989-1004 Note for Users of This Index Authors Are Cited in the Index with Page References Only

989-1004 Note for Users of This Index Authors Are Cited in the Index with Page References Only

Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 126 (1996), 989-1004 INDEX Note usersfor thisof Index Author Inde e citee th ar sxn di with page reference sbriea onld fy an indicatio subjecte th f no indicateF . microfichsa e th n i e envelope at the back of this volume. Places within Britain and Ireland are indexed, variously, under old historical counties or local council areas; other places under name, distric countryd an t . Single citation f finso d spot r archaeologicao s ls a site g s(e comparanda) have been omitted. Entries under potter e listeyar d chronologically, then alphabetically (thus, various sortf o s medieval pottery will follow Romano-British pottery). abbey6 44 s Fowlis Wester 459-62 anInchaffrae dse y Abbey Lunanhead 1-16 Abercairney, Perthshire 730, 740 antler object7 96 s ABERDEENSHIRE handle 785-6, 862 Aberdeen 535, 650, 763, 799, 911-27 offcuts 737, 740, 787-8, Allanshaw 129, 1303 ,14 perforated disc 587 Atherb, Maud 40, 41, 43, 46-7 point with lead tip 644 Balquhain 899-901 waste material 183 Beldorney Castle 902-3 Antonine Wall 303, 337, 3745 ,96 Borrowstone 135, 145, 1501 ,15 dismantling 354, 966 Broomend of Crichie 129, 141, 143, 149 Ditch 303, 304, 310, 337, 351, 364, 367 Castle Hill, Kintore 149 Rampart 304-8, 336-7, 347, 351, 354, 358, 365, 367 Chapelden, Aberdour 1272 ,15 sites along Wall: Clinterty, Kinellar 150, 151 Barburgh Mill 341 Cruden 145, 150 Beancross 355, 3587 ,36 East Finnercy 32, 40, 41, 44, 46, 48, 49 Callendar Park 337, 344 Essli Greatee eth r 98-9 Castlecary 322, 327, 337, 365, 374 8 9 , 97 , 91 , Loanhea49 , 48 , f Daviodo 44 , 40 t Cleddans 337, 339, Mains of Scotstown, Bridge of Don 121-30, 152 Croy 337, 341, 344, 374 Midtown of Pitglassie, Auchterless 17-51, 98 Duntocher 337, 3384 ,34 Pitglassie (North) 18, 42 Falkirk 337, 365 Rattray Castle 670, 671, 672, 726 Inveravon 365, 366 Sandhole Quarry, Denhead, Fetterangus 134-412 15 , Kinneil 303^6, 360-4, 367 Seabags 337, 338, 3412 ,34 Tavelty Farm, Kintore 141-51 Watling Lodge 3372 ,34 Upper Boyndie 1275 ,14 Wilderness 337, 339, 342 Aberlemno, Angus 4430 ,46 stream crossings 347-69 Achanduin Castle, Lismore, Argyll & Bute 584, 585 CO. ANTRIM, aerial photography 149, 196, 202, 212, 363^, 391, 443, 9 4 , 48 , 46 , 44 , 43 , Lyle42 , s41 , Hil15 l 495-6,513 anvil base 749, 751, 782, 815 and see crop marks pit for - block 525-6 Agricola 371, 372, 373, 375, 376, 378, 384 archaeological wor obstacled kan , 15115 s , 159, 272, agricultural practices 191, 196 297-300 grazing 128, 140, 148, 259, 435-60 44 , archery 121, 145 arrowheade , se 150 d ,an 1517 s96 , manuring 164, 165, 166, 185,433^1 architectural history see documentary sources post-medieval 191 architecture, megalithi , 99-10c88 0 and see cereals, cultivation remains, fields, gardens, ancirclese dse , Clava cairns, monuments, passage plants, middens, rig and furrow graves agricultur landscapd ean e 152 Ardoch, Perthshire 321, 375 6 Bronz67 e eAg ARGYLL and BUTE lecture summar n 968-yo 9 Achanduin, Lismore 584, 585 Alcock Lesli Elizabetd ean AlcockhA , Dupplin Cross Castle Sween, Knapdale 517-57, 5990 ,64 455-7 Dunstaffnage, Oban 559-603 