Public Disclosure Authorized _______ ;- _____ ____ - -. '-ujuLuzmmw---- Public Disclosure Authorized __________~~~ It lif't5.> fL Elf-iWEtfWIi5I------ S -~ __~_, ~ S,, _ 3111£'' ! - !'_= Public Disclosure Authorized al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sl .' _1EIf l i . i.5I!... ..IillWM .,,= aN N B 1. , l h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Disclosure Authorized = r =s s s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~foss XIe l l=4 1lill'%WYldii.Ul~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ itA=iII1 l~w 6t*t Estimating Woody Biomass in Sub-Saharan Africa Estimating Woody Biomass in Sub-Saharan Africa Andrew C. Miflington Richard W. Critdhley Terry D. Douglas Paul Ryan With contributions by Roger Bevan John Kirkby Phil O'Keefe Ian Ryle The World Bank Washington, D.C. @1994 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, US.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing March 1994 The findings, interpretations, and conclusiornsexpressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and policies of the World Bank or its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent Some sources cited in this paper may be informal documents that are not readily available. The manLerialin this publication is copyrighted. Requests for permission to reproduce portions of it should be sent to the Office of the Publisher at the address shown in the copyright notice above. The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally give permission promptly and, when the reproduction is for noncommnercial purposes, without asking a fee. Permission to copy portions for classroom use is granted through the CopyrightClearance Center, Inc-, Suite 910,222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Massachusetts 01923, US.A. The complete bacdist of publications from the World Bank is shown in the annual Index of Publications,which contains an alphabetical title list and indexes of subjects. authors, and countries and regions. The latest edition is available free of charge from Distribution Unit, Office of the Publisher, The World Bank. 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C 20433, USA., or from Publications, The World Bank, 66 avenue d'Idna, 75116Paris, France. The boundaries, colors, denonminations,and other information shown on any map in this volume do not imply on the part of the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any ternitory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The cover shows a representation of the vegetation index for Africa,June 1986, derived from the NoAAsatellite's AvHRsensor. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Estimating woody biomass in Sub-Saharan Africa J Andrew C MilJington -.. [etaL]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8213-2306-7 1. Fuelwood crops-Africa, Sub-Saharan-Geographical distribution. 2 Woody plants-Africa, Sub-Saharan-Geographical distribution. 3. Forest biomass-Afirica, Sub-Saharan-MeasurenenL 4. Vegetation classification-Africa, Sub-Saharan. SD536.6.A357E57 1994 33395'3911'0967-dc2O 93-23481 CIP Contents- Preface and Acdnowledgments xi. Authors and Contributors xiii Acronyms and Abbreviations xiv Part I Application of Remote Sensing for Woody Biomass Assessment and Mapping 1 Introduction and Background I 2 Using Meteorological Satellite Data for Vegetation and Land Use Mapping 5 RemoteSensing 5 Sensorsand Data Products 5 Advanced Very High ResolutionRadiometer (AvHR) Data 6 Normalized DifferenceVegetation Index (NDwvi)7 Vegetationand Land CoverMapping from NDviData 7 Production of NDviData by NASA,GSFC 8 3 lL pping of Land Cover Class 10 Phase I-Data Inspection and Preprocessing 10 Phase II-Initial Image InteIpretation 11 Phase I1-Automatic (Supervised) Classification and Mapping of Land Cover Classes 15 Land Cover Mapping 15 InterpretingAvHRRNDvIData for WoodyBiomass, Stock, and Sustainable Yield 16 4 Woody Biomass Assessment 19 Data Base for Biomass Estimation 19 Area Calculations of Land Cover Class 23 Interfacing Area Grouwng Stock and Data on Sustainable Yield 23 5 Description of Biomass Classes 24 6 Regional Summaries by Cass of Biomass 29 The West African Sahel 29 The West African Coast 31 The Hom of Africa 32 Central Africa 34 East Africa 35 Southern Africa 38 7 Condlusions and Future Directions 41 References .46 v vi Contents Part II Regional Distribution of Land Cover Classes 8 The West African Sahel Richard W. Critchley 53 Class 0-Desert 53 Class 12-Hydromorphic Grassland 54 Class 21-Semidesert Wooded Grassland 54 Class 44-Sahel-Sudanian AcaciaWooded Bushland 55 Class 62-Dry SudanianWoodland 56 Class 64-Sudanian Woodland 57 Class 65-Moist Sudanian Woodland 58 Land Cover Class Tables 59 References 59 9 The West African Coast Andrew C. Millington 64 Class 