Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78653-9 — Language in South Asia Edited by Braj B. Kachru , Yamuna Kachru , S. N. Sridhar Index More Information Subject Index Aain-e-Akbari (The Law of Akbar), 105 Arunachal Pradesh, 44 Aain-e-Sikandari (The Laws of Sikandar), 104 Aryans, 32, 183, 184, 185 Abdul Rahim Khanekhana, 105 Ashiqeh (a love tale), 104 Abdul Rashidi Tatavi, 106 Ashoka, 35, 38 abrupt creolization, 257 Ashoka’s edicts, 363 Abu-‘Abdu’llah Nuqati, 104 Aõka, 187 Abu’l Fazl, 105 Asiatick [=Asiatic] Society, 315 Abu’l-Faraj Runi, 104 Aslam Salim, 108 Abu’l-Hasan ’Ali ibn ’Uthman al-Jullabi Asraar-e-khudi (The secrets of the self), 107 al-Hujviri, 104 Assam, 42 ’ a¯ a¯ ı – Abu l Fazl, 105 As_ t_ dhy y¯, 200, 213 16 academic and scientific writing, 360 attitudes, 147 acculturation, 103 attrition, 148 active verb, 99 Aurangzeb, 107, 364 Adalat System, 365 Azud-ud-Daulah, 106 Adi, 45 adjective, 60, 75–90 Babur, 82, 105 adverb, 76 Bagul, Baburao, 450 manner adverb, 74–7 Bahaar-e-Ajam (The Persian Springtime), 106 reason adverb, 74 Bahadur Shah II, 107 advertising, 377 Bahmani dynasty, 108 affective verb, 98 Bahmannaamah (The Book of Bahmans), 109 affirmative, 66 bakra, 469, 471 Afghan Hindu Kush, 34 bakwas, 469–71 Ahsan, Subedar, 108 Balban, Ghiyathud-din, 104 Akbar, 105, 109, 364 Bangladesh, 33, 35, 37, 42, 45, 128–49, Akbarnaamah (The Book of Akbar), 105 276–376 All India Dalit Writers Conference, 461 language and legal system, 367 All India Phule-Ambedkar Literature language profile, 173 Gathering, 461 Bangladeshis, 517 alphasyllabary, 307 Basavanna, 421 Ambedkar, Babasaheb R., 450, 452 Baudha¯yanadharmasa¯tra, 184 Anandraj, Maharaja of Vijayanagar, 106 Bentinck, William, 315 anaphora, 70 Bhagavaisutta, 186 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 163 Bhagwan Das, 106 Andamanese, 46 bhakti movement, 106 Andayya, 250 Bhartr-hari, 216 Andhra Pradesh, 37, 39, 40, 42 distinctive contribution, 218 Anjuman-e-Taraqqi-e-Urdu, 140 Bhatt, Rakesh M., 26, 51, 54, 132 _ Aran_ avibhangasutta, 181 Bhota Sherpa, 44 Arjunava¯dakara, 199, 220 Bhutan, 44, 154 Arthashastra, 364 language profile, 173 588 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78653-9 — Language in South Asia Edited by Braj B. Kachru , Yamuna Kachru , S. N. Sridhar Index More Information Subject Index 589 Bhutto, Zulfiqar Ali, 375 negative conjunctive participle, 75 Bihar, 33, 42 reason adverb, 74 bilingualism, 532, 533 Constitution of India Bill of Rights, 362 Article, 40, 153 Binish Kashmiri, 110 conventional media, 378–85 biological sex, 432 convergence, 54 Bostan-e-heraat (The orchard of Herat), Coorg, 40 106 Cornwallis Code, 366 brat pack, 492 Cornwallis, Lord, 365 Buddha, 181, 182, 186 criminal tribes, 153 Buddhism, 371 cultural distinctiveness, 233 sociolinguistic attitudes, 183 Cyrus-talk, 490 Buddhist, 35 Bughra Khan, 104 Dadra, 37 Burhaan-e-Qaati (Irrefutable Logic), 106 Dadu (poet), 119 Dalit Panthers, 450, 451 Canada, 525 Dalit Rangabhumi (Dalit theater), 456 caste antagonisms, 313 Dalit Sahitya movement, 450, 451 caste dialect, 251 Dalits, 450 causal verb, 92 autobiographies, 455 Census of India, 35, 40, 42 literature, spread, 461 Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), meaning, 453 126 poetry and fiction, of Dalit women, 457 Chahaar Unsur, 107 Dara Shikoh, 107 Chamaraja Wodeyar, 328 Dard, 107 Chanakya, 364 Das, Girdhar, 105 Chandah-sa¯stra, 193, 194 dative