'll'l!JJt~ J!E f!JN~!J W fG If rJ -J ct rR> lJ 'If'flNB® !J,f!J) J&S(C~ [J $®(CSB~:J' presce ro FJs Mt~ November 19-21, 1998 / Radisson Twin Towers Orlando, Florida www.etsjets.org ~ ffi ~Ilfi® il?®mll~®ffi ll®rP 'IT®lilLP @mro;lli The study of Greek is often a struggle for students. That's why it's important to have the right textbook to lay the ~roundwork. For many, Basics of Biblical Greek, by William 0. Mounce. has become that hook. This highly acclaimed text makes learning Greek a natural (UU!UG) process, even for those who aren't natural at \earning languages. By dealing with the New Testament text from the beginning, it makes dear that knowledge of Greek helps in under­ William D. Mounce standing the New Testament-another struggle smdcnts often have. Written from the stu­ dent's perspective, Basics of Biblical Greek combines the best of the inductive and FOR INFORM.ATION ON o\DOnlNG deductive methods. llelp your students hegin to master Greek with what Frank Thielman AND OTHER BOOKS FROM OI1R LI~"E OF calls ''the finest New Testament grmnmar avai\ahle." GKEEK U:XTS, COIVTACT JACK KRAGT, ACAOF.MIC SPEC:IALISf, AT ORAT [email protected] ©roll~®:rnLlwffio ~@o '""/tile .~/N~Iory o•J I itn,rry 1\,.,,u•/o,l~o:•· ©:wffili®ru]]XID~ - I!§ 17J:M!rce lflJ MelflJ1l11i1l11g i1J1J 'J!7bi§ Jf'exfl? The Bible, the Reader, and the Morality of Literary Knowledge by Kevin J. Vanhomcr Is there a meaning in the text of the Bible, or is meaning mther a matler o[ who is reading or of how one reads' Docs evangelical Christian tioctrine have an)thing to contribute to debates about interpretation, literary theorr, anti postmo~emi~·> These are questions of cmcial importance for contemporary brblical snrdies and theology alike. This monograph is a comprehensive an~ creative :malysis of current debates over biblical hermeneutics that LOOK FOR draws on interdisciplinary resources, all coordinate~ bv Christian theoloh'Y· Is 'lhere a Meaning in Tbis Text' guities the student towarti greater confi~ence in the authority, clarity, anti relevance of Scripture, an~ is a well-reasoned an:uysis of boll' to understand accurately the message of the Bible. AT YOUR LOCAL lhe amhor, Kevin Vanhoozer (l'h.ti., Cambritige University), is senior lecturer in theology and religious BOOKSTORE, OR CAJ.L studies at ~ew College, University of Etiinburgh, in Edinburgh, Scotland. lie is au~10r of Biblical Narratire in the Philosopby ofl'au/1/icoenr: An Essay in Hcnneneufics and 'lbeolof!J'· J1 _n_ (10 _1\.. 0 :!)j UH ·=/ilOJO(Q(<;:Jr .DJLO \ll1'ill<mill \'24 :! 3 ~ PLENARY SESSIONS All plenary sessions will he held in the Citrus Crown Ballroom (f ROGER NICOLE I Professor of Theology Refonned Theological Seminary, Orlando The Beginnings ofthe ETS 50 Years Ago: fttusings ofa Founder Thursday, 1:25-2:.>5 p.m. NORMAN GEISLER Dean and Professor of Apologetics Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, N.C. Beware ofPhilosophy: A Caution to Biblical Exegetes (ETS Presidential Address) Thursday, 8:20-9:10 p.m. D.A. CARSON Research Professor of New Testament Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois Training the Next Generation ofEvangelical Scholars Friday, 1:10-2:10 p.m. JOHN PIPER Senior Pastor Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis Training the Next Genera/ion ofEvangelical Pastors and Missionaries V' Friday, 2:15-3:15 p.m. PANEL DISCUSSION Have Protestants and Catholics finally Agrr!ed on Salvation' Panel on Roman Catholic-Evangelical Document, 'The Gift ofSalvation" Friday. 7:30 -9:30 p.m. P A N E L MEMBERS /~ FATHER FRANCIS MARTIN* ' Professor of Biblical Studies john Paul II lnstiiUie for Srudies on Marriage and the Family, Washington D.C. (Roman Catholic co-author of the document) J. I. PACKER Professor of Theology Regent College, Vancoul'er, Canada (Evangelical co-author of the document) ROBERT GODFREY ~ President - ( Wesurtinster Theological Seminary, California (Evangelical ~;th serious concerns about the document) LUDER WHITLOCK President Refonned Theological Seminary (Moderator) The last 45 minutes of this session will he used for interaction with the audience. • Special Guest of the ~'TS T A B L E OF CONTENTS Registration Fonns ...................................................................................................... 2 Conference lnfonnation ............................................................................................... 6 Overview of Schedule .................................................................................................. 8 Meeting Schedule Wednesday evening ........................................................................................ 9 Thursday morning ......................................................................................... ! 0 Thursday afternoon ...................................................................................... 