." Serving the Better Interests of VOL. L NO. 54 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1937 FIVE CENTS Borden on Yankee Web Campaign in New England Te rritory ZEKE MANNERS' GANG Bruni UI) Listeners Hartford. Conn.- Baseball broad­ is Being Launched on May 4 casts sponsored by General Mills and Socony-Vacuum. with WTHT IN 24 SHOWS WEEKLY as the local outlet. have been an­ Using Four Stations ticipated with keen interest. Open­ Zeke Manners and his Gang, now ing day found the announcers and Boston-Borden Sales Co. Inc. will heard on 18 half-hour shows weekly salesmen during lunch hour going sponsored by products of the Con­ start one of the largest cheese mer­ up and down the streef in the WALTER O'KEEFE SET chandising campaigns in New Eng­ solidated Drug Co., aired via WMCA business section turning radios to land radio history on May 4, when twice daily and once over WNEW, WTHT to get the games. At least starts another series of daily half­ the "Chateau News Reporter" gets three radio shops whose dials were fOR fRED ALLEN SPOT under way via station WNAC. Time hour shows via the latter May 3. set to other stafions were switched, The new series will bring the total is Tuesday 7: 30-8 p.m. and contract of his half-hour shows to 24, or, if and as a result attracted crowds. Walter O'Keefe has been selected calls for 34 fast dramatized news W. A. Wyllie, WTHT chief an­ a Sunday show is desired, 25. as master of ceremonies of the Bris­ flashes. Other outlets on the hookup The latter series will be sponsored nouncer, is credited with the stunt. tol-Myers summer show on the NBC­ of the Yankee Network are, WICC, (Continued on Page 8) Red network, Wednesdays, 9-10 p.m., Bridgeport; WTIC, Hartford; WCSH, replacing Fred Allen, who goes off Portland and WEAN, Providence. the show in July for a summer va­ News will be gathered as spot 35 Auditioned by Drene cation. items and flashed in on Tuesdays by EARLIER SHELL SPOT a staff headed by Leland Bickford, For Jerry Cooper Spot Editor-in-Chief. More than 300 news- ~ Colltinl/{!a on Page 8) With Jerry Cooper set to depart AfTER WNRC SURVEY New Copyright Measure for Hollywood next Saturday, the Covers Orchestrations sponsor of his former NBC show, The first survey of portion of the Drene Shampoo, is still auditioning membership organizations of the Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY COCA-COLA TO RESUME for a successor. Last week-end 35 Women's National Radio Committee, Washington-A new copyright bill, singers were auditioned at NBC, and the poll privileges of which were re­ companion measure to the one in­ 32 were dropped. The three remain­ cently arranged with Wadsworth & troduced by Congressman J. Bur­ TEXAS NETWORK SHOWS ing, Bob Gibson, NBC page boy, Wood, who are selling it on a com­ wood Daly, but designed to protect Barry Wood and Larry Taylor, will mercial basis, has been found en­ the interpretation given of composi­ Dallas-Coca-Cola Bottling Works each record a full I5-minute show tirely satisfactory by Shell Union tions by orchestr a leaders or per­ will resume its Coca-Cola College which will be given to sponsor for Oil Co., according to reliable sources. for mers, has been introduced in the Nights over WF AA and the Texas his approval. Gibson, however, as Account is handled by J. Walter Senate by Senator Joseph F. Guffey. Quality Network starting Oct. I, ac­ a result of the audition, has been Thompson Co. cording to Alex Keese, divisional signed by the NBC artist bureau and Although Shell Oil states that it sales manager for WF AA. The new will be placed on a sustaining sched­ (Continued on Page 3) Early Action Expected series of 18 half-hour broadcasts dur­ ule immediately. On Radio-Newspaper Bill ing the football season will be aired Howard Steed Appointed two a week, originating from various colleges throughout the state. Bill to Tax Radio Adv'g WMBC General Manager Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Is Killed in Committee · Washington - Early action is ex­ Detroit - Howard M. Steed has pected by Congressman O. D. Wearin P. & G. Goes on WBNX Columbus, a.-The Duffy bill to been promoted to general manager of Iowa on his bill which would pro­ For Jewish Test Series tax radio broadcasting stations 10 of WMBC, it is announced by E. J. hibit unified control of radio and Hunt, president of Michigan Broad­ newspapers. Wearin told RADIO per cent of their advertising revenue Procter & Gamble Co. (Crisco) for flood relief and old age pensions casting Co. Bill Jory, chief an­ DAIL Y that conferences on the nouncer, has been elevated to as­ measure were nearly over , and that starting today on WBNX will begin has been killed by the house taxa­ a test series on one announcement tion committee. Rep. Joseph Duffy, sistant general manager and program Connery investigation, if it gets u n ­ director, Steed's former post. der way, will help his bill. daily in Jewish programs. Contract Democrat, Cleveland, said he had will run for a year through Howard been convinced the measure was un­ & Roesler. Compton Adver tising Inc. constitutional. has the account. • • • Amicable Press Relations Sitealdllg of Records By M. H. SHAPmO SilO at \\'1110 Pittsburgh-Commenting on other MERICAN Newspaper Publishers I o.wners w.ho h ave ~o. radio affi lia- · Dayton. O.