THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHITESBURG, KY. Znn YEARS f5mmm I 3K I WASHINGTD A IffII WRKjLEYS RK. NEW HANDY PACK Fits he nd pocki t and purse AsPI RI N More for your money and the b st Peppermint Chewing Sw t for anymoney Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Look for Wrigles p. K. Handy Pack Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism a Gdes With the Job Clerk That fellow gets a cold DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART shoulder every time he comes In here. Grocer Who does? Clerk The Ice man. The Progres- Accept only "Bayer" package sive Grocer. which contains proven directions. Good health depends upon good digestion. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Safeguard your digestion with Wright's In- dian Vegetable Pills and you safeguard your Commission to Arrange Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. health. 372 Pear) St.. N. T. Adv. Aspirin Is tae triie mark of Bayer alansfaetnr of MoooaceUcaddeiter of Sallcjllcacld fust Boys National Celebratim in Maine Man Realized BUY A BUSINESS OF Freddie Hah I We got twins at onr house Handicap of Weather YOUR OWN qf His Al- You can build a carpet and rug clean- Eddie Chee! How many? Life. 1232 Birth Governor Smith, at a dinner in ing business with a Hamilton Beach bany, was talking about New York's Electric Carpet Washer on small In- By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN. vestment with easy terms. Write for incredibly changeable weather. illustrated FREE BOOK, "How to Have 'aintim EOItGE WASHINGTON, the "Father "In a hotel lobby the other night," a Big Paying Business of Your Own." "Lunch! he said, "a Maine man told a New Hamilton Beach Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis. iHksHI America, the richest, most power-L"r- Yorker a hunting story. could vot ful' most prosperous " AGENTS: SI 00 WEEKLY Fast seller; hi and nation of 'Yes, sir," he wound up. 'I killed Chemocloth clears windshields, windows, dur-'n- g earth was born February 22, 1732. that with this here pearl-handle- d storms, fog;. Clear vision prevents acci- Jma&ined b'ar little dents. Easily applied, nothing mechanical; February 22, 1932, will therefore be penknife. Guess you never Midwest Fruducts Co.. Box 527. Peoria. IIL the two hundredth anniversary of his had a tussle b'ar, heyi stran- with. a BOYS AND GIRLS Camera given free for ft birth. That year is to see a bi- ger?' selling 40 packages needles. 10c package. centennial celebration of his "My goodness, yes," the New Send name, address and school you attend birth said to P. O. BOX 1557. Boston. Massachusetts. the like of which history has never seen In honor Yorker. 'I was fishing In Saranac lake of a human being. SAVE FROM S30 TO $300 A YEAR, get rid Congress has created the one day when a big bear made a rush of tobacco habit. A guaranteed cure for United States Commission for the Celebration of for me. He knocked the rod clean dollar bill. John J. Barnett. Nature Spe- the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of out of my hands, and so I was de- cialist. 2001 Porter Avenue. Joplln. Missouri. George Washington. President Calvin Coolldge is prived of even that poor means of de- Buyers Guide: Inside source of supply for thousands of articles, goods and specialties chairman of this commission and thus fense. But I grabbed the critter by at lowest wholesale prices. 10c brings it. briefly outlines the purpose of the celebration and the throat, roughed it up with him a Ives. 2966 Cass Avenue. Detroit. Michigan. suggests its scope: bit, and then downed him and held Advertisers: Let Ives "The System Mailer" "The two hundredth anniversary him quiet he froze to death.' circularize your literature. Orlglnat meth- of General till ods. Inquiry and stamp brings particulars. Washington's birth will be an occasion of such Washington, for their approval, and In accordance Daughters of the American Revolution why, every "The Maine man nodded thought- L. T. Ives. 2966 Cass Ave.. Detroit. Mich. significance, not only to our own country but to with statutory requirements. good American knows of the "Fighting Daugh- fully. Section 5. That the commission, after selecting Agents S4 on each order taken for guar. -- the entire world, that it is manifestly fitting that a chairman and a vice chairman from among their ters." "'Yep, he said, Tve often wanted Calendar Watch. Registers time of day. day asfp Co coa of week, month and changes of moon. 9 Mm ob- may employ secretary to try dodge the American nation should appropriately members, a and such other The General Federation of Women's Clubs is that myself; but the Sample watch and outfit 56.95 c. o. d. S. serve it. assistants as may be needed for clerical work undoubtedly the most powerful organization In the weather up our way don't change