12-Hydromorphic Grassland 64 Class 44-Sahel-Sudanian AcaciaWooded Bushland 64 Class 62-Dry Sudanian Woodland 65 Class 64-Sudanian Woodland 66 Class 65-Moist Sudanian Woodland 67 Class 74-Guinean Woodland 68 Overview:West African High Woody BiomassMosaics 71 Class 75-High-Productivity West AfricanCultivation andForestMosaic 71 Class 76-Medium-Productivity West AfricanCultivation and Forest Mosaic 73 Class 81-Mangrove 76 Land Cover Class Tables 77 References 78 10 The Hom of Africa John lrkby 85 Class O-Desert 85 Class 12-Hydromorphic Grassland 86 Class 13-Ethiopian Montane Steppe 86 Class 21-Semidesert Wooded Grassland 87 Class 22-Acacia Wooded Grassland 88 Class 41-Dry Acacia-CommiphoraBushland and Tiket 89 Class 43-Moist Acacia-CommiphoraBushand and Thicket 90 Class 44-Sahel-SudanianAcia Wooded Bushland 91 Class 45-Escarpment Wooded Thicket 92 Class 52-East AfricanLow WoodyBiomass Mosaic 93 Class 62-Dry Sudanian Woodland 94 Class 63-Sudan-Ethiopian Woodland and Thicket 95 Class 64-Sudanian Woodland 95 Class 65-Moist SudanianWoodland 96 Class 73-Cultivation and ForestRegrowth Mosaic 97 Class 74-Guinean Woodland 97 Class 77-Highland CultivationMosaic 98 Class 84-Montane Forest 99 land Cover Class Tables 100 References 100 11 CentralAfrica Ternj D. Douglas 105 Class 11-Veld Grassland 105 Class 25-Edaphic Wooded Grassland 105 Class 62-Dry SudanianWoodland 106 Class 64-Sudanian Woodland 107 Class 65-Moist Sudanian Woodland 107 - Class 66-SeasonalMiomboWoodland 108 Class 67-WetMiombo Woodland 108 Contents vii Class 72-Cultivation and Forest/Woodland Mosaic 109 Class 73-Cultivation and Forest Regrowth Mosaic 109 Class 74-Guinean Woodland 110 Class 82-Evergreen Forest 111 Class 85-Mesophilous Humid Tropical Forest III Class 86-Hunmid Tropical Swamp Forest 112 Class 87-OmbrophlUous Humid Tropical Forest 112 Land Cover Class Tables 123 References 113 12 -East Africa Phil O'Kfe,IanRyle,andJohnlCirkby 119 Class 0-Desert 119 Class 21-Semidesert Wooded Grassland 119 Class 24-Transitional Wooded Grassland 120 Class 33-Bushy Shnibland 121 Class 41-Dry Acacia-CommniphoraBuslland and Thicket 121 Class 43-Moist Acacia-CommiphomBushland and Thicket 122 Class 51-Acacia Woodland Mosaic 123 Class 52-East African Low Woody Biomass Mosaic 124 Class 61-Open Woodland 124 Class 65-Moist Sudanian Woodland 124 Class 66-Seasonal Aiombo Woodland 125 CLass67-WetMiomb Woodland 126 Class 71-Evergreen Woodland Moaic 127 Class 72-Cultivation and Forest/Woodland Mosaic 127 Class 73-Cultivation and Forest Regrowth Mosaic 128 Class 74-Guinean Woodland 128 Class 82-Evergreen Forest 128 Class 8-Coastal and Gallery Forest- 29 Class 85-Mesophilous Humid Tropical Forest 130 Class 84-Montane Forest; Class 86-Humid Tropical Swamp Forest; Class 87-Ombrophilous Humid Tropical Forest 130 Land Cover Class Tables 131 References 131 13 Southern Africa Roger Bevan 136 Class 0-Desert . 136 Class 11-Veld Grasslad 137 Class 14-Montane Grassland and Heatbland 138 Class 24-Transtonal Wooded Grassland 139 Class 31-Veld Shrubland and Cultivation 142 Class 32-Hill Shrubland 142 Class 33-Bushy Shrubland 143 Class 34-Kalahari Shrubland 144 Class 35-Wooded Shrubland 145 Class 42-Fynbas Thicket 146 Class 43-Moist Acacia-ComnziphomnBushland and Thicket 147 Cls 51-Acadza Woodland Mosaic 149 Class 61-Open Woodland 151 Class 66-SeanMwmbo Woodland (including Tropical Coastl Woodland) 154 Class 67-WetMiombo Woodland (icluding Warm Temperate Woodland) 158 .Class 71-Evergreen Woodland Mosaic 160 Class fl-Cultivation and Forest/Woodland Mosaic 162 Class 82-Evergreen Forest 163 Land Cover Cla Tables 165 References 165 viii Contents Glossary 175 Index of Botanical Names 279 Index of Place Names 285 Figures 1-1 ProjectMethodology 4 -2-1 CharacteristicLand Cover ReflectanceCurves and Relationto AVHRRSensor Bandwidths 6 2-2 Small-Scaleand Large-ScalePerspectives of RadiationAbsorption and Reflection 8 2-3 RelationBetween NDVI and Above-GroundBiomass and VegetationCover 9 3-1 Distributionof Cloud Cover in 1986Imagery- 12 3-2 rcvi Profiles,Summary Land Cover Classes0, 1,, 13 3-3 NDviProfiles, Summary Land Cover Classes3,4, 5 14 3-4 Nrn Profiles,Summary Land Cover Classes6,7,8 14 3-5 RegionalSummary Land Cover Classes 17 7-1 Growing Stockfor Sub-SaharanAfrica, 1986 42 7-2 SustainableYield for Sub-SaharanAfrica 4 1986 43 8-1 NDVIProfile, Hydromorphic Grassland (Class 12) 54 8-2 NDVIProfile, Semidesert Wooded Grassland (Class21) 55 83 NDVIProfiles, Sahel-Sudanian Acacia Wooded Bushland (Class44) 56 B-4 NDcvProfiles, Sudanian Woodlands (Classes 62,64, and 65) 57 9-1 -vi Profiles,Sahel-Sudanianl Acacia Wooded Bushland(Class 44) 65 9-2 ,-wviProfiles, Sudanian Woodland (Class64) 66 9-3 -Dvi Profiles,GuineanWoodland (Class 74) 67 9-4 Nvi Profiles, High-ProductivityWest Afican Cultivation
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