Purple Gang Cross-References

Purple Gang Cross-References

-I FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: PURPLE GANG CROSS-REFERENCES FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF TI-IE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. 1 V .-- '- - - - '7 V.-~V: ...._V._ 9;;-92 . ..». I V .. .,_ J .1 VV - . ._ in 1L-' -- . : I 7"_5";";"*--AI .. '"".-w .-.:V I92 . fk "- V " .:T* , , ,1. -= ' :': ' " 'V§I.lf '- 1. "_-92V=.e-V92'g~'V- .' ,_ "3 - '' , _. - -,1/£7 si 5 - - + @~=i.=*- -0 ',. ;_,.»-.- 'Vv--arr - ;__3v.1_@-. 1- "" -~ -- - .'~.'-T - - - 92_- --_. V V-~ V:_ - " -- -."V_...,__.,..._.;_V__, P V . ...--:t- " -1 -V» . .- V , ~ - -##- . V _ V V _ > ,. r .:=V_ _,= :1 . I '1.»-. V -= -a» _ V.-3 _V_.V1,, V..,_ ,1.--V. .. _. __. _ . -V . I _ . *1 ; ,'~ - 1 ' V V Y ,. - __ _. _ *- - V 'J.. ' "' * -~eVs.,V.V...._,-_.<._ V V '*'- .:;~,-;¢._. V. V,-e K 1. 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W ' ' . ch3, 19??- I /-"'.~ '. _ x f 9292 Lfemorfwn i re telephone call from ; 5.51". Purvis. f;>_.-;.{ f -_-'.¢_~,:r: ,_..=.' ll. r _ e.»1 I E51. %is said he had somedope that you ':.'il_l probably v-"ant to nselae:'i_ip1;es_ , _ on. Han named krthnr G Qjendler, 1414 Winnebech Avenue, telephoneEehe§ employed Edgevraterbylfird 393 , Cbicago,'go1.': Motor Company, employed Detroit, as by Z-iick1eberry's investigator Sausage under Harry Céimpnny,-IforznerlyBennett st the office of the Highland Park plent in Detroit; was laid off behsuse he secured some information about high officials of the Ford Company; that is whet hetells Mr. Purvis. He showed us in the paper concerning thi§7Lind~ nan bergkne1:;e-Q2 kidneping. Scott;_i3o1¬ that whothe name isa memberof the nurse ofthe was iPurp1e Betty~Gow Glng of and heKidnapers - knows that heknowsa that Betty Gow 1s~a sister of Scott; Gow an§he gave us a description of the Betty Gov; that he knows; age 28, height 5' L5"; weight 120 pounds; complexion :5 medium; eyes and heir unknown; occupation is private nurse. Chandler says he sew this Betty in Scotty's house when he went there in Detroit to recover -. the possession of property which had been in the possession of Scottyi year ' ' _ Perk anda Ford Motorhalfego; this Company property Plant had and been the onl{_associates stolenfrom conmissery f of C tty Go: thegghlandown to_ _ 92 Clxanriler ere;§itzpatrick, whose father is__ s Captain in the ;s-.lmer Park; Police; - 22> at Detrgit &n_ e nan Qgm@d}¬irpQ3 another Detroit hoodlum. -r. Eurvis said that was ell he had so far and he thought possibly that eight be of value. fr. Hoover said that is fine and anything call and give right off the bat 7 because i; might fit in with material we are working on in New Jersey. l I sf! mOb . , , I _______,_____, 1 . -»- . ,___ ._._..._..-<---4-------"cf - - P 92 !v. 92 1u53OBJ§D 1 . 1 ' " -i ,...r_HsI;_e u & f ¢ E53 4 ' 1932 r saw-'-XE-°* i- '. e" Q _ " > F l { . jiégfi égxi tn{.!Q . J2, ; 92 !'- _ i 92 13;¢»~s.=»L1t ha <K;>¥ *§_ | ¢1e;gaf;92J¢ <_'92_ownlcfax + ¢>~v44 _ R G -92... Fa I {-1- =*/./ no 2-./V. ? /71;?-1.ii - i 1 F P 1P"V-I'§'*'e ~ I - J - 92 s _ /~~ - g_, 9292 is §* - . * 19- lee Hemorendum iarch 3, 1932.

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