17 Thursday evening .......................................................................................... 23 Friday morning ............................................................................................. 24 Friday aftemoon ............................................................................................ 32 Friday evening ............................................................................................... 36 Saturday morning .......................................................................................... 37 ETS Executive Commiltee ............................................................................................ 4l ETS President~ .......................................................................................................... 42 ETS National Conferences .......................................................................................... 42 Study Group ContaLi lnfonnation ............................................................................... 43 Affiliated Societies ..................................................................................................... 45 Index of Speakers ....................................................................................................... 46 Area Maps .................................................................................................................. 48 5 0 T H A NNUAL MEETING EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please Register Early Name: ___________________________Phone: '----- Name for tag (no tide plea.<e): --------------------- 0 Non-member spouse anending. Name for tag: (Non-mcmb~r spou~c~ may anent.! conft'rmce sessions frl't') Address: __________________________________________ City: __________________________ State!Prov.: ______.Zip!Postal Code _______ Current Member of: 0 ETS 0 ATS 0 EMS 0 EPS 0 NEAS 0 Other ___________ School: _________________________ 0 Faculty 0 Staff/Administration 0 Student Church or other identification for those not associated directly \\;th a school: ----------------------- Please enclose a check made out to the Eva.ngelical Theological Society. No refunds after November 1, 1998. Name badges & ba.nquet tickets will be sent by return mail after October I. 0 Early Conference Member Registration $40 (Postmarked before September 30) 0 Late Member Registration (Postmarked after September 30) $50 /' - . /~ 0 Non-Member Registration (Non-ETS, EPS, ATS, NEAS, EMS) $65 0 Ba.nquet: Thursday, 7:00p.m. Chicken entree with salad, vegetable, rolls, beverage, and dessert. / __Ticket includes tax a.nd gratuity. $25 ea. TOTAL $ Mail to: Dr. james A. Borla.nd Secretaryffreasurer, ETS 112 Russell Woods Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502-3530 Inquiries: 804.237.5309 Phone & FAX 2 3 EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Application for (check one): 0 Full Membership .......$20.00 (requires Tb.M /Ph.D. or equn~m1J 0 Associate Membership .. $20.00 0 Student Membership .$15.00 N:une: _______________________________Date: ------------- Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________StauVProv. _______.Zip/Postal Code: _________ Country: __________________Phone: '----' ________ Present Position (with rank):-------------------------------------- Institution: _______________________________________________ Education: School: _________________________D,egree: __________llate: ______ School: Degree: __________Date: ______ School: _______________________,Degree: _________Date: ______ llonorary Degrees: -------------------------------------------- Membership in Learned Societies:--------------------------------------- Books Published: Publisher: Date: Specialized Field of Research:---------------------------------------­ Positions held other than the present: ------------------------------------- Denomination or Church Affiliation: -------------------------------------- "The Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God wriuen, and therefore inerr.tnt in the autographs. God is a Trinity, Father, Son, and lloly Spirit, each an uncrcatcd person, one in essence, cquaJ in power and glory." Article IV, Section 2 of the Constirution reads: "Every member must subscribe in writing annuaUy to the 'Doctrinal Basis."' Signature of Recommending Society Member (For Student & Assodate Applicalions Only) Signamrc of Applicant Persons you would recommend for membership (use reverse side for others): Name Address Send to: Dr. james A. Borland Phone: 804.237.5309 Secretaryffreasurer, ETS FAX: 804.237.5309 112 Russell Woods Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502-3530 Plca.~c enclose apptication fee. 4 5 CONFERENCE INFORMATION Location and Facilities The meeting will be held
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