel conditions, limited back country recreation, and less than ideal burning conditions. Jaffray has one new recruit firefighter to report. Staffing levels remain a concern. Page 7 of 99 Page 1 of 5 Department Report May 26, 2021 Protective Services Ehh 650 053 Fire Service Areas 2021 Responses to date Baynes Lake Baynes Edgewater Elko Fairmont Hosmer Jaffray Panorama Windermere Totals Fire 2 3 0 6 3 3 1 5 23 MVA 0 1 0 3 4 2 2 7 19 First 5 4 2 7 1 13 2 15 49 Responder Ice Rescue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Still Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rescue Swift Water 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rescue Embankment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rescue Other 1 1 3 3 2 3 10 18 42 Totals 8 9 5 19 10 21 15 45 132 Average Attendance 6 6 6 7 5 7 9 8 54 for Training Average Attendance 4 5 3 5 3 4 6 4 34 for Incidents Volunteer Roster 10 13 15 15 10 17 17 16 113 (Totals) Page 8 of 99 Page 2 of 5 Department Report May 26, 2021 Protective Services Ehh 650 053 East Kootenay Emergency Management Program (EKEMP) Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC) The REOC is activated at Level 2 in support of Fairmont Hot Springs, due to debris flooding on Coldspring and Fairmont Creeks. A major rain event on May 24 resulted in the accumulation of debris in the creek systems, prompting an Evacuation Alert for 229 addresses. The Alert remains in effect due to the reduced capacity in the debris traps. Freshet Current snowpack levels are slightly below normal, but could change depending on weather between now and early July. Sandbag supplies are staged and available across the region, with sandbag stations set up for preparedness purposes. COVID-19 Cases are declining across BC and over 65% of adults in BC have received their first dose of the vaccine. Anyone aged 12 and older may now register to receive a vaccine. BC has issued a new 4 Step Restart Plan - currently in Step 1 – and we are starting to see some of the restrictions being relaxed. Emergency Support Services (ESS) Program Delivery As we progress through the transition, existing ESS volunteers continue to sign on with the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) renewing their commitment to the ESS program. Additionally, we have a number new recruits registering to be ESS volunteers with the CRC. Recruitment drives are planned for the Fall. Emergency Management Training The EKEMP hosted an EMBC Finance and Claims Process review session on May 20, 2021 that was virtually attended by CFOs and finance staff from across the region. Evacuation Route Planning A project partners meeting was held on May 20, 2021 to discuss scope and deliverables for the Evacuation Route Planning project. The Request for Proposals will be issued at the end of May. FireSmart The RDEK Fire Smart program is led by the temporary Wildfire Resiliency Supervisor position. Staff have awarded two service contracts for Local Fire Smart Representative services and are actively re-engaging with communities.
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