![(1990): Plywood Tea-Chests: Part-1 General [CED 9: Timber and Timber Stores]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 10-1 (1990): Plywood Tea-Chests: Part-1 General [CED 9: Timber and Timber Stores] “ान $ एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ( : .- .-- 1 IS10 (Part1 ):1990 PLYWOOD TEA-CHESTS - SPECIFICATION ’ PART 1 GENERAL ( Fifth Revision) ’ UDC 621’788’1i3 [ 674 - 419’32 : 663’95 3 :. i, I> 1 ‘9 ,I.’ Q BIS 1991 // ,;. : I BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG . NEW DELHI llG002 Price Group 3 __dWmmy 199 1 Timber Stores Sectional Committee, CED 33 FOREWORD This Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) ( Fifth Revision ) was adopred by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 23 March 1990, after the draft finalized by the Timber Stores Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. IS 10 : 1970 covered provisions relating to different components of plywood tea-chest. In its fourth revision it was published in the following five parts: IS No. Title 10 ( Part 1 ) : 1976 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 1 General (fourth revision > 10 ( Part 2 ) : 1976 Specification for plywood tea-chests: Part 2 Plywood (fourth revision ) 10 (Part 3) : 1974 Specification for plywood tea-chest: Part 3 Battens (fourth revision ) 10 ( Part 4 > : 1976 Specification for plywood tea-chest: Part 4 Metal fittings (fourth revision ) 10 ( Part 5 ) : 1976 Specification for plywood tea-chest: Part 5 Assembly and packing (fourth revision ) In this fifth revision of Part 1 Amendments No. 1 to 3 are incorporated and the standard is updated as a result of the experience gained by its implementation by tea-chest industry and the testing laboratories. The methods of tests for end compression test and drop test and their reporting have been elaborately revised with reference to the methods given for the testing of transport packages in IS 7028 (Part 4 ) : 1987 ‘Performance test for complete, filled transport packages : Part 4 Vertical impact drop test (first telision )’ and IS 7028 ( Part 6 ) : 1973 ‘Performance test for complete filled transport packages: Part 6 Compression test’ respectively which are based on IS0 standards. In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international coordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this country. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. IS 10 ( Part 1) : 1990 Indian Standard PLYWOODTEA-CHESTS- SPECIFICATION PART 1 GENERAL ( FiJth Revision ) . l ’ 1 SCOPE Sl Characteristic Requirement Method of rest No. 1.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) covers mste- iii) Water vapour 5 g/m*/24 h 14 of IS 1060 rials, standard sizes, design, tare and tests for permeability at - ( Part 2 ) : 1960 plywood tea-chests. 38 + 1°C and 2 REFERENCES 90 * 2 percent RH, Max 2.1 The standards listed in Annex A are neces- sary adjuncts to this standard. iv) Water absorp- 1 percent A weighed sample tion 24 h, Max shall be immersed 3 TERMINOLOGY in distilled water at 27 & 1°C for a 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the defini- period of 24 h tions given in IS 707 : 1976 shall apply. and the same 4 MATERIAL shall be reweighed after removing the 4.1 Battens surface water. Battens shall conform to IS 10 ( Part 3 ) : 1974. From the weight gain so obtained, 4.2 Plywood percentage water absorption shall ;;syod panels shall conform to IS 10 ( Part 2 ) : be calculated. v) Toxicity Non-toxic Toxicity shall be 4.3 Fittings tested by prepa- h%;;1 fittings shall conform to IS 10 ( Part 4 > : ration of film extracts and sys- temic administra- 4.4 Batten Covers tion to laboratory Tissue paper shall be used as cover for battens animals and im- in the assembled tea-chest. plantation of polyester film in 4.5 Linings the muscles of rabbits. No mor- Any of the following lining materials