Speedwell China Data Services.Pdf

Speedwell China Data Services.Pdf

China Data Services Observation Attribute Information Daily climate variables (day = d) = observed over a 24-hour period from 2000d-1 to 2000d LT Delivery Schedule Delivery options include: FTP (push / pull), Speedwell web site, and e-mail - Cleaned data (previous day) to be delivered daily by 8am Eastern Time - Official CMA climate observations are usually available 3-4 months after the observation Formatting Speedwell has the ability to provide data in a number of different formats as well as provide data per user specifications. Most reasonable requests can be accommodated without the need for additional fees. Typical format (example): WMO, SWS ID, City, Station Name, Type, QC, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Date, Daily Tmax, ... Speedwell Cleaned Data Speedwell Recalibrated Data Sets Cleaned data is data that has been processed to fill missing Speedwell Recalibrated Data Sets re-base historical data to values and correct erroneous observations. The end result is a current site location, conditions and instrumentation by adjust- dataset that is ready to be use for analysis. ing for historical temperature discontinuities. This is critical to a complete understanding of the behavior of a weather reference Speedwell’s proprietary cleaning methodologies use a mixture site. Recalibration does not involve detrending of automated processing to flag possible errors followed by manual inspection. In relation to the cleaning of daily data*, Historical Recalibration tests that are performed include: • Cleaned time series • Recalibrated time series • How does the obs. compare against climatology? • Supporting documentation • How does the obs. com- (station overview, proxy stations, pare against consecutive statistical results, metadata, dis- obs.? continuities, valuation impact) • Is the obs. meteorologi- cally possible? On-going Recalibration • How do the daily obs com- • Monthly station updates alerting to developing behavior pare with hourly data or notified (eg via NWS) changes • How does the obs. compare against the forecast? • Client access to web-based real-time monitoring tool • Comparison of the observation against observations allowing analysis of current performance or resent dis- from surrounding stations. continuities. Observations are compared against the median of a bas- ket of proxies About Speedwell Weather Derivatives, SWD Observations that are missing or de- Founded in 1999, SWD provides software, weather data, fore- clared suspect undergo further testing casts and consultancy to the energy and weather derivative mar- and manual review. In the event that kets. SWD is the provider of the Speedwell Weather System a value needs to be filled or corrected (SWS), the pre-eminent weather derivative pricing and risk man- a series of estimation techniques are employed including: agement software. Speedwell Weather Derivatives supplies historical and real-time • median and local regression using de-seasonalized weather data feeds for thousands of weather reference sites data, across the globe. SWD has direct data supply agreements with • daily estimates based upon hourly observations a wide range of national meteorological services and provides a • reconstructed data from other data types (eg Synop- single-point of contact for the provision of official weather data to tic), the energy, agriculture