IAEA-TECDOC-1082 XA9950282--W6 Irradiationa as quarantine treatmentof arthropod pests Proceedings finala of Research Co-ordination Meeting organizedthe by Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held Honolulu,in Hawaii, November3-7 1997 INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY /A> 30- 22 199y Ma 9 J> The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was: Food and Environmental Protection Section International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramer Strasse 5 0 10 x Bo P.O. A-1400 Vienna, Austria The IAEA does not normally maintain stocks of reports in this series However, copies of these reports on microfiche or in electronic form can be obtained from IMS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramer Strasse5 P.O.Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria E-mail: CHOUSE® IAEA.ORG URL: http //www laea org/programmes/mis/inis.htm Orders shoul accompaniee db prepaymeny db f Austriao t n Schillings 100,- in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons which may be ordered separately from the INIS Clearinghouse IRRADIATIO QUARANTINA S NA E TREATMENF TO ARTHROPOD PESTS IAEA, VIENNA, 1999 IAEA-TECDOC-1082 ISSN 1011-4289 ©IAEA, 1999 Printe IAEe th AustriAn y i d b a May 1999 FOREWORD Fresh horticultural produce from tropical and sub-tropical areas often harbours insects and mites and are quarantined by importing countries. Such commodities cannot gain access to countries which have strict quarantine regulations suc Australias ha , Japan Zealanw Ne , d e Uniteth d dan State f Americo s a unless treaten approvea y b d d method/proceduro t e eliminate such pests. Current approved methods include fumigation by methyl bromide, hot water dip, vapour heat, dried head irradiationan t . Methyl bromid s beini e g phaset ou d globally under the Montreal Protocol in view of its strong ozone depleting properties. Europea e thosd th Countrie an f eo A n US Uniose sucth requiree s nar ha e phaso th dt t eou production of this chemical by the year 2005. Among other phytosanitary treatments, irradiation appears to have an edge as it is more versatile in controlling various pests and causes insignificant changes in quality of the treated products. Base datn do a generate Co-ordinatea y db d Research Project (CRP Irradiation o ) a s na Quarantine Treatment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, in operation between 1986 and 1990, irradiatio quarantina s na e treatmen fresf o t h fruit vegetabled an s s against tephretids i frui y fl t gaining wide acceptanc nationay eb internationad an l l authorities s beeha nt I .applie a n do small commercial scal fruitn eo s being exported fro mainlanS mU Hawaie th r d fo markei t since 1995. The scope for expansion of this application is high as the USD A has established a policy in 1996 to accept irradiation as a quarantine treatment against major species of tephretid fruit flies regardles f commoditieso s n additionI . e ASEAth , N countries have adopte unifieda d protoco thin o ls subject. The CRP on Irradiation as a Quarantine Treatment of Mites, Nematodes and Insects other than Fruit Flies operation i , n between 199 d 19972an ,f attempteo p ga e filo dt th l information on the effectiveness of irradiation against other quarantine pests. Significant data were generated by this CRP to demonstrate that a minimum dose of between 200 and 400 Gy would rende numbea r f non-fruio r insecty fl tmited an s s sterile, thus meeting quarantine requirements. However, only a limited species pf insects and mites were studied. Additional data are required to provide conclusive evidence that such a dose would render most, if not all, species of non-fruit fly insects and mites sterile. Plant parasitic nematodes appear to be resistant to irradiation as the dose required to render them sterile would cause damage to fresh horticultural commodities. Irradiation would be a useful quarantine treatment against this pest only for durable commodities such as pot soil, wood products, etc. This publication present e researcth s P presente e CR finahth e resultlt th a d f o s FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting hosteCollege th y d b Tropicaf eo l Agriculturd ean Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Department of Agriculture, State of Hawaii, hel Honolulun di , Hawaii Novembe,7 froo t m3 r 1997. e ScientifiTh . LoaharancP Secretars e Joinwa th f P o f uthit o y CR FAO/IAEs A Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the original manuscripts submittedas authors.the viewsby The expressed necessarilynot do reflect IAEA, the thosegovernments the of nominatingthe of Member nominatingStatesthe or