Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 27 Feb 2008. JEPPESEN Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 27 Feb 2008. JEPPESEN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 23-2007 JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 23-2007 JeppView LFBO/TLS + JEPPESEN TOULOUSE, FRANCE LFBO/TLS + JEPPESEN TOULOUSE, FRANCE BLAGNAC 2 NOV 07 10-1P AIRPORT.BRIEFING BLAGNAC 2 NOV 07 10-1P1 AIRPORT.BRIEFING 1. GENERAL 1. GENERAL 1.1. ATIS 1.3.2. ARRIVAL Vacate RWY 14R at RWY end via TWY M2. Use of TWYs M4 and M8 prohibited. ATIS 123.12 To Aprons E and F use TWYs M2, N2, P20, T40 or T50. 1.2. NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES To stands V10 thru V12 use TWYs M2, N2, P20, P40, P50, T55. 1.2.1. GENERAL To stands V20 thru V23 use TWYs M2, N2, P20, P40, P50, P55, T60. Pilots shall observe the engine operation instructions included in the operating To stands V30 thru V37 use TWYs M2, N2, P20, P40, P50, P55, P60, T65. manuals to reduce the noise impact of landing and take-off. These instructions shall To Aprons A, B and D use TWYs M2, N2, P20. comply with the ICAO PANS-OPS provisions, Volume I. ACFT operating in accordance To Aprons C, G, M, CEV and DSNA use TWYs M2, N2, P10 and T10 without centerline. with IFR/VFR must respect the specific noise abatement procedures that are Unusable with RVR 150m or less. published for the attention of users by the AIS. To Apron St Martin use TWY S2 without centerline. Flying over the hospital of Purpan is permanently prohibited. To Apron St Martin Lagardere use TWYs M2, N2, P20, P40, P50, P55, P60, P65, P70, The ACFT captain can only waive these rules if he thinks that it is required for flight P90, T100. safety reasons. To Apron Ziegler via TWY S60 use TWYs S2, W20, W30, W40 and W50 without centerline, S60. Via TWY S90 use TWYs S2, W20, W30, W40 and W50 without 1.2.2. NIGHTTIME RESTRICTIONS centerline, W60, W80, S90. All operators undertaking commercial flights departing from or arriving at Toulouse- Blagnac APT must publish, in their operating manuals, the classification of their 1.3.3. DEPARTURE ACFT in accordance with the following definitions: From Aprons E and F use TWYs T50, P50, P55, P60, P65, P70, P90, P100, P101, M11. - 'The noisiest ACFT in Chapter 3 ', are turbojet ACFT whose noise certification is From stands V10 thru V12 and V20 thru V23 use TWYs T60, P60, P65, P70, P90, P100, according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 3 and which have a P101, M11. cumulated margin of certified noise levels, with respect to permissible noise From stands V30 thru V37 use TWYs T65, P65, P70, P90, P100, P101, M11. limits defined in this chapter, being less than 5 EPNdB; From Aprons A, B and D use TWYs P20, P40, P50, P55, P60, P65, P70, P90, P100, - 'Noisy ACFT in Chapter 3 ', are turbojet ACFT whose noise certification is P101, M11. according to ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, Part II, Chapter 3 and which have a From Aprons C, G, M, CEV and DSNA use TWYs T10 and P10 without centerline, then cumulated margin of certified noise levels, with respect to permissible noise P20, P40, P50, P55, P60, P65, P70, P90, P100, P101, M11. Unusable with RVR 150m or limits defined in this chapter, being more or equal to 5 EPNdB and less than 8 less. EPNdB; From