![Yiannis Theodoropoulos (B](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Yiannis Theodoropoulos (b. 1962) is a photographer who lives and works in Athens. He studied photography at ocus "chool of $hotography (19%%&199') and holds a Postgraduate (erti#icate in ine Arts #rom *oldsmiths (ollege (199%&99). "olo "hows 2'1+ Sacred Wind, -lika *allery, Athens, *reece 2'1. The Inactive Elements, The "y)ptom Projects-Es-optron '0, Angelos and -va "ikelianos 1useu), 2elphi, *reece. (urated by 3ostas (hristopoulos 2'14 Untitled, AD *allery, Athens, *reece 2'11 Untitled, AD *allery, Athens, *reece 2''% Untitled, AD *allery, Athens, *reece Untitled, Martinos Anti5ue "hop, Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristina Petrinou 2''2 Untitled, AD *allery, Athens, *reece 1999 Untitled, AD *allery, Athens, *reece "ele!ted *roup "hows 2'2' Museum of Sporting Dystopia, Athens $hoto estival, 6enaki Museu), Athens, *reece. (urated by 3onstantinos Argianas Collectanea, AC* Art *allery, 2eree&The American (ollege of *reece, Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristoforos Marinos 2'19 Homemade Exotica, Athens "yn 7 estival, reirau) in der 6ox, 6erlin, *er)any. (urated by "otirios 6ahtsetzis un!known destinations chapter III$ reconnection–a second chance, :ari#i ;esidence, 3ypseli, Athens, *reece. (urated by 3ostas Prapoglou City in Pieces, -ight, Athens, *reece. (urated by *igi Argyropoulou and 3ostas T9i)oulis Poisons, The "y)ptom Projects, The "y)ptom <1', Am#issa. (urated by Apostolis Artinos Coffins of 'lack, Coffins of )uck, 7leana Tounta (onte)porary Art (enter, Athens, *reece. (urated by *alini =a9ani &hotography in Crisis $ Depression Era( *+,,-*+,., a reprospective e8hibition of the 2epression -ra project, organi9ed by "lought, $hiladelphia, >"A Dialogues /etween$ Material and immaterial 0Dialogues entre matériel et immatériel)( Maison de la *rece, Paris, rance. (urated by -#i Michalarou and Athina 3anellopoulou 2'1% 'ack to 'asics: Space( -nia *allery, Piraeus, *reece. (urated by Arte)is Pota)ianou 3arden 4ariations: 5rom 6utside to Inside and 4ice 4ersa( The "y)ptom Projects, The "y)ptom <'9( ?ld Hospital, Panourgias’ house, the Archaeological Museu) of Am#issa, houses, publi! spaces, gardens and private courtyards in Am#issa. (urated by ay :ika and Aikos Papadopoulos Shell//The Politics of 'eing( 1.th High "chool, 3ypseli, Athens. (urated by 3ostas Prapoglou Hommo Sportivus, House of (yprus, Athens. (urated by 3onstantinos Argianas 8othing is 9eally :ueered7'ack in Athens <, ?ld Paper Barehouse, Athens, *reece. (urated by *iorgos *eorgakopoulos & (hristian ;upp 3eometries, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, *reece. (urated by =ocus Athens 2'1+ 9eport on Cases, :ou)boulakis *alleries, Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristopher Marinos Where is the Problem= Empathy Apathy, 6eton+, Athens, *reece. (urated by -va 3ekou Sunset in Athens 0part three2, Da)ialiEs *allery, Athens, *reece )andscape 9evisited, -lika *allery, Athens, *reece 2'16 8ICE( a poetic exploration a/out the possi/ility of return( of memory( homeland and loss( (ultural (enter Manos =oi9os, Aikaia, Athens. (urated by Yiannis *rigoriadis and Yiannis 7sidorou You are Horny and 9omantic I Wanna 5all in )ove, an ?pen "tudio project at "nehta ;esidency, Athens, *reece 2'1. 