INsEcrPolr-rNATroN rN GREENHoUsES WEST-PALAEARCTIC BI.IMBLEBEES P. Rasntont, J.C. Verhseghe,R. Rust ront & M. Terzo SUMMARY The authorsare currently preparing a comprehensiverevision of the West PalaearcticBumblebees. This revisionmainly dealswith taxonomyand biogeography.For eachspecies, it will give a reviewof the ecologicaland ethologicalcharacters, emphasizing the flower choices.The authors providekeys down to the subspecificlevel and full synonymy.The book will be illustratedwith drawingsand scanningelectronic microphotographs of all characters;colour plates with all subspecificpatterns; original photographsof mostspecies and originalmaps. Specieslists andrelevant literaturefor eachcountry will be inchided.The presentpaper provides a comprehensivecheck list of theWest-Palaearctic species. There are severalgood papersthat make it possibleto identify the Europeanbumblebees and to learn most of their naturalhistory features. Very goodlocal keys can be usedto identifybumblebees in someregions, e. g. in Scandinavia(Lôken, 1973,1984), in the BritishIsles (Alford, 1975; Prys-Jones& Corbet,1987, in Russia(Panfilov, 1978), in the Balkans (Pittioni,1938, 1939), in the IberianPeninsula (Ornosa Gallego, 1984), in the Netherlands(Boer, 1977;Blom, 1989),in Switzerland(Amiet, 1996), in Germany(Mauss, 1987), in Poland(Banaszak, 1993; Pawlikowski, 1997):in the Czechand SlovakianRepublics (May, 1959)and in Turkey (Ôzbek,1983, 1987, 1997,1998). However,at the presenttime, no synthethicwork for the wholecontinent is available. Identificationremains hard work, not only becausethe bumblebees taxonomyis instrinsicallydifficult but alsobecause information is scattered in scoresof papers.Also, the distribution of many ,speciesremains approximatelyknown, with the biogeographicaldata atomized in hundreds oflocal or subregionalstudies. The authorsprepare a comprehensiverevision of the groupat the continentallevel. This revision mainly deals with taxonomy and biogeography.For eachspecies, it alsogives a review of the ethological characters,emphasizing the flower choices.The authorsprovide keys down to the subspecificlevel and full synonymy.The book is illustratedwith drawingsand scanningelectronic microphotographs of all characters; colour plateswith all subspecificpatterns; original photographs of most 93 i6 -qlJou oql pu€ sdly eql 'seeuer,{4 âql âJB pe^Jesqo eq uec ,{ltsre,ttp '(serceds sercedslseq8rq âql ereqÀ\souoz orlJ çy) euisny pue (serceds '(serceds '(serceds 97) ecuerg letueunuoc gç) .{eryn1 çç) etssng ueedorng âJeprmoJ âq uec ssrcedsJo Joqrunu lseq8q eql eJeql\ sâIJlunoc ogJ '(serueucgrceds-e4ur prle^ur Jo prle^ âqi IIe Eurpnlcur) sârueu sluorâJJrpgg1 ueq1 ârolu slunoc qclq^\ s!4sailat snqwog ro3 ,(lqeqord sr sru,{uou,{s3o Jeglunu lseq8tq 'serceds âqI crlcreoeled tse^N âql roJ soru?u gggl ueç erolu poprocor 'uol}nqlJlslp e^eq e.