I AmOD. GOA.5 I (lanaii, 51h April, 1984 {Chait~t 16, 19061 , SERIES I No. I OFFICIAL {;OvERNMENT 'OF GOA.. DAMAN ,AND' DIU GOVERNIvfBNTOF,'GOA., 'DAMAN Notwea,tion • ," ,j AiNDDIU 8-12-82-FOR ':u;; exerCise ofth~ Powers conferred by Section 18 , Department of Personnel alld Administrative Reforms of the WildLife (Protection) Act, 1972 (CentraIAct 53 of 1972), the Administrator of Goa, Daman and N otiflcatiQn Diu hereby amends the Government Notification no. '1/56/76-PER (Part) 8-12-82-For dated 27-9-1982, published in the Official Gazette Series I, No. 26, dated 27-9-1982 (hereinafter 'In exercise of the powerS conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution read \Vith the Go­ called the "principal Notification':) as follows, vernment of India, Ministry of External Affairs namely:- Notification No. F. 7(1l)62-Goo. dated 25th July, 1963, the Lieutenant GovernoJ; of Goa, Daman and For the Schedule appended to the prinCipal No­ Diu hereby makes the following amendment to all tification," the following Schedule shall be substi­ the existing Recruitment Rules governing recruit­ tuted, namely:- ment,to Group 'C' and Group '0' posts in the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu, namely:""':' SCHEDULE In the Schedule appended to all the existing The areas of Sanguem taluka falling partially or Recruitment Rules for the various group 'C' and wholly within the village limits of Aglote, Boma, group 'D' posts under this Administration in the entry under column '6, for the wo~s "Relaxable Calem, Caranzol, Colem, Carmonem, Dongurlim, upto 5 years for Governm.ent Servants" wherever Dudal, Maulinguem, Molem, Oxel, Patiem, Surla, , they occur, the following words shall be substi- Sancordem, Sigao and Sonaulim and delimited by the tuted, namely:- boundaries mentioned, below: "Relaxable for G<;lVernment Servants". Bounilarie8 in the clockwise directicm8: By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Starting from a point, which is the intersection of Governor 'of Goa, Daman and Diu. Sanguem-Satari Taluka boundary and Malpona Bol­ N. P. Gaunekar, Under Secretary (Personnel). cornem-Molem road. Panaji, 12th March; i984. North: Along the talukaboundary between Satari and Sanguem upto the interstate boundary between the district of GOa and forest and Agriculture Department Karnataka State. East: Thence along the interstate boundary of Notifiea,tion district of Goa and Karnatitka State upto its 8-12-82-For intersection with the' southern boundary of The Wild Life Sanctuary which is popularly known the Patiem Village. ' as "Molem Wild Life Sanctuary" and constituted by South: Thence along the southern boundary of ' 'Gov:ernment ,Notification No. 8-12-82-FOR, dated 27-9-82, published in the Official Gazette, No. 26, Patiem village upto its intersectiqn with the Series T, dated 27-9-1982 is hereby named as "Bhag­ road leading from Tudo~to Data of Sangod wan, Mahavir Wild Life Sanctuary". village through Dudal, Calem and Carmonem. By order and in the nanle of the Administrator West: Thence along the road leading from Tu­ of Goa, Daman and Diu. dou to Data of Sangod through the villages S. M. Naik, Under Secretary to the Government Dudal, Calem and Carmonem upto 1;!le river of, Goa, Daman and Diu. Candeapar (Dudhsagar). Further along up­ stream.i:>f the same river tlpto its intersec­ Panaji, 14th March, 1984. tion (Bridge) with the road leading from --(-- 2 SERIES I No. 1 Colem to Molem. Further along the road lead. hidustries and labour ,Department ing from Golem to Malpona. through Molem . upto the starting point of the northern boun· "- dary. By order and in the name of the Administrator 1/629/',S-ILD of Goa, Daman and Diu. Whereas the draft of certain rules which the, Govenuilent of Goa, Daman and Di)l proposed" to S. M. Naik, Under Secretary to the Government m;tke in exercise of the powers conferred by sec­ of Goa, Daman and Diu. tion 6 read with sections 33, 39, 46 and 47 of the Indian Ports Act, 108 (Central Act: 15 of 1905),. Panaji, 14th March, 1984. Was published as required by sub-section (2) of sec­ tiDn 6 of the said Act, at pages 341 to 359 of the Official Gazette, Series I, No. 38, dated the '16th December, 1982 under the Industries a..'1d L9.bou:r' Corrigendum Department Notification No. 1/629/78-ILD, dated .8-12-S2.FOR. the 1st December, 1982 inviting suggestiDns .and objectiDns from all persons likely to be affected In the Government Notification No. 8·12·82·FOR thereby within' thirty days from the date of publi­ dated 27·9-1982, published in ,the Official Gazette, cation of the said N otificatiDn in the Official Series I,No. 26, dated 27·9-1982, for the figures Gazette; "20·12-1967" occurring in the recital thereof, read "28-12-1967" " And whereas the said Gazette was ,made available' tD the public on the 16th De~mber, 1982; By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. And whereas no suggestions or objections have been received from the public to the said draft by S. M. Naik, Under Secretary tD the Government the Government. .of Goa, Daman and Diu. