+ TEMPLE EMANUEL + Volume 43 Number 8 April 1993 May we exalt in our freedom to practice our faith in an atmosphere of liberty, justice and equality remembering how God performed miracles for Rabbi's our ancestors and treasuring God's repeat per­ formance each year. Message Together, may we and our families recognize Rabbi Randi Musnitsky our blessings and offer proper thanks and grati­ tude. The true significance of Pesach is often lost in Dedication of the the matzah crumbs. The equation of Pesach = Rabbi Edwin N. Saslow Library Seder denies its real importance. Simply stated, Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow Pesach represents all the true values of Judaism. It reflects the ideal that the simple pleasures of Scholar-in Residence .' life far outweigh our material possessions. God's Shabbat ;, gifts during this renewal of Spring remind us of Friday Evening, April 30,. 993 the miracles of creation including the sun, moon, j stars, trees and flowers. Regardless of our social 8:00 P.M. "1 order, we are blessed with our five senses which We ask that our members allow us to experience the sights, smells and all join with us on this special tastes of this season. Truly, the finest, most ex­ evening of education and pensive piece of artwork pales in comparison to learning in memory of Rabbi God's handiwork. No jewelry, however valu­ Edwin N. Soslow. Joining us able, outshines the rays of sunlight. No music will be Dr. Gary S. Schiff, Presi­ dent of Gratz College and Pro­ delights the soul as much as the trill of a cardinal fessor of Middle East Studies. or the song of the robin. The only thing missing A leader in Jewish life, Dr. during this glorious rebirth of nature is our own Schiff has served on the Gov­ appreciation of the marvels before us. erning Board of the World Jew­ The memory of Pesach was one of the few ish Congress and is listed in Who's Who in the East (1984), Who's Who in World Jewry (1981 and 1987), sources of courage to the Jews who suffered dur­ and Who's Who in Israel (1990-91). Gratz College is ing the Holocaust. Much of the poetry composed the oldest non-denominationally affiliated college of by them contains memories of past enjoyments Jewish studies in the United States. Dr. Schiff will and dreams of future celebrations. They often speak to us about "Challenges Facing Jewish Educa­ compared themselves to the slaves of Egypt and tion." Other exciting events of this special evening in­ hoped for freedom. Tragically, most never lived clude the Dedication of the Rabbi Edwin N. Soslow to savor the beauties of another Pesach. Library as well as the presentation of the Rabbi Edwin As we celebrate Pesach this year, may we do N. Soslow Achievement Award. honor to those who dreamed of its pleasures. An Evening with • PRESIDENT'S COLUMN • Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis Sunday Evening, April 18, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. By Andrew E. Weiner One of the highlights of our Temple events this year is At the most recent meet­ hearing Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis speak on Sunday ing of the Board of Trustees, evening, April 18 at 7:30 P.M. As part of our Yom Hashoa the budget, slightly in excess observance, Rebbetzin Jungreis who is the founder and director of the Hineni Cultural Center in New York City, of $1,700,000.00, was ap­ will energize us spiritually as she speaks on the the spiri­ proved for 1993-1994. Al­ tual holocaust and awaken our Jewish roots. Rebbetzin though the budget takes a Jungreis has spoken to standing room only crowds at tremendous amount of time Madison Square Garden, the Miami Convention Center, in and expertise to properly Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. She was named 'Woman of the prepare, and affects the dues Year" by Hadassah, the Jewish War Veterans and B'nai and fees paid by each congregant, as well as the Brith She has been featured in Newsweek, Time and People services received, I am convinced by my discussions magazines. Her book ''The Jewish Soul on Fire" is now in recently with some of you, that the budget process is its fifth printing. not understood. I therefore devote this month's col­ For a fascinating experience and a truly informative umn to a brief review of the essentials of congrega­ evening, please plan on joining us. Admission at the door is $5.00 per person. Children and students are no charge­ tional budgets. and we do encourage you to bring your children! Monies Approximately halfway into the fiscal year, in will also be accepted at the office. Patrons at $36 will January and February, the Finance Committee re­ include 2 admissions and a copy of Rebbetzin Jungreis' ceives recommended budgets and requests for funds book. We ask all of our members to publicize this