Entertainm ent O p i n i o n F e a t u r e s Get the scoop on the new summer movies, Read some columnists' opinions about the recent The annual Orange Brick Awards are back. This Soapdish and Madonna’s Truth or Dare. Also, read rebirth of that other newspaper. What is it really and time they are bigger, better and oranger. See if your about a Center City hot spot, Market Street Live, why is it not dead? Also read a final column from a most favorite, or least favorite, administrator or .stu­ and two book reviews from our resident science-fic- graduating columnist and final Freshman Fragments. dent received one of the cherished, authentic prizes. tion critic. See page fourteen... See page eight... This, and a dartboard, on page twelve... The Triangle V o lu m e 66 • N u m b e r 34 'Serving Drexel University Since 1926. June 7,1991 Drexel begins centennial year celebration LLsa (Jerson students, alumni, faculty, staff, ing the Reunion/Commencement course — and they will be given ment." she added. O f The Triangle administration, and the sur­ weekend. The first of these. their photo in a special The weekend will end with rounding community. Taste of Philly Night, which is Centennial folder this year’s graduation. It all started with the world's open to the entire Drexel com ­ .An A,J, Drexel impersonator "Commencement will be differ­ largest ice cream sandwich... Taste of Philly Niuhl munity, will be held Friday, June in full Victorian costume will be ent in that it will have a centen­ and probably the world's largest "Wc have a very exciting year 14 from .‘S:00 to 10:00 p.m. in attendance and will give nial focus. The decor for the ice crcani sandwich food fight. planned... and it all starts on Pretzels, hoagies. steak sand­ remarks after dinner, as will Civic Center will reflect the The construction of the large June 14 with the 'Taste of Philly wiches, Chinese food (represent­ President Richard Breslin. Centennial colors, teal and pur­ ice cream sandwich represented N ight' in the Q uad." said ing Chinatown). Italian foods Afterwards, everyone will be ple." she said. a student eveni kicking off Louisa Ilanshew. centennial (from the Italian market). 'transporteil' way into the future Dre.xel's Centennial Celebration coordniator. TastyKakes. and Dock Street in the Franklin Institute's Future Fall Kvcnts — a year-long celebration, with Two of the largest events for beer will be served. Center, where there will be a I'he next m ajor C'entennial a myriad of events planned for the year-long C'entennial According to Ilanshew, it is a sound and light show, complete event will be a get-together for the entire University including Celebration will take place dur- casual event, lealuring a doo- with lasers. staff and administrators, entitled \sop group. Jersey Dream, a the "DragonFest," slated for fifties group called Creations, C entennial Kali Thursday. September 12, The and some mummers too the (iuests can choose to attend festival will be held from 11:00 (Iroater Kensington String Band, the C'entennial Hall and the a,m, to 3:00 p,m, in the ,-\rmory. The cost is SIO in advance or Late-Night Party for %lf). which and all University offices will be !i> 12 at the door, and free for chil­ includes the cocktail hour and closed during that time, accord­ dren less than five years old, the sit-down dinner. Dress for ing to Michael Sears of the "We wanted it to be a total Centennial Ball is black tie or Financial Aid Office, who co- University event where anyone "gay nineties," chaircd the C'entennial [could comej. We also wanted it A S20 option was designed to Employee Event Committee to be a family event so that if encourage young alumni and with Mickey Straube of the staff wanted to bring their chil­ students who could not afford Food Service Department. dren. they could,” llanshe\\ the $7.‘i to attend the bash. For "We're going to have a string added. $20. guests will be invited to the band, comedians, a DJ. food will The second major event of the Franklin Institute's Omniverse be served. There will be a draw­ weekend w-ill be the Centennial Theater to see the movie "Blue ing. an arts and crafts sale, and a Ball & Late-Night Dance Party Planet," scheduled at 9:15 p.m.. book sale and a bake sale," on Saturday night. The and then will join the futuristic Sears explained. All proceeds of Centennial Ball will consist of a Late-Night Party with special the book sale and the bake sale cocktail hour at 7:30 p,m,, fol­ effects at 10:00 p.m. will benefit a homeless and drug lowed by a catered sit-down din­ The late-night party will also rehabilitation group of West ner at 8:30 p,m. After walking feature a New York band. Mike Philadelphia, through a time