Aliaga-Kelly, Christopher, Hallow Hill grave goods 436- lona 4410 67 , 47 Rothesay, Bute 5969 ,59 analyses charcoale se , , geological, geophysical, plants, Arma Christi 899, 904, 9058 ,90 pollen, phosphate, soil, trees armory, heraldic devices 579-81 Anglo-Saxons 438-9, 462 armour 537-8, 644 Allanshaw, Aberdeenshire 1302 ,14 anweapone dse s ANGUS ARRAN Aberlemno 4432 ,46 Machrie Moor 33, 45 I SOCIET 0 99 ANTIQUARIEF YO SCOTLANDF SO , 1996 timber circles 63-4 bell, copper allo4 85 y arrowheads, bell shrine, copper allo4 50 y flint Bewcastle Cross, Cumbri2 46 a barbed and tanged 143, 146-7, 150, 790 birds leaf-shaped 17, 22, 35, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49, of prey 459-63 98 and see bird bones petit-tranchet derivative 61, 65, 74, 76-7 Birnie, Jacky, pollen assessment 242-7 iron 539, 644, 772 Birrens, Dumfrieshire 3 32137 , barbed 585, 2 74977 , Blackfriars, see Dominicans pointed 644 Blanchard, Linda, excavation t Measa l Vennel, Pert3 73 h spike blade 537 Boardman, Sheila, report on charcoal 597 art palaeobotanical analysis 674 Carolingian fresco manuscriptd an s 3 46 s boat, reused timber from 702, 3 70472 , Christian symbolism 465-6 9 4 , 48 , 47 , 46 Boghead , 45 , 44 ,, Mora43 , 41 y , 31-340 , late Roman 462, 463 bog moss, used as floor covering 140 Atkin, Susanne clan o , y pipe6 92 s and see plants Atherb, Maud, Aberdeenshire 40, 41, 43, 46-7 bone animal Ashgrove, Methilhill, Fife 140, 145, 151 burnt 206, 222, 226, 229, 230, 234, 235, 248, 259, Aubrey Holes, see Stonehenge 414. 432, 470, 5 74274 , Avielochan, Strathspey, Highland 7 94-59 , 96 , fragments 113-14, 118, 164, 217, 278, 281, 408, 414, awls: 415. 422, 423, 487, 489, 523, 617, 618, 619, bon1 18 e 621, 675, 695, 698, 797, 798 copper alloy 130, 132-3 bones: amphibian flint 35 frog 184 iron 546 animal, axes: badger 793 copper 967 brown bear (Ursus arctos)0 94 flint flake 422 cat (Felix catus) 114, 510, 598, 634, 670, 695, iron 308, 320-21 725, 749, 2 79281 , stone, battle 211, 241, 252, 5 25726 , cattle (Bos) 80, 164, 165, 169, 172, 183, 229, 230, micaschist 150 248, 285, 414, 418, 431-2, 433, 438, 509-11, polished 423 553, 598, 622, 669, 679, 725, 792^1,7 81282 , butchered 183, 308, 336, 510, 568, 598, 6 74996 , Bailey, Geoff B, excavations at Kinneil fortlet 303^16 (Canisg do sp) 114, 164, 165, 169, 183, 510, 553, stream crossing Antoninn so e Wall 347-69 635, 670, 725, 749, 2 79281 , Balbirnie, Fife 41, 42, 66, 84, 87 fox (Vu/pes vulpes) 510, 511 Balfarg, Fife 66, 87, 648 goat (Capra hircus) 598, 671, 2 79281 , henge 66 grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) 184, 940 Riding School sit6 6 e hare 511,792-3 Balnuaran of Clava, Inverness shire 83, 84, 87, 89, 90, horse (Equus ) 114sp , 183, 285, 432, 511, 553, 0 10 , 97 , 9192 , 725, 749, 792, 812 Balquhain, Aberdeenshire 899-901 ovi/capri , 16480 d, 169, 183, 248, 285, 414, 432, Barber, John, Bronze Age burial cairns 103-20 433^1, 553, 598, 621, 622, 669, 679, 725, 792, Barclay, Gordon, background report on Lower Greenyards 812 202^1 pig (Sus domestica) 80, 114, 164, 165, 169, 183, Bar Hill, Dunbartonshire 321, 322, 4 32337 , 248, 285, 420, 432, 433, 438, 440, 509-11, bark, burnt 525 553. 598, 669, 725, 2 79281 , Barnetson, Lin, report on bone 248, fiche 1/E1-E3 rabbit 164, 165, 169, 184, 285, 433, 511, 553, Barns Farm, Dalgety Bay, Fife 130, 150 554. 