&\:qcu ,{leureJlxe sr ,(ruÂuou,{seqJ I€clqderSoeS slr ol pue uoqducsep slr 01 luâtrxe a8rel e enrS sJoqlne eq] luorletren cgrceds-e4ur âql sr scueurels,{ssââqâlqunq âtli Jo seJnleâJpâssncslp lsotu 'relelroll ',(urouoxel oql Jo euo oâqelqurnq ur Euqlrlds eql ol ,(cuepuel e Eurprorre'e,rrlsrrJosuoc âq ol pâIr1 â^Bq sJoI{lneâqI '(I elqel) uot8er 'otufl oqt w pezuEocer ere sooqâlqunqgo serceds99 lueserd eql tV zNOI)gV CIJJYVTVTY4 JSgtul NI gVgHJ gtv SssgflTgwng ro sslJgds HJnw ftoH '3rm3JcrlcJ303l3d-1s0^û eql uI pepnlcul 'eueqtg lou âJelegt JâlunocuoÂeu no,( sarcedseJoru eql lsee ol le8 're^â^\oH 'lrruurruoperd nof rasolc oql ,{leErelJâttel oql Jo suneJeql qtlrr\ 'suor8ercrlcæesled-lsâ^ù pue rreIJâqISuââ^\lâq euoz uolllsue4 e sl sIJeqIS 'l1ur1 lsem'peepul ,fte41qreue âr? slry I€Jn eqt'lsee-qlroueql oJ 'sâeqelqwngcllcruâel€d-1se16,(q pâllqeqq eresoSeledrqcre ,{ruue3prre soJozv'erepetr41 'sooreeg eql pu€ pu€lâcl 'lsê1y\âq} oI '1s39-âpprw âqlroJ'uerl quou pw {e{ tluou 'uoueqel 'leersy'N 'uu,{glsam-qUou ul pue }ueulluocuecl4v âtlt JoJ€lq,(T prrerrsrml'uueEly'occoro141go tluou âql fnorql sseduot8er eqtJo strurll uJâqlnoseqg 'seddelsuâsâpqns Jâlue Jâ^âu 1nq seddels âru1 ul uotutuoc elrnb eq ueJ seeqelqrunq'tsezn-qlnos âqt ot pue t$e-qlnos âqt oI '(puet qdesolzuurg eq1) eJIsoI es1ller geÂ1we7 uo ro (ue8reqstlds) 'punoJ pJuqle^s uo ocuolslxâ Jloql Jo uollsclpul ou 0^€q 0^(\ 0q rrscsâoqâlqunq ârâq^\ pu?lq lsel âql s;.ellweT eferro5l1ptouoqt ul isggggTgwns gHJ trO.{ NOI)W )IJJYVqYTV4 JSgil gHJ iO SJIWIT gHJ WV WgH.Ûl 'ermeJsââqâlqunq cllcr€e€l8d ]sâlû eloq/h oql Jo slte4 SutlseJelw lso{u âqi Jo euros e,il8 o.,!\âJoH '^Jlunoc qc€â 'sdeu rog ue,,u8êJB âJnl€JelII ]u?^eleJ puB ]sll satcedg leutSuo pue setcads SESnOHNASUDNI NOIJVNI-r']OdUOC SEEgE]gWnB CO SIIJSINnVC CINVÀJISUEAIA EHJ INsncr PollrNATroN rNGREENHoUsES Anatolian mountains. The bumblebees are absent from arctic and saharian deserts. AREALL BUMBLEBEESEURYTOPIC? At the generallystudied level of countries,the phenological differencesbetween the speciesis not often obvious. At the continental level, the adaptativedifferences are very significant,while the speciesare exposedto very different limiting factorsas an ubiquist permafrostin the north and summerdryness in the south. Somespecies seem to live only in theseextreme conditions, as e. g. Bombusglacialis in Novaya Zemlya. On the other hand, somespecies llke Bombusterrestris seemto have a great ethologicalplasticity, allowing them to live from S. Finlandto the sub- Sahariansteppes (near Bouarfa, in Morocco). ARE B UMBLEBEES EVERYWHERE POLYLECTIC? Bumblebeesare generallyregarded as mostly polylectic. Some speciesare real opportunists,as is the casefor Bombusterrestris or Bombus pascuorum(Rasmont, 1988). Oligolectic speciesare a minority among bumblebees:Bombus consobrinusand B. gerstaeckeriare related to, respectivelyAconitum septentrionale Koelle and Aconitum vulparia Reichenbach(Lôken, 1950, 1961, 1973; Delmas,1976; Rasmont, 1988). At least one species,Bontbus brodmannicz.r, seems to be oligolectic (on Cerinthespp. flowers) in one part of its distribution(in the Alps: Delmas, 1976;Rasmont, 1988) and polylectic in anotherpart (Anatolia:Ôzbek, 1998).Some species seem opportunistic concerning their flower choicesat a local level. However,when comparing data from all the countries,a clear resonrceselection become obvious. A goodexample is Bombuspyrenaeus: it is difficult to distinguisha particularchoice when seenat the local level (Pittioni,1937; de Beaumont,1958; Ruszkowski, 1970; Atanassov, 1972a, 1972b,1974,I975;Rasmont, 1988). Takinginto accountthe datafrom all the countries,the femalesof Bombuspyrenaeus are related to Vaccinium myrtillus L. and Rhododendron spp.,while the males chooseEpilobium angustifoliunL. whereverit is possible. 