JASON M. STANEK CIIA I RIA IICl-IAEL T. RICHARD ANFIIONV J. O’I)ONNELL 000C,WU OBI LINTON IINDV U. hERMAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION May 15, 2019 In the matter of the application of Bluegrass * Solar, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a Case No. 9496 80.0 MW solar photovoltaic generating facility in Queen Annes County, Maryland * VIA FIRST-CLASS MAIL The Honorable James J. Moran President Board of County Commissioners 107 North Liberty Street Centreville. Maryland 21617 Re: Second Public Comment Hearing !DillSRTOR’S OF Dear President Moran: Y 17 ‘i p.2:1 Pursuant to Sections 7-207 and 7-208 of the Public Utilities Article, a person must obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Public Service Commission before beginning construction of either a generating station or electric company overhead transmission line designed to carry voltage in excess of 69.000 volts (or exercising the right of condemnation in connection therewith), unless exempted by Section 7-207.1 for certain generating stations up to 70 megawatts (“MW”). Section 7-207, a copy of which is enclosed for your information, also provides for holding a public hearing in the jurisdiction where the facility is to be constructed ( 7-207(d)). This public hearing is to be held by the Commission and the local governing bodies in the area unless the governing body or bodies choose not to participate. Bluegrass Solar. LLC (“Bluegrass Solar’) filed an application with this Commission for the construction of an 80.0 MW solar photovoltaic generating station and associated facilities, a copy of which was previously furnished to you. This application has been docketed as Case No. 9496. The enclosed Public Utility Law Judge’s Notice of Second Public WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER TOWER • 6 ST PAUL STREET • BALTIMORE. MARYLAND 21202-6806 410-767-8000 • Toll Free: 1-800-492-0474 • FAX 410-333-6495 MDR5: 1-800-735-2258 (TTY/Voice) • Website: w’wpsc state.md.us ;.[, 1 May 15, 2019 Page 2 Comment Hearing schedules this matter for a public hearing on June 18, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.. and Bluegrass Solar has arranged for the hearing to be held at Church Hill Elementary School. 631 Main Street, Church Hill, Maryland 21623. I request that you advise me no later than June 14, 2019, whether you and/or any member of the Board of County Commissioners wish to sit jointly with me at the public hearing. If I do not hear from you on or before June 14, 2019, I will assume that neither you nor any Commissioner wish to sit jointly with me; however, either you or any Commissioner may. of course. attend the hearing and present whatever relevant staternenjyoueem appropriate. Utility Law Judge Enclosures cc: All Parties of Record 2 0/4/2017 7-207, Certi(loeie of publlo convenience end neoessity required before 000structton of generedon etston or qualified generator lead line Stalu \/J 1\\i\1 F I I_ NOTO8 OF QEC1SIONS (11) Wcrt’s Airiiotorcct Coda of Msiyiin,si tn gansrei Pubito Urtlitics (ttufs & nItos) Consiruolon axe eppllceilen FInSinga DivIsiu I, Public S’icca end Utilities iTttlae 1-15) (Role & Annoy) 7-207, Cerificate of put,ilc and § convenience necessity required before corsetruotln of generation stellar, wel WOVi AnnceI.d Coda ci Maqarid I’,uuc yOu,,5 ltscuvo: 0os, I, 2057 (App,, 6p5eij orf&5ncP xi oVidencs A. L.Icvu s,CiIGI5jt ‘,.tI,jy F dlLljfl,5 NtIS, IS, r.,isLUu) Propoasd Leglaieilorr EFfective: October I 2017 MD Cods, PublIc UtilitIes, I 7-207 Pormerly ctrsd as MD PUBLIC UTIL COMP 7207 7-207. § Certificate of public convenience and necessity requited before corslruction of generation station or qualified generator lead line Currentness Definitions (a)(1)(l) In title aecllon and § 7.208 of his subttie, corusirucllor,’ means: 1. any physIcal change ale site, Including fabricatIon, erection, trsteiiallon, or demolition: or 2, the entry Into a binding agreemenl or contractual obilgailon to purchese equipment exclusively or use in corusirucrion in the Stale or to undertake a program of actual construction in the Stale which cannot be canceled or moduleS without substantial Ios to the owner or operator of the proposed generating station, (Ii) Construction does not inoluda a change thai Is needed for the temporary use of a site or route for nonijillily purposes or or use in eecurirrg geological data, includIng any boring that is necessary to ascertaIn foundation conditions (2) Is, tht sanilon qssapited gensriator lead ttna moans an overhead transmission tine 11751 is delpnad to carry a V01t0g0 In eCcees or eo,ooo Volts anO would allow art out-of. slsi Tier I or TIer 2 renewable SOUrDS to Interconnect with a portion at the elecirlc system In Maryland 11751 Ia owned by an elecirlo company, Csrilficata of public convenience arid rreceseitt/ required bofore construction of generation stetlon or quellfled ganoretor teaS tine (or (Oil i)(I) UnlesS