as Novelty Co.. Box 1605. Sta. C. Cleveland. O. ana JJelicious connected with the duties of the commission and United States, with exception two quick as It does down here In York Fire-proo- Chocolate Cake, "But beyond this It is felt that as the life, the may also engage the services of expert advisors; the of the Best Hotel Buy In Country f. 44 career and the achievements of Washington be- and mpff fix their respective compensations within major political parties. It Is state."' rooms, 4 garages, steam heat. Big money. the amount appropriated purposes. Price 327.500. part cash. C. II. Brewer, long not to a single nation, but to all humanity, for such and patriotic. Its charter Is by act of 22 Monterey Ave., Highland Park. Mich. it is proper that ithe nation founded under his jp congress and Its membership is about 3,000,000. Cutlcura for Sore Hands. BAKER'S Section 8. That the commission hereby created AUTO OWNERS Your tires made puncture leadership should Invite all other nations and shall expire within two years after the expiration Mrs. John Dickinson, Sherman, its president. Is an Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds proof with our process. Sent parcel post on peoples to 31, 1932. eighth-generatio- n American. of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub In Cu- receipt of JS.00. LESSER COMPANY. 47J Join it in the observance of this anni- of the celebration, December Her first American East 35th Street. Paterson. New Jersey. versary. The ancestor, John Whitney, was at Watertown, Mass., tlcura Ointment Remove surplus CoCOa and character nnd the efforts of Wash- President Coolldge ington have made an Impression upon heads the commis- with John Coolldge and with Rev. John Sherman, Ointment with tissue paper. This Is the whole sioners and Is chairman of the Vice world, so 'profound to have very commission. her husband's first American ancestor, only one of the things Cutlcura win do HOTEL for LEASE tas affected the President Charles G. Dawes, as president course history of the Henry- If Soap, Ointment rooms, furnished, city of Chocolate of and to have touched the lives set. ate, comes comes Ford may have said that "history is and Talcum are used 45 next. Third the speaker of purposes. in- of all who today live in this world. the house, Nicholas Longworth. bunk," but he probably did not mean American tor all toilet Advertisement. 11,000. Rental $150 month, Delightful foods and "We cannot Former Senator history, doubt that the influence of Wash- Thomas Sterling of South Dakota Is field secre- inasmuch as lie is restoring the Wayside cluding lobby. beverages of high qual' ington's example, leadership gave the which he in tary. William Tyler Page of Maryland, clerk of inn at Sudbury, Mass., and trying to bring back Report Discovery of M. G. SABA ity, pure and healthful. behalf of liberal institutions and mankind's ad- the honse, i executive secretary and disbursing the old-tim- e American dances. And his own his- vancement have been among the great benefac- tory reads like a fairy tale. Vast Marble Riches Coshocton, Ohio. "i officer. Members of a Chilean hydrographlc Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. tions conferred upon the race. He ranks and will The eight members appointed Senator Fess has been professor of history nnd always among by President commission, roving among the Islands, So Ettibuihed 1783 rank the foremost of those who Coolldge under the resolution were: college president Senator Bayard's father, his Not Golden great-grandfath- off Cape Horn, have vast Dorchester. Mass. were providentially designated to perform great Mrs. Anthony Wayne grandfather, his and his great-uncl- e discovered "Well, girlie, I hope you are look- Cook of Pennsylvania, quantities of marble, said to equal in Montreal. Canada and lasting services. president general of the National Society of the have all been U. S. senators from Delaware. ing forward to a golden future." Longworlh son-in-la- quality that of Carrara. The marble my Booklet of Ounce Recipes tera fret. "Every consideration of national pride In him as Daughters of the American Speaker is the of Theo- "No, I thought I'd dye hair ff an Revolution; one efficient was found In a group of lonely islands year." American, of gratitude for the distinctions Mrs. John Dickinson dore Roosevelt and of the most and black this Louisville which he brought to us as a Sherman of Colorado, pres- popular men in thp house. Representative Tilson to the north of Punta Arenas, near people, and of satis- ident of the General Federation of Women's majority Spanish-America- n the straits of Magellan. According to faction In the universal recognition which has Clubs; is leader of the house and a been freely rendered to his name and memory, war veteran.
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