[Jerusalem, Israel]. 1995

[Jerusalem, Israel]. 1995

MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series I: Wexner Heritage Foundation, 1947-2004. Subseries 1: General Files, 1949-2004. Box Folder 66 7 Summer Institute [Jerusalem, Israel]. 1995. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org l~~~~~~~~I The Wexner Heritage Foundation Summer Institute ISRAEL: VISIONS & DIVISIONS J U L Y 9 ....... 18 1·9·9 · 5 JERUSALEM ISRAEL VISIONS & DIVISIONS: THE STRUGGLE FOR JEWISH IDENTl'TY IN THE STATE OF ISRAEL PROGRAM SUNDAY, JULY 9 Depart USA MONDAY, JULY 10 5:00pm Arrive Ben Gurlon Airport 7:00pm HwPnlMI•• Palma ~ Rabbi lbmle Ariail md Merrt Lorinpr Arlan l :OOpm Laromme Hotel l :JOpm Courtyard TUESDAY, JULY 11 7:00 • 7:45 am Blalro 1:00 • 1:30 am Introduction: Zion Ballroom Arcbltectun of Illa lmtttuD Rabbi Nlllban Laufer PNaulll, WUllU Hnitllp P°""""tJM 1:45 am sharp a .... depart for ICC Jermalem Laromme Lobby l'*nwliwl Cotif•n"" C•'*' 9:30 • 11 :00 am Workshops ICC Claurooms THE CENTRALITY OF 11IE LAND IN THE BIBLICAL COVENANT ML Ruth Calderon Ben-sbabar Room 105 EhdlulihlU/tw J.wW. SllMlia Dr. llalah Gafnl Room 106 H•W.• Ulfl••nllJ Rabbi Donnlel Hartman Room 113 ~ H,,,,_,. l,..lillla ML Mellla Hellner Eabed / Room 108 H•l>n• UlliYU'SilJ Dr, Bryna Levy Room 114 M..,., TU WCMN11'1 l111llbla /tw T°""' Sbltll.1 Dr. Shalom Paul Room 110 H•""" UtdNnilJ Rabbi Jonathan Porath Room 111 JoW Diltribllliolt c,,...,;,u. Dr. Daniel Tropper Room Ill G•1"6r Fo"""'1da11 Dr. Deborah Welmnan Room 107 K•n• /llllilllU Dr. Jeffrey Woolf Room 109 a..llM Vai~•""1 Mr. Noam Zion RoomllO s..,,_ B.,,... ,,.,""* 11:15am SlttVlllb THE COVENANT IN CON'TEXT llblt Lands MUMUID (IHllNT, ,,,.•• Sa Dlqo group1) ValltyorHlnom" ML Zion (C..N"""1 .I Colulb111 6"'••) 1:15pm Lunch Zion Ballroom 2:00 • 3:30 pm Free Tline 3:30 • 4:45 pm Plenary VISIONS AND DIVISIONS lJon Ballroom Introduction: Profeuor Avlezer Ravltsky, H1bnw UninnilJ Profeuor Arnold Ellen, SIM.ford UltiNnU, 5:00 • 6:30 pm A "HAREDI" VISION OF ISRAEL Zion Ballroom Rabbi Yl5rael Eichler E4ilar, Bt·Mrdtwlt B1·llm4i 7:30pm Dinner & Commencement 1.Jon Ballroom WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 7:00-8:00 am Breakfast Bistro 8:15am Buses to ICC Jerusalem Laromme Lobby 9:00-10:30 am Workshops ICC Classrooms THE CONQUEST OF THE LAND IN ANCIENI' ISRAEL Ms. Ruth Calderon Ben-Sbabar Room 105 Dr. halab Gafn.I Room 106 RabblDonnlelHartman Room 113 Ms. Mellla Hellner F.ahed Room 108 Dr. Bryna IA•J Room 114 Dr. Sbillolll Paul RoomllO Rabbi Jo-lhn Panlb Room 111 Dr. DUlel Tropper Room 112 Dr. Debonll Welmnan Room 107 Dr. Jell'nJ Woolf Room109 Mr. Noam Zion Room210 11:15 am • 12:30 pm Site V lllt THE CONQUEST OF THE LAND IN MODERN ISRAEL Ammunition HIB l:OOpm Lundi 7Jon Ballroom 2:00pm Walk to Van lMr laatltute 2:30 • 4:30 pm PlenarJ Van Leer Institute "HILONI" VISIONS OF ISRAEL Mr.Amos Oz Alllior Mr. Elyaklm HaEtznt FtNWUr M•..Mr of KM••d 5:J0pm Reception President's H.E. EZER WEIZMAN Residence Predthnt oftlN