FEBRUARY-MARCH APRIL, 1972 "ti:—•• i • j i Mini HI li^qijat upw&Y 20 CENTS I WW*! r THE NAVY The magazine of the Navy League of Australia Registered for posting as a periodical — Category A Vol. 34 FEBRUARY-MARCH-APRIL, 1972 No. 1 CONTENTS Page Page serves Naval Cadet Force Newt 3 Nautical Notes from All Compass Points ... 37 Faith Without Foundation 9 Australia's Defence Outlook 47 Periscope on Australia 23 Reminiscences of H.M.S. Drake 57 the Navy The Rotork Sea Truck 27 Navy League of Australia (Victoria Division) 58 Meet the Federal President 31 Navy League of Australia (Q'ld. Division) 62 afloat At Sea with The Navv 32 Belfast Cruiser and Sailing Ship to be Aircraft Carrier for Russia? 35 preserved 64 and Plus sundry stories and photographs The views expressed in articles appearing in this publication are those ol (he authors concerned.Thev ashore do not necessarilv represent the views ol the editor, the Navv League, or oflicial opinions or policv Published by the Navy League of Australia. Box 1719 G.P.O., Sydney. N.S.W., 2001; Tel.: 7411001 All (.'orrrspond? ih« should br dir.ctrd la ih* Editor EDITOR: Dennis P. Irkkett, Esq., Box CI 78. Clarence Street Post Office, Sydney, N.S.W.. 7000, Australia. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAl PUBLISHING CO. PTY. LTD. SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE BRISBANE PERTH IIIIHAKT ton ll.ndrrvm Hd Greeiijn Publication* IT Curnr si SWiyutfnsi USI Unwtt »Trr lil l..llin. Si Alexandria 30IS Ptv Ltd xdrlaidr sun Hn.ti.m, MUI Prrrh woo Hotx.it ;mi Phoflt 6M231 JM Link Collins SI Phono 51-6225 ItMW 31-2S1II Ph.**- O-axtl Phonr .'-IT 12 r Phone 67 1334 THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA PATRON: The Governor-General. Hon. Secretary: Miss E. C. Shorrocks. South Australian Division 528 Collins Street. Melbourne 3000. Patron: His Excellency. The Governor Today's modern efficient Navy demands the most FEDERAL COUNCIL Queensland Division of South Australia efficient and advanced equipment available for its President: Commander F. G. Evans. Patron: His Excellency. The Governor Chairman: T. Francis Matters. Esq M.B.E., V.R.D., R.A.N.V.R. ol Queensland. Hon. Secretary : Miss Penny Wardle. ships and service facilities ashore. Deputy President: Chairman: Surgeon Commander A. H. Box 1529M G PO Adelaide 5001 H.M.A.S. Sydney (above) is fitted with FACO Deck Robertson. R.A.N.V.R. Secretary: Lt. Cmdr. A. A. Andrews. Hon. Secretary: Colonel P V. O. Cranes and L.C.M. Landing gear. The FAVCO M.B.E.. R A N <Ret d». 28 Royal Fleming. ED, 39 Pinecroft Street. Tasmanian Division travelling Gantry Crane is used at H.M.A.S. Platypus Slreet Chatswood. N.S.W 2067 Camp Hill. Queensland. 4152. Australian Capital Territory Division Patron: Vice Admiral Sir Guv Wvatt. and is especially suitable for the handling of delicate New South Wales Division Chairman: Commander J B Howse. KBE.CB Hon. Secretary: K M Uhr Henry. Esq. r precision equipment such as submarine periscopes. Patron: His Excellency, the Governor VRD.R A W R of New South Wales. Hon Secretary: Commander I). M Navy supply ship H.M.A.S. Stalwart is also fitted Chairman: Rear Admiral H A Blake. R.I) . R.A.N.V.R . 12 Darmody Street. Weetangera. A.C.T. 2614. with FAVCO Cranes. Showers. C.B.E. Western Australian Division Secretary: Lieut Cmdr A A Northern Territory Division Patron: His Excellency. The Andrews. M B E . R A N iRetd>. 28 Patron: His Honour the Administrator Governor ol Western Australia Royal Street. Chutswood 2067. Chairman: Lieut Cmdr. J J Ravens- Chairman: Roland Smith. Esq. croft. V R D .RANVR Hon. Secretary: R A Hannah. Esq . Victorian Division FAVELLEMORT LIMITED, Hon Secretary: Mrs V. M Slide 12 182 Coode Street Como. 6152 Patron: His Excellency. The Governor 300-310 BOTANY ROAD. ALEXANDRIA, NSW 2015 AUSTRALIA Allen Street. Fannie Bay. N T. 5790 , ol Victoria. Telephone 69-66 51 Telegrams ond Cobles: • Favhold". Sydney. AUSTRALIAN SEA CADCT COUNCIL T*l«x 21559 Chairman: Commander F. G. Evans. Navy League: Victorian Branch: 11-13 Thistlethwaite Street South Melbourne. Vic. M.B.E..V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. S.C Cdr L E Forsvthc. Commander J B Howse. V.R.D.. 3205. Tel 69 7617-8 Representatives of the Naval Board: Commander F. G. Evans. M.B.E.. Director of Naval Reserves. Captain R A N V R V R D . R.A.N.V.R. West Australian Branch. 55 Matheson Road Applecross. W.A 6153 B. L deary. RAN. Lieut Cmdr E A Representative from each Navv Hon Secreury: Lt Cmdr A A. Tel.: 64 5773 D. Sandberg. R.A.N. League Division. also — Andrews M B E RAN iRcl'di. Printed and published by Percival PublHhinf Co. Pty Lid.. 862 870 Elizabeth Street. Waterloo. 