Municipality of Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Records Management Room, Municipal Office, 66 Front Street South, Campbellford Wednesday, April 24, 2019 4:00 p.m. Page 1. Call to Order: Councillor Catherine Redden assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order at ___ p.m. 2. Approval of Agenda: a) Motion to Approve the Agenda. It is recommended that the agenda for the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting of April 24, 2019 be received and approved. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: 4. Approval of Minutes: None. 5. General Business: 5 - 6 a) By-law No. 2018-117: A By-law to Establish a Heritage Advisory Committee (Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee). 2018-117 Establish Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee It is recommended that By-law No. 2018-117: A By-law to Establish a Heritage Advisory Committee (Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee) be received. 7 - 35 b) By-law No. 2019-030: A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Advisory Bodies of Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills (Procedural By-law). 2019-030 Procedural By-law (Repeal By-law 2017-121) Heritage Advisory Committee Agenda – Wednesday, April 24, 2019 It is recommended that By-law No. 2019-030: A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Advisory Bodies of Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills (Procedural By-law) be received. 36 - 39 c) 2019 Meeting Schedule. 2019 Calendar The 2019 Meeting Schedule for the Heritage Advisory Committee be established as follows at 4:00 p.m.: • d) Heritage Registers - Heritage Designation List. It is recommended that the verbal information provided by Jim Peters, Director of Planning & Development, re: Heritage Registers - Heritage Designation List be received. 40 e) Public Education - Heritage Plaque Program and Register. Heritage Plaque Program It is recommended that the Public Education - Heritage Plaque Program and Register information be received. 41 f) Public Education - Heritage Plaque Program Application - 115 Old Hastings Road, Warkworth. 115 Old Hastings Road - Heritage Program Plaque Application It is recommended that the Public Education - Heritage Plaque Program Application - 115 Old Hastings Road, Warkworth be received. 42 - 47 g) Public Education - Heritage Brochure Project. Campbellford Tour Brochure Hastings Tour Brochure Seymour Tour Brochure It is recommended that the Public Education - Heritage Brochure Project - Campbellford, Hastings and Seymour brochures be received. 48 - 56 h) Heritage Grant Program. Trent Hills Heritage Grant Program Page 2 of 95 Heritage Advisory Committee Agenda – Wednesday, April 24, 2019 It is recommended that the Heritage Grant Program information be received. 57 - 68 i) Heritage Grant Program - Grant Application from Hazel Farley and Roger Oxenham re: Roof Replacement, 1041 Petherick's Road. Farley - Heritage Grant Program Application It is recommended that the Heritage Grant Program - Grant Application from Hazel Farley and Roger Oxenham re: Roof Replacement, 1041 Petherick's Road be received. And it is recommended to Council that the Heritage Grant Program - Grant Application from Hazel Farley and Roger Oxenham re: Roof Replacement, 1041 Petherick's Road be denied or approved in the amount of $ ______________. j) Heritage/Historical Society and Community Heritage Updates. Provides an opportunity for the Members of the Heritage Advisory Committee to deliver updates on Heritage activities within the Municipality of Trent Hills. 6. Communications: 69 - 93 a) Correspondence: • CHOnews - Spring 2019 • Campbellford-Seymour Heritage Society - December 2018 • Doors Open Northumberland 2019 CHOnews - Spring 2019 December 2018 Newsletter Doors Open 2019 Info Doors Open 2019 Status It is recommended that the following correspondence: • CHOnews - Spring 2019 • Campbellford-Seymour Heritage Society - December 2018 • Doors Open Northumberland 2019 be received. 94 - 95 b) Correspondence dated March 21, 2019 from Dan Petoran, A/Director, Central Production and Verification Services Branch, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services re: Searching of files at the Land Registry Office. 2019 Heritage Search Letter It is recommended that the correspondence dated March 21, 2019 from Dan Petoran, A/Director, Central Production and Verification Services Branch, Page 3 of 95 Heritage Advisory Committee Agenda – Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Ministry of Government and Consumer Services re: Searching of files at the Land Registry Office be received. 