3ree" Stories 9evisited, (hina =ishui Photography estival, =ishui, (hina. (urated by Dangelis 7oaki)idis )o and 'ehold, Athens, *reece. ?nce a year =o And 6ehold produces an artist's )ultiple, signed and nu)bered. 'etween the Pessimism of the Intellect and the 6ptimism of the Will, .th Thessaloniki 6iennale of (onte)porary Art, with the collective group 2epression -ra, Thessaloniki, *reece ?enophobia, (AN gallery, Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristina Andriloudaki 9eframe Memory, Athens Photo estival, 6enaki 1useu), Athens, *reece Unkown Artist, ". Try#on (ultural "pace, Mithi)na, =esvos, *reece. (urated by (hristina "gouromiti Save as @@@@@;9T=, 6hive/Pop Up Project "pace, Athens, *reece. (urated by Aggela Mandilari and (hara 2i)akakou Art-Athina Contemporaries: *+,A-,.B<, Art-Athina 2'1., Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristoforos Marinos Innocent Categories. Suspicious 8arratives, (onte)porary *reek Art 7nstitute-iset, Athens, *reece. (urated by -lpida 3araba Mirrorless, (AS3 *allery, =arissa, *reece. (urated by Aikos "a)aras Moving Mouths, House of (yprus, Athens, *reece. A project by A) *=71$"-) ? ) /ournal 2'14 'asement in the 6pen, *reek Art Theatre 3arolos 3oun, Athens, *reece. (urated by (hristina Petrinou Depression Era, 6enaki Museu) (Pireos str. Anne8e), Athens, *reece 'ound for Tinos II, (ultural oundation of Tinos, Tinos, *reece. (urated by (hristopher Marinos 8o Country 5or Young Men$ Contemporary 3ree" Art in Times of Crisis, with the collective 2epression -ra, 6?:AR (entre #or ine Arts, 6russels, 6elgiu). (urated by 3aterina *regos )ike, -kfrasi&Yianna *ra))atopoulou *allery, Athens, *reece. (urated by Angelos "kourtis 5 is for 5ootball, "kou9e0, Athens, *reece. (urated by 3onstantinos Argianas 2'10 4isual Dialogues *+,C$ C@&@ Cavafy organi9ed by ?nassis (ultural (enter, Plato's Acade)y =eisure Park, Athens, *reece. (urated by Marilena D. 3arra Synthesis, rançoise Heitsch, Munich, *er)any. (urated by (hristina Petrinou Microgeographies, Chapter III$ Toi et tes Dpaves 0synopsis)( 6ureau, Athens, *reece. Project by Hariklia Hari The Artist and the Practice, Da)ialiEs *allery, Athens, *reece. (urated by 2i)itra Da)iali and "ophia Da)iali Microgeographies II$ An Accidental 3uide To Ur/an Commoning, The Apartment of#-site, Athens, *reece. Project by Hariklia Hari Exercises on Democracy, Bhite House 6iennial, open (.A.".-. 0'0, Athens, *reece. Project by Aicos (harala)bides 2'12 To the )imits of Togetherness, The "y)ptom Projects, Am#issa, *reece. (urated by 3ostis "ta#ylakis 8e# 3olden Era( Tint *allery, Thessaloniki, *reece. (urated by Andromachi Pesmatzoglou Counter Culture$ The Emergence of a 8e# Social Su/Eect ,.FC-*+,*( (AMP!-Conte)porary Art Meeting Point, Athens, *reece. (urated by Pantelis Arapinis and Aikos Iydakis Things( T.A. .FThe Art oundation, Athens, *reece. (urated by 7rini 6achlitzanaki Tout 4a 'ien( (AMP!-Conte)porary Art Meeting Point, Athens, *reece. (urated by Andreas Dousouras 4ideodrome( (AMP!