and weather derivative markets. • ECMWF forecasted values, • direct communication with the NWS,… Regulated by the UK Financial Services Authority, SWD helps companies looking to hedge against weather risk by quantifying • Archived local media sources such exposure, structuring an appropriate hedge and placing the risk within the weather market. * Speedwell also has proprietary cleaning methods for hourly data and real-time cleaning that are not discussed here. With offices in the United Kingdom and the USA, Speedwell Weather Derivatives have clients in insurance, banking and en- ergy sectors in Europe, North America, Africa and the Asia Pa- cific region. China Data Services Stations shaded in red have both Synoptic updates and climate updates, stations shaded in blue climate updates only China Data Services Stations shaded in red have both Synoptic updates and climate updates, stations shaded in blue climate updates only China Data Services Stations shaded in red have both Synoptic updates and climate updates, stations shaded in blue climate updates only China Data Services Note: Package of 50 Stations (user selected) Note: Stations sorted alphabetically WMO # Name Begin Date WMO # Name Begin Date WMO # Name Begin Date 53192 Abag Qi 01-Aug-52 54497 Dandong 01-Jan-51 53336 Haliut 01-Jan-54 51076 Altay 01-Jan-54 52713 Da-Qaidam 01-May-56 52203 Hami 01-Jan-51 50854 Anda 01-Jul-52 56046 Darlag 01-Jan-56 58457 Hangzhou 01-Jan-51 58424 Anqing 01-Jan-51 53487 Datong 07-Jan-55 57127 Hanzhong 01-Jan-51 53898 Anyang 01-Feb-51 56444 Deqen 01-Aug-53 50953 Harbin 01-Jan-51 50727 Arxan 01-Jun-52 58477 Dinghai 01-Jan-55 59023 Hechi 01-Jan-55 51716 Bachu 01-Mar-53 54909 Dingtao 01-Jan-95 58321 Hefei 01-Aug-52 53352 Bailing-Miao 01-Dec-53 59838 Dongfang 01-Oct-52 59293 Heyuan 01-Jul-52 59211 Baise 01-Jan-51 58251 Dongtai 01-Jan-53 56080 Hezuo 01-Jul-57 56172 Barkam 01-Apr-53 52836 Dulan 16-Jan-54 51156 Hoboksar 01-Jul-53 52495 Bayan Mod 01-Apr-57 52418 Dunhuang 01-Jan-51 53463 Hohhot 01-Feb-51 57014 Beidao 01-Jan-04 54208 Duolun 01-Jun-52 51828 Hotan 01-Feb-53 54511 Beijing 01-Jan-51 53068 Erenhot 01-Oct-55 53391 Huade 01-Dec-52 58221 Bengbu 01-Dec-51 50788 Fujin 01-Aug-52 54405 Huailai 01-Jan-54 54346 Benxi 01-May-55 51087 Fuyun 01-Jun-61 56671 Huili 01-Jun-52 57707 Bijie 01-Jan-51 58847 Fuzhou 01-Jan-53 54725 Huimin 01-Jan-51 58102 Boxian 01-Jan-53 52754 Gangca 01-Jul-57 50353 Huma 01-Jan-54 50632 Bugt 08-May-51 58040 Ganyu 01-Jan-57 58314 Huoshan 01-Jan-54 54161 Changchun 01-Jan-51 57993 Ganzhou 01-Jan-51 53502 Jartai 01-Jan-55 57662 Changde 01-Jan-51 56146 Garze 01-Jan-51 54026 Jarud Qi 01-Jul-52 57679 Changsha 01-Jan-51 52818 Golmud 11-Apr-55 57799 Ji'An 01-Aug-51 57687 Changsha 01-Jan-87 59287 Guangzhou 01-Jul-51 53863 Jiexiu 01-Jan-54 54324 Chaoyang 01-May-52 57957 Guilin 01-Jan-51 54823 Jinan 01-Jan-51 54423 Chengde 01-Jan-51 52955 Guinan 01-Jan-99 58527 Jingdezhen 01-Jul-52 56294 Chengdu 01-Jan-51 59254 Guiping 01-Jan-53 51334 Jinghe 01-Jan-53 54776 Chengshantou 01-Jan-52 57816 Guiyang 01-Jan-51 57131 Jinghe 01-Jan-06 54218 Chifeng 01-Jan-51 59758 Haikou 01-Jan-51 54337 Jinzhou 01-Jan-51 57516 Chongqing 01-Jan-51 50527 Hailar 01-Jan-51 56462 Jiulong 01-Jul-52 56768 Chuxiong 01-Mar-51 53231 Hails 01-Oct-70 52533 Jiuquan 01-Jan-51 54662 Dalian 01-Jan-51 50756 Hailun 01-Jul-52 50978 Jixi 01-Jan-51 China Data Services Note: Package of 50 Stations (user selected) Note: Stations sorted