Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Raleigh, North Carolina August 25, 1995 Volume 76, Number t Bell Tower Chancellor recons Brent Road Briefs . '3' I Residents who live near ‘ r 0's Ordinance No. (1995) —- 686 the annual party site say it» Ft. high school students are as 56 't’ri j An ordinance to amend the ..¢ _ . 'Q’,,;§’ alcoholic beverage control much to blame as college regulations of the City of ('aroly'n Miller of Raleigh. professor of linglish students. Raleigh. I and director of technical communication at N. C. Now. therefore. be it ordained State. has been named a fellow iii the national Bv Jasos' Km; by the Raleigh city councrl. Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Sitilt Sui-H 'Wvlttr; Section I See. 12-4001 of the t.-\'I'l‘Wl. Raleigh City Code is hereby The ATTW was formed in 1973 to encourage Similar to an episode of Mission: repealed, rewritten, and dialogue among teachers of technical Impossible. Chancellor Larry reenacted to read as follows communication as an academic discipline. There Monteith is trying to do something “Except as prowded by this ittost students wouldn‘t think is chapter. it shall be unlawful are more than 1.000 members. including possible. He is trying to convince for any pedestrian to professional technical communicators in business i the residents of Brent Road to make consume malt beverages or and industry, graduate and undergraduate t attendees of this year's annual unfortified Wine on any crty students. ‘ partv act rationally. street and it shall be unlawful Miller has been a member of the NCSU faculty for any person to possess an since 197}. and she earned an outstanding l Mortteith and Vice Chancellor of open container of malt teaching award in I984. She designed the ‘ Student Aflairs l'om Stafford spent beverages or unfortitied wrne master's degree program in technical some time with residents there on any property owned. communication. which she has directed since I Thursday afternoon trying to occupied. or controlled by the l‘ltltl. More than 60 students are enrolled in the persuade them to tone down the City. It shall also be unlawful graduate program and will pursue careers in party. which will be held Saturday to possess malt beverages fields such as the computer software industry and night. and unlortilied wrne on any ‘ “I’m glusl trying to get the mood street. alley or parking lot medical environmental communication. , surrounding the bash." Monteith which IS temporarily closed to Miller is recogni/ed nationally for her scholarly * said while talking to student regular traffic for a specral contributions to the field of technical I residents. "We‘re not trying to keep event unless the resolution of communication. The National Council of City councn closmg the street. Teachers of linglish has cited her published work 1 people from celebrating. alley. or parking lot makes as being the benchmark for the philosophy and I "We hope the party WIII be kept other prowsrons for the theory of technical and scientific communication. \vitlitn the boundaries of the possessron ot malt beverages restdents‘ houses and off the or untortified wine, An open street" container IS one whose seal Mallette made assistant provost Monteith pointed out that a new has been broken or a ordinance has been passed. which contalner other than the Bruce Mallette of Cary has been named makes it illegal to have an open manufacturer‘s original assistant provost for administration at N. C. State container of alcohol on Raleigh unopened container." effective Sept. l. Hlor TrnAoA/Swr Chancellor Larry Monteith announced the Chancellor Lorry Monteith (left) and Vice Chancellor Tom Stafford talk to NCSU Adopted 7/18/95 appolntment following approval by the .Sr’t‘ ROAD, I’tltJi‘ 3 P students Mike Schweiner and Don Reichenboch about the Brent Road party. Effective 7/18/95 university 's state board of tnistees. Among other duties as assistant provost. Mallette will be the liaison between all academic ,‘A, c #._,,.4 cs, A, ,.__c____....w__.1 onus on campus and the provost's office. and he will oversee the academic personnel office. \lallelte has served as associate director of the Cheating itlflt't' of unnersity planning and analysis at I, robot \l ‘\l slllct‘ I‘M} Prior to that. he served for in o ycais as assistant director in the office of university planning. He has completed a year— long \ittcrican Council on Education fellowship drops by 50 % on video .it the American l'niversity in Washington. DC. >\ native of Asheville. NC . he earned a doctorate iti education from NCSU in 0988; a I Only 42 cases of academic fraud were I New Technology enables master‘s in education from Wake Forest reported during the last semester. students to look for more l'niversity in W77; and a bachelor's in education jobs. from Wake forest in 1975. ltv .lissii'i'ii SORBl-R He is a member of the American Association of Bv JEAN Lonscurinrtk Higher Education. the Association for Cr‘rrErilrtzin N Cult Institutional Research arid the Southern .