S"* oflual 7:00pm Dinner 7Jon Ballroom WARS OF THE PAST, WARS OF THE FUTURE Rabbi Hwbert A. Friedman Fo""""" PraM.111 E.. ribu Wuur BnillC• FolUllllllio11 THURSDAY, JULY 13 7:00-l:OOam Bnakflllt Zion Ballroom 8:15am B111e1 to ICC Jerusalem Laromme Lobby 9:00.10:30 am Worbbops ICC Claarooms THE UNIQ~ OF J£R~AIDI ML Ruth Calderon Ben-Sbabar Room 10! Dr. halab Galnl Room 106 Rabbi Donnlel Hartman Room 113 ML Mellla Hellner Eabed RoomlOI Dr. Bryna Levy Room 114 Dr. Shalom Paul Room 110 Rabbi Jo....._. Potalla Room 111 Dr. Dulll Trapper Room 112 Dr. Deboi'ab Wllnmwn Room 107 Dr. Jefl'rey Woolf Rooml09 Mr.Noma Zion Room210 10:45am SMeVlllll ANCIENT JERUSALEM Roofto.. or Yelblvat HaKotel HerodJao Mamdom 1:15pm Lunch Zion Ballroom 2:00. 4:00 pm 11reeT1me l - r-r~ ..... ~ 4:00 • 6:00 pm Plenary "DATI" VISIONS OP ISRAEL Zion Ballroom Rabbi Be11117 Bloo 0..,., Y•llllNI B•U Orot, }.,.,,.,.• Rabbi Moabe Halbertal H.,,,.,, u,,;Nniq, ..,,_ H....,, lullbM 7:30pm Dinner Zion Ballroom HON. BHUD OLMBRT Mlf10I" of}•nu.Ila FRIDAY, JULY 14 7:00 • 8:00 am Breakfast Bistro 8:15am B111et to ICC Jerusalem Laromme Lobb7 9:00 • IO:JO am Work.shops ICC Classrooms THE DESTRUCTION OF THE lST AND 2ND TEMPL~ AND THE RABBINIC RESPONSE MJ.. Ruth Calderon Ben-Sbabar Rooml05 Dr. haJah Gafnl Rooml06 RabblDonnlelHartman RoomllJ Ms. Mellla Hellner Elbed Rooml08 Dr. Bryna Levy Rooml14 Dr. Shalom Paul Room 110 Rabbi Jonatblln Pantb Room 111 Dr. Daniel Trop.-r Roomll2 Dr. Dlborab w....... Room 107 Dr. Jefrre7 Woolf Rooml09 ~~(../ Mr. Noam Zloa Room210 10:45 AM SlteVlllb FROM TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY EmekHa·E11ab Arm-lotlkal Dfl at Belt Gunto l:OOpm Boll Lunch 3:30 • 6:00 pm FntTlme 6:00pm CandlelJ&blina Ballroom Fo7er 6:15pm 8111e1 depart for Env Sbabbat Senkel: Tradltlonal: Ko~ The Western Wall Liberal: Conareptlon Kol HaNeabama l:JOpm Sbabbat Dinner lJon Ballroom SATURDAY, JULY 15 7:30 • 9:30 am Breakfast Bistro l:OOam Services at Jerusalem SJD81U111U ll:OOam Klddmh Ballroom FoJer ll :JO mn • 1:00 pm Sbabbat Sblur Zion Ballroom Dr. Avtvab Zombera Mllltul, TIN Wo.. 11'1 llUlilu# far Tonill Sllllliu l:OOpm Lunch 7Jon Ballroom 2:00 • 4:00 pm w_... Toan ID Old C11J (Op&loaal) Rabbi Joutlwn Ponllt Rabbi Mldaall PUJ 4:30 • 6:00 pm Plemr7 Conare1at1on A "MITKADEMET" VISION Kol HaNesbama OFISRAEL Rabbi IA.t W....,_.KelmM co,.,,....,. &ol BllNo,,... Rabbi Na'ama Kelman Ell'8Cbl ,,,.., Mo.. .at/or r,.,.mn JllMlnl 6:30pm GalU 7:00pm DIDMr Zion Ballroom l:JOpm Havdallab Zion Ballroom Rabbi Ramie Arlan Vb p,.,iMlll/or ProplllU Ma. Merri Lovlnpr Arlan H•6re• Ulliolt CO&p 9:00pm Dandng Zion Ballroom Andrew Raabe & Renee Grunwald T•u';.. (Enpgement) SUNDAY, JULY 16 (17th o/Tammuz, Observed) 7:00 • 7:45 am Breakfast Bistro 8:15 am Buses to ICC Jenwllem Laromme Lobby 9:00 • 11:00 am Workshops & DlscU55Jon ICC Cia.w"ooms OUR VISION OF ISRAEL TODAY Ms. Ruth CaJderon Ben-Shahar Room 105 Dr. lsalah Gafnl Rooml06 Rabbi DonnJel Hartman Room 113 Ms. MeUla Hellner Esbed Room108 Dr. Bryna Levy Roomll4 Dr. ShaJom Paul Room 110 Rabbi Jonathan Porath Room 111 Dr. Daniel Trapper Rooml12 Dr. Deborah Weissman Room 107 Dr. Jeffrey Woolf Room 109 Mr. Noam Zion Room210 11:00 • 11:30 AM EvaluaHons 11:45 am· 1:00 pm Plenary DulzJn at ICC THE COVENANT AND THE JEWISH FUfURE Dr. David Hartman Hdrs• UnivenU, FoMl&IUr, SIJalo• Htu111ta11 l11Stiluu l:OOpm Free Afternoon & EvenJng MONDAY, JULY 17 6:00. 