UNITED STATES Historic Events DEPARTMENT OF THE 1773 Capt. James Cook, Royal British Navy, Hawaii INTERIOR landed On Island of Kauai. NATIONAL HAROLD L. ICKES, Secretary 1792-3-4 Hawaii visited by Capt. George Vancouver, Royal British Navy. OPEN PARK 1794 Archibald Menzies, botanist, and party ALL of Vancouver expedition made first YEAR HAWAII successful ascent or Mauna Loa. 1823 Kilauea visited and explored for first time by Rev. William Ellis and party. SILVERSWORD IN NATIONAL PARK SERVICE HALEAKALA CRATER 1825 Kilauea visited and mapped by party NEWTON B. DRURY, Director under Lord George Byron. 1838 Lake of molten lava in Kilauea named Halemaumau by Count Strzelecki. (OJ{TEJ{TS 1840-41 Expedition under Capt. John Wilkes, AWAll NATIONAL PARK was broad depression at its top and of its A Giant Fern Cover U. S. Navy, explored and mapped Kila- H created by act of Congress, gentle slopes, caused by lava flows uea and Mauna Loa. Kilauea 3 August 1, 1916, and placed under the from many lateral vents. Within the Mauna Loa 6 1856 Erection of first "Volcano House" hotel control of the National Park Service. depression is a vast pit, Halemaumau, at Kilauea, a grass house. It consists of two separate tracts of which often contains a boiling, bub- Haleakala 8 bling mass of molten lava whose sur- 1912 Hawaiian Volcano Observatory estab- land, the Kilauea-Mauna Loa section, Roads and Trails 10 lished. on the Island of Hawaii, and the face fluctuates from bottom to rim. Mauna Loa Trip II Haleakala section, on the Island of Until 1924 molten lava was usually 1916 Aug. 1, Hawaii National Park estab- Trees and Shrubs I I Maui. It contains 275.71 square miles, visible at any time in Halemaumau, lished by act of Congress. Native Hawaiian Birds 12 the greater portion of which is in the but activity since then has been spas- 1933 Airplanes used for first time to carry Kipuka Puaulu 13 Kilauea-Mauna Loa area. modic. Its risings are accompanied by visitors to witness eruption of Mauna The park was established to con- brilliant fountains and inflows of Interpretive Services 13 Loa. serve the most spectacular volcanic liquid lava, and its lowerings by Hui 0 Pele . 13 1934 President Roosevelt visited the park. areas in the United States. Its craters, tremendous avalanches which send up Administration 14 First American President to visit park active and dormant, may be ap- enormous dust clouds. Free Public Campgrounds. 14 while in office. proached with reasonable safety. A century and a half ago, in 1790, Army Camp. 14 1935 Feb. 23, dedication of the Haleakala Kilauea became unusually active, and Kll.AUEA Accommoda tions and Road. its violent blast of ash destroyed a Hawaiian army. Footprints in the Expenses . 14 1935-36 Important scientific bombing experi- In the Kilauea-Mauna Loa section Miscellaneous Services 14 ment successfully carried Out by Army of Hawaii National Park is the vol- volcanic ash are still visible today. Air Corps during eruption from north- cano of Kilauea. This volcano, prob- Following this great activity, the Communication Service. 14 east rift of Mauna Loa. ably older than its neighbor, tower- volcano was inactive for many dec- Photographic Supplies 15 1940 Mauna Loa erupted April 7 in summit ing Mauna Loa, creates the impres- ades, and no rocks or ash were ejected How to Reach the Park 15 crater, Mokuaweoweo. sion of being a crater in the side of the until 1924. higher mountain, although it is itself During the autumn of 1923 the lake a mountain with an altitude of 4,090 of fire drained away, then gradually feet. This illusion is the result of a returned until the pit contained a 50- 2 Hawaii National Park * Hawaii Hawaii National Park * Hawaii 3 a' 'lD' 1940 FOUNTAIN ACTIVIT-Y, MOKUAWEOWEO CRATER, SUMMIT MAUNA LOA " +------I~ acre lake of seething lava. Lava gey- small cinder cone, and forming a 10- HAWAII NATIONAL PARK mtM FOREST sers appeared on its surface, sending acre lava lake on the floor of the pit. KILAUEA CRATER AND VICINITY SCALE incandescent sprays 150 feet into the In July 1927, a similar display oc- ! -. 0 ) " MILES air. In 1924, the lake disappeared and curred, lasting for two weeks, and in crumbling masses of rock fell into the January 1928, the fire returned for one sm oking pit, choking the ven ts night only. Gas and vapor rise con- through which the volcanic gases had tinually. escaped. A few months later when During 1929 spectacular lava in- steam blasts unexpectedly occurred, flows occurred in February and July, the vents were cleared by tremendous. raising the floor level 55 and 45 feet, explosions which hurled boulders and respectively. The pit depth in Decem- ash thousands of feet into the air. ber 1929, was 1,050 feet and the floor The violent disturbances continued area 48 acres. On November 19, 1930, three