Altroconsumo Fédération des Associations de Consommateurs de Côte d ‘Ivoire Verein für Konsumenteninformation Food Animal Concerns Trust Kuluttajat-Konsumenterna ry Fórum Nacional das Entidades Civis de Defesa do Consumidor UFC-Que Choisir Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre American Council on Consumer Interests Fundación del Consumidor y del Usuario Consumer Guidance Society of India IBON Foundation Asociación Peruana de Consumidores y Usuarios Instituto Panameño de Derecho de Consumidores y Usuarios Associaçáo Portugesa para a Defesa do Consumidor Kentro Prostasias Katanaloton Association des Consommateurs du Mali Sveriges Konsumenter i Samverkan Test-Achats Korean National Council of Consumer Organisations Zdruzenie slovenskych spotrebitelov Lembaga Pembinaan Dan Perlindungan Konsumen Association pour la Défense des Droits des Consommateurs Liga por la Defensa del Consumidor de Nicaragua Associazione Consumatori Utenti Liga Uruguaya de Defensa del Consumidor Centro para la Defensa del Consumidor Ligue pour la Défense du Consommateur au Bénin Consumers Foundation Chinese Taipei MAG Estudios de Consumo Comité de Defensa de los Derechos del Consumidor National Federation of Mongolian Consumers’ Association Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios National Consumer Forum Consommation, Logement et Cadre de vie Option Consommateurs Consumentenbond Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios de Chile Consumer Association of Malawi Pro Consumers Consumer Council of Zimbabwe National League of Consumers of Kazakhstan Consumer Council of Fiji Public Interest Advocacy Centre Forbrugerrådet Regroupement pour la défense des consommateurs du Mali Consumer Education and Research Society Asociatia pentru Protectia Consumatorilor din Romania Consumer Federation of America Servicio de Educación y Defensa de los Consumidores Consumer Information Network of Kenya Socio Economic Welfare Action for Women and Children Consumer Unity and Trust Society Stiftung Warentest Consumers Union of U.S. Suomen Kuluttajaliitto Consumers Association of Bangladesh Uganda Consumers Protection Association Consumers Association of Penang Unión de Usuarios y Consumidores Sdružení obrany spotøebitelù Èeské republiky Sparoxneri iravunqneri pashtpanutjun Consumer NZ Unión Nacional de Consumidores y Usuarios de la República de Panamá Consumers Korea Unione Nazionale Consumatori Organizacija na potrosuvacite na Makedonija Hoi Tieu chuan va Bao ve Nguoi tieu dung Viet Nam Consumidores Argentinos Yemen Society for Consumer Protection Cyprus Consumers’ Association Youth Education Network EKI--IOIZΩ Hankook-sobija-yunmang Federation of Consumer Organisations - Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Knowledge Ecology International Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations Bulgarian National Consumer Association Foundation for Consumers Ethiopian Consumer Protection Associatio Fundashon pa Konsumido Tüketici Haklarý Derneği Ghaqda Tal-Konsumaturi Fundación AMBIO-ALERTA Guyana Consumers Association Consumers’ Union of Tajikistan Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor Nippon Consumer Voice for Better Standards Israel Consumer Council Consumers’ Association New INKA Interrepublican Confederation of Consumer Societies Federation of Consumers in Bulgaria Association des Consommateurs de I’lle Maurice Oman Association for Consumer Protection Mumbai Grahak Panchayat El Poder del Consumidor Országos Fogyasztóvédelmi Egyesület Associação para Defesa do Consumidor National Consumers Forum Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco National Consumers’ League Aruba Consumer Solidarity Group Shodanren Instituto de Estudios de Derecho del Consumo National Society For Consumer Protection Unión de Consumidores de Argentina Neytendasamtökin Consumer Protection Association of the Gambia Organisation de Défense du Consommateur Centar za zastitu potrosaca Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios Cuddalore District Consumer Protection Organisation China Consumers’ Association Fogyasztóvédelmi Egyesületek Országos Szövetsége Hong Kong Consumer Council Croatian Union of Consumer Protection Organisations Federacja Konsumentów CONSENT Selangor and Federal Territory Consumers Association The Union ‘21 Century’ Zveza Potrošnikov Slovenije Lithuanian National Consumer Federation Sveriges Konsumenter Vakaru Lietuvos Vartotoju Federacija The Network for Consumer Protection in Pakistan SOS Consommateurs Tribuna Ecuatoriana de Consumidores y Usuarios Réseau Associatif des Consommateurs de l’Energie Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband Consumer Advocacy Centre Voluntary Organisation in Interest of Consumer Education Tuketiciyi Koruma Dernegi Which? Association for the Defence of Consumer Rights and Interests Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia Fundación Bandera Ecológica CHOICE Unión de Consumidores de España