Moving? The only Weel&ly Newspaper in America Devoted to the Interests of All Manufacturers and Operators of Animated Photographs and Cinematograph Projection, Illustrated Songs* Vocalists* ILai&Se^im ILecftusrers and ILsantersfc Slide MaRers. PUBLISHES* TT8 THE WOULD GRAPHIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 368 BEOADWAY, NEW YORK Vol. 1.* No. 31. October 5, 1907 Price, lO Cents. THE GREAT MILITARY DRAMA A LIFE FOR A LIFE Just oat and ready for immediate delivery—is the most stirring and realistic military story produced. No faked scenes but actual military reproductions. Intensely interesting and exciting without an objectionable feature. LENGTH 725 FEET CODE WORD ALIFE We are Exclusive Agents for the WALTURDAW COMPANY, of London, England - whose productions in this country can be obtained only through us. OUR LATEST IMPORTED FILMS NOW READY THE PASTRY COOK AND MUSICIAN—178 Feet SLAVERY OF CHILDREN—500 Feet THE SE SCOPE CO, (INCORPORATED) 43-45 Co*srt, CHICAGO, 11*1* 482 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. ,.-.- . have ma.de the. business what it is Personal, Lost Child, Moon- shiners, ChicKen Thief, Silver Don't You Remember Wedding, etc. Course You Do THEY WERE ALL BIOGRAPH PRODUCTIONS In these we set a pace hard for others to follow, and have ever since continued to be the pace-maker, adding this week to pur already long list of hits The Following Comedy Creation: Adventures of a Youthful Victim of Dime-Novelltis in the Wild and Woolly West LENGTH 792 FEET The Funniest Yet Of Our Most Recent Film Hits: An Acadian Elopement, 715 ft. The Hypnotist's If You Had a Wife Like " Lena and tbe Beaux, - 413 Revenge, - - - 1030 ft. This, - .... 698 ft. " - - " - " Neighbors, - - - - 135 The Model's Ma, 233 The Fencing Master, 638 " " The Tired Tailor's A Caribou Hunt, - - 725 The truants, - - - 638 " " Dream, • - - - 601 Rube Brown in Town, 868 Mr. Hurry Up, - -625" " " " The Deaf Mutes' Ball, 787 Dolls in Dreamland, * 752 Trial Marriage, - - 792 Mr. Manager, have you had these subjects ? If not, see that your film service sends them to you as they are all "in the money." Write for our descriptive circulars, get on our moil list and keep posted. All pictures are made with oar celebrated Biograph Cameras. Oar films ran on any machine AT1ERICAN riUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH COFIPANY 11 East 34£!a Street, Hew Y@rf£ PACIFIC COAST BRANCH, B16 N. Broadway, S*oo A.s&tfeles, Cat. OMB THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. 483 Published Every Saturday. Tho World Photographic Publishing Company, Now YorB. (MADS SN CHICAGO) ALTOS H. SAUBDEBS. EdlUr. J. P. CfcalOMn. Associate Bitter «nd Basinet 1 Manager. THIi Vol. 1., OCTOBER 5th No. 31. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 per year. Post free in the GREAT COMEM FILM United States, Mexico, Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands. 99 CANADA AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES: $2.50 "The per year. All communications should be addressed to Music Keeps IHasa Goin^ P. O. BOX 450, NEW YORK CITY. I*iKe a Jumping JacK ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. (Description Film Review This Paper) NOTICE.—If you wish to get your copies regularly, leave an order PRICE, $46.80 with your News Agent, or send tis LENGTH 390 FT. Code FranKred $2.00 for one year's subscription. NEXT HELPS AND HINTS. Manufacturers. it A Dodge for 99 In The writing of a title before the eyes of the audience is not novel perhaps, but the method here described for More Good Comedy the making of a film, which will give this effect upon the of the Essanay Kind screen is new; and, as it involves but very simple appli- ances to make, the idea should be of some value to the (Description Next Issue) trade. A light-tight box E is provided with a hole at G through which the lens of a kinematograph camera can be inserted. A mirror F is placed at an angle of 45 OUR BIG SUCCESS degrees in relation to the optical axis of the lens. At the top of the box the end is left open and a recess is made to receive the glass plate at D and C. This plate, which is also shown in Fig. 2, forms the original title Life of a Bootblack slide from which the film picture is copied. To prepare the title, soot is precipitated upon one surface of the Heavily Its Purchased on Merits glass by smoking it over a candle or oil lamp. The wording should be carefully done and written in reverse order, like the word "novel" on Fig. 2. By giving the READ—Telegram title a second but thinner coating of soot, solid effects ESSANAY FILM MFO. CO. may be given to the lettering. When the title is finished thus far, the opposite side