, • . ST. GEORGE DISTRICT f\Mf\TEUR f\THLETIC CLUB . 1 /j/Qiliated to the A.A A. of NS. W./ FOUNDED 1921 .' 14 T H AN N UA L RE FO RT AND B A L A NCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR EN DING 26TH FEBRUARY 19)5 • ll••u4 S, 1d.i r'! ll111 r, ur t To 1~ .. ~ 1,,.,,., 1P U W .I JI \:,,,,L.EH I'. f 1111 I~ ·ro ~lur,h, I.-.;, H, t I-ti T1P:'\: OFFICE B:SARERS For Year i:nding 28th February 1935 PATRON; J .T Wal sh PR:l:SIDENT: Ii, i,. Taylor SENIOR VIGE-PRESIDEtlTS: Ald. 5. Binder, Vi. Button, A. Gains ford VI CE--PRESIDENTS , .J. A, Harris, G. Hasler, \'/, Tov;nsand, Snr., F. '.tillia.-ns , E, 3he.imy HON HANDICAPPERS: Sprints: H, Bannett Di r.;tanca : B, C, But tor1 Field Ga.'!le s: -1, To1-,n3 er.d , S llr. DELEGATES TC! A, L A, of N, S , :I. : M. J, Moroney U!ld H. Bennett CAP'TAINS: VICE- CAP'l'.AINS: HOil. AUDI'rOR3: Track: ·.v. Macken.zie H, Bennett Ald . S. Binder Di stance: B. C. Button A. Gains.for d J., A. HarriD TIME TAKERS: JUDGES; M. J. Moroney, F. Willia~c , ~:1. rr·o,.,n~erv!, H. Llewellyn,, G. Gould W.. Ahern , F. Keep 1 SnP,, ;;;1, Sims POWT SCORERS: STARTERS1 t Track: E. Giles Starter: A. Gainsf'cr d • Dist anco: W, s. Brooke Deputy Starte1•: H. Be i,nott LOCAL SEGR!l:TARY: E. J. Brooke LIFE M~IBillRS 1 A. Gainsford, A, Gainsford W. J . Hasler. HON TREASURER: E. E. Giles HON. SECRETARY: To Decembe r. 1934: w. J . Hasler To February. 1935: B, c. Button , !3'1 . GEORGE ~ISTRIC.:T AMAI'EUR ATHLET I C CT,UB ANN UAL M E E T I N G 18th March 1935 /l.GSNDJ\ l. P,[i nutes of previous Annual l/lee ting. • 2. Correspondence . ,J . New members. 4. Accounts. 5. Presentation of Annual Report. 6. Elect ion of Officers. 7 . General Business. -----:oOo: ----- STA'l'IS'I'ICE RE A'rTEJ;DANCE t.IONTHLY lJEETilfGS Last annual meeting .. .. 52 April (commencement distatiCB sGason) 18 !fay - l apsed, no quor urn~ # June - lctpsad, no quorum. July .. ' 7 August 8 September (commencement track sea son) 20 Octobe," 11 November .. 13 Docember (preser,tati on to Mr . HasliJr} 43 January 9 February 9 Ave r 9,ge e.ttendaroce excluding annuaJ. meet­ ing .. 12 . s Average attendance also excluding Jecam- ber 9.5 ; t.f 9. ,J r I, ~ • ,r:c1 P..r.V t /'l,~c{ r, ~ I ..,""I ....:.t'r.,e-~ I ,, l r v' f: i; ~- c.. ' r>f. ·, ,.L. l,tc-~u ,/4..e,..,r'-..J ' ( C,, C:'1' 'I '• ,I tv [A-4-~, , / (.>~ .:> ..... ...., ... <' 'c Ii•', cJ ,, '#<u re ~ ... - - ..J( rC r.r / ;:. e '- /fl C I\ , ,. f',.c ,-. t ;c '-v ~i ~ ':., r. 1c ) j('( \ ,r • "'" --- • FOURTEE~~H ANlilJAt REPCRT Pra5ented to members of the St. George !li3trict Amateur Athletic Glut,, at Colvin's Ha~l !iurs'bi.lle. 18th llilrch, 1935 GENTLEl.IEN: In presenting the Fourteenth Annual llepor and Bak.nee Shoot f<>r t,ho yenr ending the 28th February. 1935, I am Quito confident ir. saying that 'Ne can foe: o. sense of great 3atiefaction when "'0 revia1·• our pr3gross ovor the past twolvo months. Briefly, we he.vo rega:rned our supre,aacy in the long dis- tanco ~eason after o. la.pee of Ci vo yaar·o, whilat our individual 11orformonces on the track and field havs boon outstandinll· In fact I hc.ve no hesitation in sayine that apart from tho \7estarn Suburbs Athletic Club, we can re~rd our c:ub an the second strongest in New South W~los, taking 3u=er and ,11nt3r • season in·~o consideration, The dietancG season WtLS one gr eat win after o.nother, anci the three main nents of the yenr, viz., the Junior 10,000 Metres :i.nd 10 MilaB cross country cha.,npionshipe, were annexed by cur tea."Ja, whi lat in t,he 15 lli lee tlodified liarathon, bad wo only etur'l,ed one mon can an<l co.