Jamyat Almoustahlk-Loubnan Generazione Attiva Acción del Consumidor Consumers’ Federation of Georgia Consumers’ Federation of Australia Consumers Union of Russia Fundación por los Derechos del Consumidor Consumers Empowerment Organisation of Nigeria Macau Consumer Council Consumer Awareness Organisation Consumer Focus Asocijacija potrošaèa Srbije National Association of Consumers Pokret za zastitu potrosaca Beograd Active Consumers African Woman and Child Feature Service Advisory Council on Consumer Affairs Associação de Defesa do Consumidor Shoqata e Konsumatorit Shqiptar Tanzania Consumer Advocacy Society American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Zambian Consumer Association Consumer Protection Association of Mercosur Institute for Consumer Protection Asociación de Usuario de Bancos, Cajas y Seguros Nacionalna Organizacija Potrosaca Srbije Asociación General de Consumidores Australian Competition and Consumer Commission PRO TESTE Autoridad de Protección del Consumidor y Defensa de la Competencia ATLAS-SAIS Consumer Affairs Authority, Sri Lanka Consumers Association of Burundi Consumer Affairs Victoria Association for Consumers Action on Safety and Health Office of the Consumer Protection Board of Thailand Association Force Ouvriére Consommateurs Instituto de Consumo de Castilla La Mancha Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete Consumer Rights Protection Centre of Republic of Latvia Asociácia spotrebitel’ských subjektov Slovenska Dirección de Consumo y Seguridad Industrial, España Stowarzyszenie Konsumentow Polskich Department of Fair Trading and Consumer Affairs, Fiji Association pour la Défense de l’Environnement et des Consommateurs Independent Consumer and Competition Commission, Papua New Guinea Association Togolaise des Consommateurs Direcção-Geral do Consumidor, Portugal Association Togolaise pour la Défense du Consommateur Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour, Samoa Azad Ýstehlakçýlar Birliyi Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives, Kiribati Belorusskoe Obstestvo Zastity Potrehitelei Ministry of Trade, Industry and Commerce, Saint Lucia Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs Ministry of Consumer Affairs Division, Trinidad and Tobago “We became a powerful and respected voice of respectedof andpowerfulvoice becamea “We Chinese Women’s Consumers Association Department of Consumer Affairs, India AnwarFazalIOCU/Consumers International 1984 President,- 1978 Citizen, Consumer and Civic Action Group Ministry of Industry and International Trade, Zimbabwe which also engaged the UN system in ways never never ways in system UN engagedthe also which Comité para la Defensa del Consumidor Hondureño Ministry of Industy Trade and Labour, Israel seen before to achieve real results for real people.”real for resultsreal achieve to beforeseen Consumer Coordination Council Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Co-operation, Republic of Tatarstan consumers globally as never before. A voice that not that voice A before. never as consumersglobally Consumer Law News Network Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing, Lesotho Consumer Protection Council Department of Trade and Consumer Affairs, Botswana only challenged the largest corporations and won, but won, andcorporationslargest challengedthe only Consumer Protection Organization of Nigeria National Authority for Consumers Protection, Romania Consumers Association of Ghana Office of Consumer Protection, South Africa Consumers Association of India Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry, Canada Consumers Association of Singapore Office of Consumer Protection, Canada Consumers’ Forum Servicio Nacional del Consumidor, Chile Consumers Union of Quebec Instituto Nacional de Protección de los Derechos del Consumidor, Dominican Republic Consumers Union of Georgia UK Office of Fair Trading Nihon Shohisha Renmei Zambia Competition Commission Consumidores y Usuarios Asociados Uruguay Consumer Protection Council, Nigeria Corporación Nacional de Consumidores y Usuarios de Chile Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection Hrvatska Udruga Za Zastitu Potrosaca Consumer Affairs Commission, Philippines Education and Research Association for Consumers Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department, Estonian Consumers Union State Government of Tamil Nadu European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer The Consumer Protection Agency, Egypt Representation in Standardization Ukraine State Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy Consumidores en Acción Kuluttajavirasto Federación de Usuarios y Consumidores Independientes Fundação de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor do Estado de São Paulo Altroconsumo Fédération des Associations de Consommateurs de Côte d ‘Ivoire Verein für Konsumenteninformation Food Animal Concerns
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