subject construction, 73 _ a¯ Chandas, 193 see Chandah_ -s stra decreolization, 256 Chang, 45 Delhi, 471–2 Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra, 9 Delhi Sultanates, 32 Chekesang, 164, 232 Denotified Tribes (DNT), 153 Christianity, 413, 414 determiner, 61 cinema, 379 split determiner, 61 cinema language, 395 Devi Lal, 125 English expressions and locutions, 404 Dewani Adalat, 365 formative influences, 398 Dharma, 361 heteroglossia, 403 Dharmasa¯stra, 184 humour, 403 Dhasal, Namdeo, 451 India, 397 diaspora, in UK, 524 linguistic conflicts and tensions, 404 community profile, 518 linguistic registers, diverse, 403 identity and assimilation issues, 524 linguistic structure, 399 linguistic profile, 523 narrative structure, 400 socio-cultural and economic profile, 520 Sri Lanka, 397 diaspora, in US, 531 clefts, 71 community profile, 526 code-mixing/switching, 130, 340–402, 521, identity and assimilation issues, 531 529, 532 language and cultural maintenance, 531 complementizer, 60 socio-economic profile, 527 post-clausal complementizer, 60 diglossia, 249, 414, 415 pre-clausal complementizer, 58 dispersion phenomenon, 378 compound verbs, 92–3 Diwan Shah Azar, 108 conjunct formation, 299 Doordarshan, 125 conjunctive participal construction, 75 concessive use, 74 Eastern Eye, 520 manner adverb, 74 echo-compounding, 92 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78653-9 — Language in South Asia Edited by Braj B. Kachru , Yamuna Kachru , S. N. Sridhar Index More Information 590 Subject Index education Guru Gobind Singh, 107 and regional languages, 126 Guyana, 81 English bilingualism, 133 Gwaliornaamah (The Book of Gwalior), 106 English language advertising, 393 Englishization, 10 Hafiz, 107 enthu pataanii, 472 Halmidi inscription, 330 ergativity, 72 Harappa, 33 explicator verb, 97 Hasan Nizami, 104 external ecology, 143 Hasht-Bihisht (The Eight Paradise), 104 Hastings, Lord Warren, 366 Fachha, 472 Hazim Lahiji, 106 Faizi, 105, 110 heteroglossia, 416, 417 Fakhru’l-Mulk Amidu’d-din Lumaki, 104 Hindus, 106 Family Reunification Act, 527 Hindustani, 368 Farhang-e-Aanandraj (The Dictionary of historical factors, of SALs, 33 Anandraj), 106 Holi (festival), 111 Farhang-e-Jahaangiri (The Dictionary of honorific pronoun, 91 Jahangir), 106 Human Rights Act, 362 Farhang-e-Rashidi (The Dictionary of Hyderabad, 37 Rashidi), 106 hyponymous compounds, 334 Fiji, 81 ‘‘first past the post’’ principle, 509 Ibrahim Adil Shah II, 109 folk-theatres, regional, 398 Immigration and Naturalization Service, 525 former pair, 471 imported scripts, 305 founder principle, 508, 509 indenture, 498–503 Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities, independence and its aftermath, 322 520 Bangladesh, 320 free relatives, 64 India, 319 Fundamental Rights, 362 Pakistan, 321 Futuhu’s-Salatin (The conquest of Sultans), Sri Lanka, 322 108 India, 33, 35, 37, 42, 47, 129, 133, 140, 141, 278, 323, 468, 472 Gandhi, Mohandas K., 81, 317, 368 court language, 369 gender and language, 429 see language and cultural and psychological context, 468 gender language and legal system, 369 generation next (X), 489 Art 344, 367 Ghani Kashmiri, 108 Art 345, 367 ghazal, 104 Art 351, 367 Gilma, 473 language profile globalization, 394, 417, 469 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 163 and marketization, in advertising media bilingualism, 167 discourse, 393 contact languages, 164 Goa, 37 convergence