7. Adjournment: a) Motion to Adjourn. It is recommended that we do now adjourn at ______ p.m. Page 4 of 95 5.a) By-law No. 2018-117: A By-law to Establish a Heritage Advisory Comm... The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills By-law No. 2018-117 A By-law to Establish a Heritage Advisory Committee (Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee) Whereas Section 28 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18, as amended, provides that the council of a municipality may by by-law establish a municipal heritage committee to advise and assist the council on matters relating Part IV - Conservation of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, and Part V - Heritage Conservation Districts, and such other heritage matters as the council may specify by by-law; And Whereas Section 224 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that the role of Council is to ensure that administrative practices are in place to implement the decision of Council; And Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the Muncipality of Trent Hills deems it desirable to pass a by-law to establish a Heritage Advisory Committee; Now Therefore the Council of the Municipality of Trent Hills hereby enacts as follows: 1. That a Heritage Advisory Committee be established and that such Committee be known as the "Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee". 2. That the purpose of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee shall be to advise and assist Council and staff in matters related to cultural heritage resource conservation including public awareness of heritage, heritage planning and Heritage Act designation located within the Municipality. 3. The mandate of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee shall be: 3.1 . To act as an advisory body to Council. All recommendations shall be forwarded to Council for consideration. 3.2. Heritage Registers 3.2.1 . Pursuant to Section 27 of the Ontario Heritage Act, on behalf of the Clerk, keep a register of property situated in the municipality that is of cultural heritage value or interest. 3.2.2. Consult with and recommend to Council regarding the inclusion of a property in the register. 3.2.3. Consult with and recommend to Council regarding the removal of a property from the register. 3.2.4. Pursuant to Section 39.2 of the Ontario Heritage Act, on behalf of the Clerk, keep a register of all heritage conservation districts designated under Part V that are situate in the municipality and shall ensure that the C register contains a map or description of the area of each such heritage conservation district. 3.2.5. Consult with and recommend to Council regarding a study undertaken pursuant to Section 40 of the Ontario Heritage Act. 3.3. Public Education 3.3.1. Provide public education and promote awareness and conservation of Trent Hills' cultural heritage through the Heritage Awareness Plaque Program and brochures. Page 1 of 2 Page 5 of 95 5.a) By-law No. 2018-117: A By-law to Establish a Heritage Advisory Comm... 3.4. Heritage Grant Program 3.4.1. To review applications under the Heritage Grant Program and make recommendations on such applications, for Council consideration. 3.5. Conservation of Property and Heritage Conservation Districts 3.5.1. Consult with and recommend to Council pursuant to Part IV - Conservation of Property of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest and Part Part V - Heritage Conservation Districts, of the Ontario Heritage Act. 3.5.2. Pursuant to Section 38 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the members of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee are authorized to conduct inspections, where such members have been directed by Council or staff. 4. That the following persons shall be appointed as members of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee for the term of the Council that appointed them or until their successors are appointed. Where a member ceases to be a member before the expiration of his or her term, Council may appoint another eligible person for the unexpired portion of the term: • One (1) Council Member (Chair) • Five (5) Members of the Public • Mayor (ex-officio) 5. Council shall strive to maintain a minimum of one (1) public member in transitioning between terms to provide continuity. Public members shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. 6. That the one (1) member of Council shall be a non-voting member of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee. 7. That the Director of Planning and Development shall be the staff liaison to the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee. 8. The Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee shall endeavor to meet five (5) times per year, with no meetings scheduled during July or August. 9. The Municipality of Trent Hills' Procedural By-law shall govern the proceedings and activities of the Trent Hills Heritage Advisory Committee. 10. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. By-law read a first, second and third time, and passed this 1 ath day of December, 2018. ('· Page 2 of 2 Page 6 of 95 5.b) By-law No. 2019-030: A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council ... The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills By-Law No. 2019-030 A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Advisory Bodies of Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills and to Repeal By-law 2017-121 (Procedural By-law) Whereas Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.
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