may be tality or any other used: signs of toxicity a) Aluminium foil of 0’020 f 0 002 mm shall be observed. interlined with tissue paper; vi) Thermal stabi- Unaffected The film shall be lity range and stable exposed to the b) Aluminium foil of 0 009 f 0’001 mm on storage temperature as laminated with 20 to 30 g/m% paper at 130°C stated for a peri- conforming to IS 8970 : 1978; od of 6 weeks and c) Cellulose film of 0’022 mm f 10 percent subjected to tests conforming to grade 300 coated with poly- stated under 4(C) vinylidene chloride ( PVDC ) or nitrocel- and 4(D). There lulose lacquer of IS 5012 : 1987. shall be no vari- ation in the pro- d) Metallized polyester film of minimum perty of the film. thickness 12 micron (0’012 mm ) and con- 4.6 Nails forming to the following requirements: Nails used for corner, top and bottom of tea- Sl Characteristic Requirement Method of Test chest shall be slat nails (see IS 723 : 1972 ). No. 5 DESIGN OF TEA-CHEST i) Tensile stren- 2 060 N/m 12.3 of IS 1060 gth, Min ( Part 1 ) : 1966 5.1 The tea-chest shall be assembled as indicated in Fig. 1 from six panels of plywood forming a ii) Puncture stren- 1’42 N.m 9 of IS 4006 shook and 12 battens together with other acces- gth, Min ( Part 2 ) : 1985 sories specified in Table 1. 1 IS 10 ( Part 1) : 1990 more than the maximum prescribed for it in SI No. ( iv ) of Table 1. 7.1.1 The mass of shcoks if stipulated in the purchase agreement shall not vary from the agreed mass by more than & 3 percent. 7.2 CerCificate of Tare The supplier shall state in the despatch document ( challan ) for each consignment the tare of the tea-chests. 7.2.1 The mass of tea-chest shall not vary by more than f10 percent of the mass as stated in the certificate of tare and shall not exceed the maxi- mum specified in Table 1. 7.2.2 The supplier shall also indicate in the despatch document ( challan ) for each consign- ment the species of timber used for plywood and battens separately and the size of tea-chests. 8 TYPE APPROVAL TESTS FOR TEA-CHESTS 8.1 End Compression Test 8.1.1 Five tea-chests of the size 480 mm X FIG. 1 TEA-CHEST 480 mm x 600 mm assembled in accordance with Part 5 of this standard shall be fully packed with 6 SIZES dry saw dust weighing 50 kg. The tea-chests shall 6.1 Tea-chests shall be of any of the following be conditioned at a temperature of 3’7 f 2°C sizes the dimensions as given may be the outside and RH 65 & 5% for 48 hours. The filled tea- dimensions of tea-chest: chests shall be subjected to end compression test : Length Width in vertical position, as per IS 7028 ( Part 6 ) : Height 1973. The maximum compression load under L W H which the tea-chest starts bulging and permanent mm mm mm depression appears on the sides shall be recorded 400 500 600 for each tea-chests. The average of the com- 480 480 600 pression loads at which the tea-chests fail shall be not less than 50 kN. Corresponding figures 480 480 560 for other sizes shall be subjected to agreement 460 460 500 between the purchaser and the supplier. 400 400 600 8.1.2 Alternative Test 400 400 500 The five tea-chests assembled in accordance with 400 400 450 Part 5 of this standard, shall be filled with the 6.1.1 Any other sizes as agreed to between the saw dust and conditioned to the conditions as manufacturer and the purchaser shall be permit- given in 8.1.1 when subjected to a constant ted provided the dimensions do not exceed the compression load of 20 kN and maintained un- maximum as specified in 6.1: der the same condition for a duration of 3 hours NOI’E - For export of tea-chest shooks only, tea- shall show no visible sign of deterioration. chests with the following dimensions may be per- Corresponding figures for other sizes shall be mitted: subjected to agreement between the purchaser a) 490 mm x 490 mm x 610 mm, and the supplier.
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