-Conte)porary Art Meeting Point, Athens, *reece. (urated by 3ika 3iriakakou *+,, Chain 9eaction( T.A. ./The Art oundation, Athens, *reece. (urated by -vangelia =edaki, *alini Aotti and -vita Tsokanta Athens Pride, The 6reeder, Athens, *reece. (urated by Andrea *ilbert Pigs Case, "uper)arket Art air with =o and 6ehold, "tockholm, "weden 9eference79epresentation, :one 2 by :ou)boulakis *alleries, Jewish Museu), guest event of the 0rd Thessaloniki 6iennale, Thessaloniki, *reece. (urated by Dassilis Dassilakakis, (hristos Denetis, Dangelis *okas and 3ostas (hristopoulos All That Melts Into Air Is Solid, -lika *allery, Athens, *reece. (urated by *alini Aotti Monodrome, 0rd Athens 6iennale, 2iplareios "chool, Athens, *reece. (urated by Ienia 3alpaktsoglou and Poka-Yio 2'1' Ca/inets of Miracles, :one 2 by :ou)boulakis *alleries, Athens, *reece. (urated by $olina 3osmadaki and (hristopher Marinos Who We Are, T.A.. .FThe Art oundation, Athens, *reece. (urated by ;enata 3onstandinou 'attlefield, T.A. ./The Art oundation, Athens, *reece Space Is the Place, a project by =o and 6ehold, About, Athens, *reece Art-Athina *+,+, A2 *allery, aliro Pavillion, Athens, *reece Salon de 4ortex, a project by 7ntothepill, Athens, *reece Hidden Athens, T.A. .FThe Art oundation, Athens, *reece. (urated by Thanassis Moutsopoulos Mixed and Mastered( Arta Dideo in *recia Anilor 2''', (entrul de 7ntrospectie Di9uala, 6ucharest, ;omania. (urated by Ienia 3alpaktsoglou and (hristopher Marinos 2''9 8aughtiness, (onte)porary *reek Artists rom the 6eltsios (ollection, Margaris oundation, Am#ilochia, *reece 5ucking Tourists!, ;eMap2 K Parallel -vent to the 2nd Athens 6iennial, 3era)ikos, Athens, *reece. (urated by 3onstantinos 2agritzikos and Yael Messer ,+ Aspects of Hellenic &hotography@ 9ecent Trends of Creation 0,..A-*++F2, Art-Athina '9 & aliro Pavillion, Athens & Thessaloniki Museu) of Photography, Thessaloniki, *reece. (urated by Jean&Pierre *iusto and Dangelis 7oaki)idis The Years of ;nger–The Crash in 3ree" Cinema, Athens Municipality Arts (enter in Parko -le#therias ( reedom Park), Athens, *reece. (urated by 3aterina Tselou *++F 4isual Arts in 3reece C@ ;nd 8ow=( State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki( 3reece@ Curated /y Christina Petrinou Water Currents, Thessaloniki Museu) of Photography, Thessaloniki, *reece. (urated by *abriel 6auret and Dangelis 7oaki)idis What Does 8e# and Interesting Mean=, AD *allery, Athens, *reece The Island, (osmos of (ulture, Athens, *reece ,+ Aspects of Hellenic &hotography@ 9ecent Trends of Creation, Theatre de la Photographie et de l'7)age, Aice, rance. (urated by Jean-Pierre *iusto and Dangelis 7oaki)idis Athensville( Art-Athina '%L ;estarted, Hele8po, Athens, *reece. (urated by Marina okidis *+th Century in 4ideo, Trianon ilm (enter, Athens, *reece 2''+ Atropa 4anitas, (osmos of (ulture, Athens, *reece. (urated by 3ostas 6assanos and Aina Papaconstantinou Emergency 9oom, 7leana Tounta (onte)porary Art (enter, Athens, *reece. (urated by Thierry *eof#roys Haraoke Poetry 'ar, "pace 41+, Meta8ourgio, Athens, *reece. Project by 7ntothepill Secret 3ardens, Thessaloniki Museu) of Photography, Thessaloniki, *reece. (urated by Dangelis 7oaki)idis 2''6 ;n 6uting–The 'eltsios Collection( Contemporary Art in 3reece in the *,st century, Matsopoulos 1ill, Trikala, *reece. (urated by "otirios 6ahtsetzis &hotonic Moments, Photon&(enter #or (onte)porary $hotography, =/ubljana,
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