258 Acts, 1937. — Chaps. 238, 239. Section 2. Suffolk University shall include the depart- ments now known as Suffolk law school, Suffolk graduate school of law, Suffolk college of liberal arts, Suffolk college of journalism and a new department to be known as Suffolk college of business administration. Said university shall possess all the powers and privileges heretofore granted by said chapter one hundred and forty- five and by chapter fifteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-five, together with such additional powers and privileges as are possessed by colleges of journalism and business administration in this commonwealth, including power to confer appropriate degrees and to grant appropriate diplomas. Approved April 29, 1937. Chap. 238 An Act authorizing the erection of certain pent houses OR other structures above the roof line of the pro- posed additional unit to the SUFFOLK COUNTY COURT HOUSE IN THE CITY OF BOSTON. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Any pent houses or other structures for the enclosure of elevator machinery or shafts or mechanical equipment erected above the roof line of any building to be erected on Pemberton square and Somerset street in the city of Boston, as an additional unit to the Suffolk county court house, under the provisions of chapter four hundred and seventy-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty- five, may, with the approval of the building commissioner of said city, be erected above the height limit established by section one of chapter sixty of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-six, notwithstanding any provision of said chapter sixty or of any other general or special law inconsistent here- with. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved April 29, 1937. Chap.2S9 An Act dissolving certain corporations. prTambk"^ TTAereas, It is necessary that certain delinquent and other corporations be dissolved in the current j^ear, therefore this act is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Such of the following named corporations as are not already legally dissolved are hereby dissolved, subject to the provisions of sections fifty-one, fifty-two and fifty-six—of chapter one hundred and fifty-five of the General Laws : A and C Investment Corporation, The, A. & E. Profita, Inc., A & J Motor Lines, Inc., ABC Puzzle Advertising Company, A. C. C. Corporation, The, A. C. Manufacturing Company, A. Claus' Sons, Inc., A. E. Brady Company, Acts, 1937. — Chap. 239. 259 A. E. Covelle Co., A. F. Brown Co., A. H. Wilson & Com- pany, Incorporated, A. I. Savitz Co. Inc., A. J. Chaput Company, Inc., A. J. Fawcett, Incorporated, A. L. Nichols Company, The, A. Michelini & Sons, Inc., A. Rosenberg & Co., Inc., A. Swiman Company Inc., Academy Theater of Fall River, Incorporated, Acme Heating & Power Equip- ment Corporation, Acoaxet Realty Company, Adams and Abbott, Inc., Adams Realty Corporation, Adler Richards Co., Inc., The, Adonijah Farm, Inc., Advocate Press, Inc., Air Conditioners, Inc., Alben Bag Co., Inc., Albert Flower Inc., Alden-Walker, Inc., Aldrich Syndicate, Inc., Alfred Brigham Co. (1914), Alfred V. Rivest Co., Alfred W. Raven- ing, Incorporated, Alhambra Theatre Co., Alkaloid Products Corporation, All-State Construction Company, The, Allen Brothers Construction Company, Allen-Howe Inc., Allen's Market, Inc., Allied Dental Laboratory, Inc., The, AHied Finance Corporation, Allied Service Corp., Allston Storage Warehouse Inc., Allyn, Inc., Alpha Holding Company, Inc., Alton Investment Co. Inc., American Brands Corporation, American Fire Equipment Company, Inc., American Food Stores Corporation, American Motors of Somerville Inc., American Pictures, Inc., American Provision Company, American Shoe Pattern Manufacturers, Inc., American Spring Service Company, American Trademark Association, Inc., Ancient River Corporation, The, Anderson Manufac- turing Company, Anderson Realty Corporation, Andrews & Wald Roofing Corp., Andrews Shade Company, The, An- thony Leather Company, Apollo Theatres Incorporated, Arborway Associates, Inc., Arcese Construction Company, The, Archibald Wheel Company, Arco Manufacturing Com- pany, Ardmore Laundry, Inc., Ariington-Belmont Ice Com- pany, Arlington Buildings, Inc., Arlington Motors, Inc., Armand Company of Massachusetts, The, Armstrong Build- ing Finish Co., Aronette Manufacturing Co., Arrow Shoe Stores, Inc. of Springfield, Arrow Transportation, Inc., Arthur B. Porter, Inc., Arthur Treat Company, Asiatic Trading Company, Inc., Associated Motors, Inc., Asso- ciated Printers, Inc., Association of Eastern Credit Men, Incorporated, Athol Real Estate Trust Incorporated, Atlantic Cone Company, Inc., Atlantic Ornamental Iron and Wire Works, Inc., Atlantic Precision