organizations. Throughout textthe names Memberof States retainedare theyas were when textthe was compiled. ofThe use particular designations of countries territoriesor does imply judgementnot any by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions delimitation ofthe or of their boundaries. The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. The authors are responsible for having obtained the necessary permission for the IAEA to reproduce, translate or use material from sources already protected by copyrights. CONTENTS SUMMAR CO-ORDINATEE TH F YO D RESEARCH PROJECT..........................................1 Irradiatio alternativn a s na methyo et l bromide Australiae :th n situation................................9 .1 N. W. Heather Gamma irradiatio quarantina s na e treatmen spider fo t r mites (Acarina: Tetranychidae) horticulturan i l products ............................................................29 Ignatowicz,S. Banasik-SolgalaK. Effectiveness of electron irradiation as a quarantine treatment of cut flowers .........................49 T. Hayashi, Todoriki,S. Nakakita,H. Dohino,T. TanabeK. Irradiation as a quarantine treatment of cut flowers, ginger and turmeric against mites, thrip nematodes...................................................................................d san 7 .5 A.D. Bhuiya, M.Z.R. Majumder, G. Hahar, R.M. Shahjahan, M. Khan Post harvest controlling of orchid thrips on cut flowers by irradiation..................................... 67 K. Bansiddhi, S. Siriphontangmun Irradiatio quarantina s na e treatmen ornamentals..............................................................r tfo 1 .8 E.G. Manoto, G.B. Obra, M.R. Reyes, S.S. Resilva Toleranc t flowercu f e o gamma-radiation.......................................................................... o st 3 .9 O.K. Kikuchi, P.M. Wiendl, V. Arthur Radiation disinfection or disinfestation of nematodes, aphids, mites, thrips othed an , r pest foon so d plant materials: Evaluation for effectiveness and product quality.............................................................. 105 J.H. May, Chinnasri,B. B.S. Sipes, D.P. Schmitt, R.T. Hamasaki, E.F. Mersino, R.M. Yamakawa Disinfestation of litchi stem-end borer Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley with irradiatio exporr nfo litchf to i fruits.........................................................................5 .11 Mei-Ying Xiu-QiongLiu,Hu, Ren-Huan Hou, Xiao-DongLi, Zhen-Wei Yao, Xue-meiLou, Qun-Fang Weng Developmen yelloe th f to w potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochieitsis (Woll.) on potatoes after gamma irradiatio cysts....................................................................f no 3 .12 W. Karnkowski, S. Ignatowicz Physiological marker insectn si s indicating treatment with ionizing radiation......................9 .12 J.L. Nation, B.J. Smittle, K.R. Milne Detection method irradiater sfo d mite insects...............................................................d san 1 .14 S. Ignatowicz An irradiation marker for mango seed weevil......................................................................... 163 N.W. Heather, E.G. Lescano, B.C. Congdon Phenoloxidas melanizatiod ean n tesmangr tfo o seed weevil................................................9 .16 N. W. Heather Lis Participants.................................................................................................................f o t 3 .17 SUMMARY OF THE CO-ORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT INTRODUCTION The pasdecadew tfe s have seen increasin irradiatiof o ge interesus quarantina e s nth a n ti e treatmen f freso t h horticultural commodities. Increasing acceptanc d applicatioan e f o n irradiation as a quarantine treatment against fruit flies which was the subject of a co-ordinated research programme sponsored by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture from 1986 to 1990. In particular, the following positive developments on this subject have occurre recendn i t Uniteyeare th n si d State Americaf so , especiall Hawaiiyn i : (1) The issuing of the Notice of Policy by the USD A/APHIS in May 1996 which proposed regulation of irradiation as a quarantine treatment of fresh fruits and vegetables at specific minimum doses against major species of fruit flies regardless of commodities. publicatioe Th (2 Finae ) th f lno Rul USDA/APffly eb Juln i S y 199Irradiation o 7 a s na Phytosanitary Treatment of Carambola, Litchi, and Papaya from Hawaii at a minimum dose of 250 Gy against fruit flies in Hawaii. e markeTh t) acceptanc(3 increasind an f o e g deman r irradiatefo d d fruits from Hawaii,
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