- Commercial depart­ stafion claims with respect to A Association annual convention re- I hons r ealIzed that It IS not a poor ment at WHIO hung up a Sold­ broadcasting church masses. Man­ vealed an attitude toward radio con- idea to keep pace w ith progress and Right·Out sign the other day and ager Howard E. Clark of WJ AS siderably m ore conciliatory than on use radio and its kindred inventions took a day oil, while the announc­ here points out that his station many occasions in the past .... That I for betterm en t. of its own service ing stall almost went crazy for 19 started a regular Sunday High the Press-Radio pact would be re- whenever pOssIble . hours with 83 single announce­ Mass broadcast from St. Patrick's newed was expected, but not the Action that will no doubt set a ments and spots, 16 local quarter­ Church in November, 1925. and fact that throughout the meet no one precedent when finally adjudicated hour programs and 14 CBS net­ hasn't missed a single High Mass upset the proverbial apple cart, and is the suit filed against Western I work commercials. David Brown broadcast since rhat time. the report of the Radio Committee Union by station W JBK, Detroit, in is the WHIO sales manager. was accepted without undue com- efIort to compel the communications 1 1';;;=====____ ".;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....--_. ment. .... and apparently newspaper (COII /iIllICd all Page 2 ) • 2================RAD 10 D A I L y==========M=o=n=:da=y=,=A=p=ril=2=6==,1=9=37 "* Tti~ W~~I\ I~ l?AUIf) "* • •• Proposed Wattage Tax cominG and GOinG ,..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ( Co nlinued from P age l) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-_:.. Mon., Apr. 26, 1937 Price 5 Cts. Vol. 1, No. 54 company to furnish the outlet with Idea of selling books cheaply is ALISTAIR COOKE. news commentator, baseball reports, even though the forme rly of the British Broadcasting Co., ar­ JOHN W. ALI COATE Publisher about to be applied to radio as either rived Saturday on the President Harding wit!] W. U. already has a good cu stomer a station audience builder or as a MRS. COO KE. DON CARLE GILLETTE : Editor in another local station ... product booster ... .. Italian Govern- JAMES KING. western sales representative ment will seek good-will via the for Langlois and Wentworth, is in town for MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager The "WLW Wire" got u nder way, the week. with approximately 32 programs be­ ether shortly, records of talent audi- CARMELA PONSELLE leaves the second week Publisbed daily except Saturdays, Sundays ing piped from the Cincinnati outlet tioned now being heard by II Duce in July for the west coast to fulfill contracts and Holidays at 1S01 Broadway, New Y(,rk, N. Y., by Hadio Daily Corp. J . W. Alicoate, to WHN, New York, and KQV and himself .... NBC automotive billings th ~ENNY FIELDS returned to New York over Fresident and Publisber; Donald M. Merser­ WFIL en route. One of the sh ows jumped 69 per cent the first quarter the week-end after doing theater date in eau, T reasurer and General M anager; Chester is a com mercial and it is presumed .... Baseball play-by-play accounts Boston. B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate. more of these are in the works .... clogged the air on Tuesday opening . S. C. VI!"SONHALER, m.a~ager of KLRA, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. I ' S 'd t I Little Rock , IS a New York vIsitor. Terms (Post free) United States outside ot Network expenditures by large ether d ay f or th e maJor eagues .... al 0 MICKEY ALPERT leaves for Boston on Fri- Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, advertisers were notably increased be the oldest commercial on the air, day to spend t he week-end with his family, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. the past week, especially such ac­ the Edison Symphony concerts on returning Monday. Address all communications to RADIO WENR (NBC-Blue) went off the air MRS. LE ROY return from DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N.
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