35 Cents 6 i University St B1 Air Y loC 1"I N Acq Branch G r erls nit Library bz-7s47 3 THE I (al'b") as ANON AND RADIO Itaxrel _ Air Force Itantonery Ala JANUARY 14, 1963 NAB rejects idea of government limitation Simulmatics says its pre -testing technique on radio population 29 will benefit radio 42 That FCC radio freeze: how it is affecting Hope growing for radio -tv access in House; equipment manufacturers 56 McCormack willing to discuss it 64 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 ri DERING OF THE WORLD OF FOOD BUILDING FOR THE 1964 -1965 NEW YORII-.X 4tß SPOT TV Today's successful national advertisers use Spot Tele- vision to match message to market. With Spot TV they can vary their schedules according to product usage and brand acceptance. These quality stations offer the best MODERN SELLING of Spot Television in their markets. IN MODERN AMERICA KOB -TV Albuquerque WVUE New Orleans WSB -TV Atlanta WTAR- TV.Norfolk- Newport News KERO -TV Bakersfield KWTV Oklahoma City WBAL -TV Baltimore KMTV Omaha WGR -TV Buffalo KPTV Portland, Ore. WGN -TV Chicago WJAR -TV Providence WFAA -TV Dallas WTVD Raleigh- Durham KDAL -TV Duluth- Superior WROC -TV Rochester WNEM -TV Flint -Bay City KCRA -TV Sacramento KPRC -TV Houston KUTV Salt Lake City WDAF -TV Kansas City WOAI -TV San Antonio THE ORIGINAL STATION REPRESENTATIVE KARK -TV Little Rock KFMB -TV San Diego KCOP Los Angeles WNEP -TV.Scranton -Wilkes Barre WISN-TV Milwaukee KREM -TV Spokane NEW YORK CHICAGO ATLANTA BOSTON DALLAS KSTP -TV ..Minneapolis -St. Paul WTH I -TV Terre Haute DETROIT LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO ST. LOUIS WSM -TV Nashville KVOO -TV Tulsa SIOUX CITY'S AWARD WINNING KVTV NEWS STAFF KVTV NEWSMAN KVTV NEWSMAN CHARLES POWELL LARRY RODERICK KVTV NEWS DIRECTOR HUGH SMITH KVTV SPORTS DIRECTOR KVTV WEATHER MAN GENE SHERMAN GENE EDWARD KVTV NEWSMAN CHARLES HARNESS SIOUX CITY KVTV ei When it HAPPENS they see it FIRST SIOUX CITY 'J 11 in SIOUX CITY on KVTV, Channel 9 KVTV More than 50 quarter hours of local -live news and public affairs program- ing is prepared and presented weekly by KVTV's on- the -scene news SIOUX CITY staff. In Sioux City and Siouxland news is important . because KVTV has treated it as such for over nine years, people habitually dial KVTV, KVTV Channel 9,for the complete news picture. Sell your product on the station SIOUX CITY in Sioux City that people look to for the news . and just about every- KVTV thing else, too. That's KVTV, Channel 9. See your KATZ man. SIOUX CITY Ilk: KATZ ACF.NCY:.re. 1L.. x......n-.,.. PEOPLES BROADCASTING CORPORATION KVTV . Sioux City, Iowa WNAX . Yankton, South Dakota KVTV WGAR . Cleveland, Ohio WRFL) . Columbus -Worthington, Ohio CHANNEL 9 SIOUX CITY, IOWA WMMN . Fairmont, West Virginia CBS ABC Add a bowlful of people to the readers of your ad Suppose you take a page in Life Magazine. Circulation, on a sheet of statistics. But in flesh- and -blood people, it 7,000,000. Readership, 31,000,000 adults. An increase is. An outstanding agency doesn't settle even for a fine in the readers of your ad by one -fifth of 1% of that audi- readership rating, but is always looking for more -a big ence just about fills the Yale Bowl! A small increase in percentage or even the little increase that still adds a readership and persuasiveness may not look impressive bowlful of people. Young & Rubicam, Advertising BROADCASTING, January 14, 1963 3 Whatever your product, Channel 8 moves goods. On WGAL -TV your sales message reaches more families in the drug prosperous Lancaster -Harrisburg- York - Lebanon market. Why? Because WGAL -TV blankets these key metropoli- tan areas and is the favorite by far with viewers in many other areas as well. Your cost per thousand viewers? Less sales than that of any combination of stations in the area. per dollar Channel 8 NBC -CBS Lancaster Programs STEIN MAN STATION Clair McCollough Pre Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, January 14, 1LC; Phoenix prelude On eve of NAB's winter board CLOSED CIRCUIT meeting in Phoenix which begins to- tions. But commission itself would group and that impact is purely in- day (Jan. 14) word was leaked that have to okay follow -up letters. Com- direct. Unusual aspect of subcommit- NAB President LeRoy Collins is mission hopes proposed procedure, tee report is that it will be made di- among those under consideration for which Broadcast Bureau has been in- rectly to tv board and not to subordi- chairmanship of new Space Commu- structed to put in draft form, would nate tv code board. Chairman is Wil- nications Corp. Timing apparently clarify situation. liam B. Pabst, KTVU (TV) Oakland, was key since just three weeks earlier Calif., also chairman of tv code board, authoritative sources said Mr. Collins Sales