95 96 ' 0L- | : IZg' ttolut{otr Æa il sr aN un I.tlW)rV'relerusqeJ 'eeprody >11fo1of1gveg e^ IuuouosTeJopuuâzn rrapnl (eeprquog :ereldoueu,(g)eeurqurog r{opulroloro^ tzeg unu,nlopeuynEoq '€86I ''H ')i111ZO 'dd 'esqq1'elogedsa Cgg'plJpEWep esuelnlduo3peplsre^run ''u,(U) ''J'ODE euneJsl ep (eeprdy âsurgruogeqrrueJqns e-I'Vg6l IIVD VSONUO 'oo cLl 'uqer4'pe1 'USJ '6ç6 ''f '^Vn qc,(1s1epeure7âu.uop?{V elsuê^olsoTsoJ ^ rcglotuJ t Srnqureg'SunlqceqoeqrnleNr{U punqpuoEnlrêqoslnâ(I 'e8egny 'Z '(US 't861 ''A 'SSnVhl râp ulorurunHârp rnJ IsssnlqcsSunruurtlseg ' çl- L ItZ' 1d dns' ocr,to ulpua oS n c Bo1 ow o7 u g'(eupldy :ure1doueu,,(g) rarleledalsruÂqlsd snueS eq13o sorcads uel^eurpueos 'tg6l ''V'NA)O'I '8 't{ttttssptt I Z- t :( l)02 TstSoloutotuat1sto1,'1 '(eupldy'ereldouaurfg)seeg alqung Uel^eurpuecsuo sotpnls 'tL6l ''V'NE)O'I '€09 -86ç: I 0961''lug'tïuo3'tuJ WIXaLtJJ:o Surpaacot4'(eeprdy'eraldoueurÂg) ''q1qeq '196 ''V 'N;1;1O'I eeqelqunqcrlceloErlo uu snuuqosuocsnquog t '9 'ttrr4ttplJ '(pro[ptg) I - I :8 7s13o1owo7ug7s-ro1g ,(e.,uogri urelsâ/lLur eluuouluoldosunlluocv ol uotl?lârut sooqelqung '0ç61''V 'Ng)O'l ' 062-LVZ :Zl' ( S'M' U' u a' tos sp uV' (eeprqurog'eeprody'eraldoueu,{g) oeprquogsep esreSue4 ounuJ sl ep âpnt?,1p uotlnguluoJ '9161''U 'SYN'IAC "dd '1nrp 'erprusrnnleN 71 epl Joo^puoq8nel ospuelJapeN 'lequl 'f'd 'UgOg Jâperssuuruoc-uelcâsur ap uel aneE11 louuoH'LL6I'NEç1 'lrlcârln' fue,raSltnspuoqpnof '4mp 'àEC 't'ntrO'Ig epErzfr,naC'puugepaNue^ sleuuoH eC'6861 NV^ ' dutu 1' çç7-9y1 :9' stlto d1o u o! ttt N ua q ) su az allq oS .rapuaSunqcnstalu 2 aqaytotpsuas s!/14 sap asnuqa8tg'seqdorlunl suorSgr '8ç61 'AO 'f 'INOI septâ âssrnslsuorleN cled np sâte?lnoesargldougut,(p1 sel trnVES 'dd gçt 'zczso8p,g 'Âzczso8pÂgm euzcrEoEepâdBIoTzS uzszfi.16 'l{slod eleluzrJ 't661 ''l ')VZSVNVS '091-çtl :91 'tnougtolrg 'sadopotlysap aunol D7 - rleuewlN'eldopoa eu BuneC'uedopoqX uep ur (ereldoueuÂg) 'de1 snrfqils4 pun 'tt€"I snquog rep Sunlterque4pun Eunassueurunzueuv - alrdopoXrt (ereldoueur,{H)'dâ'I 'Ile'I 'ç1.61''N 'AOSSVNVIV snr,(qils4I snquog ?u slueuerlsordzett le1s,s ^opl^ 'LZl-Lyl :1y'@asn141p a8o7oo7 ap tryltsull ap u1ta11ng)fazny1 s y1t1su1o{1ysaq4&o1ooz ou o{4sa,rz1'eErrqe8uelleg uâqctllsguep pun uetâlllnuuep uo^ ('tu,(g ''de1 snr,(qtts4''r1e1 snquog) uloruunqJozloretuqcspun ulâtuunH - eulueld €r31Spuqcolzt I eupors ''de1 'rle'I ''N'AOSSVNVIY 1o('ur,(g srufqusdI snquog) tleqcdtuuraT'tL6l '69-tZi6L1:gç'fasny1 s firylsuJo&ysaqn&opo7 ou tt&TsaasJ 'II 'uurueld 'qzf ''N '^OSSVNVJV tsurlJ eretgeupudz lo ereldouotu,(He^opt^ 6l '8ZZ-6L1:çç'îanq,t1 s t,ttttsq o'iqsaq48o1oo7ou til4saa's1 'l 'eurueld '€Z161''N '^OSSVNVIY tseq3 erulguupedz to ureldoueurfHâ^opt^ 'dd 'Zl 96'1atgqcne51 nua^laH DtoasuJ'snrÂqils4pun snquog'srdy ueEunllegetp 'lassnlqcssEunueC'lloJ 'pe1 ' 'eeprdy '9661''C 'JSIWV reuraue8lly 1 ereldoueu,(H 'dd 'uopuol 're1u,{o4-st,req'seeqâlqung 'ç16I ''A'CI 'CUOC'IV Zçt sTJt{gvl-{gY SESnoHNEAUDNr
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