of the glass is densely sooted. Rush nine more prints Bootblack, at once. It is now laid in the groove of the box, with the title Answer. MILES BROS. downwards, at C, and the last coating of soot upwards, at D. The operation of copying is now carried out in ORDER the open air, with the object of getting a sky-light. The NOW camera having been adjusted, and the title-slide placed in position, simultaneously with the operating of the camera, an assistant rubs off the soot from the surface ESS. FILM MFG. D, and in doing so allows the sky-light to penetrate the CO. lettering on the under surface, at C. Care should be 501 Street. Chicago, 111. taken to rub off the soot in the order of the lettering. The finished positive film, when projected in the usual manner, will present the white lettering upon the screen, — '484 THE MOVING PICTURE WORLD. as each letter becomes cleared; it will thus appear as theaters in Los Angeles. price the though the title was being written each time the film is The of lessons often is five cents and never more than ten cents. This sum admits the student to one passed through the projecting machine. The object of performance. Among the subjects in the curriculum are train robbery, bank robbery, plain burglary, highway robbery, assault, confidence game, SKY murder, intrigue, suicide, forgery and simple theft. At any per- formance in almost any of the many little cheap theaters one maj see one or more of these crimes -made the subject of a short realistic drama. For instance: A picture that went the rounds of the theaters recently showed a man seated at a table in a beer garden. .\ woman seats herself across from him. By pointing across the room she distracts his attention from the glass of liquor he is drinking and while his head is turned drops a powder into it. He drinks the liquor and in a short time shows signs of distress He rises from the table and staggers away, the woman following him. A street scene is shown. The man reeling from side to side staggers along with the woman supporting him. At the comei she makes a signal and then turns the man into an alley. Anothei man crosses the street, enters the alley and calmly goes througl the pockets of the woman's companion, who is now unconscious The woman stands by and watches to see that no one interrupts This is only a short portion of the particular picture. The resl is all of the same plane. Others show other crimes and all them are intensely realistic. That is what makes them so great a menace to society. The commission of the crime is portrayed so faithfully that il is as if one were to witness it in real life. Japanese and Cholos are among the principal patrons of these places. They watch every picture eagerly. Until the council recently passed an ordinaance prohibiting am child under 14 years of aage from attending a theater without at adult escort', boys from 6 years up were among the most frequen patrons, and every audience contained a large number of little girl of the same age. The new ordinance barred these out, but thcr is nothing to prohibit children above 14 years from attending, am there is a question if their minds are not in a state more suscep tittle to the influence of the pictures than when they are youngci FIQ- The attention of city officials, particularly the police, has beei called to these theaters, but they say they are powerless to clos having the title slide in a horizontal position when making them or to prevent the exhibition of crime pictures. Heretoforir the film is to facilitate the it has been impossible to find a legal method of regulating the: work of removing the soot, "l and also to obtain a sky-light. but City Attorney Hewitt now believes it may be possible draw an ordinance that will modify, if not suppress, the cv The appliance is equally suited for the production of He is studying the legal questions that are involved and mi:l lightning sketches. Manufacturers desiring to make one soon be able to present some plan to the city council. should commission an artist to make his caricatures (say of parliamentary celebrities) upon sooted glasses meas- NICKEL MADNESS. uring about 12 inches by 9 inches, and such productions In some vaudeville houses you may watch a diversity of pc should be protected by a cover glass, thin strips of card- formances four hours for so humble a price as 10 cents, provide you are willing to sit among the rafters. Yet the roof bleacher board being placed round the edges to keep the sooted were never so popular or profitable as the tiny show places th; surface from coming into contact with the inner surface have fostered the nickel madness.
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