American Mineralogist, Volume 67, pages 854-860, 1982 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Arsenocrandallite* Although single-crystal X-ray diffraction study showed no departure from cubic symmetry, the burtite unit cell is consid- Kurt Walenta (1981) Minerals of the beudantite-crandallite group ered to be rhombohedral with spacegroup RT, a, = 8. 128~, = from the Black Forest: Arsenocrandallite and sulfate-free 900, = (a = 11.49, = 14.08A in hexagonal setting). The weilerite. Schweiz. Mineralog. Petrog. Mitt., 61, 23-35 (in strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are (in A, German). for CoKa, indexing is based on the pseudo-cubic cell): Microprobe analysis gave As205 22.9, P20J 10.7, AI2O3 28.7, 4.06(vs)(200), 1.814(~)(420),1.657(~)(422), 0.9850(~)(820,644) and Fez03 1.2, CaO 6.9, SrO 6.0, BaO 4.3, CuO 1.8, ZnO 0.3, Biz03 0.9576(~)(822,660). 2.4, Si02 3.2, H20 (loss on ignition) 11.7, sum 100.1% cor- Electron microprobe analysis (with H20calculated to provide responding to (C~O.~IS~~.~~B~O.14Bio.0~)~.09(A12.79C~~. I Feo'& the stoichiometric quantity of OH) gave Sn02 56.3, CaO 20.6, Zn0.02)2.99 (As0.99 p0.7~ Si0.26)2.00 H6.44 013.63, Or MgO 0.3, H20 20.2, total 97.4 wt.%. These data give an (Ca,Sr)Al3H[(As,P)O4I2(0H),.Spectrographic analysis showed empirical formula of (Cao.9s2Mgo.020)Zl.oo2Sno.999(OH)6or, ideal- small amounts of Na, K, and C1. A second sample is nearly free ly, Casn(OH)6. of Ba and P. The mineral is partly dissolved by cold 1:l HCI or Burtite occurs in a garnetite in a tin skarn at 33"31126" Long., HN03, dissolved slowly by hot 1:1 HCI. S049'50 Lat. on the west bank of the Beht River in central The strongest X-ray lines (21 given) are 5.84(10Tl,lll), Morocco. Associated minerals are: wickmanite, stokesite, dato- 3.55(9)(11'20,1314), 2.99(10d)(02~1,11'23,01~5), 1.919 lite, pectolite, a member of the apophyllite group, varlamoffite, (5)(1235,0227,0009), 1.769(6)(22?0,2028). Calculated cell con- andradite, wollastonite, malayaite, clinopyroxene and loellin- stants are: hexagonal setting a = 7.08, c = 17.27A., Z = 3; gite. rhombohedra1 setting a = 7.06A, cu 60.18", Z = 1, the second The name is for Prof. Donald M. Burt, Arizona State Universi- sample had a = 7.06, c = 17.22A., or a = 7.04P2, a 60.19". ty. Type material is preserved at the UniversitC catholique de The mineral forms reniform crusts and spherulitic aggregates Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. J.A.M. up to 0.1 mm. Color blue to bluish-green, luster vitreous. No cleavage, fracture conchoidal, H - 5%, D meas. 3.2550.1, calc. 3.30. Isotropic to weakly birefringent, n (average) = 1.625t-0.01, Caswellsilverite* but rarely down to 1.600 and up to 1.650. Under the microscope may show triangular sectors. A. Okada and Klaus Keil, Caswellsilverite (1981) NaCrSz, a new The mineral was found on old dumps in the Neubulach mining mineral in the Norton County enstatite achondrite. Meteorit- district, Black Forest, Germany, associated with brochantite, ics, 16, 370-371 (abs.). chalcophyllite, parnauite, arseniosiderite. mansfieldite, and cor- Electron microprobe analysis gave 46.3, Cr 37.4, Ti 0.18, Mn roded tennantite. 0.08, Na 15.7, total 99.7%, corresponding to NaCrS2. X-ray The name is for the composition and relation to crandallite. study shows it to be trigonal, space group RT~,a = 3.55, = M.F. 19.5A. (hexagonal setting). The strongest X-ray lines are 6.49(7)(003), 2.60(10)(014), 2.07(8)(017), 1.910(8)(108), 1.779(8)(1lo), 1.465(6)(204), 1.134(6)(0. i. 16). Burtite* The mineral occurs in anhedral grains up to 1 mm in size, P. M. Sonnet (1981) Burtite, calcium hexahydroxostannate, a associated with daubreelite, titanian troilite, alabandite, perryite, new mineral from El Hamman, central Morocco. Can. Miner- and another Na-Cr sulfide. Yellowish-gray to light gray, luster al., 19, 397-401. metallic. Pleochroic, 0 pale yellow, E gray in air; 0 pale greenish yellow, E dark gray in oil. The mineral occurs as octahedra (up to 2 mm across) with an The name is for Caswell Silver, U. S. Geologist. M.F. earthy, yellow surface caused by alteration to varlamoffite. Burtite is colorless, has a vitreous luster, is very brittle with H about 3. It is non-fluorescent in ultraviolet light and has a good