a centilicela of publIc convenience sort necessity the construction Is first otoined train the CommissIon a paraort may not begin construction In ho State of: 1. a generating steIion or 2 a qualiilad generator lead line, (II) fe person obtains Commission approssi for construction under 7.207,1 of this aubllile, the Commission shall eCompi a perscn front the ‘equirameni to obtain a certltlcate ot public convenience arid necessity under ihis aellon. itt) NotwIthstanding subparagraph (I) of lhla paragraph, a person may not apply to obtain a cerlltioata ol public convenience and necessity for construction ol e qualified genwalor lead line unleas: 878C07420F4 1 5CENlew/FutiTexthlmi7orlgiflationContoxtdocumanttoc&trensil(onyp hftpa:II1 .nexl.wesltew.com/Documen IIN8CO 11 F51 687C It E79 . 1/6 - — 3 10)412017 7.207. § Certlfloata of pt.,blio convenience and riecesiiy requirad before construction of generation station or qualitied genersior lead line Sialu 1. at least £0 days before the filing of an application for a certificate of public convenience and necesstiy, the pereon find in good faith offered he electric company hat owns ihat portion at the electric grid in Maryland to which the qualified generator iaed line would Interconnect a full and fair opportunity for th oiactnio company to construct tire qustifted generator lead ilne end at any 2. time at least 10 days before the filing of en application for a cenilficeis of pubito convenience and necessity, the electric company: A, did not accept from the person e proposal or a flagellated version of the proposal under which the eiectric company would construct the qualified generator teed line: or B, efafed in writing that li-a eiecfrlO company did not irriend to construct the qualified genereior iead tine, (2> Unlace a certificate of pubflc convenience and necessity for the coneiruction is Oral obisinad from the Commission, and the Conimiesion has found that fhe oepecliy te necessary to ensure e sulficiarri supply of eiectrtcfy to Customers in ins Stete, a person may not exercise a right of condemnelion in connection wiih the construcilon of a generating ateilon, (3)(i) Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, unless a cerilficelo of pubifo convenience and necassiiy for the construction Ia Oral obielnad from the Commiaeion, a person may not begin consiruclion of art overhead trensmiseion life met is designed to carry a voltage in excess of 69,000 volta or exercise e right of condemnation with the construction, (ii) For conafruciton related to en exIsting overhead irensmiselon line, the Commission may waive fhe requirement lit subparagraph (I) of this paragraph for good cause, (Ni) Notwiihatandlng subparagraph (I) of ihia paragraph and subject 0 subparagraph (iv) of lila paragraph, the Commission may lasue a ceriillcste of public convenience arid necessity for the construction of en ovarhaad transmission line only lithe applicant for the certificate of public convenience and necessity: 1,ls an electric company: er 2, Is or, on the atarI of commercial operation of the overhead transmission line, will be aubjact to regutafion as s public uiiiiiy by an officer cc an agency 01 the United states, (iv) The Cornrrsiasion may not issue a certificate of public convenience and necesaify for ihe consfruciioii of an overhead transmission tine in ins aisotric distr,bufion eervice territory of sri afeciric company to err applicant other tl’iari Sri eiectric corripony if 1, the ovsrhesd frasmlssion line te to be located aoisiy within the otecfric disiribiition eervica fairilory of that eleotrio company: arid 2. the cost of the overhead transmission line is to be paid solely by thai electric company and lie ratepaysra. fy) 1. This subparagraph applies to the construcilon of an overhead transmission line (or which a certificate of public convenience and nscasaity is required winter this seotion. 2. On issuance oi a cerli,9ceia of public convenience end necessity for the conairucilonl of air overiread ‘janemieslorr /ne, a person may acquire by condemnation, in accordance with Title 12 of ti-re Real Property Artiole, any property ot right necessary for the constwotiorr or maintenance ci the transmission line, (dot) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of L1rt paragraph, for construction rsietnd to an existing ovrhoad icsnamtselOrr tins dealgnsd ro carry a voltage in excess ol 89,000 volts, iris Commission sheii waive title requirement to obiole a certificate of public convenience and necessity if the Commission finds i—at the construction does not: I. require ui-s person to obtain new real property or ddtiiorisi rlgtiis.of.way through eminent domain: or 2. require larger or higher struciures 10 accommodate: hitps://1 ,nsxi.weetiaw,com/DoCLJmenhJNBCOll F51 607011 E7B87B0D742DP41 5CENiew/FullText,html?originafionConieni=documenitoc&irarrsitionTyp.., 2/8 10/4/2017 § 7-207.
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