792 barrel, see wooden cask rat (Rattus rattus) 725, 792-3 barrows 116-19 red deer (Cervus elaphus) 164, 169, 183, 511, earthern 87 553, 590, 598, 792, 812 Yorkshire non megalithic 41 rodent 114, 164, 169, 184, 400, 432, 434, 510, ancairne dse s 725 basketry roe deer 511,553,725,792,812 impression potter2 n s7 o , 66 y sheep (Ovis aries) 80, 114, 165, 440, 509-10, beads: 598, 670-1, 725-6, 827 bone 784-5 and see horn glass 211, 239-40, 252, 257, 264, 8 42078 , bones: bird 103, 114, 184,285 stone 289, 291 barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) 794 beam balances, copper alloy 482, 498-500, 846, 857 buzzard (Buteo buteo) 725, 726, 794 Beech Hill House, Perthshire 66, 84 cormorant (Phalacrocorax carpo) 114, 794 1 INDE99 I X 4 corvid79 . sp stoneware 956-7 curlew (Numenius arquata) 671 arrowsd an archere w se , bo y domestic fowl (Callus gallus) 511, 554, 598, 671, bracelets: 726, 749, 793, 812, 826 glass 421-28 43 , dove/pigeon (Columbidae 4 sp.)55 jet 422, 438 duck/mallard (Anas sp.) 511, 554, 598, 725, 793 silver 418, 436, 437, 439 fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)4 18 stone 287, 289, 291 gannet (Sula bassana) 114 Brackmont Hill, Fife 648, 677 goose/greylag goose (Anser anser) 114, 511, 518, Braidwood, Midlothian 2623 26 , 554,671,725, 794, 812 brass seal matrixe f Inchaffraso y Abbe5 50 y Great Auk (Alca impennis) 184 bridges grouse (Lagopus lagopus) 554 ston0 36 e guillemot (Una aalge) 114, 671 timber framed 347, 358-60 gull (Lams sp.) 671 brochs 187, 264, 265, 963, 964 house sparrow (Passer domesticus) 7256 72 , Bronze eAg jackdaw (Corvus sp) 511, 554 1 19 burial, 13 , 1 s kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) 114 cairns 103-20 magpi0 51 e cremation cemetery 387 owl (Tyto alba) 554 Early 563, 610, 672, 675 raven (Corvus corax)4 79 long cists 442-3 red grouse (Lagopus Scoticus) 114 bronze objects snipe (Gallinago gallinago) 114 , 41877 brooche , 42065 , , 56 436s , 4379 43 , teal (Anas crecca) 114 ewe2 58 r wigeon (Anas penelope) 511, 5984 79 , finger ring, 414, 418, 437, 439 bones: fish 103, 184, 285, 539, 618, 619, 621, 675, 725, fragments 413, 420, 438,.529 7932 81 , harness strap junction 308, 318-20, 418 Angler fish (Lophius piscatorius) 1654 18 , sea420x bo l , 436-79 43 , cod (Gadus morhua) 114, 164, 165, 169, 184, 510, vessels, cast 582 5542 67 , ancoppee dse r alloy objects conge l (Congeree r conger) 5542 67 , brooches haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) 164, 165, 184, amuletic inscribed 636 672 annular 745, 761-3 hake (Merluccius merluccius) 165, 184 disc 418, 420,436, 437, 439 ling (Molva molva)2 67 enamelled bird 463 mackerel (Scomber scombrus) 166, 184 pin 498 pollack (Pollachius pollachius) 165, 184,672 ring 546, 581, 636 saithe (Pollachius virens) 166, 184 Romano-British 56, 65, 77 Thornball ray (Raja clavata) 164, 166, 184 Broomen f Crichiedo , Aberdeenshire 129, 141, 1439 14 , bone, human Broxmouth, East Lothian 191, 192, 236, 262, 2633 44 , Bruce, Margaret, reports on inhumations 125, fiche 1/A3- radiocarbon dates from 133, 140, 149, 294-53 42 , A7; 132, fiche 1/A8-A10; 137, fiche 1/A11- and see cremations, dental analyses, inhumations, A14; 143, fiche 1/B1-B2 pathological conditions Bryce , post-Reformatio, D

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