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers con­ Panaji, 14th March, 1984, ferred by section 6 read with sections 33, 35, 46' and 47 of the Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Central Act 15 of 1908), the Lieutenant Governor of Goa" Daman: and Diu hereby makes the fDllDwing rules" Local Administration "and Welfare Department namely:-' , CHA.P'I'ER. I Notification 'Preliminary . 5-56-81/LAWD(Marketing) 1. Short tilieand commenceinent.':"""(l) These rules, may ,be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Ports,. "Whereas the Government vide Notification No.5· Rules, 1983. -56-81/LAWD (MARKETING), dated 14th Fe-, bruary, 1984, published in the Official Gazette (2) They shall come into force at once. Series I, No. 47, dated 23rd February, 1984 and also / . local daily newspapers dated 17-2·1984 inviting objec· 2. Definitions.-In these rules, unless the subject tions or suggestions from the members of the public or context otherwise requires,- " on the declaration of the" intention of the Adminis­ (a) "Act" means the Indian Ports Act, 1908, 'I trator of Goa, Daman and Diu for regulating the (Central Act 15 of 1908); r, marketing of "Cattle" in the District .of Goa as a (b) "Craft" means any vessel) power driven \. market area; or otherwise, plying, exclusively or partly, within the .limits of aport; And whereas no objections or suggestions were received on the said declaration within the prescribed (c) "Crew" means the assemblage of all period. persons which constitutes the crew of a craft; Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred (d) "Fair weather season" means the period by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Maharashtra commenciug on the 16th day of September and' Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, ending on the 20th day of May next following; 1963 as extended tD the UniDn territory of Golt~ (e) "Foul weather season" means the period Daman and Diu, thetAdministrator .of Goa, Daman ' commencing on the 21st day of May and ending on and Diu hereby declares that the marketing of the 15th day .of September next following; 'Cattle' shall be regulated under the said Act in the District of Goa, as market area. (f) "GDvernment" means the Government of' Goa, Daman and Diu; By order and in the name of the AdministratDr (g) "Licensed Craft" means any craft to which of GDa, Daman and Diu. • a licence is granted un~ the rules; A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (LAWD). (h) "Owner" in relation to a craft includes part owner, charterer, conSignee, agent or mort­ Panaji, 23rd March, 1984. gagee in pDssession thereof; ~THAPR/L,1984 (OHAITRA 16,1906) 3 (i) "Port Authority" means the Captain of 9. Craft to redU:ce speed\vhe~ approa<}hing ferry. ports or the Deputy Captain of Ports or the - A craft shall reduce its speed when ,approaching Marine Secretary, Diu, Daman, Chapora, Betul and' ferry or other crossings and shall proceed with T!\lpona; great caution giving right of way to such ferry or passenger craft. (j) "Port Office" means the Office of the Captain of Ports or of the, Deputy Captain of 10. Craft to reduce speed when approaclting. Ports or of the Marine Secretary, Diu, Daman, bridge, ete. - A' craft, when approaching a bridge; Chapora, Betul and Taipona; across rivers, canals or creeks, shall proceed at such (k) "Surveyor" means a surveyor appointed a speed that it can be stopped dead within its own under Section 4 of the Inland Vessels Acf, 1917 length. ' (Central Act 1 of 1917); 11., Craft to proceed with great caution. when (I) "Tindel" includes Master or any' other apPl'O'aclling Aguada bar, etc. - Every craft, when person in charge of a craft; nnderway, between the approaches to Aguada bar and Panaji jetty, shall, in view of fhe narrow (m) "Ton" means the gross registered ton of chanels and limited room for manoeuvring, proceed a craft; with great caution and, if necessa.ry, give'right of (n) ':Tonne" means a metric tonne of 1000 kgs.; way to a passenger ship. (0) "Union territory" means the Union terri­ 12. Craft not to leave port without payment of tory of Goa, Daman and Diu; dues. - No craft shall leave a port unless all the dues under the Act are paid to the concerned Port (p) "Unsafe craft" means any vessel the Office.. The Port Authority shall take whatever material of which it is made, its construction, action considered necessary to prevent a craft from ·.··:- the qualification of its tindel and the driver, leaving a port without payment of the dues.
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