2017 . Phone 699 2600 with February/March/AprM. 1972 THE NAVY PafeOne permission of the Navy League of Australia A Close Liaison, the Navy Department and . SEA CADET TROPHY TO each State before the Navy League T.S. PERTH trophy is awarded. The training ship Perth has won the Navy League of Australia Trophy NEW SOUTH WALES as Australia's most efficient sea Quarterly Report of Proceedings cadet unit for the first time in the 12 This report is for the period 1 years of the competition. October to 31 December. 1971 and Perth, which won the trophy from covers Continuous Training. RUSLIT ENGINEERING 42 similar units, is commanded by Weekend Training and other Lieutenant I. C. Bishop. A.S.C.C.. and activities carried out by the Naval has an authorised complement of Reserve Cadets in New South Wales. five officers, eight instructors and Continuous Training was carried 100 cadets. out in H.M.A.S Penguin from 24 INDUSTRIES Units considered outstanding in November to 30 November for 40 their divisions this year were T.S. personnel from the Scots College Tyalgum, T.S Slrlui, T.S Adelaide. School Unit. General and Specialist T.S Dement and T.S. Barwon. Continuous Training took place in Who are Proud to be Associated The Director of Naval Reserves the following H.M.A. Ships and each year makes an inspection of Establishments from 16 December with the Navy Department the most efficient sea cadet units in to 23 December. 1971. SHIP/ESTABLISHMENT TRAINING No. OF PERSONNEL H.M A S. Watson Gunnery 34 * Contractors to the R.A.N. H M A s Watson Cookery 20 H.M.A S Albatross Naval Airman 35 H.M.A.S Nlrlmba Mechanical Engineering 32 H.M.A S Nlrlmba Physical Trainer 9 FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS H.M.A.S Stalwart Higher Ranks Course 34 H.M.A.S. Anzac Higher Ranks Course 23 H.M.A.S. Crannll Higher Ranks Course and RUSLIT ENGINEERING General Training In addition Continuous General Training took place during the same period in T.S. Tobruk (Newcastle Unit) for 35 Cadets. On Sunday. 10 October, the Senior INDUSTRIES Weekend Training was conducted in the following H.M.A. Ships and Officer. Commander L. Mackay- Establishments: Cruise. R.D.. R.A.N.R.. was the SHIP/ESTABLISHMENT DATES No. OF PERSONNEL Reviewing Officer at the Scots H.M.A.S. Curlew l-30ctober 13 School. Bathurst. for the School's H.M.A.S Yarra 8-100ctober 17 Annual Ceremonial Parade and H.M A S. Brisbane 22-24 October 23 Inspection. H.M.A.S. Parramatta 29-31 October 23 Over 70 cadets accompanied by 195 Parramatta Road, H.M.A.S. Watson 29-31 October 23 Officers and Instructors were H.M.A.S Parramatta 12-14 November 23 present at the Annual Seafarer's H.M.A.S Haw* 19-21 November 10 Service held in the Cathedral Church Auburn, N.S.W. of St. Andrew on Sunday. 31 October, the Cadets taking part in the Procession of House Flags during the Service The Senior Officer and Staff Officers farewelled the Staff Officer 648-0591 Phone 648-0591 Reserves. Commander J. St. B More. R.A.N, at a dinner held in his honour on 11 November. The Senior Officer and Staff. Com- Page Two THE NAVY February/March/Aprll, 1972 CADET FORCE NEWS manding Officers of all Units, and Officers. Instructors and Cadets of T.S Condamine (Manly Unit) were on parade on Saturday. 27 November when Rear Admiral G. J. B Crabb. C BE . DSC . the Flag Officer Commanding. East Australia -Area, presented at T.S Condamine to Mrs. Alexander the posthumous award of the Cadet Forces Medal of the late Lieutenant A D. Alexander. Commanding Officer of the Manly Unit (Sgd.) L. MACKAY-CRUISE. Commander. R.A.N.R.. Senior Officer. r CONTRIBUTIONS INVITED The edrtor invites persons to submit articles, photographs .nul (U.iwings (!>I.h.I< ink 1 for inclusion in the magazine, but regrets that no payment c.in br made foi .ontnbuifmis submitted. Contributions should he addressed: The Editor. 1 h» f\|.iv. ' !/' Clarence Street post Office. Sydney. N.S.W., 2000. Australia The Editor, does not hold himself responsible for manuscripts, though • •*.•• r, .-ffort ..ill be made to return those with which stamped and address«*d rnvi'lopt i mi los.d OUR COVER The Prince of Wales. Sub-Lieutenant. R.N., enjoying a joke with Admiral Sir Horace Law (right). Commander-in-Chief. Naval Home Command, and Captain Allan Tait. Captain of the Britannia Naval College. Dartmouth, shortly after his arrival at the College to begin a six-week graduate training course. The Prince is wearing the uniform of an acting sub-lieutenant, with the ribbon of the Coronation Medal and — on his sleeve — naval wings, a reminder of his Royal Air Force training Prince Charles is currently serving nine months at sea aboard H.M.S.
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