Instrument Company, Atlantic Provision Company, Atlantic Sales Company, Atlas Footwear Company, Inc., Attleboro Automobile Company, Atwood Brothers, Incorporated, Atwood-Thomas Construc- tion Company, Auburn Worsted Company, Inc., Auto Cniiser Manufacturing & Sales Co., Inc., Auto Warehouse Sales Co., Autolux Sign Company, Automatic Heat Institute, Inc., Automatic Trading Corp., Automobile Safety Device Corporation, Automotive Finance Corporation, Automotive Radiator Corp., Avery Cafeteria, Inc., Avon Products Sales Co. B. & A. Motors Garage & Warehouse Inc., B & C Stores, Inc., B. G. & S. Theatre Corporation, Baber Company, 260 Acts, 1937. —Chap. 239. Babson Park Company, Bachelder Motor Company, Back Bay Furniture Company, Inc., Ball Sq. Public Market, Inc., Bancroft Candy Company, Inc., Bancroft Tissue Corpora- tion, Bankers Fiscal Corporation, Barden Brothers Com- pany, Barkentine, Inc., Barlow Coal Company, Barnes Chevrolet Sales & Service, Inc., Barnet Slosman & Co., Inc., Baron Bros. & Peltz, Inc., Barre Motor Company, Incor- porated, Barrett Transportation Co., Inc., Barron's Outlet, Inc., Barstow, Hill & Company, Incorporated, Bay State Film Exchange Co., Bay State Finance Corporation, Bay State Motor Sales & Service, Inc., Bay State Restaurant, Inc., Bay State Upholstering Company, Bay State Wood Heel, Inc., Bayhte Lamp & Shade Co., Bea Shoe Co., Beach Theatre and Dramatic School, Inc., Beacon Chevro- let Company, Beacon Cloak & Suit Co. Inc., Beacon Diner, Inc., Beacon Holding Co., Beacon Metals Inc., Beacon Paint Products Company, Beals McLaughlin & Parker Masters Co., Beaver Transportation Company, Beckman & Tilden, Inc., Befco Inc., Belgian Village, Inc., Bell Mort- gage & Finance Corporation, Bell Refrigerator & Store Fixture Company, Belmont Pharmacy, Incorporated, of Brighton, Belmont Sales Company, Belvidere Paint & Hardware Company Inc., Ben-Burk Sales Corporation, Ben Katzeff, Inc., Benj. N. Moore & Sons Company, Ben- nett-Chapmanizing, Inc., Berkeley Financial Service, Inc., Berkshire Creamery Company, Berkshire Flying Service, Inc., Berkshire Progressive Corporation, Best Construction Co. Inc., The, Better-Built Pumps, Inc., Better Motors, Inc., Beverage Distributors, Inc., Beverly Building Associ- ation, The, Beverly Permanent Wave Shop, Inc., Biblion, Inc., Bick Leather Finishing Co. Inc., The, Big Six Motor Express, Inc., Biogene Chemical Company, Inc., Blake Office Supply Co., Inc., Blondell Apparel Shop, Inc., Blue Anchor Tavern Inc., Blue Eagle Meat Market, Inc., Blue Hill Coal & Coke Company, Blue Hill Ice Company, Blue Seal Co. Ltd., Bon Ton Laundry Co., Bond Finance Cor- poration, Bond Trading Corporation, Bonnie Brae Brands, Inc., Boston American League Basketball Club, Inc., Bos- ton Amusement Corp., Boston Automobile Company, Bos- ton Backing Co., Inc., Boston Baggage Company, Boston Brass Company, Boston Brass Company, Inc., Boston Building Material Company, Boston Coal Companj^, Bos- ton Consumers Cooperative Association, Boston Express Exchange, (Incorporated), Boston Fibre Corporation, Bos- ton Furniture Mart, Inc., Boston Hatters Supply Inc., Boston Heating Company, Boston Kennel Club, Inc., The, Boston Motor Warehouse, Inc., Boston Moulded Products Company, Boston Optical Company, Inc., Boston Piano Supply Company, Boston Sportswear, Inc., Boston Store of Beverly Inc., Bottle Shop, Inc., The, Bowdoin Square Cigar Company, Bowmar Restaurant Company, Boyer Realty Co., Inc., Bradford Realty Co. Inc., Bragdon Produce Com- pany Inc., Braintree Coal & Grain Co. Inc., Brattle Drug Acts, 1937. — Chap. 239. 261 Company, Inc., Breezy Hill Farms, Inc., Brewer's Express, Inc., Brierly-Lombard Company, The, Briggs Funeral Serv- ice, Inc., Brimfield Brick Company, Brindis-Drapler Shoe Company, Brinton-Bayles Flying Service, Inc., Brockton Plumbing & Heating Supply Company, Brockware Food Company, Inc., Brohava, Incorporated, Brookline General Hospital Corporation, Brookline Home Development Cor- poration, Brookline Homes, Inc., Brophy Auto Supply Com- pany, Broude & Bagran, Inc., Brown Radio & Appliance Corp., Bruce & Sparkes, Inc., Burditt & Williams Co., Burke Shoe Co., Inc., Burrich Shoe Co., Business Associates Inc., Business Service of N. E., Inc., Bussey Motor Sales Inc., Butler's Garage, Inc., Butman Grain & Feed Company, Byron Shoe Company, Inc. C & W Tool Company, C. B. Chase Corporation, C. B. White & Company, Inc., C. E. Harris Co., The, C. Fred Spring Co., Inc., C. H. Cunningham & Son Co., C. H. G. Cederborg Company, C. S. Watson Co. Inc., C. Sugarman & Sons, Inc., C. Torrielli Co., Inc., C. W. Shippee, Inc., Calia and Zarella Company, Inc., Callanan & Archer Co. Inc., Callaway Associates Inc., The, Cambria Chocolate
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