INTERCO Indicators of territorial cohesion Scientific Platform and Tools Project 2013/3/2 (Draft) Final Report Annexes to the Scientific report ESPON 2013 This report presents the draft final results of a “Scientific Platform and Tools” Project conducted within the framework of the ESPON 2013 Programme, partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The partnership behind the ESPON Programme consists of the EU Commission and the Member States of the EU27, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Each partner is represented in the ESPON Monitoring Committee. This report does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the members of the Monitoring Committee. Information on the ESPON Programme and projects can be found on www.espon.eu The web site provides the possibility to download and examine the most recent documents produced by finalised and ongoing ESPON projects. This basic report exists only in an electronic version. © ESPON & University of Geneva, 2011. Printing, reproduction or quotation is authorised provided the source is acknowledged and a copy is forwarded to the ESPON Coordination Unit in Luxembourg. ESPON 2013 List of authors University of Geneva (Lead Partner) - Hy DAO - Pauline PLAGNAT - Vanessa ROUSSEAUX National Technical University of Athens (Partner) - Minas ANGELIDIS - Spyridoula BATZIKOU - Vivian BAZOULA - Epameinontas TSIGKAS Nordregio - Nordic Centre for Spatial Development (Partner) - Lisa VAN WELL - José STERLING RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation (Expert) - Carsten SCHÜRMANN Spatial Foresight GmbH (Expert) - Kai BÖHME - Erik GLØERSEN - Susan BROCKETT ESPON 2013 Annexes to the Scientific report (ne pas effacer ce texte (requis pour la table des matières) => à colorer en blanc tout quand le rapport est terminé) ESPON 2013 Bibliography General Literature ACHE, P. et al. (eds.), 2008, Cities between competitiveness and cohesion: discourses, realities and implementation, Springer. ADAMS, N.; COTELLA, G.; NUNES, R. 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DABINETT, G., 2011, “Promoting Territorial Cohesion and Understandings of Spatial Justice” Paper for the DG Regio, Regional Studies and Slovenia Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy Conference: What future for Cohesion Policy? An academic and policy debate, Bled, Slovenia, 16-18 March 2011. Available at http://www.regional-studies-assoc.ac.uk/events/2011/mar- slovenia/papers/Dabinett.pdf BARCA, F., 2009, An agenda for a reformed Cohesion Policy, a place-based approach to meeting European Union Challenges and expectations, Independent Report at the Request of Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for regional Policy. BARCA, F., 2010, “The Future of Europe’s Regional Policy”, European Regional Association Congress, Jönköping, 19-23 August, 2010. Available at http://www.regional-studies-assoc.ac.uk/ BARCA, F.; MCCANN, P., 2011, Outcome Indicators and Targets. Towards a new System of Monitoring and Evaluation in EU Cohesion Policy. Available at http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/doc/performa nce/outcome_indicators_en.pdf BAUDELLE G.; B. CASTAGNEDE (ed.), 2002, Le polycentrisme en Europe , La Tour d'Aigues: Ed. de l'Aube. ESPON 2013 1 BEGG, I., 2010, “Cohesion or Confusion: A Policy Searching for Objectives”, Journal of European Integration 32 (1), pp. 77-96. BÖHME, K., 2005. Interface – Territorial Cohesion: A Policy Phenomenon in Europe or a Global Issue? Planning Theory & Practice , 6(3), pp.387-413. BÖHME, K. & SCHÖN, P., 2006, From Leipzig to Leipzig. Territorial Research Delivers Evidence for the New Territorial Agenda of the European Union, disP , 165(No. 2/2006), pp.61-70. BÖHME, K. et al., 2008, The Territorial Cohesion Principles. Position paper to the EU Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion , Hannover: Academy for Spatial Research and Planning. Available at: http://www.arl-net.org/pdf/pospapier/PosPaper_78.pdf BÖHME, K.; T.W. ESER, 2008, Territorial Impact Analysis of EU Policies, European Spatial Research and Planning, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. BÖHME, K.; ZILLMER, S., 2010, “Die Territoriale Agenda der EU und ihr Aktionsprogramm: zwischen europäischen Obstkörben und Papiertigern”, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung 8/2010, pp.567-576. BÜRKNER, H.