Apron St Martin use TWYs W20, W30, W40 and W50 without centerline, then None of 'The noisiest ACFT in Chapter 3 ' are permitted to: W60, W80, W90, W100, S11. - land between 2200-0600LT for in-block time; From Apron St Martin Legardere use TWYs T100, P100, P101, M11. - take-off between 2200-0600LT for off-block time. From Apron Ziegler use TWYs S60, W60, W80, W90, W100, S11 or S90, W90, W100, No 'Noisy ACFT in Chapter 3 ' are permitted to: S11. - land between 2200-0600LT for in-block time; - take-off between 2200-0600LT for off-block time 1.4. TAXI PROCEDURES except if the ACFT operator can prove that the affected ACFT has been operated at TWY P101 MAX wingspan less than 213'/65m. this APT less than 5 years before March 30th, 2003 which is the date of the ministerial decree restricting the use of Toulouse-Blagnac APT. These restrictions do not apply to humanitarian, ambulance, government flights or 1.5. PARKING INFORMATION On stands A10 thru A15, B10, B12 thru B14, D10, D12, E10 thru E62 and V20 thru V37 flights in emergency situations due to flight safety reasons, or flights of ACFT push-back required. mentioned in article L. 110-2 of Civil Aviation Code. Stand G8 available for helicopters. 1.2.3. REVERSE THRUST Reverse thrust other than idle, or propeller pitch reversal shall not be used for landings except for safety reasons. 1.6. OTHER INFORMATION Birds in vicinity of APT. 1.2.4. RUN-UP TESTS RWY 14/32 for helicopters. Engine run-up tests must be carried out on 'Bikini' run-up area and the protected run- up area located on St Martin Lagardere site. Between 2200-0600LT run-ups are prohibited. These restrictions do not apply to short tests less than 5 minutes and performed at idling power not exceeding that power used for starting and taxiing sequences. 1.3. LOW VISIBILITY PROCEDURES (LVP) 1.3.1. GENERAL Low Visibility Procedure will be in force when RVR is 1000m or below, or ceiling is 200' or below. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: New page. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2.1.1. ARRIVALRECOMMENDATIONS 2.1. NOISEABATEMENTPROCEDURES BLAGNAC LFBO/TLS 3.2.1. DATALINKDEPARTURECLEARANCE(DCL) 3.2. OTHERINFORMATION 3.1. NOISEABATEMENT PROCEDURES 2.2. CATII/IIIOPERATIONS CHANGES: NOTICE: PRINTEDFROMANEXPIREDREVISION.Disc23-2007 Licensed toElefantair.Printedon27Feb2008. - byATCinstruction,inthiscaseflyingovertheurbanareaofToulouse shallbe - forflightsafety; Visual approachesareprohibited,except: - recommendedoptimuminitialapproachGSangleis5.2%. - theGSshallbeinterceptedatorabove3000 '. - finalapproachesshallbeperformedwithanangleequaltotheGSdefined forILS. criteria, unlesssafetyconsiderationsdictateotherwise: To reduceACFTnoisenuisances,instrumentapproachesmustrespect thefollowing Low altitudecircuitpatternsareprohibited. t otherwise mentionedinthemessage, theDCLmeansstart-upclearanceaswell. flight plandoesnotcomplywiththe publishedSIDandclimbgradient.Unless clearance. TheDCLserviceshould notbeinitiatedbytheaircrewiftheirscheduled start-up time,theaircrewshould contact thepreflightfrequencytoobtaindeparture clearance hasbeenissued.Incase oflackresponse3minbeforethescheduled The clearanceecho-backmessage must bereceivedbyATCatthelatest3minafter time. The DCLrequestmustbeinitiated byaircrews10minbeforescheduledstart-up offs