alphabetically WMO # Name Begin Date WMO # Name Begin Date WMO # Name Begin Date 53276 Jurh 10-May-52 56021 Qumarleb 01-Jul-56 52866 Xining 01-Jan-54 51243 Karamay 01-Dec-56 58752 Ruian 01-Jul-01 57297 Xinyang 01-Jan-51 51709 Kashi 01-Jan-51 51777 Ruoqiang 01-Mar-53 58027 Xuzhou 01-Jan-60 50658 Keshan 01-Jan-51 51811 Shache 01-Jul-53 53845 Yan An 01-Jan-51 56778 Kunming 01-Jan-51 58362 Shanghai 11-Dec-07 53723 Yanchi 01-Jan-54 51644 Kuqa 01-Jan-51 58367 Shanghai / Hon 01-Jan-51 59663 Yangjiang 01-Sep-52 56954 Lancang 01-Jan-54 50968 Shangzhi 01-Aug-52 54292 Yanji 01-Jan-53 52889 Lanzhou 01-Jan-51 59501 Shanwei 01-Aug-52 54916 Yanzhou 01-Jan-51 52602 Lenghu 01-Sep-56 59082 Shaoguan 01-Jan-51 56492 Yibin 01-Jan-51 54539 Leting 01-Jan-57 54342 Shenyang 01-Jan-51 53614 Yinchuan 01-Jan-51 55591 Lhasa 01-Jan-55 53698 Shijiazhuang 01-Jan-55 54471 Yingkou 01-Jan-51 56651 Lijing 01-Jan-51 56964 Simao 01-Nov-51 51431 Yining 01-Aug-51 56951 Lincang 06-Apr-53 54157 Siping 01-Jan-51 58921 Yong'An 05-Aug-52 54027 Lindong 01-Jan-53 56182 Songpan 01-Jan-51 57633 Youyang 01-Jan-51 57866 Lingling 01-Jan-51 54096 Suifenhe 01-Aug-52 53673 Yuanping 01-Jan-54 54374 Linjiang 01-Feb-53 50564 Sunwu 01-Jan-54 53646 Yulin 01-Feb-51 54115 Linxi 11-May-52 53772 Taiyuan 01-Jan-51 52436 Yumenzhen 11-Jul-52 56257 Litang 01-May-52 51747 Tazhong 01-Jan-99 53959 Yuncheng 01-Jan-56 59417 Longzhou 01-Jan-53 56739 Tengchong 01-Jan-51 56029 Yushu 01-Oct-51 57067 Lushi 01-Jul-52 54527 Tianjin 01-Jan-54 54236 Zhangwu 11-Jul-52 56033 Madoi 01-Jan-53 51765 Tikanlik 01-Jan-57 57083 Zhengzhou 01-Jan-51 56985 Mengzi 01-Jan-51 50963 Tonghe 01-Aug-52 57745 Zhijiang 01-Jan-51 52681 Minqin 01-Jan-53 54135 Tongliao 01-Jan-51 57290 Zhumadian 01-Jan-58 54094 Mudanjiang 01-Jan-51 50434 Tulihe 01-Jan-57 57713 Zunyi 01-Jan-51 58606 Nanchang 01-Jun-51 56004 Tuotuohe 01-Oct-56 58715 Nancheng 01-Jul-52 51573 Turpan 01-Aug-51 57411 Nanchong 09-Jan-51 50915 Uliastai 01-Nov-55 58238 Nanjing 01-Jan-51 51463 Urumqi 01-Jan-51 59431 Nanning 01-Jan-51 57237 Wanyuan 01-Jun-52 58834 Nanping 01-Aug-52 54843 Weifang 01-Jan-51 50557 Nenjiang 01-Jan-51 56187 Wenjiang 01-Jan-04 53529 Otog Qi 01-Oct-54 56096 Wudu 01-Jan-51 53915 Pingliang 01-Jan-51 52787 Wushaoling 01-Jan-51 54618 Potou 01-Jan-96 59265 Wuzhou 01-May-51 50949 Qian Gorlos 01-Oct-52 54012 Xi Ujimqin Qi 01-Nov-54 59632 Qinzhou 01-Dec-52 59134 Xiamen 01-Jan-54 59855 Qionghai 01-Dec-52 57036 Xi'An 01-Jan-51 50745 Qiqihar 01-Jan-51 56571 Xichang 01-Jan-51 51379 Qitai 01-Apr-51 54102 Xilin Hot 01-Jun-52 58633 Qu Xian 01-Jan-51 57902 Xingren 01-Jan-51 Contacts ——————————————————————————————————————————- Regarding world-wide weather data and forecast matters please see www.SpeedwellWeather.com or contact: Phil Hayes (UK) [email protected] David Whitehead (USA) [email protected] Telephone: UK office: +44 (0) 1582 465 551 US office: +1 (0) 703 535 8800 ——————————————————————————————————————————- Regarding software and consultancy services please see www.SpeedwellWeather.com or contact: Stephen Doherty (UK) [email protected] Dr Michael Moreno (UK) [email protected] David Whitehead (USA) [email protected] Telephone: UK office: +44 (0) 1582 465 569 US office: +1 (0) 703 535 8800 Address UK: Mardall House, Vaughan Rd, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 4HU Address USA: 101 N Columbus Street, Second Floor, Alexandria VA 22314 USA .

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