COCUMENT RESUE EL 049 874 RC US 251 illlti. o L L.t d I a CClI t 11(1a. A ; r : V t : .,1 (11-1.04- 0.1 1 ,.._0(1.t. di I t. d , I., -ilact Ii it. ; _A,oo, , E. 3 I 0 I, fl Lt t ci CU.: 1 t 111rt,it 01., L., PHi 7, 11:s r PL t ti-1;t1. E C 1Cu 1. u <1 t udie , 5oniiUity ult arci .r1 vironD ent, Tor( sty, s, :,,;(1.tuta ilannind, aiuCai Areas, *Socioeconoffic 7 a 1 a I ) r n Oita a t(- L Lt0 L paiccLad, w York 1111.111t 15, 155, ncio 1 countin 01 s0utt.1L York Itat crc dclureo laqit Ic tor particiL.atior in the ;:ppaiacnian Sc iCi I -2,eveicIment Lrogram. Anotn,-r county was added 1(:,67. Initial state of the Office of Planning COOLOilibtiCh CELtiIk-d CC 1.-.CIDULlt1CP CL corenel,sive develormEnt lari forti e 11,-suare-flile region. Inc plan regnirca tar H:01-t,: information atcut uxilLAiny OC101 a nO economic conditions than was readily availatle: v;hat al c tia human, EiCOSOa1C, social, and i-tyEical resources ortr:e r,dich? 1,1-10t,ire its potertialL and dericlincis? rAoLt importantly, wnat inv(Lt.Tnt are needed to stilulatEr ECOION.1C growth? lo answer such 11(Lt.lChLt, acomr_rehc-nsivt. study or the region's initiatd hl1.1 COVd agLicultur, climate, community tacilities, roletry, aant:.cwei and industry, mineral:7, recreational and cultural tacilitis, soils, transportation, and water. The present dOCUMelit Ci.a4r1LIt tAc rLase 1 detailed inventories di each or tnc foregoing cutedories; in addition to t maps and 6 tatles ot data, the docume-it contains a summary ot the existing recreational arid oLlturai resources or the New Yorx State Appalacnian 1,egion and includes an inventory ot local, county, state, and Federal tacilities as well as a1.reliminary analysis of such resources. (AI) wells Coyne Wanak Pr_ COfIre, Clifton Height lakele Pinehu _ J1 Griffins Mills ) South Wa Highland on the Lake West Falls Sfergeon Jerusalem Corners 1 645 Evan) Colden Angola on the La Holla^,; ngolo Grandview Sao Boston ![yro Point arooto 13i9 3,eShore Additio Sister Olenwoo Fowlerville Farnham Point Lola( Pahl? Langford Clear I take Wyandale CATTARAUGUS INDIAN+ . _ Marshfield it (918 RESERVATION anovef, 011Springville Center\ 217 1395 N es. < 3 0 Springville math M e4 < \ ns Center < Wes dan f..) Perrburi, ttaratI9 'ERIE co Ricevi e AouGuS CO rooklyn Dayton West Valle Ashford Hollow er esley rt Snyders Corners East-Leon , aples Ashford lotte Chanty' Creek Iicottviile Thornton utledge SUgartow Conewango Valley 22T Clear Creei. OUTDOOR RECREATION FEDERAL iIIPSHo Sheldon ohnsonburg Flood control Multiple Use areas Javaviii STATE Lake East Java Catskill Park boundary Protection Parks SI, East Arcad Multiple use areas hattee oy N4% Eagle Reforestation areas ,ardinia 31 're YOMING COUNT Special use areas ARAUGUS COUNTY 00 The /CA Forks A usky Campsites Delevan Frcedo Cente Conservation education camps ..ryHoll Elton Game management areas Frumersville Station Machias A Boat launching and access sites COUNTY ,aakerata