\ new semester has begun. and most students will be Association for College Student Affairs. hrttmg the books soon. Others. however. will be hitting The shelves at the N C. State their friends up for answers. Career Planning and Placement '\Illl0llgh cheating Is prevalent on any campus. the Center are lined with books about Professor receives award number ot reported .iolatioiis of cheating. falsifying finding Jobs and folders filled with records. plagiari. mg and aiding and abetting has facts about potential employers. but Brian Sheldon of Cary. a professor of food decreased over the past academic year. according to the CPPC has something else to aid science at N. C State. has received the National l)cb Collins I uckadoo. the assistant coordinator of students in their Job hunt: Broiler Council Research Award from the Poultry Illtllt ial programs technology. Science Association. The award was presented at A total of HR cases of academic fraud were reported In addition to their home page on the association's annual meeting, Aug. Isl III the NIH-94 academic year. The total number of the World-Wide Web. accessible through l5 at the University of Alberta in reported cases for the WWI—95 academic year dwindled from the NCSU home page. the lidmonton. Canada. lo 42. center is worklng with other The selection committee cited the strong Despite the statistics. Paul Cousins. N.(‘, State's universities to create a network of economic impact Sheldon's research has had on coordinator of llttllL’ltll programs. is skeptical that video conferencing sites so students the international broiler industry during the past cheating has actually decreased. and employers can hold long- five years. Sheldon has conducted extensive "There is a good chance that a lot of cases went dislance interviews. studies on poultry flavor preservation and on unreported." he said. ”We have spent a lot of time food safety measures iii poultry processing Both Luckadoo and Cousins said that ~13 reports is trying to create what should be a He received a bachelor's degree in I972 from nowhere tiear the national average. but they do hope it state—oI'—the-art system for the University of Dubuque; a master‘s degree in electronic interface between offices I97l from New Mexico Highlands University: like this and students." said Walter and a doctorate in I979 from Virginia .\(’i' CHEAT, Pilgl' 2 P B. Jones. director of the center. Polytechnic Institute and State University. Students Wlll be able to enter their He is a member of Sigma Xi. the American resumes directly to the net from Chemical Society. the Institute of Food any L'nity work station on campus. Technologists. the American Society for Doctor defends Through the CPPC home page. Microbiology and the Poultry Science students can access Job listings and l sign up for on-campus interviews NCSU infirmary I The home page. which is already *sféi-‘ssrscfi. l up and running, is pist one way the Inside Wednesday SA:v «out? FAniAN I CPI’C is planning to utilize . Graduate student Randy Jones shows off one of the ; burgeoning technologies for career I Student Health Services responds to Construction Automation and Robotics Laoratory's (CARL) 1 placement. Jones said. Video Sports: The General, Hot Rod and complaints about poor service. creations of demonstration Thursday. I conferencing is another tool the l center plans to UlllllC. the Doctor inside. Page 3 ) Bv SHARON CORKERY Jones said he has been working I I StAlf Wmttn With his colleagues at Georgia Tech Sports: The men’s soccer team is Most incoming freshman look forward to their first and University of Tennessee to ready to kick off. Page ) taste of freedom away frotn home. But when students Snapple lady visits State form a coalition of schools within get sick or injured and mom and dad are hundreds of the Atlantic Coast Conference and I miles away. they have to find someone else to look the Southeast Conference to et cefero: Take some simple after their needs. I NCSU — officially made annual cookout. ()rientation II and provide video desktop That‘s what NC. State‘s department of Student from the best stuff on earth. Inter Fraternity Council‘s rush inlerviewmg. measures to be safe. Page 5 ) Health Services is for. carnival. At least 2| schools will be i . I "I'd go there first." freshman Jennifer Pearson said Bv Ros Bnciio More than 25 of the letters sent to represented in the network. Most of et cetera: Antonio Bonderos is sassy CINE; |I(V)IJ tN Curls Kaufman came from NCSU the major urban areas from after hearing the benefits of using Student Health students or Raleigh residents.
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