special from all Temple Committees. With that information, evening to their friends and neighbors-You will not want as well as a six month track record of expenses for the to miss this event at Temple Emanuel! current year, expenses for the following year are pro­ jected. Once that has been accomplished, a review of current Temple membership by category is made. Yom Hashoa Service The dues paying membership, at the time the budget Friday Evening, April 16 at 8:00 P.M. is prepared, is utilized with any projected increases Please join us for our Yom Hashoa Observance on in membership for purposes of establishing the num­ Friday evening, April 16 at 8:00 P.M. as we remember the ber of congregants who will be paying dues during 50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising with special the following year. Once our expenses and member­ readings from a new publication by a survivor of the ship have been projected, income from Temple op­ Warsaw Ghetto. erations will be reviewed and dues and fees estab­ lished resulting in a balanced budget. In general, estimates of income and membership Yom Haatzmaut are conservative, and as a result, we have not had Friday Evening, April 23 at 8:00 P.M. any large losses which have necessitated special as­ sessments. This year, after giving careful consider­ Join us for this historic event as we celebrate Israel's ation to our financial situation, the finance commit­ 45th Anniversary at Shabbat Evening Services Friday, April 23 at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy a special musical program performed tee has presented, and the Board of Trustees has by our Temple Emanuel Religious School children as well accepted, a budget which will require no increase as the Cherry Hill High School East Singers who were whatsoever in dues and fees presently charged. This previously scheduled to perform and were postponed due is the first time that I can recall in more than a decade to the weather. Please invite your neighbors and friends in being involved in Temple finances that no increase and help us celebrate Israel's Independence Day with a in dues or fees has been required. In large measure lively Shabbat Evening Service. Special Israeli Oneg Shab­ this is because of the substantial amount of capital bat to follow. campaign contributions which the congregation has agreed to make, and which you are making. We will discuss the budget in more detail at the New Couples Club Forming Congregational Meeting, to be held in May; however, A Couples Club is now forming at Temple Emanuel. since this meeting is not normally well attended, I The first meeting will take place on Thrusday evening, hope that the foregoing explanation gives you some April 22 at 8:00 P.M. Admission is $10.00 per couple. Pro­ idea of the method by which your dues and fees are grams will consist of interesting speakers, trips, dances, established. Naturally, if you wish to learn more, social events, etc. A twice monthly event is being planned. please attend the Congregational Meeting. Snacks will be served. If you are interested, please call Marilyn and Jay at 829-4989. • IN MEMORIAM • ·MAZELTOV • We record with deep sorrow the death of We wish to congratulate ... RAE RALPH Iris and Allan Pinsky on the marriage of their Aunt of Arlene Soslow daughter, Karen to Steven Hurwitz ELEANOR KLEIN Mother of Judy Franken A Hearty Welcome SIDNEY JACOBS Father of Arthur Halper to Our New Members! CLAIRE STRAUSS Mother of Mark Strauss Richard and Robin Levy SAMUELNIER David and Lisa Capelli Father of Laura Berman GUSSIE GITOMER Mother of Sol Gitomer April Bar/Bat Mitzvahs EDWIN DUCAT Brother of Howard Ducat April 3 Bat Mitzvah of ERICA IVY SPERRY Daughter of Ken and Lauren Sperry BERNARD COHEN Grandfather of Mindy Gumminger April17 Bar Mitzvah of ZEV AND SEAN GARELL RAE BLUEBOND Sons of Bonnie Garell Mother of David Bluebond April24 Bar Mitzvah of JASON KUNTZ MINNIE ZUCKER Son of Kathie Lehrich and Stanley Kuntz Sister of Dr. Sam Korth HAVDALAHSERVICE ESTHER LIPIN ZECHOWY Bar Mitzvah of Mother of Dr. Allen Zechowy HOWARD ALEXANDER MEGDAL IRVING COHEN Husband of Dorothy Cohen REBECCA COMMERS Rabbis' Scholarship Breakfast Grandmother of Joan Grossberg Featuring Larry Kane Breakfast and Conversation Sunday, May 16, 1993 at 9:30 A.M. The Middle East Talks. He was there! with the Rabbis The 1987 Reagan -Gorbachev Sunday Morning, April 25 at 9:15 AM. Superpower Summit. He was there! The MOVE Confrontation. He was there! Our Sunday morning breakfast previously scheduled for Sunday, March 14th was postponed due to the weather. And now one of Philadelphia's most esteemed journal­ We would like to invite everyone who was invited to the ists, KYW-TV's Larry Kane, will be here at Temple Emanuel.
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