~plata<i tho team, ~a should have beon certain c,f victory. The track season, 1s in previous ye:.:..rs, showed more variation. Individut1l perfonnances •11ara excell9nt, but !l.e a te91'l we were not ac, cood, althour;h in more than cne inter-club match in the "A" grade coi:ipetition, the ~argin was axtre=ly narrow, :i.:1d bu• fer or.e or t~o absentees ~ould hQvo been in our fnvour. Wo etill lack first- claee aprint.e-,.ia s11r! are also below standnrd in certain other events, ouch ae vro.lking, hurdling and pole vuulting, but I am pleased tn say that we t1ppenr t o ho.ve a particularly promioing number of junior athletes who may eve71tual:y help to patch up our weaknesoao, If \10 can do this, it will mean the difforenco 1>etv1een being 11.t th;; top of the ladder • and being almost there. as we are now . < .. NOTABLE INDIVIDUAL PERFO?.MANCESi A. GAINSF'ORD - Those who thought that Alleyn Gainsfcrd wo.s a declining star had a rudo awakening v;hen they witnessed hi B splendid porformn.ncee in the big r 1tct>S, To finish sixth in the 10,000 metres, second in the 1C ?r.ilee and first ir. the 15 miles modified r.iaraihon championships w~s exceptional runnin6 for hit1 years, and when we also consider tht1t he annexed 9.ll the club' o lonr; distance championships from 5 to 15 miles, vie begin to realise the ~,onderful co,nebA.ck that he mo.do. Perhaps the most satisfying raco tc himself arid •his supporters was tha modified c:ar~thon in which he defeated his old rival R. l!atema,: of South Sydney. 'c'hi e made Alleyn's fi~h win in this ever popular event, 'Uld who knowe, perhap& 1935 ooy see yet another win added to tilis numbor. !i. JAACKr:HZIE - Dunn Shield and U S, ','/. titles have bean annexed by tilie - 3 - star athlete during the year, and we m9.y well feel proud to number him aLJongst our ranks llacKenzia defeated his old rival Plwcner of Botany in the Dunn Shield Shot Putt, stretching the tape to 41' lo½", but the tables were reversed in the State Charapion&hips, when Plummer etruc k a purple patch and MacKo nr.io 11<,d to bo oatiofiod with eooond plo.co l'utting 40' ?," . Nr one could come within feet of him in the discus, however, and he won the Dunn Shield and State titles. Later with the asei stance of J. Mumford, he created Ii ne,1 discus record ir. the State Relay Chaopionships. He •Nas selected to ropreser.t Australia in the Centenary Gan:es in Melbourne and finished secor.d to u. Sippa:a the chru:ipicn Finn in the shot p•itt and also in the di scue. !.:acKentie also established four new Club records as will be seer. le.tar in the report, and so after tr.king all these feats into consideration, ha ha.a on,ioye::l an outstnnding sea.son. B. DICKII.SCK - Here we have anotl:~r thanoc:enal athlete, and one thst perhaps • shows more prci.ise than any other in J,.ustralia at the present time. Cnl:; in his teens, Di ckinson holds Dunn Shiel:!, N. S . W. and Auotralian titles, in addition being runner-up i n the Centenary Ca.~es Hop, Step~ Jump event. It was here that he cleared 49' 11f" , ,J nly 5" behind J. Metcalfe, who eetablislied a new Auatral~an record . Perhaps ,,nly a few know that five <'Ut of six of i>ickin3on's jumps were over 49' 6", whereas Lletcalfe cnly made or.e good jump, which, noodleo to say, was a suprem3 effort. In ,he Dunn Shield, Dickinson defeated Metcalfe in both the broad jump and hop , step and jurr.p, although in the State Ch?.mpionehips Metcalfe reversed the tablos in the latter -.vent. The broad jump was a diffe!"ent story, and with a remarkable leap of 24' o¾" Dickin;;on became ll. S. W. champion and only fai~ed to break tbs l.u3tr&liai: reeor;! by -1/' . t.ssisted by H. Lle••sllyn he helped St. Ceorge to win both the broad nne1 hop, step 9.nd jump events in the !;t.A•A ilelay t.hampicr:ships, and th:is furthored tlie claims of expertG that he will soon be wall in the running for a trip overseas . B. -:1. SHEILES - Perhaps this athhte has not met with such outstanding • s,;cc11e• this year, but on axaminati,n we fir.d that he hau oy ~n r:eane been ovar~har\0·,7ed , particularly when it is remembered th,d fer :-om;; .:eeks he ·i;as unde!" ·~reatment for muscular troubl3. Metcalfe proved a snag, but had Sheiles bean th1·owing up to hie old form, his second places would have turned to firsts. Nevert.)',i,less, t he State selectors had a high enough opinion of him t,o select him tc rBpre3ent lf. S. W. in the interstate contest in Melbourne, and incider.tally Dickinson was aleo in the State side . en a::-ri\•al .:here Sile ile5 ;,as a~.~d tc compete in the Australian team in the Centenary ,;-=as, nnd finished second to M. 6ippala. , hie throw being 163 ' 3-3/5".
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