MMEEMMOORRIIAA AACCAADDÉÉMMIICCAA SSAANNTTAANNDDEERR 22001155 ÍNDICE PROGRAMA CRONOLÓGICO .... 5 CONGRESOS................... .... 429 ESTADÍSTICA ..................... 433 ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO .......... 451 Junio/septiembre CURSOS AVANZADOS CURSOS MAGISTRALES EL AUTOR Y SU OBRA ESCUELAS SEMINARIOS CURSOS POSTGRADO TALLERES ENCUENTROS AULAS DE VERANO «ORTEGA Y GASSET» CURSOS DE FORMACIÓN PARA PROFESORES PROGRAMA CRONOLÓGICO 5 7 LIGHT SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES 9:30 h. Optomechanical effects in FOR THE NEW WORLD (LIST) microstructured fibres DEL 15 AL 19 DE JUNIO Philip Russell DIRECCIÓN 11:00 h. Cancer Imaging with Light JOSÉ MIGUEL LÓPEZ-HIGUERA Bruce J. Tromberg HEAD OF PHOTONIC ENGINEERING GROUP Director of Beckman Laser Institute and Medical UNIVERSITY OF CANTABRIA, SPAIN Clinic SECRETARÍA University of California, Irvine JESÚS MIRAPEIX SERRANO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 12:00 h. Non-invasive Photonic micro- MEMBER OF THE PHOTONIC ENGINEERING spectroscopic technologies for health care and GROUP medicine UNIVERSITY OF CANTABRIA, SPAIN Jüergen Popp Director Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, LUNES 15 Germany WHY LIGHT MATTERS FOR A NEW WORLD? EVENING: LIGHT SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN THE ENVIRONMENT 10:00 h. Opening Ceremony 16:00 h. Terahertz technologies for a more 11:00 h. Light's Twist: and optical technology safe and healthy environment that matters? Xi-Cheng Zhang Miles Padgett Kelvin Chair of Natural Philosophy and Vice 17:00 h. Light based technologies for a more Principal Research healthy enviromment University of Glasgow Robert Lieberman 12:00 h. Why photonics is essential for the MIÉRCOLES 17 sustainable development of the societies José Luis Campos de Oliveira Santos COMMUNICATIONG USING LIGHT Physics and Astronomy Department, Faculty of Sciences 9:30 h. Advanced Fiber Technologies for the next generation of Optical Communications 16:00 h. Round table systems Light sciences and technologies Impacts John David Richardson Philip Russell OSA President, Director of Max Planck Institute for 11:30 h. Microwave Photonics: marrying the the Science of Light worlds of radiofrecuency and optics for future University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Robert Lieberman 5G communications and beyond President Elect SPIE José Capmany Francoy Xi-Cheng Zhang Director iTEAM Instute Technical University of Valencia, Spain Director Rochester's Institute of Optics University of Rochester (TBC) EVENING: SENSING USING LIGHT BASED John David Richardson APPROACHES Deputy Director of Optoelectronics Research Centre University of Southampton, UK 16:00 h. Sensing Using Light José Luis Campos de Oliveira Santos José Miguel López-Higuera Moderación 17:00 h. Towards novel biomedical sensing José Antonio Martín Pereda tools based on the combination of light and Real Academia de Ingeniería de España, Pioner of Photonics nanotechnology Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Romain Quidant Institut de Ciences Fotoniques, ICFO MARTES 16 JUEVES 18 LIGHT IN HEALTH CARE, MEDICINE AND THE ENVIRONMENT LIGHT IN ENERGY AND MANUFACTURING MORNING: LIGHT IN HEALTH CARE AND CLEAN ENERGY AND LIGHTING USING MEDICINE PHOTONIC KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNICS 8 9:30 h. Non-imaging optics for renewable enables sustainable development and energy and lighting provides solutions to global challenges in Juan Carlos Miñano Domínguez education, energy, environment and CEDINT, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid agriculture and continues to be central to linking cultural, economic and political 11:30 h. Solar cells for efficiencies of 50% and aspects of the global society. Today, it is beyond widely accepted that the present century will Carlos Algora depend as much on photonics as the 20th Head of the III-V Semiconductors Group century depended on electronics. Instituto de Energía Solar The United Nations Organization (UN) has Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain recognized the key role of Photonics to raise EVENING: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING global awareness and has proclaimed 2015 as USING LIGHT BASED TECHNOLOGIES the International Year of Light and Light- based Technologies (IYL 2015). 