weeks, by which time the fire molten lava again appeared in Hale- pit had been enlarged to four times maumau. Activity continued until its former size, the opening being 190 December 7. This activity raised the acres in area and 1,200 feet deep. A floor of the pit 70 feet; the surface few weeks later, when all was quiet, area of the floor then covered 62 a roaring jet of lava appeared at. the acres. \ bottom of the pit, sending up a steady Following a series of earthquakes, IWl DESERT spray 200 feet high, building up a molten lava broke into the bottom of 4 Hawaii National Park * Hawaii Hawaii National Park * Hawaii 5 Halemaumau on December 23, 1931. MAUNA LOA the southwest rift, that lasted for 10 1935, the northeast rift erupted for The activity lasted as a spectacular To the west of Kilauea rises the vast days, finally reaching the sea about 8 the first time since 1899, producing a display until January 5, 1932. During dome of Mauna Loa whose summit miles northwest of South Point. This flow that threatened Hilo. The Army the activity the pit was filled to a crater, Mokuaweoweo, is included in is one of the big flows that the main Air Corps successfully bombed the depth of 100 feet with lava, resulting the national park. Included also is a island highway crosses, 40 miles west upper channels of this flow to divert in a new floor of 88 acres, which was broad connecting belt between the of the park headquarters. it before reaching the town. 860 feet below the rim of the pit. 'two volcanoes. MaunaLoa thrusts its 1899, a flank eruption from the 1940, with no perceptible warning, At about 2 :45 a. m. on September great bulk 13,680 feet above the sur- northeast rift. a 4-mile crack opened extending across 6, 1934, without much preliminary rounding Pacific. By eruptions in its 1919, the Alika flow, from the the summit crater and a short distance warning, molten lava again returned summit crater and flank outbreaks it southwest rift that crossed the high- outside to the southwest, in the late to the fire pit in Kilauea. This erup-_ is constantly adding to its mass. way on the southwest side of the evening of April 7. This was a gor- tion in its early stages was one of the In action Mauna Loa is even more island. geous display that lasted to midafter- most spectacular on record. Highly spectacular than Kilauea; steam vents 1926, a large flow from the south- noon of April 8, when the fountaining charged with gas released from tre- continually send feathery clouds into west rift that destroyed portions of activity concentrated near the south- mendous pressure, the frothy lava the air. Mokuaweoweo and Kilauea the Belt Highway in South Kona and burst through a crack 700 feet long, are of approximately equal size, but the fishing village of Hoopuloa as it wes t cen ter ofthe era ter. This eruption half way up the western wall of the the former is slowly increasing its reached the sea. lasted continuously to June -21, and crater, cascading in rivers of fire 425 area by slumping and breaking down 1933, a summit eruption. At this spasmodically until August 20. This feet to the floor below. The force of of its outer walls. Extending north- time airplanes were first used to take' is the longest period of summit ac- the lava cracked open the old floor east and southwest from the summit sightseers over the eruption. tivity since the eruption of 1873-74. left by the 1931-32 eruption across its are volcanic rifts wi th many deep rents northern and northwest end, and formed by earthquake and eruption along the foot of the western wall as well as many brilliantly colored dense clouds of sulphur fumes poured spatter cones, some 200 feet in height. out, as the fiery fountains shot the These rifts have been the source of liquid lava high into the air. As in most of the recent eruptions, though the previous eruption, blocks of light the summit crater is also frequently pumice thrown out from the vents active. .~+----!---+--~-- were whirled upward by the heat cur- Following are major eruptions of rents and gales of wind, and deposited Mauna Loa: in shattered fragments over the land 1873-74, a summit eruption of 18 for more than a mile to leeward. In a months' duration. few days the crater had been filled 1877, a submarine eruption, 1 mile with new lava to a depth of 70 feet, off shore near Kealakeakua Bay. and instead of the countless frothy 1880-81, a flank eruption of 9 fountains of the initial outbreak the months' duration on the northeast activity centered in a lake of fire with rift, -that produced three major lava from 5 to 10 fountains continuously streams, one to the southward, one to throwing jets of heavy liquid lava 50 the north in the direction of Kilauea, HAWAII NATIONAL PARK to 200 feet above the lake.
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