good despite strike who will be at Phoenix meeting. definitely had not been proposed. Newspapers can expect no solace Since NAB board will consider Gov. from study currently in works at TvB TIO's future Collins' future this week -after two and due for wide distribution shortly. agenda, but expected to years of brinkmanship -space ap- Not on It reportedly has found that despite arise at NAB winter board meeting in pointment possibility is calculated to strike which has shut down all major this week, is future of Tele- become factor in negotiations for ex- Phoenix New York newspapers since early De- vision Office which de- tension or severance of his contract. Information cember, leading many advertisers to rives its support from tv station and experiment with, or expand in, tv and Supporters of Gov. Collins are ex- network members but functions in radio, retail sales have been affected pected to argue that he should be conjunction with NAB. Move has insignificantly, if at all. ,given extension of his $75,000 -plus been revived for absorption of TIO contract perhaps for three years. If Overpopulation aftermath functions within NAB public relations space job is offered (and Gov. Collins activities, but reportedly is opposed says he is unaware of it) he then Here's curbstone opinion on what by number of tv board members, in- could make decision. Space chair- FCC will do on radio station over- cluding Joint Board Chairman Clair man's duties include arranging par- population issue in wake of last week's R. McCollough. TIO's income is ticipation of foreign governments proceedings (story page 29): Tighten understood to be in excess of $500; in space program; testifying before up engineering standards where need- 000 while NAB annual return is about Congress, and handling overall public ed; closer scrutiny of financial respon- $1.7 million. relations. President would be execu- sibility of applicants, particularly in tive experienced in business or bank- areas now having service; less strin- CBS News move ing with emphasis on administration gent financial requirements in "white" CBS has exercised option for pur- rather than politics. Chairman of in- areas where no present service exists; chase of Army Times' building in mid- with corporators of space corporation is closer scrutiny of compliance en- town Washington for its news opera- Philip L. Graham, president and chief gineering standards, particularly where tions and hopes to occupy structure, executive officer of Washington Post directional antennas are authorized. after remodeling, during first half of close of Gov. Col- Company, friend Goelet revival? 1964. CBS News now occupies space lins and prime mover in latter's NAB in Broadcast House, where Washing- appointment. Revival of National Audience ton Post- Newsweek stations (WTOP- Board, which suspended operations AM-FM-TV) are housed. Army Vhf drop -ins last fall for economic reasons, is be- Times' building, two -story structure ing considered by its president and seems to plus parking area at 2020 M Street, Staff -level premise at FCC founder, Peter Goelet of New York. vhf -uhf receiver is N.W., will be designed to accommo- be that all- channel Mr. Goelet last week confirmed re- uhf date CBS News' long -term needs. only one element in push to get port that considerable support has established. Other actions talked: de- ABC last month moved its Washing- generated from public, broadcaster - ton news operations from Evening intermix top 75 markets by making network and government sources and them all vhf, covering 90% of all tv Star -WMAL studios at upper Con- that he has under consideration re- necticut Avenue to its own building viewers. This can be done, some say, organization that would permit him some may opposite Mayflower Hotel. by drop -ins even though to resume its service in programming involve short -separation. field, possibly with outside funds. De- Collins there first FCC won full congressional assent cision may be made within next While NAB President LeRoy Col- to all- channel set legislation by prom- month. lins will not appear at FCC hearing out proposals to de- ising not to carry Not ready for action in Omaha on local tv programming intermix eight cities, but this involved (see page 72), he plans to beat FCC replacing sole existing "v" channel While NAB's directors discuss fu- to Nebraska by five days with attack with uhf. Reverse strategy -to make ture of Gov. LeRoy Collins at Phoe- on agency's citywide programming in- these and other cities all vhf -is con- nix, it's unlikely they will act on basic vestigations. Gov. Collins will speak sidered by staff lawyers as not break- problems of cigarette commercials and to Nebraska Broadcasters Assn.
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