NOTICE OF MEETING Planning & Transport Committee 7.45pm on Tuesday 1 December 2020 (Virtual Meeting) To Councillors Dulieu, Fitzwilliams, M Jones, Thorin and Wallen You are summoned to attend a virtual meeting of the Planning & Transport Committee on Tuesday 1 December 2020 at 7.45pm. The meeting will take place on the Zoom platform. Please use the link in the e-mail or use the following details Meeting ID: 851 9571 0738 Passcode: 922319 Any apologies for absence should be communicated to the Clerk ahead of the meeting Jason Mawer Clerk to the Council The seven principles of public life Selflessness | Integrity | Objectivity | Accountability | Openness | Honesty | Leadership Meeting bundle page 1 AGENDA Meeting of Planning & Transport Committee 7.45pm on Tuesday 1 December 2020 (Virtual meeting) Sound recording, photography, filming and use of social media at meetings that are held in public are permitted. Those wishing to record proceedings are however advised to contact the Parish Clerk for further information before the start of the meeting. This meeting will be recorded by the Clerk through the Zoom platform to assist with the production of the minutes of the meeting. No. Item Page 001. Apologies for absence 002. Declarations of interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable interest or affected interest in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting. 003. Minutes of the previous meeting 3 To approve the minutes of the council meeting of Tuesday 10 November 2020 004. Matters arising from the previous meeting Matters arising from the previous meeting not covered elsewhere on the agenda 005. Correspondence received and items for information to be tabled at the meeting 006. Public participation 7 Members of the public may comment on planning applications that are for consideration at this meeting. This session will last for a maximum of 10 minutes. 007. Planning & tree applications (BFC planning lists 46/20, 47/20 and 48/20) 8 008. Planning determinations of Bracknell Forest Council 10 009. Planning appeals 12 010. Recurring reports 13 011. Representatives reports 012. Date of the next meeting 15 The next meeting of the committee will take place on Monday 21 December 2020 at 7.45pm 013. Closure of the meeting Meeting bundle page 2 Agenda Item 003 Planning & Transport 1 December 2020 Officer: Parish Clerk PLANNING & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING held virtually on Tuesday 10 November 2020 Members present: Cllrs Ms Dulieu, Fitzwilliams, Ms Thorin and Mrs Wallen Other attendees: Parish Clerk and two residents Cllr Ms Dulieu took the chair 001. Apologies for absence No apologies were received. 002. Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were received 003. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 October 2020 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 October 2020 were circulated to members ahead of the meeting. The minutes were proposed by Cllr Mrs Wallen, seconded by Cllr Ms Thorin and APPROVED by members present. 004. Matters arising The Parish Clerk would follow up on a meeting with BFC regarding SANG land. The response to the Planning White Paper consultation had been submitted. 005. Correspondence and items for information Members noted correspondence from Keep West End Green Campaign objecting to application 20/00802/OUT and from Bracknell Forest Council confirming arrangements for the appeal regarding Scotlands House. 006. Public participation There were no requests for public participation. 007. Planning & tree applications (BFC lists 43/20, 44/20 and 45/20) Planning List BFC 43/20 20/00753/FUL 20 Wiltshire Grove, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3JJ Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a part two/part single storey rear extension. Considered no objection 20/00771/FUL 10 Seddon Hill, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 2PF Replacement roof and frames to existing rear conservatory. Considered no objection Meeting bundle page 3 20/00288/TRTPO 9 Innings Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3TR TPO 372 – Application to prune 3 trees. Considered no objection Planning List BFC 44/20 20/00780/FUL 1 Newell Green Cottages, Newell Green, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 6AB Section 73 application to vary condition 6 (vehicular access) of planning permission 20/00020/FUL for the erection of dwelling with associated landscaping and access works following demolition of existing garage and outbuildings. For clarification: the application seeks to retain the existing dropped kerb. Considered no objection 20/00788/FUL Land at Osborne Lane, Osborne Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 18/00011/FUL for the erection of a stable block and parking area. For clarification: this application amends the position of the site access, previously shown incorrectly, and the relocation of the stable block. Observations made Members are concerned that the reorientation of the stable block may lead to contamination of the Cut. Planning List BFC 45/20 20/00802/OUT Home Farm, Forest Road, West End, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 5RS Outline application for up to 197 dwellings with new roundabout and associated access from Forest Road. Recommended refusal The Parish Clerk would draw up the final response. 