L\Ccident "I.-5 Police Response T~The

L\Ccident "I.-5 Police Response T~The

Alex Spanos Mr. stockton 791.2.21. Hail in Modesto c 79~22~ Bomb at house in Modesto 791222 Double Murder in Tracy 791222 Handicapped horse ride 791223 Santa Claus at Penney's 791223 l\ccident "I.-5 791224 Stockton 'f i1:e. 791224 Hartgraves found 791226 Wrongful death suit oxy 791229 Fires Eden Square Apartments U. Store 791230 Last sierra steam run 791.230 Accident 4 Cars Valley Home 791.231. New Year for Stockton 791231 ( \ Deuel Vocational Institution riot folo 791411 Norcal Industrial Exposition 799130 Kissing Bugs 800101 New Year's murders 800102 Police response t~The 800102 UOP basketba~~ f:e.a~~1:e.~ 800102 Grave diggers strike 800102 Bank Robbery, Bank Of America 800102 9erebra1 palsy 800102 Cerelral palsy 800103 New Board of supervisors Chairman 8001.03 UOP vs . U. C. Davis basketball 8001.04 Goodwill used cars 800~05 ( Stockton police report 800105 ( l UOP vs Agustana basketball 800106 Maple center murder folo 800106 Adult Retarded Center Dedication 800~06 California 10 footrace 800~01 Truck explosion and fire 800~07 Cerebral palsy center, Modesto 800107 Chemical spill, 99 at Salida 800108 Police to add 10 officers 800108 DBCP in Lodi school wells pesticides 800108 Japanese Garaen In ~~x~e ~ooos 800109 Shu'lt\way, o\.0. 'io\.'1-.s, 'ncea:1:\:n~ 800109 Car in ~ater 800110 Mine swee~s in Sacramento ChanneL 800110 Jones Flood c 800111 Telephone books 800111 Delta restaurant 800111 Gem state 800~~2 Telethon 8001.1.2 Telethon 8001.~2 Fire double in Stockton 800112 Karate 800113 Port of Stockton security 800113 Diablo underpass washout 800113 Delta levees 800114 Parking met.ers 800114 Castl.e. 1\i:x: 'io'l:ce. "'ase. "'"l~ ~ce"l:cel\\on"j 800115 Port of Stockton 8ocn~s ( Tornado 800~1.S Fire department communications switch 800~~5 Flooding, San Joaquin, Stanislaus 800116 Stockton unemployment projection 800116 Dam Stanislaus river and Caswell 800117 Flooding Stanislaus river 800118 Russian ship 800118 DBCP in Vic~or pes~iciaes 800119 F1.oods 'Aebb, "'01:a.O.'f.o1:0., 1:\.o"\..."\:a:nU. 800120 UOP vs. Yu.1.1.e"l:ton 'n'n 800120 Flood Holland u~date 800121 I-5 and Traffic camQarison 800121 Truck train accident Manteca 800121 ( Holland tract flooding III 800122 Television tower work area 800122 Federal building 800~22 Agriculture Exposition 80 8001.22 Coins stolen 800~23 Delta flood threat 800123 Biggest Ship 800124 UOP basketball 800124 Earthquake in Livermore 800124 Earthquake in Stockton 800124 Flood Delta levee repair 800125 Rarthqu.ake 1.. A.ve"1:1\\0"I:e 'f.o"\...o 800125 Earthquake Stoc-.,._ton ~o\..o \~O't.~) 800125 ( san Joaquin river flooding 800~26 Stockton Symphony childrens concert ( 800~26 Collegeville church fire 800127 Soccer tournement 800127 Clark hotel earthquake folo 800127 Fubar robot 800128 Lawrence Livermore Radiation Laboratory Eartnquaxe 800129 Amphicar 800129 UO'P events cente'l: 'D l\.<:>l.l. 800129 Ala\\\eda Co\lnt"i eo.'l:t\\.~\l.o.~~ ~:~_<;:,Q.<;:.