mustcomplywiththeinitialclearanceissuedbyATC. Except inspecialsituations,orifotherwiseadvisedbyATC,allinstrument take- required. RWY 14RapprovedforCATII/IIIoperations,specialaircrewandACFT certification when onfinalapproach. It isrecommendedthat,whereverpossible,powerorthrustincreases areavoided clearance. In caseofCTOT,thepilotgets valueCTOT-3minto+3withthe 1 avoided andtheRWYcenterlineshallbeinterceptedatorabove3000 '. : 3min New page. 2 NOV07 + 3. DEPARTURE 2. ARRIVAL JEPPESEN 10-1P2 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TOULOUSE, FRANCE AIRPORT.BRIEFING JEPPESEN JeppView 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 NOTICE: PRINTEDFROMANEXPIREDREVISION.Disc23-2007 Licensed toElefantair.Printedon27Feb2008. BLAGNAC LFBO/TLS CHANGES: 123.85 125.17129.3 44-30 2182' ) M ) N SECHE M RUMEL G 0 N ( G 8 60 ( CAHORS TOULOUSE Approach R I R Areas added. F I CL NDB Rodez F B 1 AGEN LACOU West Sector EastSector B M F TOULOUSE AG NDB NARAK L M 4 F 0NM L X RADAR U E A L Agen L 3500 E 2044' I D E GAILLAC DEPES R S 2500 O R GAI VOR B A 2054' M 2000 NETRO ALBI LF(P)-GOLFECH 26 OCT07 44-00 2 AB NDB 2297' TOULOUSE 0NM AGEN Approach (SRE) LF(P)-35 TOU BLAGNAC 121.1 AGN VOR DME AMOLO JEPPESEN VOR DME TOULOUSE Albi TLB LCTR 10-1R FINOT CASTRES- Auch 2500 MAZAMET Apt Elev FRANCAZAL SURAS Toulouse 12000 AB (Blagnac) TOULOUSE CVU NDB 4157' 499' | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005, 2007. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10000 TLF LCTR TOE NDB 1 2320' 2304' 2500 TOULOUSE Toulouse 6300 8000 (Francazal) Trans level:ByATCalt:5000' Alt Set:hPa TW NDB 2 ADIMO Castres-Mazamet 43-30 0 N M 6000 M N CARCASSONNE 4304' 0 Muret 2 CS NDB .RADAR.MINIMUM.ALTITUDES. 4000 MURET SULIT TOULOUSE 2000 MUT NDB TS NDB TOULOUSE- TOULOUSE, FRANCE 4 CONTOUR 0 FRANCAZAL GALDO INTERVALS N M M N TLU TAC 3500 0 2071' 4 Carcassonne Pamiers ORBIL BARCELONA LECB FIR JEPPESEN PAMIERS JeppView 6728' (C/E/G) 2031' 6144' ASPET PMR NDB 2468' MORIL 2425' 43-00 6118' 6500 8 60NM 0 6272' N 4108' M 3009' F M 9464' RA 12000 N N 7214' 7768' 60 S CE 10471' M PA 4905' N I 10822' 7883' 0 N 00-00 00-30 9447' 01-00 01-30 02-00 6446' 02-30 8 03-00 Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 27 Feb 2008. JEPPESEN Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 27 Feb 2008. JEPPESEN NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 23-2007 JeppView NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. Disc 23-2007 JeppView LFBO/TLS JEPPESEN TOULOUSE, FRANCE LFBO/TLS JEPPESEN TOULOUSE, FRANCE BLAGNAC 9 MAR 07 10-2 .Eff.15.Mar. .STAR. BLAGNAC 9 MAR 07 10-2A .Eff.15.Mar. .STAR. ATIS Apt Elev ATIS Apt Elev 123.12 499' Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' 123.12 499' Alt Set: hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 5000' AULON 5N [AULO5N] 2 , MEN 5N 3 3000' AULON 5L [AULO5L] 2, BRIVE 5L [BRIV5L]3 3000' 1 4 1 NARAK 5N [NARA5N] MEN 5L RWYS 32L/R ARRIVALS RWYS 14L/R ARRIVALS MSA MSA TOU VOR TOU VOR [BRIV5N] 4 NARAK 5L [NARA5L] 5 BRIVE 5N 1 2500' 1 2500' within 10 NM within 10 NM RWYS 14L/R RNAV ARRIVAL BRIVE RWYS 32L/R RNAV ARRIVAL N44 55.9 FROM NORTH E001 24.7 FROM NORTH 1 2 For flights from lower airspace 6 2 For flights from lower airspace BRIVE with RFL below FL115.
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