-J. & MATTHIESEN, U., 2007, “Territorial Cohesion, Brain Drain and Digital Divide”, in SCHOLICH, D. (ed.) Territorial cohesion , Berlin; New York: Springer, pp. 53-62. BYNENS, J. ; VAN DER LECQ, R., 2005, “Connecting Europe to its Regions Territorial Cohesion as a Toolkit for an Interwoven Spatial Development Approach”, Paper presented at the AESOP Conference in Vienna, 13-17 July 2005. CAMAGNI, R., 2006, “The rationale for territorial cohesion: issues and possible policy strategies”, in PEDRAZZINI, L. (ed.), The process of territorial cohesion in Europe , Milano: F. Angeli, pp. 53-67. CAMAGNI R., LENZI C., DOTTI N. F., BOLCHI P., CARAGLIU A., ULIED A., LARREA E., SCHUCKSMITH M., GARROD G., RALEY M., BRUINSMA F., VREEKER R., NIJKAMP P., 2010, TIPTAP: Territorial Impact Package for Transport and Agricultural Policies . Final Report. Luxembourg: ESPON. CAMBRIDGE ECONOMETRICS, 2010, Pilot study on the estimation of regional capital stocks , Final report for the European Commission (Directorate General Regional Policy). CAPECCHI, V.; GALLINA, A., 2008, For a polycentric Europe: how to save innovation from neoliberism , Catania: Edit. CATTAN, N., 2007, Cities and networks in Europe: A critical approach of polycentrism , Montrouge:John Libbey. ESPON 2013 2 CONTI, S., GIACCARIA, P., 2001, Local Development and Competitiveness , Dordrecth: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. DA CUNHA, A., (ed) 2005, Enjeux du développement urbain durable : transformations urbaines, gestion des ressources et gouvernance . Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. DATAR, 2007, Territoires 2020 , Revue Scientifique de la DATAR, n° 7. DATAR, 2010, La cohésion territoriale en Europe , Paris : La Documentation Française. DAVID, C.H., 2007, Status and Perspectives of Territorial Cohesion with respect to European Spatial Development Policy –Normative and Governance aspects, in SCHOLICH, D., German Annual of Spatial Research and Policies 2007- Territorial Cohesion , Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, pp. 5-22. DAVOUDI, S., 2003, “Polycentricity in European spatial planning: from an analytical tool to a normative agenda”, European Planning Studies 11(8), pp. 979-1000. DAVOUDI, S., 2005, “Understanding territorial cohesion”, Planning Practice and Research , 20(4), pp. 433-441. DAVOUDI, S., 2007, “Territorial Cohesion, the European Social Model and Spatial Policy Research”, in FALUDI, A. (ed.) Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society , Cambridge, Massachusetts: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp. 81-101. DAVOUDI, S., 2009, “Territorial Cohesion, European Social Model and Transnational Cooperation”, in KNIELING, J.; OTHENGRAFEN, F. (eds.), Planning cultures in Europe : decoding cultural phenomena in urban and regional planning , Burlington VT: Ashgate, pp. 269-279. DE VRIES, A.; VELASCO, X., 2010, Territorial indicator system as a tool for evaluating territorial strategies . Available: http://programm.corp.at DORIA, L., FEDELI, V. & TEDESCO, C. (eds.), 2006, Rethinking European spatial policy as a hologram: actions, institutions, discourses , Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate Publishing. DOSENRODE-LYNGE, S.Z. von, 2007, Approaching the EUropean federation? , Aldershot ; Burlington : Ashgate Publishing. DREVET, J.-F., 2007, “Chasing a Moving Target: Territorial Cohesion Policy in a Europe with Uncertain Borders”, in FALUDI, A. (ed.) Territorial Cohesion and the European Model of Society , Cambridge, Massachusetts: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp. 145-164. DÜHR, S., COLOMB, C. & NADIN, V., 2010, European spatial planning and territorial cooperation , London: Routledge. ESPON 2013 3 DUBOIS, A.; GLØERSEN, E.; LÄTHEENMÄKI-SMITH, K.; DAMSGAARD, O.; GRASLAND, C.; YSEBAERT, R.; ZANIN, CHR.; LAMBERT, N.; SCHÜRMANN, C.; HANELL, TH.; GENSEL, J.; THOMAS, R., 2007, Regional Disparities and Cohesion: What Strategies for the Future? Report to the Directorate General Internal Policies of the Union of the European Parliament. IP/B/REGI/IC/2006_201 14/05/2007. Brussels: European Parliament. EDERVEEN S.; GORTER J., 2002, “Does European cohesion policy reduce regional disparities?”, CPB Discussion Paper, The Hague: CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. ESER, T.W., 2009, “From disparities to diversity. Territorial cohesion in the European Union”, in KILPER, H. (ed.) German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy, New disparities in Spatial Development in Europe , Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer,
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