008. Planning determinations of Bracknell Forest Council It was reported to the meeting and noted by members that the following applications have been concluded by BFC since the last committee meeting: 20/00526/FUL Trelawne Cottage West End Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Erection of first floor side extension and conversion of garage to habitable room. Withdrawn 20/00548/FUL 29 Essex Rise, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3XG Erection of first floor front extension above garage to provide habitable accommodation. Refusal by Delegated Decision 20/00603/FUL Sunnyside Forest Road, Hayley Green, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Section 73 application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/00082/FUL for the erection of a detached 4 bedroomed dwelling with associated Meeting bundle page 4 parking, landscaping and relocated parking for existing dwelling. For clarification: this application seeks to relocate the cycle store and bin store and retain the existing patio and sheds. Approval by Delegated Decision 20/00617/FUL Scotlands House Forest Road, Newell Green, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Erection of 4x dwellings with associated parking and landscaping. Withdrawn 20/00193/TRTPO 23 Greystock Road, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 2FB TPO 82 – Application to prune 1 tree. Approval by Delegated Decision 20/00203/TRTPO 3 Oxfordshire Place, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3QA TPO 424 – Application to prune 2 trees. Approval by Delegated Decision 20/00222/TRTPO 48 Horatio Avenue, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 3TX TPO 393 – Application to prune 1 tree Approval by Delegated Decision 20/00067/TRTPO Warfield House Bracknell Road, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire TPO 61 – Application to fell 6 trees and prune 4 trees. Part Approval/Part Refusal by Delegated Decision 20/00601/FUL The Old Stables 22 Priory Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Construction of a single car port to side. Approval by Delegated Decision 19/00162/TRTPO Whitegrove Copse, Harvest Ride, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire TPO 186 – Application to fell 1 tree Withdrawn 20/00057/FUL Land at The Barn Watersplash Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Erection of two storey detached dwelling with associated car parking and landscaping and the provision of car parking spaces to serve the existing property following demolition of existing outbuilding. Approved & Legal Agreement Signed 20/00655/FUL Land adjacent to Breadcroft Cottages, Cocks Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Section 73 application to vary conditions 3 (approved plans) and 4 (finished floor levels) of planning permission 20/00411/FUL and 18/00601/OUT for the erection of 4x 3 bedroom dwellings and 1x 4 bedroom dwelling with associated parking and access following demolition of existing buildings. For clarification: the application proposes to raise the floor levels. Approval by Delegated Decision Meeting bundle page 5 20/00681/LDC Storage and Distribution Centre, Bowyers Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, Berkshire Application for a Certificate of Lawful development for erection of compound with various buildings/structures and concreted areas used for storage. Refusal by Delegated Decision The planning determinations report was noted. 009. Planning appeals Members were advised that an appeal had been lodged for 19/00888/FUL Scotlands House had been lodged for the erection of 16 houses with associated car parking, landscaping and open space. 010. Ongoing issues a. CIL and S106 contributions There was no update to report b. Current and potential enforcement cases There was no update to report on the recent enforcement cases. Members agreed that two cases should be closed at Osborne Lane and Church Lane. 011. Pavement Parking consultation The draft response was circulated to members ahead of the meeting. The response was agreed with verge parking to be included as a component. 012. 162/162A bus service Members noted that the 162/162A bus service was being withdrawn. Members agreed that financial support for the existing service was not an option. Members asked the Parish Clerk to write to Stuart Jeffries at Bracknell Forest Council to ask about future provision on the route. 013. Representative reports Cllr Ms Thorin asked the Parish Clerk to follow up on the provision of covert CCTV cameras to help capture flytipping activity. 013. Date of next meeting The date for the next meeting is on Tuesday 1 December 2020 via Zoom. 014. Closure of the meeting There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.03pm. Meeting bundle page 6 Agenda Item 006 Planning & Transport 1 December 2020 Officer: Parish Clerk PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A period of up to 10 minutes is set aside at the meeting for the public to make either make a statement on any matter arising at this meeting. This time will also include any written representations received by the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting.
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