Ombilin Coal Mining Heritage of Sawahlunto Nomination Dossier Annex Annex 1 – Maps Annex 2 – Summary of Key Regulations/Policies Annex 3 – Agreements Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia Government of West Sumatra 2018 Title Nominated Property Summary Area Area Area A B C Law Number 26 of O O O The Law specifies the obligation of central and local 2007 on Spatial government on spatial management and illustrates Management the procedures for rural and urban spatial management and planning. It also elaborates the arrangement of special plans and spatial plans at national, provincial, regency and municipal levels. The Law classifies spatial management by system, main function of the area, administrative region of the area, activities within the area, and strategic value of the area. Law Number 10 of O O O The Law provides rules for the national tourism 2009 on Tourism development in Indonesia and provides for the rights and obligations of the community, of tourists and of the Government and Regional Government. It makes provision for the development of tourism, the determination of tourism strategic zones, the registration of tourism businesses, etc. Law Number 11 of O O O The Law outlines the overall policies for the 2010 on Cultural conservation, development, research, and utilisation Property of cultural properties in Indonesia. Law Number 23 of O O O This Law outlines the Central Government authority to 2014 on Regional designate special areas such as a cultural property Government area. The Law also governs relations and authorities among the Central, Provincial and Local Governments relevant to Cultural Property. Law Number 5 of O O O The Law sets out provisions regarding culture as an 2017 on Cultural investment, not only a number, but as an integrated Development cultural data collection system of objects of cultural development, human resources in the field of culture, cultural organisations, cultural institutions, institutions, facilities and infrastructure and other culture-related data. Government O O O The Law outlines the policies and strategies for Regulation national spatial planning. This regulation serves as a Number 69 of guideline for national long and medium-term planning 1998 on Railway and development as well as the spatial use and Facility and control at the national level in order to create an Infrastructure integrated national, provincial and municipal/regency spatial planning. It also provides the guideline for the designation of National Strategic Areas. The Law defines the strategies for the conservation and enhancement of value of the designated World Cultural Heritage area. They are: a. to conserve the physical authenticity and maintain the balance of the ecosystem; b. to promote national tourism; c. to develop science and technology; and d. to conserve sustainable environment. 2-1 Title Nominated Property Summary Area Area Area A B C Government O O O The Law outlines regulations concerning railway Regulation facility and infrastructure, such as the rail tracks, the Number 36 of stations, and other railway operations infrastructure 2005 on the and facilities. Implementation of Law on Buildings Government O O O The Government Regulation provides for all efforts of Regulation disaster management during pre-disaster, emergency Number 21 of response, and post-disaster periods; easy access to 2008 on Disaster disaster management agencies during emergency Mitigation response period; and for the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts during post- disaster period. Government O O O The Government Regulation provides guidelines on Regulation policies and strategies related to national spatial Number 26 of planning, including cultural property area and national 2008 on National protected area spatial plans. Spatial Planning Government O O O The Government Regulation provides guidelines on Regulation urban area management. Thus, the national cultural Number 34 of property area in urban areas shall refer to and subject 2009 on the to this Government Regulation. Management of Urban Areas Government O O O The Government Regulation sets out zoning provisions Regulation to control the Land-Use of Cultural Property Area. Number 15 of 2010 on the Implementation of Spatial Plan Government O O O The Government Regulation provides guidelines on Regulation community role in spatial plan. As the Old Town is a Number 68 of living area, the regulation sets out the role of society 2010 on the Role in it. of Community in Spatial Planning Process Government O O O The Government Regulation sets out zoning of Regulation national park areas management, among others is an Number 28 of "Other" Zone. Other Zones are, namely Religious, 2011 on the Areas Cultural, and Historic Zones. Accordingly, this of Natural Regulation may be used to regulate cultural property Conservation and areas located or in the national park area. Preservation (Replaced with Government Regulation 2-2 Title Nominated Property Summary Area Area Area A B C Number 108 of 2015) Government O O O This Government Regulation is on the designation of Regulation 50 National Tourism Destinations (DPN), 88 National Number 50 of Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) and 222 National 2011 on National Tourism Development Areas (KPPN), including the Tourism nominated areas such as the National Tourism Development Development Area (KPPN) of Padang and its Master Plan 2010- surrounding areas, the National Tourism Development 2025 Area (KPPN) of Singkarak and its surrounding areas, as well as the National Tourism Area (KPPN) of Sawahlunto and its surrounding areas. Government O O O The Government Regulation outlines the requirement Regulation for a business or activity in Indonesia having an impact Number 27 of on the environment, to obtain an approval on 2012 on Environmental Impact Assessment and to give Environmental Sanction on environmental destruction. Licenses Government O O O This Government Regulation also regulates properties Regulation within the cultural property area if the properties Number 27 of concerned is state/local government's properties. 2014 on the State/Regional Assets Government O O O This Government Regulation sets out system of Regulation railway governance and operation, boundary of space Number 6 of 2017 utilization and supervision of railway routes. on the Amandment to Government Regulation Number 56 of 2009 on the Operation of Railway Presidential O O O This Presidential Regulation stipulates that the cost of Regulation maintaining a state building that belongs to the Number 73 of category of cultural property building, the amount of 2011 on State maintenance cost is calculated in accordance with the Building real necessities. Construction Presidential O O O This Presidential Regulation stipulates the objectives, Regulation policies and strategies of spatial planning of Sumatra Number 13 of Island for the development of cultural property 2012 on Sumatera tourism designated areas. Island Spatial Plan Presidential O O Indirectly related to the nomination, this Presidential 2-3 Title Nominated Property Summary Area Area Area A B C Regulation Regulation outlines an acceleration program of Number 100 of Sumatra Highway Development as one of the 2014 on accesses in and out West Sumatra province. Acceleration of Sumatra Highway Development Presidential O O O This Presidential Regulation stipulates a national Regulation medium-term development plan for 5 years (2015- Number 2 of 2015 2019) and an elaboration of the strategic plan on National according to expertise and responsibilities of Medium Term ministries as assistants to the head of state. Development Plan 2015-2019 Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation sets out procedures, Minister of implementation and policies of conversion of Agrarian Number ownership of state-owned land. 9 of 1965 on Implementation of the Conversion of Ownership of State-Owned Land. Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation sets out procedures for Minister of Culture conservation of cultural property objects and sites. and Tourism Number 49 of 2009 on Guidelines for Cultural Property and Site Conservation Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation explains the guidelines for Minister of Public building inspection, one of which is an inspection of Works Number 16 preservation of building appearance and cohesion of 2010 on with its surroundings. Guidelines for Building Inspection Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation sets out guidelines on Minister of Public building registry that classifies building of cultural Works Number 17 property. of 2010 on Technical Guidelines for Building Registry Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation defines Revitalization, Minister of Public Conservation and Cultural Heritage, purpose and 2-4 Title Nominated Property Summary Area Area Area A B C Works Number 18 objectives of revitalization of an area of 2010 on Guidelines for Area Revitalization Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation sets out guidance on the Minister of State- utilization of assets registered as fixed assets of state- Owned owned enterprises (SOEs). Enterprises Number 13/MBU/09/2014 on Guidelines for Fixed Assets of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation of the O O O This Ministerial Regulation sets out working Minister of procedures and organizational system within the Education and Ministry of Education and Culture. Culture Number 11 of 2015 on Organization and Working Procedure of the Ministry of Education and Culture
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