6:30 am Breakfast Bistro 6:45am Buses Depart ror Allenby Bridge Laromme Lobby 7:30 • 9:30 am Amman RoyaJ Palaa! Audience with: HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, KING HUSSEIN l:JOpm Tour of Ruins of Rabat Ammon Mt Nebo 6~pm ArrfH LaromJDe 7:00 pm Dinner 7Jon Ballroom CondudJna Addra1: \fjl: H. E. \Tl'ZllAK RABIN ;Cl\~ PrlaN Millbta of lawl lO:OOpm Departure for Ben Gwion Airport Laromme Lobby TIJESDAY, JULY 18 5:40am Arrival In New York Connect to Domestic np11 • '!fl laromme jerusalem hotel o·~wn• DID 100 '!fl Liberty Bell Park. 3Jabotinsky Sl. Jerusalem 92145 ~ .,,..m ·O?' JQ19 Qj1)'o ~ .,,..... ~ Tel. (Q'Z) 7S6«i6 T1x. 26379 Fax. ((Yl) 756-m 9Zl4S IJ"m11,J ~ 'In .f10'0ll p ~:~ ~~~ 5'(;fl --------- l5bC:. __:.---- \:};' b!-~l'"W v-f ~ cle.f-v ~~ ~ Av.~'Y ~~:~~A f~~s lfe__ 1f_~-IA.~~ , ~ .... MJ~ ~.. ~~ -~--..~.:-F,, ==-'Y=.f-=-~--=- ""'- o.c..r:::...i~P.~w_!:.: ."fL.. ~!.!:.....!..!t.....=S...:.:..tc..2.-~z.::=~ Pru e...r ·!.-'~~~vt'f=S..:-..._~ a• ..U-- J !i"-~ '5~.l ~ Ns .._..,...:t ~.,!..'.I r...,..J Ill> rf.. ~>Lr 'lo ~. a.~ - 7 (}"'\~ L,, o.R.;1 c:... ~..; ~' 'ffl laromme jerosalem hotel o·~wn• DID 100 'ffl Liberty Bell Park. 3Jabotinsky St., Jerusalem 92145 lsrael Tel. (02) 75&666 Tix 26119 F <Cl) 7• m .vjl!I 26379 l1?'To COl) 756-666 "To <Jllu .-.. • ax. (fl2) 7$-m D·'"' '' ,J 'j10l'l1U'l 'm ,JIDP!lo, 'P SU1\1MER INSTITUTE JERUSALEM, ISRAEL JULy 12, 1995 Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman WARS OF THE PAST, WARS OF THE FUTURE Ladies and gentlemen. We had a remarkable performance this afternoon from the president of the state. To me it was remarkable for another reason. He made four or five of the main points which I intend to make tonight. So I was glad to know in my own soul that I was not crazy and that I was not too far off the track. "Wars of the past, Wars of the future" was an attempt to induce futuristic thought on your part. I want to cover three topics this evening. First, I want to compare Israel and the United States during two periods: the first 40 or 50 years of each country and the second 40 or 50 years of each place. There is an uncanny symmetry of the experiences, indicating that what was taking place here in Israel for the first 50 years and what I think will take place in the next 50 are not unusual. Countries are born and grow just as children do and there are certain ineluctable rules that apparently control growth and formation. Second, I want to outline the details of Israel's next wars, obviously using the word "war" as a metaphorical word.

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