areas, 164 Grammar Jharkhand, 161 as intellectual culture, 195 Lakshadweep, 161 of Indian languages, 200 Northeast, 157 Greek, 364 number of languages, 156 Gujarat, 461 rural–urban divide, 163 Gul-e-Ranaa (The Charming Rose), 107 South India, 162 Gulistaan-e-Aram (The Rose Garden of Aram), Western India, 162 106 youth language, characteristics, 474 Gulistan (The Rose Garden) by Sádi, 109 Indian Constitution, 139 gun_ a increment Art 247, 139 chart, 87 Art 29(1), 139 Gupta Empire, 32 Art 30, 139 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78653-9 — Language in South Asia Edited by Braj B. Kachru , Yamuna Kachru , S. N. Sridhar Index More Information Subject Index 591 Art 350(A), 139 Laccadive Islands (Laksha Dweep), 40 Art 350(B), 139 Lahore, 104 Indian English, 471, 491 Lakher, 45 Indian Exclusion Act, 525 Lakshadweep, 161 Indian National Congress, 81 Lalleshwari (Lallesvari), 283, 421 Indus Valley, 33 language and gender insha literature, 105 biological sex, 432 Insha-e-Abu’l Fazl (Epistles of Abdul Fazl), dominance vs. differences debate, 440 105 early language and gender, 434 Insha-e-Madho Ram (The letters of Madho fluidity, of gender, 442 Ram), 106 local view, 448 internal ecology, 143 language and legal system, 361 International Covenants of Cultural and in Bangladesh, 367 Political Rights (ICCPR), 361 historical development, 366 Interrogatives, 66 in India, 369 interrogative pronouns, 92 in Nepal, 370 Iqbal, Muhammad, 320 in Pakistan, 371 Islam, 375, 413, 414 and religion, 376 izafe, 112, 113 in Sri Lanka, 373 Language conflict Jaavednaamah (The Book of Eternity), 107 from Aryan invasion to classical age of Jahaan-e-Zafar (The world of success), Hinduism, 313 105 during colonial period, 315 Jahangir, 105, 108 freedom movement, 316 Jainism during islamic rule, 314 sociolinguisitc attitudes, 186 language politics, 402 jataka stories, 352 language research paradigms, 26 Jauhar, 112 language shift, 166 Jespersen, Otto, 434 language universals, 49 Jharkhand, 135–61 language, in social and ethnic interaction Jillako, 473 academic and scientific writing, 360 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 138, 320 belief system, 349 conventions, 351 Ka¯tya¯yana, 179 cultural context, 346 Kabir, 125 oral and literate traditions, 351 Kachru, Bhawani Das, 108 popular vs. high literature, 352 Kalhana, 108 socialization, 347 Kannada Sahitya Parishat, 328 verbal interaction conventions, 358 Karnataka, 37, 39, 40 language-based poetics, 218 Karnataka Bha:sho:jji:vini: Sabha:, 328 languages, of wider functions, 4 Kashfu’l-mahjuub (The discovery of the Lankesh Patrike, 340 Hidden), 104 Latifa-e-Faizi (Subtleties of Faizi), 105 Kay-Qubad, 104 latter pair, 471 Kerala, 39, 40 lexicalization Khan, Liaquat Ali, 138 substrate language influence, 259 Kherwari, 42 lexicography, 106 Khilji, 104 lexicon, of youth, 474 Khusrau, Amir, 82, 104, 110 abbreviations and acronyms, 476 Khwaja Muhammad Azami, 108 clippings, 475 koineization, 507 derivational and inflectional suffixes, 475 variation, in early stages, 507 neologisms, 477 Krishna, the Lord, 468 nonce formations, 477 Krishnaswamy, E., 397 re-lexicalization or changes in meaning or Kulliat-e-Nezaame-Faarsi (The collection of usage, 479 Persian poems), 107 liberalization, 469 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78653-9 — Language in South Asia Edited by Braj B.
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