16:00 h. Advanced laser based manufacturing Taking into account these considerations this Carlos Molpeceres Álvarez Event (Advanced Course) has been conceived Profesor de la ETTSII as a great opportunity to contribute to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid education of citizens, to review and actualize knowledge in this Key or Essential science 17:00 h. Ultrafast and ultraintense laser and technology for the development of the based disruptive applications nations and, at the end of the day, of a new Luis Roso world. Centro de Laseres Pulsados It is also a great opportunity to ensure that VIERNES 19 policymakers are made aware of the problem- solving potential of Photonics. It is also a EDUCATION, TRAINING AND RESEARCH tremendous opportunity to reach the world focus on light based sciences and 9:30 h. Round table technologies in the UIMP in Santander during The needs of education of citizens, the third week of June 2015. Four Nobel professionals and researchers on Light based Prizes and highly renowned professors and Sciences and Technologies researchers from the most prestigious María J. Yzuel institutions and, as well, several Presidents of Presidenta Comité español del Año Internacional de the most reputed international Photonic la luz 2015 Scientific Unions will participate in the Former Pass President of SPIE, Spain meeting. Manuel López-Amo This advanced course has been programed Head Optical-Communications Group Universidad Pública de Navarra Campus, into the frame of the IYL2015. Sponsored by Pamplona, Spain SPIE, the attendees will enjoy an exhibition of María Luisa Calvo Padilla panels and will also receive several Vicepresidenta, Real Sociedad Española de Física commemorative gifts within their registration (RSEF) documents. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain As co-sponsor of the LiST course, the Hotel Luis Roso Santemar will offer to all attendees very Carlos Molpeceres Álvarez special accommodation fares: 65 Euros/night José Capmany Francoy and 80 Euros/night per single and double José Carlos Gómez Sal rooms respectively (breakfast included). President of the R+D+I Executive Committee or CRUE Rector de la Universidad de Cantabria 12:00 h. Closing ceremony Photonics is the science and techniques of generating, controlling, propagating, storage and detecting light waves and photons, which are particles of light. Photonics is the field of Light Sciences and Technologies. Light plays a vital role in our daily lives and is being an imperative cross-cutting discipline of science in the 21st century. It has revolutionized medicine, opened up international communication via the internet, 9 10 EL NUEVO MODELO ECONÓMICO. Ángel de la Fuente LECCIONES DE LA CRISIS Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación de Estudios de DEL 15 AL 19 DE JUNIO Economía Aplicada (FEDEA) DIRECCIÓN JUEVES 18 MIGUEL ÁNGEL NOCEDA PRESIDENTE DE APIE (2002-2007) 9:30 h. Las nuevas infraestructuras CORRESPONSAL DE ECONOMÍA DE EL PAÍS Salvador Alemany i Mas AMANCIO FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ Presidente de ABERTIS PRESIDENTE DE APIE (1999-2002) 11:00 h. La nueva realidad bancaria (II) LUNES 15 José María Roldán Alegre Presidente de la Asociación Española de Banca 11:00 h. Inauguración (AEB) Cristóbal Montoro Ministro de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas 13:00 h. La nueva realidad bancaria (III) Francisco González Rodríguez José Ignacio Goirigolzarri Presidente de BBVA Presidente de Bankia 17:00 h. La opinión de los agentes sociales. 16:30 h. La evolución de la economía dentro Los sindicatos de la UE Ignacio Fernández Toxo Joaquín Almunia Secretario General de CC.OO. y presidente de la Excomisario de Economía y de Competencia de la Confederación Europea de Sindicatos (CES) UE Cándido Méndez Rodríguez Secretario General de UGT VIERNES 19 MARTES 16 Sesión de clausura. Los organismos supervisores 9:30 h. La opinión de los agentes sociales. La patronal 9:30 h. Elvira Rodríguez Herrer Antonio Garamendi Presidenta de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Vicepresidente de la CEOE y Presidente de Cepyme Valores (CNMV) 11:00 h. La economía europea tras la crisis 10:45 h. José María Marín Quemada Luis de Guindos Presidente Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Ministro de Economía y Competitividad Competencia (CNMC) 13:00 h. Las nuevas tecnologías y el I+D 12:30 h. Fernando Restoy Lozano Jorge Barrero Fonticoba Subgobernador del Banco de España Director General de COTEC 16:30 h. Las propuestas socialistas Manuel de la Rocha Vázquez Responsable de Economía del PSOE MIÉRCOLES 17 9:30 h. El futuro de la gran industria. El automovil Mario Armero Montes Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Patonal del Automovil ANFAC 11:00 h. La nueva realidad bancaria (I) Braulio Medel Cámara Presidente de Unicaja 13:00 h. La adaptación del sector de seguros Antonio Huertas Mejias Presidente de Mapfre 16:30 h. Mesa redonda Rafael Doménech Vilariño Economista Jefe de Economías Desarrolladas de BBVA Reasearch 11 12 VIII ENCUENTRO INTERAUTONÓMICO Belén del Mar López Insua SOBRE PROTECCIÓN JURÍDICA DEL Profesora doctora de Derecho del Trabajo y de la PACIENTE COMO CONSUMIDOR Seguridad Social DEL 15 AL 19 DE JUNIO Universidad de Granada José Luis Monereo Pérez DIRECCIÓN Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas JORGE TOMILLO URBINA Ildefonso Hernández Aguado CATEDRÁTICO DE DERECHO MERCANTIL Jorge Tomillo Urbina UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA JOAQUÍN CAYÓN DE LAS CUEVAS MIÉRCOLES 17 JEFE DEL SERVICIO DE ASESORAMIENTO JURÍDICO DE LA CONSEJERÍA DE SANIDAD Y 9:30 h. La gestión por competencias: desde
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