~~~ 800129 Lucky's Consume~ F~aud, ~~a~eda C~, 800130 Ski 800130 DBCP pesticides 800131 Nurse 800131 ( Humphries College 800201 UOP vs Long Beach 800202 Winter Olympics 800202 Pacifies Plane 800202 Flood delta update 800202 Hostage Demonstration At Epison 800203 Jazz 800203 Basketball 800204 Amtrak 800205 Pigeon 'Pro"b'leJns l.n "Pa"i't.erson 800206 Senio'l: citi~ens cen~e'l:~ 800206 Benedict 90 "iea"1: <::>1..~ ~o\.{.~"'1:. 800206 crime committee 800207 Melones Human Water Gauges 800207 UOP vs UCSB ( 800207 Robie vs supeervisors 800207 Language of Flowers 800207 Jack Anderson At UOP 800208 Destroyer Henderson locked 800208 Flood bollana ~rae~ ~evee eros~on 800209 DBC'P pesticiO.es 800209 Junior :fl.chi.eve ¥o.i.~ 800209 Lapidary Show qe~s 800210 Dental week 800210 Basketball Manteca Semi-Pro Finals 800211 Train wreck 800211 Small Business Adminstration loans 800212 ( Oxy Garamendi Lathrop Poison 80021.'2. Train wreck 800'2.1.'2. Traffic Stockton 11th In United States traffic deaths 8002~2 Accident Double Fatal Mcloeds Lake 800213 Deuel Vocational Institution murder 800213 Egg man 800213 House fire 800214 Deuel Vocational ~nstitution flgnt 800214 Flood del~a vs ra~n 800214 Frontier air~ines 800215 Flood delta vs ~i.~d o.~d t~de~ 800216 stockton Murder Follow u~ 800216 Wheelchair 800216 ( Flood Holland levee fight storm 800216 ( Bands Honor Band Advancer 800217 Flood Holland levee fight continued 800218 Tracy Chase and Shooting 800218 Chain letters pickeds at XOVR 800219 Fire Modes~o arson i~re 800220 Fire Stoc'kton "Ro"'ja\. ~'n.~a~~~ 800220 Flooding and da~s 800220 Fire Stockton Royal Th.e.at1:e. "fi."t:e. 800220 Flooding and Dams 800221 Flood Mcdonald Island flood 800221 Flood McDonald Island 800221 Fruit frost forecast film 800221 Fruit frost forecast film 8002.2.2. Beneficial Insects ( 8002.'2.'2. overflow Johns Manville 800'2.22 Flood Venice Isle flood panic 800222 Flood Venice Isle flood panic 800222 Johns Manville Overflow 800223 Parade Black History 800223 UOP San Jose basketball 800223 Flood "King 'ls"le, '\Jen~ce i"loon eiior1:. 800223 'Flood King l..s\.e ~en\.c~ "f.."\.oo~ ~'!.'to~~ 800223 Karate ~ourna~ent ~~~ta 800223 Karate Tourna~ent Oelta 800223 Basketball UOP San Jose 800223 Black History Parade 800224 ( Flooding Newman 800224 Flood hills ferry Newman ( 800224 Car fatal French camp slough 800224 Car fatal, Frencb Camp slougb 800225 Flooding Newman ana San ~oaqu~n y~~ey 800225 F~ood Newm.a:n a:nO. ~a:n ~()a.~-u.\."t\ ~\..'1-e"'t. 800226 Drowning F1.oa:t.e-r i~ \<\cLea.<i La."h.e 800226 Flooding in San Joa~uin ~i~e~ 800226 Floater McLeod Lake 800226 Flood San Joaquin river 800227 Mahoney (New Bishop) 800227 Modesto teachers strike 800227 New Bishop 800221 Strike Modesto teachers strike threat 8002.2.1 Delta and San Joaquin River flooding ( 8002.2.7 Draft antidraft march Modesto 800227 Draft march Modesto 800227 Flood 800227 Flood Delta and San Joaquin River Melones 800227 Flood Venice ~sland flood fignt 800228 Toulumne 800228 Stanis~au.s ~ou.\.-u.l\\~e ~a."t\ -;:)()a.~-u.\."t\ ~o."