tunnel to the Hines and The Look, and a Convocation will be on 1890s when Drexel was found­ Dessert Bonanza with mousse, October I. 1991. and the focus ed, guests will find violinists pastries, international coffees, will be on students, according to strolling through a Victorian gar­ champagne, and beer Fredericka Relsman. professor den where cocktails and hors "Some unusual entertainment and director of teacher prepara­ d'tvuvres will be served. is planned for later that tion and chair of the Guests will be shot on sight evening," Hanshew said. "Let's Convocation C’ommittee, "The — by a Polaroid camera, of call it some futuristic entertain­ See CENTENNIAL on page 3 Counseling Center director to leave Jeanette Mulligan Supervisor with a private reha­ Center, it became apparent that Triaiifile Staff Writer bilitation company, where he Mr, Farley \\ill be greatly worked with injured employees. missed. When asked to comment The C ounseling C enter at In January of 1985. he arrived at on his feelings about leaving Drexel University will suffer a Drexel to create and direct the Drexel, Farley responded, "I will counseling center In addition to miss the friends and colleagues I Tim Dailey/THE TRIANGLE loss this month as its director, Arnold Farley, prepares to leave his duties at the center, Farley have developed here at Drexel. the University, Farley's last day has taught courses such as It has been a great opportunity to Drexel throws sandwich party; of work will be June 14. industrial and eilucational psy­ be at such a fine university The Counseling Center, locat­ chology during his stay at which has many diversities, I Students throw sandwich ed in room 4020 of MacAlister Drexel. His involvement does only hope Drexel maintains its Hall, was created in 1985 under not stop here, though, for in the counseling center as a viable (iiary Ro.senzweig will get Drexel in The Giiitwss the direction of Farley. "We. at past, he has also served as chair student service and that the well­ Hook of World Records. It was the Counseling C'enter, deal with of the Wellness C'omniittee and ness com m ittee continues to O f The Triangle built by more than 30 students a large variety of personal prob­ former chair of the Asbury grow, especially in this lime of "It was the most fun I've and faculty on Wednestlay lems, some of which include Lhtited Protestant Ministry, See FARLEY on page 3 ever had at Dre.xel,” said one from about 11:()() a.m, to 1 adjustment to college life, fami­ l-arley, along with his wife long-time student. “Man. that p,m., when President Hrcslin ly related problem s, sexual and two children, will be relo­ was great," said another. "It gave a short speech. abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, cating to Chandler. Arizona, a I n d e x tastes good," said yet another. Shortly afterward, the fun and career related problems." tov^n not far from C'asa Cirande. They were referring to the first began. First, there was a single said Farley, The Center is .\ri/ona. where his wife has in a series of centennial events scoop flying in the air. Then responsible for performing psy­ accepted a new position in the June 7,1991 for students, the building of another. Soon the entire Quad chological testing and providing fieUI of psychology. Although C a m p u s.................. 6 the world's largest ice cream was filled with students eating counseling. I-'arley has not yet sccureil a new siindwich. and ensuing ice and wearing ice cream, "For a In addition, the center serves positioji hiniself. he slates. "I am E d-O p...................... 8 cream sandwich fight. few brief minutes the campus as a wellness resource library. It looking into psychology posi- was actually a place where I is involved in stiiff training anil lioiis so that 1 can continue the The 10 foot by M) fool by I Entertainment,..... 14 foot sandwich, made from a wanted to be." said a sticky development In stuilent life. work I like best, that is. working variety of ice creams and a stuilent after the fight subsid­ Before coming to Dre\el. w illi a comnuinily," 2 0 custom-made cookie shell, ed. Farley served as a Human Upon speaking to some of the 24 Resource .Manager and Clinical workers al Ihe Counseling 2 • The Triangle • June 7,1991 Breslin discusses budget with faculty D rexel new s in brief Gary Rosenzweig In the memo, ideas were bro­ ; academically and financially O f The Triangle ken into “Guiding Principles" sound." Dean of enrollment to leave and “Action Steps." The Also under the topic of President Breslin released a "Guiding Principles." which administration were the ideas of The dean of enrollment management.
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