a Parks raaux A 4 arison New York water supply reservoirs 3 Miscellaneous areas not included above as Co Cuba amberton Nortons Griswold Portlan Barcelo Cassacla a Ke 7 itfjetd '-- Dean Corners Stock Charlotterer 58 cla ry \ e4., I ;41.0 IVAn Summerdale / Chautauqua )Soh Ripley Maple Sp ,.. , '7501',. \NR ters ICciaar ener / \ Marione Sted an Phillips Mills PleasACValley -7+ 1308 Driftwoo Ashville omert JAMESIT ymerenter, Bust Creek Lowville Clymer ck , Wa burg SYLVANIA E COUN Lake Kianton re stillwafery, Flye Point 0 Lott so. ie 44chandlers Valley Union City n V V h t S vI kit El Prepared with Federal Financial assistance provided by the Department of Housing and ..rban Development under Section 701 of the Housing Art of 1954, as amended by the `..ppalachian Regional Development Act of 10135. It was financed in part by the State of .lew York, acting by and through the New York State Off ice of Plpnning Coordination.- Fox // West Valle Stud 1-a\ke rk s Ville ersia esley Snyders ---orners -±7-47Plato East Leon ION a pies 0° Ca ttaraugus r Devereaux Eddyville New Albion Iicofville utledge Conewango Valley Clear Creek lkdele Humphre Napoli rights Eas Randolp East Salamanca Kenned dolph Poland Ce /,-ate Bowan arrollton = Stea aNNa V-17FIlhe'-44411111`.111!1.7:0;; Southandalia 2238 Quaker Bodge Irvine Mills Chipmunk nP Fry:. entonville WARREN COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Corydon en mar of reS West BraitzriAc Bradford eservoir No 2 Bradford Reservoir No 3,r)--- rao,f. Co telly West Bra,c Run Saweerts\\ eteg Dallas.; Gowango South Co, 50gar Run LI% Sr nrfia Scale 1:250,000 1 inch equals approximately 4 miles 5 5 10 15 Miles 5 0 5 101-- 15 20 Kilometers kJ ck:. Boat launching and access sites Mach:as (lion /Lai d l aw Rus Ferrnersv.ilit \I0, COUNTY Parks rankornnlle 4 Cadiz New York water supply reservoirs Miscellaneous areas not included above 16 Fetch 3 Numbers refer to Table V of the report. lschua rey Center East lean Wesidins Mills A .2234 L eSs Flying Sent neap Four Mile 143o Rockt4y CATTARA*LCO_ ullis Indian Creek yK Center arc rn I kos R Ixtord Laraher .` STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF PLANNING COORDINATION 39 adevYne Center ohn onburg Is Corner , (Atha i' _SChlittWarsaw North Wethersfield Sprin Java North Gainesville a rank Silver al .e 0 Sarongs '''',7Creeki ..1-\t420 j---4'1--Sliver Springs,'.111 va Cen _,) )1k Hermitage Gainesville Hardys Hillside amont Bliss Nundci ;so. Eagle L d ay Bluestone OMING COUNTY R ossburg ( Higg Fillm .sladeo Cr Hough Y. Rushford Alley Center ofeelt 1963 I II Bsho Iv y Aristotle 2 221 ABM"71.5 hall dale 1440 ,rinth, Rockville Angelica AIMOnd' ,t`tfaru Black "Creek 'The ons Corners Cuba P1i.mrs Creek .0 Lake videre ak OILmum r. /*/ INDIAN ATION STID HILL 96 FR. ST 735 Carlathcr Middlesex I.aAe GANNETT-1 NIL/ 1144 T Keuka Lak HIGH POW H/11 , Naples,. tA .417HATCH HEN LIVING COUNT ...YATES sS. CLOVER HILL STEU COUNT KNAPP STEUBEN LSIle EASTFHIll Way lond sDonsvilleo. ,) 1 I,, PINE Hill 2196' LINT wit 201? "P Hui ' SAND HILL " .2144 C1;16L ,IIQ Ka Hotel T.4-.2i L) harts ,695 6 r /896 ndspeirs k 1889 U ,TODES HILL 9 Both Air P,,,i-di71;., Creek Buens,ill. 2055 Vista MEEKS HILL Campbell S,on., / 754 Conisteo OAK HILL 2128. 