This document was retrieved from the Ontario Heritage Act Register, which is accessible through the website of the Ontario Heritage Trust at Ce document est tiré du registre aux fins de la Loi sur le patrimoine de l’Ontario, accessible à partir du site Web de la Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien sur ,a I LIST OF ENRITAGE PROPERTY DESIGNATIONS - BY.LAI'IS BY-LAW DATE ENACTED ITERITAGE DESIGNATION BY COIJNCIL OF NUItsER September 5, L979. 312 Laurier Avenue East 233-79 ll 78-80 l'lurrav Street 234-79 !t 240 Mcleod Street 235-79 (Victoria ltemori-al l{useum) tt 12 Rideau Street 239-79 (Union Station) il 66 Robert Street 240-79 il 520 Sussex Drive 24L-79 (Ttre Connaught Buil-ding) tl 14 l,Ialler Street 242-79 (Ttre. l'Iarble I'Iorks) I/ BY-LAW i{uMBER .?.s{72 - A by-law of The corporation of the city of ottawa to designate ?8-80 Murray SLreet to be of historic or archi- tectural- value or interest; WHEREAS The Ontario Heritage Act, I974, authorizes the Councj-l of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all the builOings and structures thereon, to be of historic or architectural value or interest; AND WHEREAS the council of ?he corporation of the City of Ottawa has caused to be served upon the owner of the Iands and premises known 6 78-80 Murray Street, more parti- cularly described in schedule 'rArr hereto, and uPon the ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has causeo such notice of intentj-on to be published in The Ottawa Journal newspaper having a gen- eral circulation in the City of Ottawa, once a week for three consecutive weeks, narnely on January 27fi't, February 3rd and February 10th, L979; AND .diiEREA,S the reasons fOr the designation are set out as Schedule rrBrt hereto; AND WI:IEREAS no notice of objection to the said pro- poseo designation has been served upon t]-e clerk of the municipality; THEREFORE tLre council of The corporation of the city of Ottawa enacts as follows: - 1. There is designated as being of historic or archi- tectural value or interest ttre real property, more particularly described in schedule 'A' hereto, known as 7E-80 Murray street. 2. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of ttris by-law to be registered against the property described in Scheoule t'An heret'o in the proper Land RegisLry Office. 2- 3. The City Clerk is hereby authori-zed to cause a copy of this by-law to be servecl upon the owner of ifie property described in Sciredule "A", and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, and to cause notice of this by-law to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City of Ottawa. rrArl 4. The schedules attached hereto and marked Scheoule ano Sciredule rrB'|r form part of this by-law and all notations, references and other information containeo therein shall be as much a part of this by-law as if all the matters and infor- matj-on set forth by the said schedules weie all fully described herein. GIVEN under ttre corporate seal of the city of ottawa this 5th daY of Septembel L979 ' CLERK ACTING MAYOR CERTIFIED A iR[E c0F? I SCHEDULE A 78 - 8o nuRnRv srnrrr ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of 0ttawa, Regional Hunicipal ity of 0ttar^ra-Carleton and Province of Ontario, and BEING C0MPOSED 0F: FIRSTLY: the east half of Lot l0 bn the south side of l'f urray Street, as shown upon reg i stered plan \2\82. SEC0NDLY: the southerlV 37 feet of the west half of Lot I I on the south side of l'lurray Street, as shown upon registered ptan 42482. THE HEREINBEF0RE described parcels of land are those lands described in an instrument registered in the Land Registry office for the Registry Division of 0ttawa- Carleton Number 5 as Instrument 721901. DATED at Ottawa this l5th day of August, 1979. 0ntario Land Surveyor. SCHEDULE 'IB II The two and one-half storey frame house at 78-80 Murray Street is recommencied for designation as being of architectural ano nistorical interest. This double residence was buirt prior to IB73 and operated as a boarding house. The buildi-ng has a front facade of four evenly spaced windows with sma1l panes, two dormers above and a pitched roof with the side to the street. The house's detail regularity, and symmetrical proportions are expressive of the Georgian archi- tectural tradition which influenced the vernacular buildings of Ottawa throughout a large portion of ttre Nineteentir Century. In its overall exterior appearance, this building is an out- example of tire architectural character of the historic working class neighbourhood of Lowertown- I I \ \9 g E'' C\U \F ild- RndF io.p '7=9 -olD+{o 1i; o$' + o=< =.1,, 5 tr ?8"=6'2^a t-s fl'o rj E tcr' d6 d;o* 6o- z €s;t4a 0 r 8^ t{e r 8.6 \ C-. Sg e- nF{ PJSc)P obr F Cr HFJ HH FJCP. EO H OF or'tdct r. H oU) :rH<< K)> I E{ ZFI t,.or H H o H H r|< a o hpr K PU H I r{[4 LrJ H L^J ocn { t{ fu l> tnP rtdO tr lT{ F1 trFrrFO rp (fHDU FtOdFh g F H HZ po9r OH z Fl I FIE ul zo tsd€ z { HtrI 9r !t q (JJ <t-r O AH 9.'Od 6 H OO trl It tro' o H '. (D O O,Fl g, (Dro -lJ r,. .9-g Ftoouo H|P.FI .lJ 'o 'c 'o Lq "#.(tt . .1.rl }.-53 dD) LJ 1.,1rl 5 F'g, l-' .€ .€ .€ dnrto :l O rrO E .(o .(.Cj .co t-J o .\ O FJ -lO O Fl'Co Ftl .-.0 rtO I cor|o!' oFto LIST OF I1ERITAGE PROPERTY DESIGi{ATIONS - BY-LAWS DATE ENACTED IIERITAGE DESIGI{ATION BY-LAW BY COUI.ICIL OF NU},IBER September 5, L979. 312 Laurier Avenue East /5J- t> tl 78-80 Murrav Street 234-79 rt 240 Mcleod Street 235-79 (Victoria ltemorial l{useum) tl 12 Rideau Street 239-79 (Union Station) il 66 Robert Street 240-79 ll 520 Sussex Drive 24L-79 (The Connaught Building) tl 14 Irtraller Street 242-79 (The. l'larble Works) IN THE MATTER OF The Ontario Heritage Act I974, Statutes of Ontario, L974, Chapter 122; AND IN THE I.I-\TTER OF thc lands and premises knorsn municipally as 78-80 Murray Street in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario. NOTICE OF BY-LAI^I TAKE MTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa on the 5th day of September L97 9 , enacted By-law Number 234-79 designating the l-ands and buildings known municipally as 78-80 Murray Street as a property of archiiectural and historical value or interest under The Ontario Heritage Act L974, Statutes of Ontario, L974, Chapter trlri STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR THE DESIGNATION: "The two and one-half storey frame house at 78-80 Murray Street is recommended for designation as being of architectural and historical interest. This double residence was built prior to 1873 and operated as a boarding house. The building has a front facade of four evenly spaced windows with sma1l panes, two dormers above and a piLched roof with the side to the street. The house's detail regulari-ty, and symmetrical proportions are expressive of the Georgian architectural tradition which influenced the vernacular buildings of Ottawa throughout a large portion of the Nineteenth Century. In its overall exterior aPpearance, this building is an outstanding example of the architectural character of the historic working class neighbourhood of Lowertown. A copy of this By-law may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk. DATED at Ottawa this 27th day of October , l-97 9- EVELYNE H. COOPER, City Clerk, City HaI1, 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, KlN 5A1..
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