\\\~ 800228 Strike g-rave diqqe-r~ ~ti~~ ~t~i"h.e 800228 Fruit f~ost fo~escast 800228 Fruit frost forecast 800228 Grave diggers still strike 800229 Bok Kai Joe Kim 800229 Riot Deuel Vocational Institution riot and death 800229 Deuel Vocational Institution riot and death ( 800301 Parade Ripon Almond Fes~iva~ 800301 UOP sports opener 800301 UOP sports opene~ 800301 Ripon a'l\\\ond t:~sti'la1. ~o.:'t:a~~ 800301 Chinese New Year Stockton 800301 Chinese New Year Stockton 800302 Flood on San Joaquin dropping 800302 Flood San Joaquin dropping 800303 Train vs. Foot Accident 800303 Accident Train vs. Foot 800~04 Modesto teachers strike 800304 Strike Modesto teachers 800305 ( Modesto teachers strike folo 800305 UOP golf 800305 styner 800305 Strike Modesto teachers folio I 800305 Kidnap Merced Case Upda~e 800306 Modesto teachers str~Ke 800306 M.u-r:pb.y cou~t. i.n \1\.~~ce~ 800306 St-rike M.odesto t~ac~~~s 800306 La Voz Honors ~t Edison. 800306 La Voz Honors At Edison 800306 court, Murphy court in Merced 800307 Murphy in court in Merced 800307 court, Murphy court in Merced 800308 ( March of Dimes sole power 800308 ( Yacht club flotilla 800308 Flotilla StocKton yacnt c~~D 800309 M.odesto tea.c'n.e~s s"t.~\..'ka -s>\..c"t\\..c 800309 Plane c~a.sh ~~a.c~ Ya.ta.~ 800309 Plane crash 800309 Turlock jokers wild winner 800309 UOP golf 800309 Strike Modesto teachers picnic 800309 Jokers Wild Winner 800310 Reunion 8oo:n.o Flood River flooding people 80031.0 Bomb Scare 80031.0 Census 800310 ( census 800311 Modesto teachers strike 800311 Strike Modesto teachers 800311 Jones Tract Levee 800312 Volley'bal'l. 800312 M.odesto tea.c'n.e~s s"t.~\..'ka 800312 UOP wo~ens so~tba.~~ 800312 UOP womens football 800312 Strike Modesto teachers iniunction 800312 Lincoln High School Basketball 800312 Lincoln High Basketball 800313 Melones hearing Garamendi Thursday AM 800313 Modesto school strike ends 80031.3 ( Strike ends ~odesto scnoo~ 800313 ( De'lt.a 'levees 800313 Flooding -peo-p1.e 800314 Melones heal:in<; Gal:a~'C\\.d:t ~\.\..\~.:~:~~.:~.'1 ~ 800314 Hayres eggs clorodane flaQ 800315 Plane crash fatal San Andreas 800315 Dandelion days Jackson 800316 Strike sugar strike Manteca Tracy 800317 Strike sugar beet affect soo:n.s Holland track pumping update 800~1.9 Trial burns trial begins sao~ 1.9 UOP Oregon baseball 8003~9 Canal proposed Stockton canal 800320 Fishing spring Calaveras 800320 ( Accident Fork Lift 800321 Fire 4 alarm fire & house fire 800321 Fire warehouse folo. 800322 Rodeo advancer, l...a Grange 800322 Run f.or a1.1. 800323 Sail club Stockto\\. o~'C\\.~ ~'Ca.~~\\. 800323 Ballet San Joa~uin Tries Promotion 800324 Automobile New Engine 800325 Shooting metropolitan transit district bus 800325 Strike sugar Manteca 800326 Parnell in Merced 800~2& Dialysis cost flap S00~'2.G Big Chicken Stockton 800~'2.1 ( Parne~~ ~rra~gn~en~ par~ ~ 800327 ( South. Ch.anne\. ~"'to-)ac~ 1.."1:~"\\\. ~\-.. 800327 Strike suqa1: t1:ucks t~1:~\l.<;~ ~ i..c~~t~ 800328 Parnell Arraiqnment Part rr 800329 Fire quartz Toulumne County druq lab 800330 Rodeo La Grange 800330 Dredge La Grange Historical dredge sinks 800331 Trucks alegre int. no pay soo:n~ Accident Fatal Highway 12 800401. Park Kingdon Air 80()4()1. Buffalo 800402 Proposition 9 800403 Morning Scene Art for Memorial Day 800403 Fire 3 alarm Salvation Army 800403 ( Comanche fishing for outdoorsman 800406 Easter balloon meet 800406 'Fong ~JC 800406 Breakers 800407 Fire E.

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