Chromium* cubic cleavage. D meas. 3.28(1), calc. 3.22. Optically, burtite appears to be isotropic with n = 1.633 but thick grains are very Yue Suchin, Wang Wenying and Sun Sujing (1981) A new weakly birefringent and show uniaxial positive interference mineral-native chromium. Kexue Tongbao, 26, 959-960 (in figures. Chinese). Analysis gave Cr 98.01, Fe 0.001, Cu 0.366, Zn 1.40, sum 99.78%, corresponding to Cr 98.59, Zn 1.12, Cu 0.28 atomic %. *Minerals marked with asterisks were approved before publi- Cu and Zn are probably in substitution for Cr. The material is cation by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names homogeneous, showing no evidence of exsolution, under reflect- of the International Mineralogical Association. ing and electron microscopes. NEW MINERAL NAMES 855 The mineral is white with a yellow tint under reflected light. It ities gave Bi 68.8-73.3, Pb 0-1.2, Sb 0-0.15, Te 19.3-25.3, S 5.1- is isotropic without internal reflection. Reflectance data are 480 6.3, Se 0-0.4, sum 99.1-100.3%, giving the formula above. nm, 65.3; 546 nm, 67.9, 589 nm, 68.8, 656 nm, 70.0%. X-ray study showed the mineral to be hexagonal, space group The mineral occurs in artificial heavy sands of massive ores in ~Trn,P3rnl,orP321,a=4.248,~=23.22A,Z=9,DcaIc.7.88. the contact zone between ultrabasic rocks and siliceous marble Weak lines indicate that the value of c should be tripled. The in Sichuan, China. The mineral is finely granular (grain size strongest X-ray lines (35 given) are 3.11(10)(1.O.T.12), about 20 pm), closely associated with another new mineral 2.28(6)(, 2.13(5)(1120), and 1.942(4)( CuZn2 (Cu 32.52, Zn 67.47, sum 99.99%, or CLI~.~Z~~.~,~).The Ingodite is silver-white, luster metallic, cleavage perfect, non- mineral CuZn2 forms rims around chromium. Other associated magnetic, brittle, soft. H on 2 samples 64.6 and 60.9 kglsq. mm. minerals are pyrrhotite, pentlandite chalcopyrite, pyrite sulfoar- In reflected light white, birefringence noticeable in air (creamy to senides and platinum group minerals. The name is for the grayish-white), moderately anisotropic. Reflectances are given composition. G.Y.C. at 15 wave lengths (R, and R,): (av. of 2) 460 nm, 55.5, 51.4; 540 nm, 57.7, 52.5; 580 nm, 57.8, 52.4; 660 nm, 56.9, 51.6%. The name is for the locality. M.F. Gruzdevite* E. P. Spiridonov, L. Ya, Krapiva, A. K., Gapeev, V. I. Stepa- Kamaishilite* nov, E. Ya. Prushinskaya, and V. Yu. Volgin (1981) Gruzde- vite, Cu6Hg3Sb4Slz,a new mineral from the Chauvai antimo- Etsuo Uchida and J. T. Iiyama (1981) On kamaishilite, ny-mercury deposit, Central Asia. Doklady Akad. Nauk Ca2A12Si06(0H)2, a new mineral (tetragonal), dimorphous SSSR, 261, 971-976 (in Russian). with bicchulite, from the Kamaishi Mine, Japan. Proc. Japan Acad., 57B, 239-243. Electron microprobe analyses by E.P.S. on 6 samples gave (range and average) S 20.29-20.91,20.44; Sb 25.29-27.22, 26.2 1; Microprobe analysis (H20 by wet chemical analysis) gave As 0.06-0.57, 0.37; Hg 32.23-33.23, 32.73; Fe trace-0.40, 0.29; SiOz 20.03, A120334.15, FeO 0.21, MgO 0.02, CaO 37.42, H20+ Cu 19.26-20.77, 19.99, sum 98.93-101.00, 100.03%. The average 6.1, H20- 0.2, sum 98.13%, corresponding to Cal.99Feo.01) corresponds to (C~~.~~F~O.IO)H~~.M(S~~.OIA~O.O~)SI1.89. A com- A12.00Sio.9905.98(OH)2.0Z or CaZAIZSi06(0H)2,a dimorph of bic- plete series exists from gruzdevite to aktashite, Cu,Hg3As4SIZ chulite. (58, 562 (1973)). Gruzedevite is isotypic with nowackiite. X-ray powder data are indexed on a tetragonal cell with a = X-ray study shows gruzdevite to be rhombohedral, a = 13.90,, 8.850, c = 8.770A., Z = 4. The strongest X-ray lines (28 given) c = 9.432h;., Z = 3, arb 8.609A., a 107"411,Z = I, D calc. 5.88. are 3.607(100)(211,112), 2.799(85)(310,301), 2.777(40)(103), The strongest X-ray lines (50 given) are 3.16(10)(311,003), 2.547(40)(222), 2.085(30)(330,41 l), 1.557(35)(404). 1.929(9)(520,314), 1.645(8)(621,523,315), 1.251(5) The mineral occurs as grains about 0.1 mm in diameter. (651,911,625,317), 1.113(6)(654,914,318,10.1.2). Colorless and transparent. No cleavage was observed. Optically In reflected light the mineral resembles aktashite, tetrahedrite, nearly isotropic, n = 1.629, close to that of bicchulite.
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