81-1,40 KINIVERS KNOB OUTDOOR RECREATION roa, Penn Van e c-, ,r)Penn Van 5 050' Nun I ----4.1'orimy 4 , CAYUGA (.1.) 4: 4 S Z 2 TOM 0c Inte.4en CI - Nort, it isbIT° ---' 4 dr v7C ( 2;,r, '?r4 1500 \ SENECA COUNTY Lart z SMUT sburg /10 0 Su-171U77703172N-T-t, 0 761 )1 ' "nateC.; 1 HECTOR ' ItACKIghtf Ovek \ 1390,,7 SCIL7tLER CO I cc, A 7, F.,,eqsbu,v, V 1050 Lake .)I cocr cur Hui 62" ,khrumbull e e L_ ns Glen awutaLangags Gfen New t, iVer S'iratton vo 4.0, swimsGlen14, 1909 \, 1 West Danbv 7-1 /, North 0r, 74. , Nt7-711 East Rushford Rushford,, iiAlle 1963 Cftt Bash Aristotle 21 211 Karrda6e t. donne*, Angelica tip 11 Black %Creek '2110 Alf reo ens Corr.ers Cuba Lake Ividere OIL PRIMOr. 2 II, IhOIATN I iggin -"WA ro Belmont Rep Elm 4a!lertf. Qi. ROUND TOP West Clarksville Petrol& )lean Richburg Allentown Westans Mills .2210 Voltrurg 4,4 Kossuth Pikeville 2540 31 \-sororgo s flying Servi Paynesville 1130 er N South Bolive COUN1Tif o,e0Ye Bullis Mills BuW-r , St :reek Eleve heron Mile Shoglehouse )47 Creel' hrysta I esl EON, listtug M,Ilpo Oswayo A Clara o _ "Prepared with Federal Financial assistance provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended by the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965. It was financed in part by the State of New York, acting by and through the New York State Office of Planning Coordination." 1 c1 yocc 1950 18,10 r 441 rnndsport I A rlf C1 700 liammondspoil na ""1111. it y CfSP. reek 1819 O 1994 TOBES Hill\ , S . oosio O Both bF 5 nora Hornell 0 ifq ti South Br "c'e elk Creek C. I:5;th 5 MEEKS 111t1 G1. it avona Q Conisteof OAK Hill MB' Cifez!%J.-- Ad, C 1841 %vale (4) leo KINERRS KNOB ' 'Campb t c''' / -.. - 10 S ,singrale ZZ .. , ..- 7,7, to 0 f, 0 0 ',. 2407 Cuits/ Li 0 t CALL HUI ry f or ...,?1 s eeon Sidle.._ Creek ,ii pantt.,1 'qSan°,usT rii: 171 t -s.,- ,- i k ".'il 4 eron s c...4, A« C.(75 ;----------__' i. -. 4,1 4 cl 0. '' '2141 - ). '1 II 2341'1,1.1 I. r 4:r ''''1, Pointed P-7 0 1 ....v 1.;; .( Gana It .4' ,7 II Greer wo)Jkl ___-___i ,, --------', 1 ,..., '-----7"--"------ Rat. bone \,\ \ tr` / lasoe )1 950 y zr-6 1010 Pocl Barney Mari 40,0,0 /("_ -10114'' I /ti IP` 1111S11 H111 I Vit Free,en is 7!I isr071C1777'0\ '6U0Stiat \ Bowen Community 1. .x 2100 4.6,f N /- I - .- eliip l S COUNTY j \7: PEtlIVTATTIA Lawrenc Brookfield 3 burg RiVer = e";s4 e.t. Iklond hp North Fork i, , till'l eola klPritchard I+ mlons P ii m ers Land ple Brook u ,;* Sylvester ii 11 ...1=13,aem24: ademy Corner ay I 11 Harrison .,, Io \ ant, 4,,,,,:eValley " 7 4,,e, Yee Corner \s----iem:-.:-.
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